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October 2024


Visiting the Townhouse Inner Sanctum

Never let it be said protein wisdom doesn’t have his sources…


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82 Replies to “Visiting the Townhouse Inner Sanctum”

  1. Robert says:

    THAT’s not a real e-mail!

    You’re some kind of…some kind of…some kind of satirist!

    I knew there was something fishy about this site.

  2. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Wait, have I been hoodwinked?  Is this one of them info ops, you think?

    I demand an investigation.

  3. Eric Anondson says:

    I smell Rove!

  4. Big E says:

    I demand an investigation.

    I looked it up. Uranus is expanding which means that you are very vulnerable right now.  I suggest you stockpile fresh underwear.  Lot’s of fresh underwear.  Also, if you see a skinny little vulcan looking twerp nosing around be very careful.  I have it on excellent authority that he does not, I repeat does not provide reach arounds.  He may appear harmless like a actor in a mentos commercial.  Don’t be fooled.

  5. Ben says:

    There’s a reason why we’ve never seen Markos and Jeff in the same room, isn’t there?

  6. McGehee says:

    Uranus is expanding


  7. – So does this operation have DNC/Dean santion, or is Markos acting as his own AIC now and running himself, because you know, thats like a counter-counter double agent thing. But more to the point, has Hamsher shaved her legs yet…..

    TW: Maybe Rather could come out of retirement and cover the Kos “fake but accurate” memo story….

  8. – Hmmm… McGehee, I thought exploring Uranus was a Wonkette thing……

  9. Big E says:

    There’s a reason why we’ve never seen Markos and Jeff in the same room, isn’t there?

    Did you notice the look on that Ned Lamont guy’s face in that commercial?  Getting support from the Kos does not come without strings.  The “intitiation” ceremony, I have it on good authority, is based on prison new guy initiations.  Its not that Kos likes sodomizing people and then forcing them to toss his salad its just what has to be done (at least thats what he tells everybody).  That’s why you never see Jeff or any other sane person in the same room with him.  He’s crazy.

  10. Big E says:


    If it’s homophobic not to want to be anally raped by Spocks cousin then I am the most homophobic person alive today.  In fact I grow more and more homophobic everyday.

  11. Tisto says:

    Oh my… to Helen Thomas?  shudder

  12. Cardinals Nation says:

    If it had “SECRET” stamped on the top and bottom we wouldn’t be seeing it here, we’d be seeing it on the front page of the New York Times.

    They just can’t help themselves.

  13. runninrebel says:

    There is something strangely familiar about a so-called “people-powered” movement that has a cadre of message-managers who, just by coincidence, decide who “belongs” and who doesn’t based on self-referential political attitudes.

    But unlike groups in the past, today’s “progressives” are without anything that could be called a philosophy. They are a pastiche movement which retains the extreme political tactics of former movements without any of the ideas. Their only drive is the hatred they have for any group that stands between them and power, and their only weapon is controlling the dissemination of Buzzwords, unleashing paranoid and delusional arguments, and deflecting criticisms of their intellectually empty movement.

    This elite email network is a symptom of more serious problems within the “progressive” movement. 


    irony is a four-letter word

  14. Mark Coffey says:

    Priceless…great stuff…

  15. Great Mencken's Ghost says:


    You’re doing the work of the Republican National Committee!


    You’re doing the work of the Lieberman-loving neocon New Republic, er, the DLC, er–


  16. Always knew PROTEIN stood for Propaganda by Red Operatives on Task to Eviscerate and Infiltrate the Nation


  17. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Always knew Dr. Vic stood for nothing.

  18. Muslihoon says:

    Bravo, Jeff! I’d love to see how Kos would react to knowing his super duper really honestly I double dog dare you secret operation has been exposed.

    If I were evil, I’d type it up and put it on my blog to spread the word.

  19. Spiny Norman says:



    If this keeps up, I wonder how long it will be before the nutroots start thinking Kos himself is a Rovian plant.

