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October 2024


Why, it’s because they CAIR!

According to Charles Johnson, who has himself been contacted by federal agents, “[t]he Council on American-Islamic Relations has begun filing complaints with the FBI about comments” on LGF and other sites.  Which I suppose is their right— though I find the whole thing a bit curious.  After all, when is the last time an LGF commenter was arrested for assaulting a Muslim, or, say, hijacking a jet airplane and flying it into a skyscraper? 

If the FBI wants to try sniffing out hate speech, perhaps it should check out any number of mosques or Islamic centers funded by the Saudis.  Because rumor has it Wahhabism isn’t exactly the most ecumenical platter on the Islam buffet…

55 Replies to “Why, it’s because they CAIR!”

  1. Flea says:

    First! Hahahahah!

  2. I suspect the FBI files these with the “My cat told me aliens are going to kidnap the ghost of Liberace” reports.

  3. ahem says:

    Let’s hope so. The Islamists have been quite effective shutting down freedom of speech in the UK.

    Incidentally, that ice cream cone you’re holding is giving me the evil eye…..

  4. forest hunter says:

    Slightly OT- Has anyone heard of the ACLUless efforts to remove from private property the war memorial with the 39’ cross?

    “because there’s not enough pedophiles to defend

    9th Circuit Court Sides With ACLU: Destroying Mt. Soledad War Memorial

    God help us….”

  5. Major John says:

    I am sure Ibrahim Hooper will be on TV explaining how the vile comments on a blog have him and his all deeply frightened, yada yada, yada.

  6. Doesn’t that kindof make Ibrahim look like a pansy?  Ooh, they said things and I was askaird!

    Islam.  The religion of the feeble and easily frightened.

  7. Terrye says:

    I have to admit that the ecomment section at LGF is not for the faint of heart, but dragging the FBI into it seems a bit overzealous.

  8. David Block says:

    More “thought crime” crap. If we think it’s bad now, wait until a Democrat is in office.  gulp

  9. Matt30 says:

    Personally, I think it matters a great deal more how the FBI is responding to these complaints than it is the fact that CAIR is bringing them. Unless he’s been sworn to secrecy, it would be nice if Charles would explain the nature of his discussions with the FBI agents who contacted him.

  10. Tman says:

    So wait, is Charles Johnson on this Townhouse email list or what?

    Because that conspiracy will pretty much blow my mind. And I only had fifteen icepicks tonight, so I’m not sure my delicate condition could handle this revelation.

  11. Sean M. says:

    If the FBI wants to try sniffing out hate speech, perhaps it should check out any number of mosques or Islamic centers funded by the Saudis.


    Which is to say, well, not all adherents of Islam are of a particular race.  In fact, people of many races follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).  I mean, there are Muslim communities everywhere from the Middle East to Europe and Asia.  Anyway, what was I saying?

    Oh, yeah…RACIST!!!

  12. forest hunter says:

    Major John: Check out Sondra K comment section in “Proud”. I wanna see how well your gag reflex is working.

  13. McGehee says:

    FH, was that taken at a parade or in a cantina in Mos Eisley?

  14. forest hunter says:

    McGehee: Not familiar with Mos or gay pari for that matter. Just lucky I guess.

    I found a vid that should be required viewing for the ACLUless freaks at

  15. forest hunter says:

    I meant CAIRless but both would work.

  16. forest hunter says:

    Oh that Mos Eisley HA!

  17. MarkD says:

    I have nothing at all to say to any Federal Agent.  Advice Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby could have used.

    CAIR can say whatever they want.  The 9/11 hijackers – it’s a coincidence they were all muslims.  Those guys in Florida – they’re not real muslims. It’s just UNFAIR that Americans have a declining opinion of muslims. 

    Until we start having Anglican assassins and Baptist bombers I’m going to discriminate.  After all, it’s not like the Saudis don’t discriminate against christians.  For some odd reason, I don’t feel compelled to treat people any better than they treat me.

    TW:  running.  I’m not running for anything, so I don’t need the hypocrite card.

  18. What happens when 6 disenfranchised Haitian-American Catholic kids from Miami do karate and jumping jacks in a rusty warehouse, and toy with the idea of converting to Islam?

    Well, they may rapidly find themselves behind bars pending trial for “terrorist activities”: Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez calls them a “dangerous Islamic army rising in our midst” no less!

    In this, Gonzalez, the architect of Abu Ghraib, is true to the major tenets of the “Bush doctrine”: persecute innocent bogeymen while sucking up to the Saudi-Wahhabi paymasters of Islamic terror and their numerous friends for sale inside the GOP and the Pentagon.

    In essence, Bush and Gonzalez are re-importing inside the American homeland the practices they’ve experimented in Iraq, a formerly secular Arab country where they made a point of arresting and torturing Westernized Christian and Sunni Baath party bureaucrats while they deliberately brought to power pro-Iranian Islamic terrorists!

