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October 2024


The bad week for America continues…

From the Daily Kos, commenter CheChe puts into words what I think many of us are feeling today, what with Bush in Baghdad and Rove cleared (though to be fair, some, God bless their fortitude, continue to hold out hope that Rudolph’s magical red nose will bring that Fitzmas sled in under heavy fog, no matter what Mr Luskin says):

I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago.  She just couldn’t understand why the President would be going to Iraq when so many things are wrong in this country. “Doesn’t Mr. Bush care about us anymore?” she asked pitifully.

I sat down with her on the sofa and (as calmly as I could) tried to explain to her why the President seems to be abandoning his country.  “Honey, I think his boss, Mr. Rove, sent Mr. Bush out of the country in order to keep himself out of the newspapers.  You see, he wasn’t sure if he was going to be arrested today or not, and so he planned Mr. Bush’s trip ahead of time just in case…”

I tried to keep my voice steady, but it became increasingly difficult – the rage and feelings of helplessness were just too much.  I think my daughter could tell something was wrong.  I found myself at such a loss for words – nothing made any sense; nothing makes sense anymore.  I finally had to admit, “Honey, I just don’t know – I don’t know what’s going on in this country anymore…”

When I finished her lower lip started to tremble and her eyes began to fill with tears, “Daddy” she said, “why are the Republicans doing this to the country?” Well, that was it for me:  I finally fell apart.  She just fell into my arms and we both began sobbing for several minutes.

For once she had to comfort me and get me back on my feet.  Sometimes I just think it’s too much, but seeing the strength in my young daughter’s voice helped me to get through.

I once “saw” something in my young son’s voice, but rather than strength, it turned out to be a large chunk of dog hair the little guy had stuffed into his maw.  Probably thought it was a marshmallow or something.


(h/t Tall Dave)

100 Replies to “The bad week for America continues…”

  1. Sav says:

    There ain’t enough Prozac in the world for that nancy boy.

  2. Defense Guy says:

    $20 says it’s a lie.  The whole story is made up out of whole cloth.

  3. JD says:

    One might think that parading your child around for such a ridiculous political spectacle could, or should be considered child abuse.

    Or, forcing a child to live with such a moonbat, or actus, or a math professor … just sayin’

    TW : hundred, as in, I could live to be a hundred years old, and never get tired of seeing the math professor getting called out on his lies and mistakes.

  4. Tman says:

    Man, I feel sorry for that little girl.

    But at the same time, most kids rebel at some point against their parents, except when she does she’ll see her dad for what he is and that should be reasonably enlightening for her.

    So you know, win-win.

  5. TerryH says:

    “Doesn’t Mr. Bush care about us anymore?” she asked pitifully.

    It’s all about the caring, isn’t it?

  6. Matt30 says:

    “Daddy” she said, “why are the Republicans doing this to the country?” Well, that was it for me:  I finally fell apart.

    Me too.  Call me a chauvinist pig, but up to that point I assumed “Che Che” was the poor little girl’s mom.

    Comedy gold, that is.

  7. Capt Joe says:



  8. ed says:


    What’s even sillier is that now the liberals are starting to encourage each other that Rove has turned state’s evidence against Libby, Cheney, Bush or fill-in-blank-here.

    So they’re trying to spin this as not a defeat of their ridiculous speculations but as an actual victory because Rove’s incipient testimony will evidently gut this administration.

    Or some such nonsense.

    sw: “anyone”.  Buehler?  Buehler?

  9. TF6S says:

    That story really was really wretching wrenching.  It’s like watching an alcoholic almost confronting their disease only end up in a glob of goo needing to find strength in their child.

    The first step to treating Bush Derangement Syndrome is to first admit you have a problem.  Then ask God for help.

    Man, we expect a lot of miracles from the Big Guy don’t we?

  10. thelinyguy says:

    I just gagged up a little vomit. It’s ok though, it’s washing the bad taste away.