  20. McGehee says:

    – Hmmm… McGehee, I thought exploring Uranus was a Wonkette thing……

    Given that the current new crew over there is all-male, you could be right.

  21. Glenn Greenwald says:

    I didn’t receive a copy of that e-mail so that proves it’s false. Besides, I question the timing.

  22. commander0 says:

    I can’t link it but David Brooks had a beauty in the NYTimes today about Kos entitled “Meet the New Kingpin, Same as the Old Kingpin.” He has morphed into everything he has ever despised (allegedly).  What a fucking tool.

    I can see for “miles” and “miles”…….

  23. Major John says:

    Knock me down with a feather!  Dr. Vic made a funny – seriously, a decently funny remark by the good Doc.  A little bit of shattered faith in humanity has been glued (or should I say pasted) back together.

    cool smile

  24. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Zengerle over at TNR just admitted the Gilliard e-mail was misattributed.  Which is neat because that’s actually more than Gilliard did with all his “I may have made a similar statement” waffling…

  25. Sean M. says:

    Jane Hamsher should be coming by and threatening to sue Jeff any minute now.

  26. Richard Sharpe says:

    ER, I can’t read it.

    Wass it say?

  27. Mona says:

    Great Mencken’s Ghost dishonestly asserts: Zengerle over at TNR just admitted the Gilliard e-mail was misattributed.  Which is neat because that’s actually more than Gilliard did with all his “I may have made a similar statement” waffling…

    Uh, no. Zengerle admits the Gilliard email, as Greenwald said all along, is not authentic, not merely “misattributed” (my emphasis):

    A source forwarded The New Republic three emails purportedly written by members of the “Townhouse” list–Glenn Greenwald, Mike Stark, and Steve Gilliard–expressing concern about the Armstrong-SEC story. The emails lacked timestamps and headers, so TNR checked the emails with two other sources who belonged to “Townhouse.” Both of these sources vouched for the authenticity of all three emails (and two of the emails, Greenwald’s and Stark’s, are indisputably authentic). After returning to these two sources this weekend, TNR learned that when initially shown the three emails, both sources immediately recognized the 181-word Greenwald email and the 389-word Stark email; having determined that those two emails were authentic, the sources just assumed the 22-word Gilliard email was authentic, as well. We now know it wasn’t. These were clearly honest mistakes on the parts of the second and third sources; and TNR has been unable to determine why the first source–who has not responded to messages–included this one piece of incorrect information along with the accurate information the source sent us.

    I know it is just killing y’all, but Greenwald was right.

  28. McGehee says:

    I admit that Mona is both “not authentic” and “misattributed.”

  29. Master Tang says:

    Mona – to claim that Zengerle’s post proved Greenwald “right” is a little premature, to say the least.  Especially given what Zengerle has to say both before and after the excerpt you provide…

  30. McGehee says:

    …not to mention “fake.”

  31. McGehee says:

    However, I hold firmly to my contention that Mona is not accurate.

  32. ed says:


    @ Mona


    Funny how Gillard stated for the record that the email accurately represented his views.

    Fake but accurate.  Still a lefty thing.

  33. Dear Mr. Wisdom,

    I hope that this finds you in good health my good friend Protein. Since I last wrote to you asking for funds to come to your splendid country, which you refused by the way, but I’m sure you will rethink, many wonderful things have happened.

    As you know, I have been managing and am trying to relocate the late Idi Amin’s millions from the bank of Jeddah. I have been meeting with only limited success. However, since coming to your most wonderful country, I have been able to utilize my talents to generate capital towards this end!

    After having my trip to your most splendid country paid for by CBS and providing your splndid ‘tiffany network’ with unnamed accounts of misconduct involving your armed forces and a dead bearded goat in Hibhib several weeks ago, they paid me fifty-thousand American dollars, in cash no less! What a wonderful country you have my good friend protein!

