
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


This, THE DAY OF RECKONING for our arrogant hegemonic hyperpower and its Chimpler in Chief, continues apace…

From Roy Robison, writing the Saddam Dossier for FOXNews, “Terror Links to Saddam’s Inner Circle”:

What was the relationship between Saddam Hussein’s inner circle and Islamic terrorists? A newly released document appears to provide evidence that in 1999 the Taliban welcomed “Islamic relations with Iraq” to mediate among the Taliban, the Northern Alliance and Russia, and that the Taliban invited Iraqi officials to Afghanistan.

The document, captured in Iraq but never before seen by the public, offers glimmers of new insight at the Pentagon’s Foreign Military Studies Office Web site. The FMSO is a research and analysis center under the U.S. Army’s Training and Doctrine Command.

This particular document mentions two men with similar names, each with ties to Pakistani religious schools known as madrassas, Jihad training camps, the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

This original translation by my translator-colleague, who goes by the nom de guerre of “Sammi,” comes from a notebook kept by an Iraqi intelligence agent. It provides evidence of a cooperative, operational relationship agreed to at the highest levels of the Iraqi government and the Taliban. The notebook is lengthy and we will present it on the FOX News Web site in a series of postings. It deals extensively with meetings between Maulana Fazlur Rahman, an Al Qaeda/Taliban supporter, and Taha Yassin Ramadan, the former vice president of Iraq, and other unnamed Iraqi officials.

B-but…this…because… NO!  BUSH LIED!

Read the translated document here (pdf).  Read a document analysis here.

Then, if you happen to find yourself still holding fast to the position that Hussein’s Iraq was not in bed with terrorists and posed no threat to the free world, click your ruby red slippers together three times and keep repeating to yourself, “the children flew kites, the children flew kites, the children flew kites…”

(h/t Gary Schamburg)

72 Replies to “This, THE DAY OF RECKONING for our arrogant hegemonic hyperpower and its Chimpler in Chief, continues apace…”

  1. The Ace says:

    Let the questioning of the source by liberals begin now!

  2. Major John says:

    We had DOCEX folks at Bagram AF.  It isn’t just Iraqi documents that have been captured (and are being combed through).  Heh.

    I am sure the hard Left will simply dismiss all this with “questions of the timing”, claims of forgery, etc.  Trust is only only extended to our enemies’ info ops, not to the slow and painful process of unearthing truth.  [Insert remark about truth getting it’s shoes on while lies have sprinted halfway around the world here].

  3. nikkolai says:

    Hell of a week for the tin-foil brigade, no?

  4. kyle says:

    It’s irrelevant, as the Iraq war is unnecessary AND unwinnable.  Just ask that George or Gary or Greg or whateverthehellhisnameis.

  5. Pablo says:

    Fox News. It can’t be true.

  6. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Nice find Jeff, but don’t get your panties in a twist expecting this document to convince the moonbats, asshats, math professers from UC Davis or would-be NYC public school teachers that their “narrative” about the war and it’s rationale is in any way wrong or out of touch with reality.

    This little piece of the puzzle will be ignored, disregarded or just plain lied about, along with the Senate committee report proving that Joe Wilson is a lying sack of shit, or that Iraqi Air Force General who testified to seeing Saddam’s WMD’s flown to Syria.

    They’ve got way to much emotional capital invested in the “Bush Lied, People Died” theme to let a few inconvenient facts get in the way.

    After all, for the evil Rove-meister that stole the 2000 AND 2004 elections and outed Valerie Plame, manufacturing false Iraqi military documents about operational cooperation with Al-Quaeda would be child’s play.

    Nice try, though.

  7. tim maguire says:

    No, but see, liberals are GOOD. And so always right. There’s an explanation, sure, but the explanation doesn’t really matter. What matters is that liberals are good and Bush is bad. That’s all you need to know.

  8. shank says:

    Questioning the timing?  That Foxnews article is a month old anyways, so the document’s been around for at least that long.  I think I’m begining to understand the language of the Lefty Faithful:

    “Question the Timing” – meaning; “This can’t possibly be true, but we’ve no evidence to the contrary.  Even in the face of such lack of proof for our point of view, we insist in believing.”

    “Ahead of the News Cycle” – meaning; “This will, someday, come true; but we’ve no evidence to support it.  Even in the face of such lack of proof for our point of view, we insist in believing.”

  9. Rotwang says:

    Wow, those Taliban sure were two-faced skunks, eh?

    I’ll bet Dubbya regrets that $43 million he gave them in 2001 to be our pals in the War on Drugs and the Unocal pipeline deal.