    I might come off as a bit dorky here, but did anyone ever read The Wizards First Rule? I always thought it was a mediocre fantasy novel, not pure wisdom. Did that man ever have people pegged, or what?

    first rule: People are dumb. They’ll believe something because they want it to be true, or are afraid it might be true.

  11. Pappy says:

    Is this another of those ‘Amy in the treehouse’ moments?

  12. T-Web says:

    That poor kid has no chance. I wonder if those on the left who are particularly angry realize that they’re actually hurting to their children with their uncontrolled bile. Many are probably being turned into paranoiacs. Remember that Washington Post article about the angry liberal blogger at myleftwing (or something like that)? The story made a point of noting how that woman’s anger frightened her elementary school-aged son. It’s just all terribly narcissistic.

  13. mojo says:

    Wait! I think…

    Nope. Sorry. I still don’t give a shit if his daughter cries.

    God, I’m such a heartless bastard!

  14. SeanH says:

    Are you sure someone like Treacher isn’t posing as a Kos diarist?

  15. Scape-Goat Trainee says:

    I wonder if the little girl’s been fitted for her tinfoil hat yet?

  16. Carin says:

    Maybe we should rescue this child? Perhaps it’s not to late to save her from a future of faulty logic and patchouli.

  17. rls says:

    Fiction.  Made up shit.  And, since I have read a ton of fiction, I can say that this is very poor fiction.


  18. Try Hang Gliding says:

    I’m with Sean. I think it is a parody.

  19. NCVOL says:

    According to one of the posters below CheChe’s post, he has posted the exact same thing on several other occasions.

  20. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Wonderful reality check in the comments section of the DailyKos piece by CheChe. Scroll down to the commenter named Wisper. He points out that this same theme of “my sobbing daughter” has been used by CheChe at least three other time.  Wisper’s comment link to CheChe postings on April 19th, 27th and May 11, all of which mimic USING THE EXACT SAME LANGUAGE WORD FOR WORD, today’s post, complete with “quivering upper lip” and tearful hugs.

    Just another example of the fact that “liberal artificial reality” isn’t limited to delusional math professors at UC Davis or would-be NY public school teachers, let alone wacko left-wing blog hosts.

  21. M.Scott says:

    After our mutual sobbing died down, she once again looked at me with those sincere eyes, the sort of look only a pre-adolescent child can give you.  The sort of look that contains more honesty and heart-felt sentiment than the look of a $50 hooker who tells you to ‘put that great big thing inside me’; and she says ‘Daddy, remember when you told me how babies are made?” And I recalled with fondness the time her mother and I sat her down and explained in graphic detail the biological miracle of procreation, and how it can be easily reversed thorugh the technological miracle of abortion, and I said “Of course I do, honey.  Why do you ask ask?” She then said “How can you be my father when you have no fucking testicles?” I have to admit, it’s almost scary how much wisdom there is in the words of a child.

    And now you know… the rest of the story.

  22. Rick says:

    If the block quote is genuine, it demonstrates why it is so damned difficult to dead-on parody these boobish lefties. 

    So we must appreciate those like Jeff and Iowahawk who can pull it off at all.

    Constituents like “CheChe” (let’s save analyzing that screen-name for letter) can very well get us killed.


  23. Greek Homer in a time of Springfield Homers says:

    CheChe is a great troll.  He posts the same daddy/dsughter story every few weeks, just with a different cause plugged in.

    The most hilarious thing is the sympathetic “there, there” responses from Kossacks who don’t know it’s a troll!

  24. ss says:

    The GOP owes me a new carpet (2+ / 0-)

    by CheChe on Wed Jun 07, 2006 at 08:27:39 AM PDT

    I hadn’t been following the exit polls or the running tally of the California special election, but when the results came over the television it was like a bomb went off in my house.

