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November 2024


Tequila! [Dan Collins]

Poor guy.  I think we can all relate:

Camacho won super lightweight, lightweight and junior welterweight world titles in the 1980s. His last title bout came against then-welterweight champion Oscar De La Hoya in 1997, a loss by unanimous decision.

A warrant was issued for Camacho on Dec. 22, 2004, for a November burglary of a computer store. While arresting him in January 2005, police say they found the Ecstasy.

In a written statement around the time of his arrest, Camacho apologized for the break-in, which caused nearly $13,000 in damage and losses at ZDI Computer Center in Gulfport.

Camacho had bought a laptop from the business but left it there for work on technical problems. He was trying to retrieve his computer and was “crazy” on tequila, he said, when he crawled through the ceiling of office space he shares with the computer company.

Wayne Woodall, the store owners’ attorney, claims Camacho fell through the ceiling and left with seven laptops and about $5,600 in checks and cash.

Camacho has had several brushes with the law involving drugs, his driving habits, and domestic assault. When he was 16, he served 3 1/2 months in a New York prison for auto theft.

7 Replies to “Tequila! [Dan Collins]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    Paula Abdul is on the #1 show on television, so, sometimes people fall upwards too.

  2. “Macho” Camacho?  is that Hector?  I think I saw that fight.

  3. thor says:

    Somewhere out there Boom-Boom Mancini is eating corn on the cob with no freaking teeth, but he’s laughing.

  4. gahrie says:

    Where in the world is Vito “the Bleeder” Antifermo?

  5. mojo says:


    He came up HIV-positive, and his bleeding on the opponent schtick was found to be attempted murder.

  6. MarkD says:

    Well, other than the part about being a boxer, or being arrested for drugs or domestic violence, I guess I can relate.

    I’ve got a computer and I did get a speeding ticket, once.

    Did I win anything?

  7. buzz says:

    Must be some kick ass tequila.  When I drink a lot of it, I see double.  He sees 7 of everything.  I am impressed.

    claims Camacho fell through the ceiling and left with seven laptops

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