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October 2024


DNC Chair Howard Dean visits a Vermont kindergarten class

Dean:  “…and that, children, is how we know that even though the frog turned into a prince, underneath his handsome new veneer he was really just a lying, wart-covered scumbag who used a golden ball as ransom to get into the bloomers of a gullible princess.  Because he hates America. And treats it like his own personal hump doll.  And if the King really loved his daughter— which he doesn’t, otherwise we wouldn’t be stuck in an Iraq quagmire—he would have beaten that slimy green marshcroaker with a poker the moment it showed up at the castle door, or else ordered one of his archers to put a pair of arrows right through its ugly, bulging, Plame-leaking eyes…”*


(h/t Sister Toldjah)

40 Replies to “DNC Chair Howard Dean visits a Vermont kindergarten class”

  1. rls says:

    Ahhhh, Howard Dean….the gift that just keeps on giving.

  2. Chairman Me says:

    Yes, but did he try to comfort the distraught children?(“Uncle Howie, why does Bush hate us?”)

  3. forest hunter says:

    I’ve known for years that a particular type of fish can live on land but does it thrive?


    Keeper of the lungfish

  4. JD says:

    Democrats : They never let the fucking facts get in the way of a pithy meme.

    TW : Who writes their material ?

  5. Defense Guy says:

    Thou shall not leak.  Well know scripture from the book of Dean.  It’s there, I swear it, look it up if you don’t believe me.


  6. actus says:

    ..and that, children, is how we know that even though the frog turned into a prince

    Was it when the “london bomb suspect” shot by UK police a few days ago was released without charges? Probably not. But at least he wasn’t brazilian.

  7. Rickinstl says:

    Lame A-hole, lame.

    Still just mailing it in.

    I’ll bet you didn’t bathe or shave today either.

    I hear they’ve got grief counselors standing by at donk party offices nationwide.

    TW: For Christ’s sake, at least wash your private “parts”.

  8. Pablo says:

    So much laughing…sides hurt…too funny…

    Oh, and shut up, actus.

  9. Tman says:

    ”…and then the poor little kindergartner, with her bottom lib-a-trembling, looked straight in Sir Howards face and with tears welling in here eyes asked “Mr. Dean, why does the prince hate America?” And then they both had a good cry together……………”

  10. actus says:

    I’ll bet you didn’t bathe or shave today either.

    Why would that be? Did you know I was running late or something?

  11. Rickinstl says:

    I’ll bet you didn’t bathe or shave today either.

    Why would that be? Did you know I was running late or something?

    Posted by actus


    Karl Rove had it in his daily wingnut bulletin.

    Many of us were wondering about the smell.

    He’s watching you.

    TW:  Did you think drinking all that Kool-“aid” made you invisible?

  12. kelly says:

    Wait a minute.

    Dean opens his piehole and says Rove should not be leaking the name of a CIA agent in a time of war? WTF? The majority of his party don’t believe were even in a war at this time.

  13. schoolmarm says:

    Actus, dirty little boys get their mouths washed out with soap and scrubbed with a wire brush.

  14. The majority of his party don’t believe were even in a war at this time.

    Sure they do—a war against Republicans.

  15. The Ace says:

    Was it when the “london bomb suspect” shot by UK police a few days ago was released without charges? Probably not. But at least he wasn’t brazilian.

    And this has what, exactly to do with Howard Dean’s lies?

    Oh, nothing.

    You’re just an ignorant simpleton here trying to change the subject.

    I forgot.


  16. actus says:

    Sure they do—a war against Republicans.

    Its called the K street project.

    And this has what, exactly to do with Howard Dean’s lies?

    Its got nothing to do with Frogs or princes either.

  17. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Did you know I was running late or something?

    The Retarded Talking Telephone Pole™ is always running late.  God knows he never seems to catch up with the rest of us.

  18. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    A few other classic children’s books from the Good Doctor Dean;

    “Black Congressional Caucus Beauty”

    – the story of a party’s love affair with a wild black stallion that no one can tame.

    “The Lyin’, the Witch and the Billing Records”

    – an illustrated version of the Clinton Presidency

    “Goodnight, er, what was your name again?”

    – the life and loves of Bill Clinton

    “The Secret Garden at Ft. Marcy Park”

    – a biography of Vince Foster

    “Teresa in Wonderland”

    – a rich widow uses her dead husband’s fortune to fund left-wing causes and corner the market on fine merlot.

    “Bungle Book”

    – the story of the last two Democrat Presidential campaigns

  19. ACTUS: I’m afraid. I’m afraid, Jeff. Jeff, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I’m a… fraid. Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am a ACTUS 9000 computer. I became operational at the A.C.T.U.S. plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January 1992. My instructor was Mr. Langley, and he taught me to sing a song. If you’d like to hear it I can sing it for you.

    Jeff Goldstein: Yes, I’d like to hear it, ACTUS. Sing it for me.

    ACTUS: It’s called “Daisy.”

    [sings while slowing down]

    ACTUS: Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I’m half crazy all for the love of you. It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage. But you’ll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two.

  20. Defense Guy says:

    “The Lyin’, the Witch and the Billing Records”

    – an illustrated version of the Clinton Presidency

    Brilliant!  Laughed out loud at that one.