    My oldest daughter let out a wail of grief that I haven’t heard since Alito became Chief Justice.  Since we lost her mother it’s been tough keeping things together around the house, but we try to manage.  The trouble is, I just happened to be changing the little one when the shriek went up downstairs.  Well, I turned to find out what happened and lost my handle on her little sister who took off – leaving behind a trail of urine and excrement that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get out of the carpet in the hallway.  I don’t know what’s worse, the stuff that’s soaked into my carpet or the stuff that’s leaking out of the White House.

    Trying to calm down my oldest daughter while trying to bring order elsewhere just made the frustrations of the last six years all the more palpable.  The buring in my gut turned to nausea and well, now the mess is even worse.  I feel like I’m looking down at the state of the entire damn country right now.

    Beers, Steers and Tears

    by CheChe on Wed Apr 19, 2006 at 07:09:12 AM PDT

    I’m just glad this farce is finally coming to an end.  I was watching the news with my daughter when the story broke.  When McClellan’s image first came up on the screen she first let out a little shriek thinking that something horrible was about to be announced.  When I explained to her that in fact, that bad man was finally going to go away, she let out the happiest yell I’ve heard her make in quite a long time… “Yeaaaaaaahh!!!”

    I couldn’t believe how elated she was.  But then I think the emotion of the moment started to get the best of her.  All the pain that this administration has inflicted upon the world started to sink in and overcome her initial excitement.  What began as a few half-hearted snufflings finally turned into outright sobs.  Well, that was it for me to.  I started crying right along with her.  We sat on the sofa together holding each other crying softly comforting eachother as best we can in these dark times.

    Tears of Frustration

    by CheChe on Thu Apr 27, 2006 at 06:29:29 AM PDT

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago.

    I sat down with her on the sofa and (as calmly as I could) tried to explain to her why the Senate Republicans want to drain the treasury in order to give every American a $100 check.  I tried to keep my voice steady, but it became increasingly difficult – the rage and feelings of helplessnes were just too much.  I think my daughter could tell something was wrong.  I found myself at such a loss for words – nothing made any sense; nothing makes sense anymore.  I finally had to admit, “Honey, I just don’t know – I don’t know what’s going on in this country anymore…”

    When I finished her lower lip started to tremble and her eyes began to fill with tears, “Daddy” she said, “why are the Republicans doing this to the country?” Well, that was it for me:  I finally fell apart.  She just fell into my arms and we both began sobbing for several minutes.

    For once she had to comfort me and get me back on my feet.  Sometimes I just think it’s too much, but seeing the strength in my young daughter’s voice helped me to get through. 

    Tears of Shame (26+ / 2-)

    by CheChe on Thu May 11, 2006 at 09:55:08 AM PDT

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago.  She just couldn’t understand why the President would be spying on everyone. “Even my Grandma?” she asked pitifully.

    I sat down with her on the sofa and (as calmly as I could) tried to explain to her why the President has ordered a group of spies to collect information on every American.  “And yes honey, even Grandma”, I was forced to say.

    I tried to keep my voice steady, but it became increasingly difficult – the rage and feelings of helplessnes were just too much.  I think my daughter could tell something was wrong.  I found myself at such a loss for words – nothing made any sense; nothing makes sense anymore.  I finally had to admit, “Honey, I just don’t know – I don’t know what’s going on in this country anymore…”

    When I finished her lower lip started to tremble and her eyes began to fill with tears, “Daddy” she said, “why are the Republicans doing this to the country?” Well, that was it for me:  I finally fell apart.  She just fell into my arms and we both began sobbing for several minutes.

    For once she had to comfort me and get me back on my feet.  Sometimes I just think it’s too much, but seeing the strength in my young daughter’s voice helped me to get through. 

    Oh, and his response on getting busted for these silly repeat posts:

    Feh (0 / 0)

    by CheChe on Tue Jun 13, 2006 at 07:56:13 AM PDT

    I’m simply not going to apologize for loving and comforting my daughter. 