    This has enabled me to advertise for assistance in my noble endeavor. Thanks to my elite education at the Kalahari school of typing for boys, I was able to secure a position as the head of the English department at a certain Broome Community College!

    Thanks to my new position of influence and power in your splendid country, I have met many influential and wonderful people my good friend Protein! Some of the professors in my department have introduced me to certain political power players in what you call the progressive movement! Oh Protein, I have prayed for such people to fall into my lap, er I mean make my acquaintance, for so long.

    One of these people is the inventor and major purveyor of, perhaps you have heard of it my good freind Protein, Kosola. I was told that Kosola was an extremely effective penetrant that could narrow the mind and loosen the grip of the tightest fist on its money. These ‘Kosolites’ who sell this type of oil have been able to raise millions of American dollars! Imagine my tears of joy oh Protein, my friend!

    This is where you, my good friend Protein can help your friend M’fume! As I sell more and more of this Kosola to the wonderful people on what is called the Dean list, the Townhouse List, Emily’s list, the PBS and DNC donor lists and NAMBLA for Kerry list, I need to spread the good fortune around so as to avoid your IRS, who’s list your good friend M’fume wishes to stay off of. The good people at Kosola also told me that they know of a very successful Mr. Jerome Armstrong, who could help steer yet more business my way. Truely I am blessed.

    If you, my good friend Protein could give me access to your account numbers, I can make deposits to your account as I cash in on the Kosola. For your trouble, I will let you have the most valuable and secret account code access numbers to the late Idi Amin’s millions in the accursed son of a dog’s bank in Jethronia AND two percent of the proceeds from my sales of Kosola.

    I await your enthusiastic affirmation of our special friendship, my good friend Protein.

  34. Jay says:

    I don’t know.

    When Karl Rove comes out with his secret memos, they seem much more clear and lucid and, frankly, better-planned.

    Maybe it’s just that he’s had more practice, or maybe he’s just better at it. 

    I mean, Karl’s memo would have said the same thing in half the space.  And, he would have clearly indicated individual responsibilities and milestones.

    These guys are amateurs.

  35. MayBee says:

    Glenn Greenwald was especially right about this:

    If it isn’t answered substantively by Jerome or someone on his behalf, I think it will settle in as conventional wisdom somewhat quickly and will be an albatross for some time to come. Ignoring the story or hoping it stays unnoticed doesn’t sem like a viable option at this point.

    However non-substantively answering the story seems to have been the course of choice.

  36. JayI says:

    Karl Rove:  Markos, I am your father!


  37. Verc says:

    So what’s this got to do with Karl Rove–who is a very smart man–getting Osama Bin Laden to endorse John Kerry for president?

    Did I miss something?

  38. Jim in KC says:

    I almost bought it, but then I realized it’s entirely too well-written to be authentic.

  39. McGehee says:

    Karl Rove:  Markos, I am your father!

    I think this casts Darth Rove in the wrong role. He’s more the Sidious type.

    Kos:</i> “I’ll never turn to the Right side.”

    <b>Rove (secretly pleased): “So be it, Lefti.”

    And then out comes the lightning from his fingertips, except that first he fries Kos’ Righth Lord father. None of this, “I’ll grab you from behind and throw you down the shaft” nonsense. Darth Rove learns from other Sith Lords’ mistakes.

  40. McGehee says:

    I think I found the missing </i> tag from the other thread…

  41. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    As I pointed out over at Just One Minute the new lefty meme is no longer going to be “16 words”.  Now it’s “22 words.”

    The “fiercely independent” lefty blogs have a private e-mail forum where they coordinate their “fiercely independent” talking points?  22 WORDS!

    Kos really did try to pressure them, apparently successfully in many cases, into ignorning the Jerome Armstrong farce? 22 WORDS!

    Jerome Armstrong really is a star-twiddling stock swindler banned from trading for life by the SEC, who is now instead soliciting political donations online and maybe even paying them out? 22 WORDS!