    How dare Saddam receive entreaties from these bounders?

  10. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    Today is one of those days where you start to question that old saying first muttered by Thomas Jefferson- “reality has a liberal bias”

  11. The Ace says:

    I’ll bet Dubbya regrets that $43 million he gave them in 2001 to be our pals in the War on Drugs and the Unocal pipeline deal.

    Bald faced lies. The Bush Administration didn’t “give” the Taliban any money.

    It was the Clinton Admin that tried to get a pipeline deal, you incoherent moron.

    (in December 1997, Unocal invited the Taliban contingency to Texas to negotiate protection while the pipeline was under construction. At the end of their stay, the Afghan visitors were invited to Washington to meet with the government officials of the Clinton Administration.


    Go get a clue and come back.

    Better yet, just go get a clue.

  12. Rusty says:

    Ouch! How inconvenient!

  13. Matt Esq. says:

    *It was the Clinton Admin that tried to get a pipeline deal, you incoherent moron. *

    No no all evil flows from the Bush family. I feel it.  Facts are irrelevant. 

    In all seriousness, what I do find telling is the sheer number of moonbatius crazus who show up here are almost across the board, clueless about history and pretty much anything that happened in the 90s.

  14. Major John says:

    Re: Rotwang,

    Boy, that didn’t take long…

  15. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Ouch! Nice work Ace, that one’s gonna leave a mark.

    Just another bit of revisionist history (also known as bald-face lies) from those who spew it like a broken sewer pipe.

    Speaking of the factually challenged, we haven’t heard anything from Kathy or the Professer

    recently. Could they be off licking their wounds?

  16. The Ace says:

    Matt Esq,

    I’ve come to the conclusion that most of them were in school at the time in about grade 5-7.

    Any other explaination doesn’t make much sense to me…

  17. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:


    I’d like you to meet Lonny, Mohammet, Jugdish,

    Sidney, Kathy and Professer Kuperberg. Oh, you’ve met? Great, you’ll have something to talk about….

  18. TODD says:


    How much info was actually usable that came out of Bagram?

  19. Lou says:

    Hey Professor,

    It sure looks like 2+2=4. I sure am glad I went to Santa Barbra instead of Davis.

  20. The Ace says:


    Ignorance and liberalism are like peanut butter and jelly.

    What I find comical about the left is they will be the first to breathlessly point out the US “gives less foreign aid than any other developed nation.”

    And two sentences later excoriate Bush for giving food aid to starving Afghans.

    “The United States has been the single largest donor of humanitarian aid for Afghans for the past several years. In 2000 [President Clinton], the United States contributed a total of $113 million in humanitarian aid to Afghans, both inside Afghanistan and in refugee camps in neighboring countries. In 2001, the aid level has already exceeded $184, accounting for some 300,000 tons of American food sent to Afghanistan this year.”

    Here is how it was doled out in 2001:

    The package includes $28 million worth of wheat from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, $5 million in food commodities and $10 million in “livelihood and food security” programs, both from the U.S. Agency for International Development.

  21. alppuccino says:

    Speaking of the factually challenged, we haven’t heard anything from Kathy or the Professer

    recently. Could they be off licking their wounds?

    Kuperberg’s withholding comment until the document translation is made into a Sundance Film Festival Blockbuster.

    You see, he owns a 26” widescreen monitor that he and his clan use exclusively for movies.  Well, movies and putting little sticky notes as reminders, ie.  “Feed the cat, but not too much” or “My pot prescription needs to be refilled, grab me an alias while you’re in town” or “How many times have I told you that we shouldn’t fight in front of the children, you f-ing nozzle?!?!”

  22. non-guacho says:

    It sure looks like 2+2=4. I sure am glad I went to Santa Barbra instead of Davis.

    I guess spelling was not such a big issue @ UCSB


  23. bgates says:

    Oh, yeah, the Unocal deal!  Man, I hadn’t heard that one in – gosh, 4 years.  Seeing that made me look up the Top 40 from 2002.  You guys remember Pink? ‘Get the party started’?  Good times.

  24. Slartibartfast says:

    Don’t you see?  They could just use the money they were going to spend on wheat in the first place to put a bunch of guys through flight school.  Probably that’s what happened.  At least, that’s what my wife (did I mention I’m married to Morgan Fairchild?) says.

  25. TF6S says:

    The Kossacks picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue…

  26. America Rules! says:

    Jeff Goldstein, America’s favorite pseudo-intellectual.

  27. Major John says:


    How much info was actually usable that came out of Bagram?