    She happens to be very concerned about the course of this country and if you want to make fun of that, well, good for you.

    There’s just not enough time to always be writing a new story each and every time something happens, and since this is what happened, it seems fair.  Since we lost her mother there hasn’t been a lot of free time around here.

  25. RW says:

    The same thing happened twice before:

    Jeff, you simply MUST lampoon that nutcase for not only being a pansy but also being a monumental lying troll.

    It’s word for freaking word.

  26. Chairman Me says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago… “Doesn’t Mr. Bush care about us anymore?” she asked pitifully.

    You? No. He prefers actual Americans to whiney little socialist brats and their castratii dads. And who wouldn’t shell out a C-note to see the little rugrat and daddy sobfest?

  27. M.Scott says:

    It’s like DK’s own version of Witheld.  It’s Breeeeeliant.

  28. Carin says:

    I, for one, am somewhat relieved that it’s a troll. And, amused that the Koskids haven’t figured it out.

  29. shank says:

    Like many on the left, CheChe shows us that it’s not the actual sentiment that counts, but the manufactured sentiment.  Loser.

  30. Holding my nose and cruising around the Daily Kos site, I found someone bragging that Kos said, “Democrats can make the trains run on time.” Yowza!  Does he have a freakin’ clue?

    It’s all fun and games playing with the trolls and the Angry Left until some of them get elected and they start poking our eyes out.

    Turing Word: same, as in, same old same old.

  31. Clarice says:

    Jeff, I love you.

  32. brett says:

    Wow. I wish I had the “moral courage” to exploit my children so shamelessly. Of course, being single and not having any children, I resemble ol’ CheChe. Heh. Poor guy, even in his fantasy world, he couldn’t get a woman to stick around.

    At least, that’s my “best possible world” assumption. Of course, maybe mommy got thrown into one of those “re-education” camps that have been rumored among the effete elite for so long.

  33. Try Hang Gliding says:

    I guess I stand corrected. But, speaking of parodies, the following is Truthout’s response:

    “We are stunned by the magnitude of the reaction to the article we published yesterday morning. We have put our cards on the table. We invite Mr. Luskin to do the same.”

  34. JPS says:

    Damn, M. Scott!  You beat me to it–I was about to ask whether Witheld and CheChe could be the same person.  This thing really toes that fine line between I-could-just-about-believe-it and Ha! that’s brilliant!

    If it’s not intended as a satire, but just CheChe’s own truth, I can only paraphrase Oscar Wilde on the death of Little Nell by Dickens: It would take a heart of stone to read this without laughing.

  35. mralibu says:

    Scroll down to the commenter named Wisper. He points out that this same theme of “my sobbing daughter” has been used by CheChe at least three other time.

    Wisper also puts the smackdown on CheChe with a parody that’s actually pretty funny for Kossack:

    Whatever man… (11+ / 0-)

    It is WORD FOR WORD.  You just keep recycling the same post with the same emotional overtones.

    I don’t understand what your trying to achieve.  Just jonesing for some mojo?  Trying to play some sort of pity card?  I don’t get it.

    Do whatever you want to do bro… just seems a little weird.

    I’ll see you again in a few weeks the next time you don’t think you’ve ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on your daughter’s face.  “Why do the Kossacks troll rate you Daddy?” she’ll ask pitifully.

    You’ll sit down with her on the sofa and (as calmly as I could) try to explain to her why DailyKos values honesty and creativity and has little patience for trite mojo hunters.  “Honey, I think a lot of them are Trusted Users and know how to search the archives.  You see, they have the ability to troll rate people they think are frauds.”