  42. triticale says:

    Has anyone ever seen me in the same room with anyone else?

    TW: yet

  43. john (lesser) says:

    We all owe Jeff money.  Lots of it.


    Salt and all that.

  44. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Mona —

    Your conservative / libertarian hero was on a Kos insiders list.

    Chew on that for a while. 

    Then chew on the fact that nobody cares if the Gilliard email was misattributed.  Greenwald has been playing this red herring all weekend. 

    The fact is, Kos wanted this story starved of oxygen.  Gilliard said the email matched his views.  The story went uncommented on by lefty blogs (and—as long as we’re making demands for revealing sources, howsabout you ask Glenn to reveal the names on the Townhouse list?  Then we can look at how many of them mentioned the Kos/JA SEC story after the Kos email went out).

    It’s sad to see you still defending this guy—who owes all his traffic and notoriety to Kos and a few others.  That he’s still shilling for them is beyond sad, as far as I’m concerned.

    And as this post was meant to show, we’re not going to be distracted by Greenwald’s hopping around like a monkey, trying to change the subject.  I’ll take Zerlenge’s word over Greenwald’s any day of the week.

  45. MayBee says:

    Newsweek apparently got a forward of some emails as well:

    By the weekend, Moulitsas’s allies were sending each other e-mails infected with the paranoia of revolutionaries who’ve gained power too fast: How should they deal with traitors? How much openness could they handle? Which fellow travelers could they really trust?

    Cobain and Che, indeed.  Wonkette was quite prescient.

  46. a says:

    yes, he is “some sort” of satirist. A bad one. The jobs of the comedy writers at The Daily Show appear to be safe.

  47. cynn says:

    It’s all too much.  Must go to bed.

  48. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Lest the real Gilliard sentiment get washed down the memory, recall his post:

    To be fair, I told Glenn I disagreed with the characterization of it being false, because I may have express some kind of sentiment close to that. The issue to me is not that Zengerle created it out of whole cloth, but if he got it from a source that he was too lazy and sloppy to confirm it with me.

    Question:  did Greenwald confirm anything with Zerlenge before he post his piece?

    Yeah, that’s what I thought.

    But back to Gilliard:

    …But even if Greenwald goes farther than I would, the question remains why didn’t Zengerle do any interviews for his pieces. Why didn’t he extend the basic journalism courtesy of asking if these were my words and if they were sending to the Townhouse list? I mean that’s basic shit, Reporting I stuff.

    Good question. Did Gilliard ask Michael Steele if he tap dances and likes him some mistrel shows before photoshopping him in “Sambo” getup?

    …Now, some people may wonder why I didn’t hammer Zengerle up and down the blog and call him a bald faced liar.

    Let me explain something: presenting something false as something real and attributed to a person is a firing offense. This is not a game, if he was misled by a source; he deserves the chance to prove it. If he just pulled it out of his ass, I expect Frank Foer to fire him.

    Well, Foer apparently was familiar with the sourcing and is not going to be doing any firing.  Which puts an end to the “whole cloth fabulist” thing. 

    Which brings us right back to where we started before Greenwald tried the red herring:  why the secret mailing list?  What was it’s purpose?  Who is on it?  How much influence did Kos have over the leftosphere?

    Beyond that, there’s the whole Kos / Armstrong confluence.  As I noted in an earlier post, Kos probably did nothing wrong.

    But for me, this story was always about controlling the narrative. 

    Until the astrology stuff popped up, that is.  Because that’s just too fucking funny.

  49. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    You could ask Hackett in Ohio whether Kos and Armstrong did anything wrong…

  50. wishbone says:

    infected with the paranoia of revolutionaries who’ve gained power too fast

    Deep mysteries of the universe:

    1.  Dark matter/dark energy

    2.  Black holes

    3.  Why the hell people always pepper discussions of the Kostards with the word “power.”

  51. Verc says:

    Until the astrology stuff popped up, that is. 