    Posted by TODD | permalink

    on 06/13 at 02:17 PM

    I really like my security clearance TODD, enough to keep it.  smirk

    I hate to bite my freakin’ tongue for many moons until the presence of such people was even made public knowledge.  Tough sitting on info like that when I kept hearing about how “incompetent” we were or we were “letting the victory in Afghanistan slip away”.  The public may get to see what comes of their efforts someday – or at least some of them.

  28. witless says:

    I’m a thing this documnets are fakes, why relly would good old worldly Sadam get in bed iwth superreligous taliban?

  29. TallDave says:

    And remember, they were <a href=” “ target=”_blank”>funding Al Qaeda affiliate Abu Sayyaf</a> as well.

  30. JPS says:


    Because Rumsfeld shook his hand!

  31. TallDave says:

    Wow that was ugly.

    I’ll try again:

    And remember, they were funding Al Qaeda affiliate Abu Sayyaf as well.

  32. kelly says:

    Jeff Goldstein, America’s favorite pseudo-intellectual.

    Ooh! That’ll put Jeff in his place, dude. What else ya got? That’s gold, man. Gold!

    Isn’t 9th grade gym class about ready to start? And isn’t this your third time through ninth grade?

  33. mojo says:

    “You talk about this stuff like you read it in a book!”

    — The Bourne Supremacy

    He had a point.

  34. Kevin says:

    Bush is a liar, no doubt about it!  He told me and my fellow reporters to meet him at Camp David in an hour for a q&a, where we planned to attack him on something (we hadn’t decided what to make up yet).  Then I turn on FAKESNEWS, and There he is, walking around in freakin’ Iraq!  Imagine, running all the way to Iraq to hide, just to avoid our spouting truth to power at him!

    He totally stood us up, that lyin’ bastard.

  35. TODD says:

    Understood MJ, once had a Secret myself. Hope the news will someday come out, or ops that were fueled by the intel become successful…..

  36. Mike says:

    Ahh, I love the smell of Cognitive Dissonance in the morning.  It smells like…victory!

  37. Could they be off licking their wounds?

    If Kathy could do that she’d never get out at all.

    Oh.  Wounds.


  38. I hate to bite my freakin’ tongue for many moons until the presence of such people was even made public knowledge.  Tough sitting on info like that when I kept hearing about how “incompetent” we were or we were “letting the victory in Afghanistan slip away”.  The public may get to see what comes of their efforts someday – or at least some of them.

    Oh, that does take me back.  I used to read the damnedest stuff in Newsweek in the 80’s — “It will be 5 to 10 years before the USSR can X” when I’d run intercepts on the USSR doing X that week — know it was completely wrong, but not be able to say anything to anyone outside the tank.

  39. Major John says:

    Obviously the stuff in Iraq is more, mmm, important (?) or on point (?).  However you wish to phrase it.

    But some interesting things have turned up in places like Afghanistan.  I am not going claim anything about any of them – too easy to act all secrety and such.  Usually that means you are full of it.

    We’ll see some of the results someday – or way down the road when things get declassified we’ll see if it was useful, really useful, worthless, or something in between.  But there are things that are being exploited.

  40. Vercingetorix says:

    I really like my security clearance TODD, enough to keep it.

    Will no one ever reveal Elvis’ and Tupac’s secret headquarters? <sigh and pout>

    BTW, AmEriKKKa RUlEs! sighting!!!1!!!! Hooray for us!!!

    So, what will it be, sister?

    Your buddy, Zarkinator is now the ass-mistress of 72 Shaquille-O’Neil-looking Demons with giant throbbing 36-inch pineapple cocks, and I KNOW that it must pain you so much to think about how every jihadi made into maggot gruel frees up a hell-of-a-virgin surplus for the Marines (and soldiers and the rest, too, I guess).

    BTW, what is the score anyways? 200,000 to what, like five? Dude, that’s like 1.5 million hot-ass Arab virgins for every swinging cock that my boys have to put to rest, mano.

    How’s that feel, bro?

    I mean, your boys are getting shafted like the US was a Muslim pedophile–sorry, I meant ‘father’–and they just turned five, everywhere, at all times. Even when they DO win for a moment, they just kill muslims, thus pushing the virgin surplus to astronomical levels. Pretty soon, some of my dawgs are going to just have anatomical nubs for penises from all that hot pooch you idiots are leaving behind.

    I mean, it must be lonely out there in the caves, man, and I know how you guys might start, you know, getting ideas and what not. Then I know how cold it must be in the cave, and JUST HOW HOT Habib looks in his khayiffeh, but, come ON man, do you really want to spend the rest of eternity as the Peter “Belezub” North’s cellulite pin cushion?