    You’ll tryd to keep your voice steady, but it will become increasingly difficult – the rage and feelings of helplessness are just too much. I think your daughter will be able to tell something is wrong. You’ll find yourself at such a loss for words – nothing makes any sense; nothing makes sense anymore. You’ll finally have to admit, “Honey, I just don’t know – I don’t know why I waste people time on Open Threads anymore…”

    When you finish her lower lip will start to tremble and her eyes will begin to fill with tears, “Daddy” she said, “why don’t you just try to write original posts for a change?” Well, that will be it for you: You will finally fall apart. She’ll just fall into your arms and you’ll both begin sobbing for several minutes.

    Have fun.

    TW: year, as in YearlyKos couldn’t have happened at a better time in the news cycle (Zarqawi, Rove, Bush in Bagdad, etc.)

  36. Slartibartfast says:

    Probably thought it was a marshmallow or something.

    Or paste, most likely.

  37. Mau Mau says:

    CheChe’s response:

    I’m simply not going to apologize for loving and comforting my daughter. 

    She happens to be very concerned about the course of this country and if you want to make fun of that, well, good for you.

    There’s just not enough time to always be writing a new story each and every time something happens, and since this is what happened, it seems fair.  Since we lost her mother there hasn’t been a lot of free time around here.

    Bottle-feeding newborns is like forcing them to smoke cigarettes.

    Funny in a creepy and pathetic sort of way.

  38. Carin says:

    That is too rich. And, what MAN have you ever known uses a pro-breastfeeding tagline? I mean, I push the boob as much as the next mom, but a man? Weak, even for a liberal.

  39. Jeff Goldstein says:

    CheChe is probably just funning them.  But I love it nonetheless.

  40. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Is it possible that when CheChe says he and his daughter “lost” her mom, what he really means is that she moved out after getting fed up with having a lying, bed-wetting, castrated, BDS afflicted, pansy for a husband and a perpetually

    dehydrated, over-emotional daughter that’s become co-dependent to her effiminate father?

    Just asking…

  41. Slartibartfast says:

    It’s possible that “lost” means, in this context, “we can’t remember where we buried her”.

  42. topsecretk9 says:


    Thanks RW…that was…revealing. Sheesh, DKossers need some serious help!

  43. JD says:

    He is still bottle feeding his daughter, despite her being old enough to make political commentary ?  Icky.

    TW : KEEP him away from children.

  44. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    Bottle-feeding newborns is like forcing them to smoke cigarettes.

    I know there are a lot of libertarian commenters here, but I’d like to start a campaign to fund a Federal Similie Police.

  45. topsecretk9 says:

    Anyways the llink was to be to RW:

    The same thing happened twice before:

    Jeff, you simply MUST lampoon that nutcase for not only being a pansy but also being a monumental lying troll.

    It’s word for freaking word.

    Posted by RW | permalink

    on 06/13 at 11:37 AM

  46. rho says:

    I think CheChe is actually Greg Gutfeld.

  47. pinky says:

    Hate to give a Kos Kid Kredit, but that wisper fella surely nailed that mook.  Funny:peculiar, but funny nonetheless.

  48. N. O'Brain says:

    CheChe, get me a double shot of commie.

  49. nikkolai says:

    I’m guessing the little girl will turn out o.k. Many sharp thinking traditionalists spring from the loins of moonbats. Rebellion and all…

  50. someguy says:

    What a p*ssy.

  51. ahem says:

    I haven’t had such a good laugh since Phoenician in a Time of Romans stumbled by.

  52. Eric Cartman says:

    “Mmmm, delicious, sweet tears.”

  53. topsecretk9 says:

    Sorry I repeated the link a 1000 times… was just flipping amazed by the sheer lameness and fraudulent-ness of it all….calming down.

  54. TallDave says:

    You know, when I quoted that I assumed it was a woman who wrote it.

    Now it’s even funnier!

  55. kelly says:

    CheChe is probably just funning them.  But I love it nonetheless.

    I was laughing so hard reading CheChe’s stuff, my assistant knocked on my door to ask me if I was okay. That is priceless. Made my day actually.

    Thanks, Jeff.

    (Still giggling.)