    So, Jeff, are you saying that you too oppose astrology?

    Is this a part of conservative’s war on science?

  52. Verc says:

    wishbone, according to ‘Kos, his stint in the army bulked him up to 153 lbs.

    If that doesn’t just climb the highest mountain and scream “POWER!”, I don’t know what does.

  53. wishbone, according to ‘Kos, his stint in the army bulked him up to 153 lbs.

    ugh, that just makes me feel even fatter…. thanks.


  54. Verc says:

    red face  kiss tongue wink

  55. Master Tang says:

    So, Jeff, are you saying that you too oppose astrology?

    Is this a part of conservative’s war on science?

    Or perhaps the war on prescience?

  56. Jim in KC says:

    What amuses me is that they’re so concerned about Zengerle’s “accuracy,” when I can go visit the DKos site and find just mountains of bullshit.  And I’m not talking about random comments, either.

    Bullshit is, in fact, the left’s entire stock in trade.

  57. Some Guy in Chicago says:


    Your conservative / libertarian hero was on a Kos insiders list.

    Chew on that for a while.

    Uh, Jeff…he was spying for us!  Duh!

    It’s just in being such a upright spy, he had to run any information he gathered on the townhouse list through a FISA judge.

    And by FISA judge, I mean deli clerk.

    “Sir!  I’m not going to keep slicing this headcheese if all you are going to do is tell me about Steve Gulli-whatsit and not pay for anything!”

    tw: zebra, eek, it’s on to me!!!

  58. Major John says:

    Or perhaps the war on prescience?

    Ding, ding, ding!  A WINNER!

    the spice must flow…

  59. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    by the way, seixon has some interesting thoughts on this Gilliard issue.

    and if the progressives feel their coordinated efforts are something of a “townhouse”, what can we call our fictional mirror list on the right?  “top floor penthouse for which to look down upon the little people living their little lives trying desperately to win the game that we cruely force them to play and change the rules of at a whim for mere entertainment”?

    Or would that be too long?

    tw: few, as in fewer words?

  60. eLarson says:

    Did Gilliard ask Michael Steele if he tap dances and likes him some mistrel shows before photoshopping him in “Sambo” getup?

    Is this Gilliard character like one of the proverbial crabs that pulls any other crab that get’s near to escaping the bucket back down?

  61. b says:

    a: You’re just jealous

  62. ahem says:

    Helen Thomas? Punishment, indeed. The other two, presumably, being, uh, Cindy Sheehan and, uh, John Murtha.

  63. klrfz1 says:


  64. MarkD says:

    So how are they going to deal with traitors?

    This is like watching a traffic accident.  It happens faster than it looks.  It could have been prevented.  It’s got to hurt.

    Ah well, couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.

  65. Dan Collins says:

    Is Townhouse Inner Sanctum a, y’know, polite reference to the toilet?

  66. Phinn says:

    The Townhouse part of the story takes me back to my college days—these people remind me of those earnest perpetual grad students, decked out in their Che-wear and loudly misuing economics terminology.  They’ve grown up to be blogger-activists, I guess.  This story reminds me of how much I have always hated those little fuckers. 

    But the astrology bit adds an element of retro-kitsch that I really wasn’t expecting.  The New Left has always had a wierd love affair with New Age neo-hippy crap, but it’s usually couched in terms of Tibetan, karmic, zen, Pacific Rim, semi-Buddhist crap-ola.  This tarot-and-zodiac stuff is so Old School.  Madame Jerome needs to update his schtik.

  67. beetroot says:

    And as this post was meant to show, we’re not going to be distracted by Greenwald’s hopping around like a monkey, trying to change the subject.  I’ll take Zerlenge’s word over Greenwald’s any day of the week.

