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November 2024


Rasmussen vs LA Times Polls on Immigration [Dan Collins]


Just 20% of American voters want Congress to try and pass the immigration reform bill that failed in the Senate last week. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 51% would like their legislators to “take smaller steps towards reform” while 16% believe they should wait until next year. The survey was conducted on Monday and Tuesday night as the President was publicly attempting to rally support for the legislation.

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters would favor an approach that focuses exclusively on “exclusively on securing the border and reducing illegal immigration.” Support for the enforcement only approach comes from 84% of Republicans, 55% of Democrats, and 69% of those not affiliated with either major party.

Overall, just 21% are opposed to the enforcement-only approach.

Just 30% would favor legislation that focused “exclusively on legalizing the status of undocumented workers already living in the United States.” Fifty-seven percent (57%) oppose that strategy, including 63% of Republicans, 52% of Democrats, and 55% of unaffiliated voters.

Fifty-seven percent (57%) favor a proposal giving “all illegal aliens up to three years to leave the United States. After leaving, the illegal aliens would have to get in line and wait their turn for legal entry into the United States.” Support for that concept comes from 67% of Republicans, 49% of Democrats, and 56% of unaffiliated voters.

The Senate immigration reform bill that failed last week was far more popular in Congress than among the American people. It was strongly opposed by a cross-section of the nation’s voters. At the end, just 23% of voters favored the legislation.

Whereas Bloomberg/LA Times says:

Most Americans support central elements of the legislation overhauling U.S. immigration laws the Senate shelved last week after it failed to gain sufficient support from lawmakers.

A new Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll shows that at least a plurality of Americans backs the two most contentious provisions of the bill, a proposal to offer 12 million undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship and the creation of a guest- worker program. Of a third provision—a point system for immigrants based on professional qualifications—many say they don’t have enough information to have an opinion.

Moreover, most of those surveyed appear to reject one of the central arguments deployed by the bill’s opponents: The poll found that less than a third of all respondents, including Republicans, believe illegal immigrants take jobs away from Americans who need them.

Still, analysts say opponents have an impact that is disproportionate to their numbers because of the intensity of their feelings and capacity to organize.

“For a minority of people, immigration is the most important issue, and they are the ones who are defining the debate with volatile rhetoric and their activism,’’ says Nathan Gonzales, a political editor at the Rothenberg Political Report, a nonpartisan Washington newsletter.

Hmmm.  Well one of these might be wrong, I suppose.  Maybe the one with more weasel words?

Many, of course, didn’t have enough information on the bill that was presented to Congress, before those meanies on the internet and the radio talk shows outlined the legislation.

Geez.  I could go for a nice massage.

11 Replies to “Rasmussen vs LA Times Polls on Immigration [Dan Collins]”

  1. mojo says:

    Well, I mean… Giving the plebs information rather than pre-digested opinion chiseled into granite from on high? Expecting “the masses” to think and understand?

    Bound to be trouble.

    SB: england95

    expects every man to smile, you’re on candid camera…

  2. mojo says:

    BTW: do you think “repetatory orifices” is too florid?


  3. Ric Locke says:

    75% of a highly-unscientific sample say Rasmussen is right on, and the LAT is full of shit as usual.



  4. The details says:

    The LAT poll question differs from the current Senate bill, so those who claim the poll shows support for that bill are lying.

  5. TheGeezer says:

    The senators’ jobs depend upon voting things the way their constituents want.  On this emtional issue, they are, I am sure, spending big bucks to find out how the constituents feel.

    The measure failed.  It will fail again, because senators like their cushy phony jobs and Americans want secure borders first and cheap labor for Pelosi’s Plantation second or tenth.

    This president is a lame duck, and what he says likely falls on deaf ears now.  He’s spurned his base and now will pay for that.

  6. Cythen says:

    “At least a plurality…”

    Douchebags.  Hey, that’s a plurality, too!

  7. ThomasD says:

    political editor at… a nonpartisan Washington newsletter

    As opposed to the non-political editor of a partisan newsletter?

  8. Patricia says:

    Often the problem is the way they frame the question: would you rather get poked in the eye with a sharp stick or give illegals a path to citizenship?

  9. RTO Trainer says:

    Reminds me of a West Wing observation by Josh Lyman.

    “In a poll on taxation, 58% or respondents said their taxes were too high, but 49% favored tax cuts….”

    “…Because nine percent think it’s too high and shouldn’t be cut!  Nine percent of respondents couldn’t get their arms around the question.  There should be another box you can check for I have utterly no idea what you’re talking about; please, God, don’t ask for my input.”

    There’s also the wonder of governing by public opinion.  At one time, polls showed that a majority opposed interracial marriage and school integration too.

  10. sakthi says:

    Couple of days before White House adviser Dan Bartlett said to the media that Bush seeking for the support of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass the immigration bill…I guess its all over in this matter, at least for now..

    Car Breakdown Cover

  11. Blitz says:

    Polls Schmolls….Judging by MY neighborhood??…I’m moving to Brazil. Hot women and PLENTY of free parking!!!

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