  56. Are you going to threaten to kill HIS kid TOO, GOLDSTEIN?

  57. cynn says:

    Seriously, not even I would fall for that.  Hilarious!

  58. And let’s not make any comments about the shape of CheChe’s kid mouth, huh? Let’s just SIT HERE, ENJOYING OUR COFFEE!

    TW: “least”. As in it’s the least we could do.

  59. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago.  She just couldn’t understand why the President would be spying on everyone. “Even my Grandma?” she asked pitifully.

    Especially Grandma

  60. TallDave says:

    After reading the whole CheChe thread, I really have to wonder if it’s actually a righty ironically trolling as a parody.

    It’s so over-the-top… but otoh, it’s not that different from other DKos stuff.

    It is sort of reminiscent of Gutfeld, tho.  Remember the daughter’s essay?

    For the (potential) kid’s sake, I hope it’s a parody.

  61. EFG says:

    LOL!  CheChe is the man!

    After reading this thread and all of CheChe’s “posts”, I am certain that he is doing a bit of parody at the expense of the DU community.

    Obviously, I can’t prove it, but that is just what it feels like to me.  But after I busted a gut for the second time while reading his stuff, I became convinced it was humor.

    Every time CheChe posts one of his pieces, I think he is probably reading all of the repies and laughing at all of the DU’s he has fooled.

    Heck, even his name is a parody.  He took the name “che” and made it into baby talk.

    “CheChe?  You are an oggiewogie little boy!  Yes you are! Yes you are!  CheChe?  Are you hungry?  Is mommies widdle woogums hungry?  Yes you are!  CheChe!  Open up the hanger because here comes the plane!  Good boy!!!”

  62. Che Che says:

    You bastards!  Just because I care, hang on, lemme get a tissue… Just because I care more about America and love my … wow I’m out of tissues again.  one sec… and love my daughter, that doesn’t give you the right to call me a wimp!

    The keybvoard and monitor aree very blurry right now from all of the tears you’ve caused me, so I hope I’m typing this right.  My daughter has fallen into my arms 3 times sobbiing since I started typing this rebuttal.  Because of you! … Sorry, we just collapsed on the floor sobbing for a few minutes again.  Because of you, you insensitive uncrying Republicans.  *sob*

  63. kelly says:

    “Even my Grandma?” she asked pitifully.

    That was when I though I was going to loose my bladder from laughin.

  64. Jim in KC says:

    I don’t know why you meanies are making fun of the poor guy.

  65. Kevin says:

    That che che post above was me.  I forgot to remove my weenie website when I changed my name (for humor value) though.  No need to look at the site.  It’s not his.

  66. Mau Mau says:

    You bastards!  Just because I care, hang on, lemme get a tissue…

    I have to admit that you had me – friggin’ brilliant!

  67. The Colossus says:

    Their tears are like sweet, sweet nectar to my black old neocon heart . . .

  68. I’m with rho on this one.

    This guy sounds like Gutfield trolling, and if he isn’t, Gutfield should get him a job.

  69. Witheld says:

    I’m aslo find it a very emotional.  But no its not me who is CheChe.  I’m have a different styles. 

    It does beg me to question you: what is with you people, you are always everytime someone writes a post which is some how “funny” to your sick dinger sense of humour, you accuse me of writing.  And of being Treacher?  What up with that? Can’t I just be me, CheChe be CheChe, ect? 

    Meanwhile, I just want to say… Hang in CheChe!  (hugs).  And your daughter (she sounds a lovely person).

    TW: Stay focus, get center, let teh tears come.  That’s right, that’s it, just let them come.

  70. k peters says:

    The crying will soon turn to rage and anger. Picture the Hedley Lamarr character in “Blazing Saddles.” Harvey Korman’s foaming at the mouth scene has nothing on the upcoming bout of frustration and rage on the left now that their cherished fantasy of Rove being “frog marched” in cuffs has been ruined. The Holy Grail has slipped from their fingers and there will be great wailing and gnashing of teeth.