    Once again I wonder if the Bush administration is doing everything it can to best ensure OBL’s victory…

  19. ahem says:

    Vic, I have aAl-Masri for some head-cutting practice? You’re not using yours, and no one would notice anyway….

  20. ahem says:

    For some reason, that posted wrong (?!)

    Vic, Why not fly to Iraq and volunteer with Al-Masri for some head-cutting practice? You’re not using yours, and no one would notice anyway….

  21. B Moe says:

    If Bush put the terrorists in power, why do they keep blowing shit up? 


  22. McGehee says:

    What happens when 6 disenfranchised Haitian-American Catholic kids from Miami do karate and jumping jacks in a rusty warehouse, and toy with the idea of converting to Islam?

    Too bad it wasn’t a movie—they’d have gotten their butts kicked by Chuck Norris before being dragged off to jail.

  23. Darleen says:

    Vic, you gotta stop mainlining the World Socialist Totalitarian schtick.

    And the perfidious “Iraq was nothing but a kite-flying secular oasis” line is historical revisionism of spectacular crapitude.

  24. Darleen says:

    B Moe

    If Bush put the terrorists in power, why do they keep blowing shit up? 

    Sure demonstrates the cognitive dissonance when that line is contrasted with the other Leftist cult meme: “The JOOOOOOS are running America”.

  25. reader says:

    Mark D: “Until we start having Anglican assassins and Baptist bombers”

    and Charismatic chokers, Druid disembowelers, Evangelist executioners, Falun gong finishers, Gnostic garroters, Hindi hitmen, Ibo immolators, Jehovah’s jihadis, Kabbalist killers…

  26. Quenten Tarentino says:

    What happens when 6 disenfranchised Haitian-American Catholic kids from Miami do karate and jumping jacks in a rusty warehouse, and toy with the idea of converting to Islam?

    I don’t know. You got the ass-kickin’-est summer movie since Pulp Fiction?

  27. B Moe says:

    You got the ass-kickin’-est summer movie since Pulp Fiction?

    Either that or the first punk-rock/hip-hop boy band.

  28. stoo says:

    Umm, disenfranchised how?  Did they lose a gig at Burger King?

  29. Darleen – Don’t forget the happy little cherub faces, (Daddy’s not dead, he’s just sleeping a lot these days), and as someone else pointed out, the flowing rivers of sweet rich chocolate….

  30. BoZ says:

    Unless he’s been sworn to secrecy, it would be nice if Charles would explain the nature of his discussions with the FBI agents who contacted him.

    The FBI can’t make anyone do anything but go to jail or get shot, and they didn’t do those things, so his not explaining is [lengthy stream of vulgar invective].

    Okay— He kind of explains, says there were “explicitly threatening” comments somewhere. The exasperated tone of bleak sarcasm that characterizes the uglier-sounding fringe of LGF comments makes me doubt that’s a reasonable characterization. But whatever.


    the way to keep my contact with the FBI to a minimum is to remember that not everyone reading your angry vent is a friend

    Because I like the guy and think that what he does is important, I’d like to pretend that this means that Charles has realized that the FBI is not his, our, your, or anybody’s but its own (and evidently CAIR’s) friend, but no—he’s saying he ratted and he always will, so STFU. Nice.

    If the FBI wants to try sniffing out hate speech, perhaps it should check out any number of mosques or Islamic centers funded by the Saudis.

    Oh yeah. They’ll totally do that. Call ‘em up. Provide them with all the extensive, publically available evidence they already ignore. They’ll totally check out your tips, maybe even arrest some bad guys. They certainly won’t just put you down on a hate-criminal watch list. I mean, it’s not like they just explicitly obeyed the wishes of a known-terrorist-financed organization and hunted down and threatened into silence its political enemies. That’s not at all what happened.


    Stop trusting cops.

  31. Muslihoon says:

    I absolutely hate CAIR with a passion of the thousand suns. Arrrrrgh. If I get my wits together I might write why they should be shunned by all right-thinking people (by which I mean people who think, not necessarily right-wingers). They are as bad as the Communist Party of the USA during the KGB’s heydays.

    Funny how they demand free speech for themselves but want to stifle free speech for others.

  32. reader says:

    I’ve always found the CAIR org acronym interesting, if not two-faced.  First is its obvious play on words in order to play western sensibilities, as in they “care” and that we should, which is so very liberal touchy feely and clever victimhood industry of them. 

    Second is its more cloaked appeal to Muslim caliphate destiny, as in Cairo (o from org, if you will) which means “the Victorious” in Arabic:

    Jauhar (Gohar) el-Kaid, the conqueror of Egypt for the Fatimite caliph El-Moizz, founded a new capital, A.D. 968, which was named El-Kahira, that is, “ the Victorious,” a name corrupted into Cairo.

  33. MarkD says:

    CAIR – I wonder if they have a secret handshake?  Being of the infidel persuasion, I guess I’ll never know.