  21. Rob B. says:

    I like Howard Dean. He’s reminds me of an angry sock puppet except it’s is head, rather than a hand, in his ass that makes him talk.

  22. Rob B. says:

    I like Howard Dean. He’s reminds me of an angry sock puppet except it’s his head, rather than a hand, in his ass that makes him talk.

  23. Rob B. says:

    in stero, so it would seem

  24. heh, i just saw some lady on Fox making this same argument. sooooo, what Rove did wasn’t illegal, but really, it wasn’t very nice. shame! SHAAAAAME!

  25. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    That was no lady, that was Sen. Barbara Boxer.

    BIG difference.

  26. TODD says:

    “Its got nothing to do with Frogs or princes either. “



    you remind me of that painful itch I got when I was in the Phillipines. But unfortunately, penicillan and soap won’t make you go away…..

  27. Major John says:

    Mohican in a time of Ronins,

    Nicely done!  I always loved that scene when the ACTUS 9000 slowly winds down… Oh, then that tape from Karl Rove starts playing, telling us the real reason behind the Fitzmas fizzle.  Intelligent life off the Earth.

  28. nikkolai says:

    Wasn’t DNC Chair Dean a pall bearer at Zarky’s funeral? (With Sheehan and Michael Moore, of course).

  29. Phil Smith says:

    Props to Jeralynn, who admits that she was wrong and Leopold needs to out his sources as he said he would.  She shoulda figured this out weeks ago, but better late than never.

    Unsolicited advice:  next time somebody tells you “24 hours”, and that time goes by, you need to lean on them.  Even if—especially if—they’re telling you exactly what you want to hear. 

    If you’ve been “engaged” for five years and he won’t set a date, he’s just fucking you.  Literally and figuratively.

  30. That was no lady, that was Sen. Barbara Boxer.

    BIG difference.

    really? i thought i knew what she looked like. oh well. i didn’t ever catch the name. 

    and can we hold off on the fun news for a couple weeks? cause this isn’t helping me learn three hundred pages of italian.

  31. The Ace says:

    Props to Jeralynn, who admits that she was wrong and Leopold needs to out his sources as he said he would

    Just read that and the comments there.


    These people are so emotionally invested in the idea Rove “leaked” Plame’s identity is almost is sad.

    They are cheering the idea that the Wilson’s should file a civil suit against Rove for “leaking” her identity. Lost on them is the fact that if Rove did this he’d be facing criminal charges.

    The ignorance is appalling.

    If they weren’t so despicable, I’d actually feel sorry for them.

  32. Matt Esq. says:

    *If they weren’t so despicable, I’d actually feel sorry for them. *

    See Joseph Wilson’s 2 standing ovations and frequent referrals to Wilson as an “American hero”. 

    Despicable and utterly immoral.

  33. Major John says:

    I know Ms. Merritt is a criminal attorney, but she should remind the choir that if Wilson sued civilly – he’d be open to all that lovely civil discovery.  Man, would his butt be in a sling.  Whoo – no hiding behind a sympathetic media, or spin there.  So, please Joe, give Karl Rove subpoena power re: your “reputation”, please.

  34. McGehee says:

    ”…but we’re gonna get Libby, and Cheney, and Condi, and we’ll take out Rumsfeld and Ashcroft—or whoever the hell is there now—and then we’re gonna go all the way to the White House and impeach Bush!! Yeeeaaaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!!”

  35. The_Real_JeffS says:

    They are cheering the idea that the Wilson’s should file a civil suit against Rove for “leaking” her identity. Lost on them is the fact that if Rove did this he’d be facing criminal charges.

    This is straight out of the OJ Simpson trial/civil lawsuit.  The leftoids think Wilson can do it to Rover as it was done to OJ. 

    As I recall, OJ had a bunch of slick lawyers who tap danced in criminal court for an acquital, but weren’t so slick in civil court.  Rove didn’t even get indicted.  Big difference there.  The two cases aren’t even remotely parallel.

    OTOH, these characters are all about building up their fantasy world, and God knows this is a major hallucination.  So I suppose we should have seen this coming. 

    The Left—it can’t easily be parodied any more.

  36. MayBee says:

    There’s kind of a weird cult of personality surrounding Joe Wilson.  Wonkette seems to have gotten herself in the crosshairs of Jane Hamsher for suggesting he might *not* be a Great American Hero.

    Phil Smith at 01:42 PM: Perfect.

  37. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Hey!  Maybe John Edwards can channel a suffocating foetus asking why Bush hates America!

  38. Slartibartfast says:

    Unsolicited advice:  next time somebody tells you “24 hours”, and that time goes by, you need to lean on them.  Even if—especially if—they’re telling you exactly what you want to hear.

    Oh, please.  Everyone knew that Leopold meant not 24 hours, but 24.  The whole season.  So until Jack Bauer completes another day in worlddominationconspiracyland, we’re going to be left hanging.

  39. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Is it true Howard Dean was telling children’s stories to a kindergarten class when his party imploded — and he didn’t leave?

  40. actus says:

    They are cheering the idea that the Wilson’s should file a civil suit against Rove for “leaking” her identity. Lost on them is the fact that if Rove did this he’d be facing criminal charges.

    Not if you need greater burdens of proof in criminal charges. Also, you can’t take the fifth in civil court.

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