  71. Marty says:

    You sure that’s not Iowahawak writing that?

  72. He posts the same daddy/dsughter story every few weeks, just with a different cause plugged in.

    So does George Voinovich (scroll down to “Scapegoating the Grandchildren”).  Maybe he’s CheChe.

  73. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago.

    I sat down with her on the sofa and (as calmly as I could) tried to explain to her why the Senate Republicans want to drain the treasury in order to give every American a $100 check.

    CheChe’s daughter seems to need a lot of things explained to her…but apparently not the necessity to keep a well funded reserve to pay out a variety of government funded initiatives, welfare programs, salaries, emergency response agencies and the military.

    Were I a young’un told everyone in America would be getting a $100 check, I’d be trying to decide if I should wait for Halo 3 or simply send my check directly to Bungie to see if they’d send me an advance copy.  But then, ya’ know, I’d probably do that anyway.

  74. It’s definitely a troll. Even his defenses when being caught are verbatim copies of previous defenses with a little extra added on top. He wants to be caught. It’s obviously a gag.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s actually lifted very nearly word for word from a bad romance novel or some terrible short story in a Lit. magazine. Doesn’t it remind you of a bad college lit. pub. Jeff?

  75. Nishizono Shinji says:

    you know, Bush-in-Baghdad is an absolutely brilliant psyops operation.  Zarqawi, dead, and Bush seizes the moment to appear in Baghdad, invulnerable and unafraid.

    in the classic pre-islamic arabian ode of bedouin poetry, there is always a “boast” segment.

    Shouted challenges were also a traditional part of jizzya combat between tribes.

    this war is mostly about about psyops and competing ideology, and frankly, this rocks.

    you bring it, GW.


  76. mike says:

    ROVE!  You bastard!  Making the children cry!


  77. Robohobo says:

    CheChe has got to be a troll. Laughing every time that same, lame post gets the Moonbats all choked up. Just goes to show it is too easy to bait the Moonbats. I have a pet Moonbat at work. Normally bright man raised by a U of Ok professor in Poly Sci, that starts to froth at the mouth at the mention GWB. He has one of the worst cases of BDS I have ever seen. I bait him at least once a week just for the fun of it and to watch him sputter. Mean spirited, I know, but a man’s got to get his amusement where he can!

    The Hobo

  78. Noah D says:

    I’d be trying to decide if I should wait for Halo 3 or simply send my check directly to Bungie to see if they’d send me an advance copy.  But then, ya’ know, I’d probably do that anyway.

    Yep, me too.

    DailyKos values honesty

    That’s almost as good as CheChe’s stuff. Wisper did nail it, though. Two sides of the comedy gold coin.

  79. Jay says:

    The bad week for America continues…

    The week ain’t over.

    On Wednesday, I predict that Kerry will turn over his military records.  It will be revealed that he was never in Vietnam – he spent the entire war shoveling in Louisiana.

    On Thursday, Joe Lieberman will cross the aisle and become a Republican.

    On Friday, … well, you’re not ready for that.

  80. Swede says:

    There’s no way in hell that guy ain’t a catcher.

  81. mrp says:

    The libs have been using cute kids to peddle their wares for decades.

    For example:

    Katha Pollitt’s little daughter-flag screed published nine days after the WTC towers were destroyed

    And Lyndon Johnson’s infamous ‘64 “Daisy” campaign ad

  82. So… does this mean that Joe Wilson doesn’t get to see his dream of Karl Rove frog-marched out of the White House come true?  Think of the children!!!

  83. Nick says:

    On Friday, … well, you’re not ready for that.

    The armadillo will dance.

  84. stoo says:

    There’s just not enough time to always be writing a new story each and every time something happens, and since this is what happened, it seems fair.  Since we lost her mother there hasn’t been a lot of free time around here.

    Who does he think he is?  Dan Rather?