  34. forest hunter says:

    “What happens when 6 disenfranchised Haitian-American Catholic kids from Miami do karate and jumping jacks in a rusty warehouse, and toy with the idea of converting to Islam?”

    Posted by Dr Victorino de la Vega | permalink

    on 06/25 at 10:45 AM

    Doesn’t Howeird Dean have a DR. in front of his name? I wonder what these two have been practising, cause they’re gittin’ reeeel good at it!

  35. Scrapiron says:

    Evidently CAIR has been studying the demcratic party. If you have nothing worthwhile to do or say take it to the court system where you’ll find that 50% of the judges are more dense than you are. Time for a full blown investigation of CAIR and all of it’s activities. Cair is simply a terrorist organization in disguise.

  36. forest hunter says:

    Scrapiron: I agree wholeheartedly with your comments, especially about the full blown part.

  37. klrfz1 says:

    Dr. Vic,

    the “Bush doctrine”: persecute innocent bogeymen while sucking up to the Saudi-Wahhabi paymasters of Islamic terror and their numerous friends for sale inside the GOP and the Pentagon.


    See how much better it looks in all caps? Just a helpful tip for you, Sir or Ma’am.

    tw:  music

    Dr. Vic’s insanity is music to my ears.

    preview tw:  only

    If only Dr. Vic was advising Howard Dean. Or is he/she?

  38. Gender Cop says:

    Or is he/she? klrfz1

    That’s so mid 20th century.  You mean, he/she, gay he, lesbo she, asexual or bi-sexual he or she, transgendered either, or sexually ambiguous person, in today’s parlance.  Smart up and be more sensitive, willya?

    Oh, and don’t forget the death shrouded hijabed Muslim black ghost whose gender is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!

    T/W girls, pretty sexist, huh?

  39. Mark D: “Until we start having Anglican assassins and Baptist bombers”

    and Charismatic chokers, Druid disembowelers, Evangelist executioners, Falun gong finishers, Gnostic garroters, Hindi hitmen, Ibo immolators, Jehovah’s jihadis, Kabbalist killers…

    That really deserves some sort of prize.

  40. McGehee says:

    Lutheran lunatics? Methodist madmen? Neo-ecumenical neocons…?

  41. klrfz` says:

    be more sensitive, willya?

    Yes, that was pretty offensive, wasn’t it. Probably I need to be spanked. Again.

    Thanks for the caps. Tip: BOLD CAPS are our friends. You want to be friendly, don’t you?

    tw: covered

    I have rediscovered offensiveness. In the 21st Century only computers will be able to be offensive.

  42. GOP Insider Gender Cop says:

    OK, klrfz, I capped but forgot to bold.  Let’s settle on twenty whacks instead of forty for you (or should they go to your computer?) BECAUSE OF THE FRIENDLINESS I’M FEELING, PRAISE BE TO MY WAHHIBI PAYMEISTERS.

    (Oh-oh.  Upon previewing I see your italics have spilled onto me.  That was very cairless and so it’s back to forty for you, big guy.  Or girl.  Or a permutation thereof.)

  43. Rusty says:

    Actus, Dr.Vic et al; Go back to the DU and bring back somebody who can think, or at least has some wit. None of you have any by half.You’re boring.

  44. reader says:

    “That really deserves some sort of prize.”

    Charlie (CO), I hope you don’t mean a booby one because I already have two, you know…

    T/W used, a while back by a voracious suckling girl-child who, were she in town, could tell me how to turn off the italics

  45. McGehee says:

    This </i>ought to do it…

  46. Muslihoon says:

    What happens when 6 disenfranchised Haitian-American Catholic kids from Miami do karate and jumping jacks in a rusty warehouse, and toy with the idea of converting to Islam?

    You’re kidding me, right? They were trying to get in touch with al-Qaa’idah.

    You guys forgot us Mormons. Mormon…propagandists! We’re good at it too.

  47. Major John says:

    Major John: Check out Sondra K comment section in “Proud”. I wanna see how well your gag reflex is working.

    Eh, ever been on Belmont Avenue in Chicago? But now that you mention it, that guy would look more natural charging out of a forest in Brittania, sometime around Julius Ceasar’s arrival…

    </i>does that help?

  48. Master Tang says:

    Caesar’s people were known as Italics – was it because they weren’t very bold?

  49. klrfz1 says:

    This </i>ought to do it…

    Let me try this.

    Did that work? Yes, at least in preview.

    Sorry. I turned on the italics with square bracket i close square bracket.

    Off was square bracket /i close square bracket.

    tw: going

    I’m not going to use square brackets again.

  50. Major John says:

    Caesar’s people were known as Italics – was it because they weren’t very bold?

    Posted by Master Tang

    I’d curse you for the punning, but it was actually rather well done…

  51. forest hunter says:

    I can never get my idalicks to work but maybe I’m not holdin’ my mouth right.

  52. McGehee says:

    I understand the creators of “Doctor Who” are planning a movie called “I, Dalek”…

  53. McGehee says:

    I don’t think it’s going to be idyllic…

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