    I mean, dude, did you see the pictures of Z-dizawg? They dropped TWO FUCKING 500 lb bombs on that AZZ!!! Not one, but TWO! I mean, holy Mo’, Bees Pee Upon Him, that’s one hell of a bionic elbow, mano! And the Crusaders kept his ass up for an hour so HE COULD FEEL EVERY DAMN THING.

    Wow, man, I mean, like, wow.

  41. SteveG says:

    I suppose that spending five years staggering around Del Playa clutching a beer bong and trying to find the way home with all those street signs written in damn mexican took its toll.

    What is it with those people and all the dang vowels?

  42. Scape-Goat Trainee says:

    Then, if you happen to find yourself still holding fast to the position that Hussein’s Iraq was not in bed with terrorists and posed no threat to the free world, click your ruby red slippers together three times and keep repeating to yourself, “the children flew kites, the children flew kites, the children flew kites…”

    Howard Dean said this morning on NBC that the Iraq War had nothing to do with the War on Terror, so it must be true. I mean…the guy’s a genius you know?

  43. SPQR says:

    Howard Dean is so stupid, that after watching his presidential campaign, rocks in Vermont applied to medical school in the belief that they had a chance of acceptance.

  44. ken says:

    Bush lied, people died.

    Until we get the facts that show otherwise. At which point the argument will be “Bush was right but didn’t know he was because he’s a big poopyhead and I hate my father. Oh, and people died.”

  45. TODD says:


    Peter North?

    How bout John Fng Leslie…….

  46. The Ace says:

    Howard Dean said this morning on NBC that the Iraq War had nothing to do with the War on Terror, so it must be true. I mean…the guy’s a genius you know?

    Yep. I mean that $5 mil he directed the DNC to spend to get the Dems to hold the VA Governor’s mansion?


    Oh, and one must conclude he is an agent of Rove based on his performance this morning.

    I mean, how else can you explain him rushing to the airwaves to a) misstate the law & facts b) prononuce Rove guilty without any evidence in a matter where nobody has been charged with a crime because one was not committed c) remain utterly silent on Rep Jefferson and d) Remind millions of Americans watching the “Today” program why they will never vote for any Democrat

    All by 7:30am!

  47. Vercingetorix says:

    I also think 144 Ron “Hedgehog” Jeremies would also be a fine way for Z-nilla to celebrate his afterlife, in between acid bukkake parties, TODD.

    How do you play ‘cum on the cracker’ when everyone is hung like a firehose with Alien jaws*.

    *Think Sigourney Weaver, “Get away from her, YOU BITCH! heh.

  48. uncryingrepublican says:

    Ver: Two tabs today, huh?

  49. Phone Technician in a Time of Roaming says:

    Do you think “Rotwang” got his screen name from the vengeance-crazed scientist in Lang’s Metropolis, or is he naming himself for his sexually transmitted diseases?

    Thats what inquiring minds want to know.

  50. Howard Dean does more damage before 9:00 am than any other Democrat alive.

    Turing Word: chief, as in, Oskee-Wow-Wow!

  51. Vercingetorix says:

    Well, me and America Rules! got a thang, bra. Check the archives for details; he’s a no-shit jihadi propagandist, not even an apologist.

    I think the last thing he said was that America will lose (heh) and that Western women were whores and some crap about how proud I was that Israel bombed the living crap out of brownfolk.

    Well, gather around kiddies, its time for another episode of Vercie’s crazy ass bedtime stories…

    A Protein Wisdom Comment Parable

    Once upon a time, a fascist Reichwinger began to lose his faith in the rightness of his monthly zionist stipend.

    He looked down at his obscenely huge check that was made from the tanned hides of Arab children after the deadly Space Jooooos had drained their blood with phaser dradles.

    He thought, “this is not right. I should not be taking this blood money.”

    “NO MORE! I will not be a slave to Jewish bankers anymore!”

    I…I mean ‘He’ picked up the phone and dialed my…I mean ‘his’ Congressman’s number and hit the 7-digits (yo). And while he cycled through the Spanglish menus, he turned on CNN.

    He watched and his blood boiled hotter than the hemorhoids on Zarkawi’s ass after an all-night 9th level of Hell super orgy. The Israelis were bombing a Palestinian neighborhood and the commenter said that they had been doing so for eight hours.

    Those evil bastards. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

    And then the commenter said that the evil Joooos were bombing until the Palestinians returned Israeli soldiers.