    You guys are amazing. Just amazing. It’s always a conspiracy, isn’t it? The Evil Media working together to undermine the President. Now it’s an Evil Blog Empire conspiring to undermine the President. It could never happen that Greenwald gets his audience by virtue of his clear, concise, and engaging writing, could it? It could never be that he’s come up with a strong hypothesis (the Bush admin’s defining characteristic is its executive power hunt) for which supporting facts keep emerging, could it? It certainly couldn’t be that the guy’s articulating what many others are thinking, could it?

    Naaah. He’s just a Markos slave, part of the robo-sphere, a maroon, a “monkey.” He’s got nuttin’. And now the war-o-sphere comes piling on, just as he predicted, and as soon as he comes up with evidence contradicting what his opponents have been slinging for days, people ignore it or start calling him names.

    Jeff, you could take some lessons from Glenn.

  68. corvan says:


    Over at the Commisar’s place Mona maintians that this secret list is filled wiht bloggers, journalists, etc.

    It seems to me that what Jeff is asking is what journalists are doing on a list of Kos operatives, and how that membership effects the way they cover the news. 

    If we knew who those memebers were we could simply go back and look at their articles or reports and compare them with the Kos talking points. 

    That’s not hawking any particular conspiracy theory.  It is simply asking that journalists honstly represent themselves to the folks they report to.  Why do you oppose that?

  69. barfly says:

    Bullshit is, in fact, the left’s entire stock in trade.

    Posted by Jim in KC | permalink

    Weapons of mass destuction

    We will be greeted as liberators

    Drones of death


    The invasion will pay for itself


    mission freakin accomplished!

    You were saying something about bullshit?

    You guys are now touting “fake but accurate?”

    Where’s Alice? It’s tea time . . .

  70. corvan says:


    The question here is should journalists join the Daily Kos talking points factory, and if they do should they tell the folks they report to about it?  Do you have a postion on that?  Apparently Beet has decided to take a powder.  Oh, and you forgot, “NO BLOOD FOR OIL!!!”

  71. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Actually, it was Gilliard who was pushing the “fake but accurate” thing.  To Greenwald.

    Most of us don’t really give a rat’s ass about Gilliard’s email one way or the other.  That was never the point—at least not for me. 

    But do me a favor. See if you can get Greenwald to release the names on the Townhouse list.  I’d like to check those against their blogs / columns and see if any of them defied the Kos dictate and mentioned the story.  Because I know of several blogs who deleted any COMMENTS that mentioned the story—in addition to “starving the story of oxygen”.

    Oh, how they do so go that extra mile for Kos.  And why not?  He’s their path to becoming progressive power players.

  72. surf says:

    A four-bagger Jeff.

    I want the names of the journo’s on that list.


  73. Jim in KC says:

    Thanks, barfly, for dropping a steaming load that makes my point. 

    As for the topic of the post, Gilliard’s the “fake but accurate” guy on this one, not me.

    I could give a crap about Kos, to tell you the truth, but I find it amusing that his astrologer partner and he are squirming a bit.  Couldn’t happen to two more deserving guys.

  74. Phone Technician in a Time of Roaming says:

    When Karl Rove comes out with his secret memos, they seem much more clear and lucid and, frankly, better-planned.

    Which Civil War general said, after US Grant’s funeral, “Even in the middle of a battle, I never had to read one of his orders twice.”

    There’s no better complement for a writer, I think.

  75. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Oh yes, Beet. It’s always a conspiracy with us.  Like, for instance, the idea we had that there was a leftwing blog cabal sharing emails with one another about what stories to push, what points to hit, etc.

    Which we now know was indeed the case—but so what?  Greenwald wanted to make an issue out of something nobody cared about and is now demanding apologies from people who never said what he’s claiming they said.

    Go ahead.  Look through my site.  Show me where I declared on the Gilliard email, other than to say he seemed to send out mixed signals.  Which I linked to for others to decide.

    Greenwald is demanding apologies?  Well, sorry.  I don’t answer to the demands of other bloggers.  Unlike some Kos listserv puppets I can name.