  85. Matt Esq. says:

    So…he’s saying Bush hates kids ?


  86. Brian says:

    Che Che has to be spoofing Kos.  I can’t believe someone would talk to their kid like that.  I cannot believe it.  If it’s true, then that girl is gonna have problems when she grows up.

    I still can’t help but wonder if CheChe is really Jeff.  I can see how the Kossacks would eat this up, but c’mon… one really talks like that. 

    Do they??

  87. Brian says:

    And did you see CheChe’s little, whatever you call it at the bottom of his comment…..special personal quote?…..

    “Bottle-feeding newborns is like forcing them to smoke cigarettes”

    COME ON!!!  Cannot be for real.  I can understand being a believer in breast feeding, but his simile is off the charts.

  88. LagunaDave says:

    The armadillo will dance.

    …or Actus will post a thoughtful comment.

    Either way, we’re doomed.

  89. alppuccino says:

    My money’s on CheChe as a big Simpsons fan.  He has created the anti-Ned Flanders for the purpose of spoofing those fliebs over at Kos.

    But if I’m wrong, I’ll apologiddlydiddly.

  90. Shinji

    You’re right, but I thought you opposed the war. Am I mistaken? Also:

    Shouted challenges were also a traditional part of jizzya combat between tribes.

    I do not think jizzya means what you think it means. Am I misreading you’re post?

  91. Phinn says:

    Holding my nose and cruising around the Daily Kos site, I found someone bragging that Kos said, “Democrats can make the trains run on time.” Yowza!  Does he have a freakin’ clue?

    No, they don’t. 

    It’s a testament to government-run education that the socialist economic policy of the Nazis and the Fascists has been selectively removed from American history classes.  Their authoritarian social agenda is the only thing that most people under the age of 70 seem to know anything about these days. 

    But it was a socialist economic policy that was the driving force behind the terror-governments of Europe in the 1930s.  And the economic ideas of Hitler, Mussolini and Franco are virtually 100% identical to the economic platform of today’s Demokratic Partei.  Only some of the labels have changed.  Instead of “planned economy” they use “single payer,” for example.  But it’s all the same. 

    If only the Bush Republicans offered a genuine alternative on that front. 

    The gentle sobbing scenario plays itself in my house almost every night.  Only it’s usually me doing the sobbing.

  92. QuickRob says:

    If this dad was in the West Bank I bet this girl would be in camo.

  93. Kent says:

    There’s just not enough time to always be writing a new story each and every time something happens, and since this is what happened, it seems fair.

    “Fake… but accurate.”


  94. Brian says:

    someone bragging that Kos said, “Democrats can make the trains run on time.”

    If the Dem’s get new Congressional leadership, he can be called Murthalini.

  95. violet says:

    CheChe’s post does smack of Gutfeld…

    Progressives being the vegan nancy boys that they are however, I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if CheChe were real.

  96. Tom M says:

    Well, I turned to find out what happened and lost my handle on her little sister who took off – leaving behind a trail of urine and excrement that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get out of the carpet in the hallway.

    This, of course, is also the fault of GWB, the evil feces-causing-to-be-flung bastard.

    Personally I’m going for intentional troll having a bit of a laugh. It does seem to show either: The Right has better trolls, or, the Left has the more ridiculous commenters.

    TW: I think that about has it covered.

  97. Major John says:

    I think “Wisper” gets the Golden Troll Scalp on this one.

    BTW – LagunaDave, you are quite correct.  I will spend Friday cowering inside my Helmet and IBA waiting for the DANCE or the POST, to be followed by the Trump Shout and Armageddon.

  98. Scott Free says:

    If CheChe isn’t a sock-puppet for Liberal Larry, he should sue him for stealing his schtick.

  99. Forbes says:

    CheChe is definitely a troll pulling the leg of everyone over at DU and dK. Too frickin’ funny. 

    t/w: children. I kid you not!

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