  76. B Moe says:

    Greenwald is demanding apologies?  Well, sorry.  I don’t answer to the demands of other bloggers.  Unlike some Kos listserv puppets I can name.

    Hope he was wearing a cup.


  77. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Incidentally, what is Greenwald’s evidence supposed to show?  There is no dispute over the validity of the first two emails, yes?  There is no dispute over the validity of the Kos email asking everyone on the list to starve the story of oxygen, yes?

    So reveal the names on the list and let’s see who dared mention anything about the story after Kos told them not to. 

    Worse than that, why were they deleting comments that broached the subject?

    Keep trying to shift attention, Beet.  But the fact remains, Greenwald was on that “strategy” list.  Assimilate that info as you see fit.  I certainly have.

  78. nate-dogg says:

    Jeff, you should publish Kos’ and Greenwald’s and Gilliard’s names, their spouse’s names and their places of employment on every thread on your blog until they release the names on the Townhouse list!  That’s the smart, mature, and dare I say it?  Online Integrity way to go.

  79. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Isn’t that what you just did, nate-dogg?

    Or are you trying to make a clever allusion to my repeatedly publishing the names of Dr Andrew Haggerty and Dr Mary Donnelly of Broome Community College?

    Because if you’ll notice, I only do that when people like you show up here and make little snarky comments like you did just now.

    I’m sure Drs Haggerty and Donnelly, and the entire English Department at Broome Community College (read:  4 rooms in the adult learning annex) thank you for your continued attempts to bait me.

  80. B Moe says:

    …you should publish Kos’ and Greenwald’s and Gilliard’s names…


  81. beetroot says:

    Ooooh, Glenn’s on a “list”! How scary! How terrifying! How incriminating!

    Here’s a lesson I learned in a post-communist nation: never trust anyone who wanders around waving “lists.” People used to come up with secret police informer lists and insider lists and so on that were inflammatory but proved nothing. Why? Because anybody can get on a list. Means nothing. What matters is what people do.

    Which brings us to Glenn. So he’s on a “strategy list.” Big fucking deal. Are you on a list or two? Do YOU do everything the list tells you to do? Can you prove that Greenwald or anyone else changed their story or their coverage because some list told them to?

    No, you can’t. Because even if the story got “starved of oxygen,” there’s no way you can prove the cause of that starvation. Marching to Kos’ orders? Independently convinced that the story is bullshit? You can’t tell the difference by looking at some list.

    Now, your metanarrative will force many readers here to conclude otherwise, those readers being slaves to the notion that all things they don’t like (fuckups in Iraq, global warming, Greenwald) are the product of an evil conspiracy. There’s no room in the story for independent thinkers independently coming to conclusions (Iraq’s a mess, the globe is warming, Greenwald’s theory about executive power explains a lot about Bush).

    Face it, Jeff. Greenwald’s successful because he presents a compelling thesis for which abundant evidence accumulates on a near-daily basis. Not only that, he stands out as one of the few bloggers whose thesis frees him from typical left-right mumbo-jumbo. He’s demonstrated an allegiance to the Constitution and the nation’s founding principles that has won him many supporters from all political stripes, and he manages to make his arguments concisely, transparently, and without descending into personal invective or sing-song tra-la-la cock-talk bullshit.

    The underlying belief here apparently is that he owes his success to the Great Conspiracy, embodied by Kos. It could never be on merit, his success. It’s only part of the evil machine, the conspirators.

    After all, he was on the list!!!!!

    Pathetic. Jeff, like I said, you could learn a few things from Glenn. But I do believe you’re jealous.

  82. Lost Dog says:

    Jeez, Beat!

    Take a chill pill.

    The underlying belief here is that this whole flail is delightfully funny, and it’s got you guys sending your underwear to the cleaners twice a day.

    I can sum it up in one word:  B-U-U-S-S-T-E-D

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