    And then it showed the Palestinians picking up pieces of Israeli soldiers that were killed in a roadside explosion. And I told my Congressman’s staff to keep the bombs going to Israel.

    There isn’t enough ordnance in the world to drop on a group that does shit like that and I didn’t want the Israelis to run out.


  52. actus says:

    There’s no end to the billions of dollars worth of war this justifies! Who will dare say trillion?

  53. MarkD says:

    OK, Trillions for defense, but not one million for tribute.  (sorry, inflation.)

    I know, ignore actus, but he’s cute.  The jihadis are going to be looking for more virgins soon, anyway.

  54. McGehee says:

    Who will dare say “Shut up, Actus”?

  55. The Ace says:

    There’s no end to the billions of dollars worth of war this justifies! Who will dare say trillion?

    Do you mean the Medicare program or Medicaid?

  56. jdm says:

    There’s no end to the billions of dollars worth of war this justifies! Who will dare say trillion?

    Shame that Bushhitler took that WTC, um, incident seriously; I mean, like only a rethuglican, fascist sort of person could.

    So now we’ve gone, what, three, four, heck going on five years w/o a similar incident? What kind of record is that? He’s hardly been an inclusive president.

    If ol’ Bushie has been smart, right after the towers turned to dust on the Manhattan streets, the first thing he should’ve done is declare that he was changing parties to become a Democrat. Because nothing says serious about a war, any war, like a Democrat.

    And then, he should’ve spent the next four years deeply concerned about the mistakes he and all Americans – well, white male ones anyway, have made over the last 25, 50 – heck, a round 100 years towards everyone, everywhere.

    And then, as the various terrorist incidents continued (just like they had for the previous 25 years to 9/11/2001), he would’ve waited until the Democrats (the Children!) actually picked up on the fact that, conservatively speaking, 10% of the world’s 1 billion (as in 1000000000) Muslims want to kill us non-Muslims. As they demonstrated and informed us, over and over…

    But since, Bushitler was so clever as to become a Democrat, the Children accepted the situation ever so much quicker. And so Bush was allowed to get on with it (yes, actus, including the spending of large sums of Other People’s money so beloved by the children). And the Children would’ve cheered.

  57. jdm says:

    Jeezus, I gotta stop drinking and commenting… occifer, kake my teyboard away. Please.

  58. Rotwang is repeating the lies originally told by Robert Scheer in 2001 where Scheer intentionally misrepresented US funding of UN drug eradication program that paid Afghan farmers directly – not the Taliban govt – to not grow opium.

    The lie has been repeated often since.

  59. actus says:

    Do you mean the Medicare program or Medicaid?

    The one that Tom Delay twisted arms to get passed.

    And so Bush was allowed to get on with it (yes, actus, including the spending of large sums of Other People’s money so beloved by the children). And the Children would’ve cheered.

    It is their money, they should cheer.

  60. Noah D says:

    Hell, that’s great, more ammo to shoot down his supporters. But it’s still gravy.

    Saddam was a despicable tyrant – more than enough reason to depose him.

  61. CraigC says:

    You know, actus, I’m not sure whether to give you points for persistence, or take them away for continuing to beat your head against a wall in the service of a delusional fantasy.

    I must say, though, no matter how many times you get punked for your idiotic comments, you continue to take it in good humor.

    On the other hand, show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser.

    Spamword, “really.”

  62. wishbone says:

    As someone who understands the federal budget…

    I doubt that the Bush budget for fiscal year 2002 would have paid anyone for anything in fiscal year 2001 without the benefit of some pretty nifty physics and/or magic since that was Bubba’s last budget. 

    Smallest words that I can make, Rotwang:  The fiscal year starts in OCTOBER of the previous calendar year.  And the planning for it starts upwards of TWO years BEFORE THAT.  What an idiot.

  63. wishbone says:

    Oh, and actus, you’ve passed from idiot to just annoying–like a yap dog who just shakes and pees on the carpet.

  64. actus says:

    Oh, and actus, you’ve passed from idiot to just annoying–like a yap dog who just shakes and pees on the carpet.

    Piss up a few billions dollar worth of war.

    I mean, it is justified right?

  65. McGehee says:

    Posted by actus | permalink

    on 06/14 at 07:41 AM

    Trollin’, trollin’, trollin’…

  66. Frogbrother says:

    So, are you trying to say that there wasn’t any kite flying?

    You’ll never convince the haters that Bush did the right thing.  If a smoking gun is found – not that there isn’t enough out there – they would argue that Bush went to war without this information, which in their minds lacks any sort of justification.

    Always remember that Hussein will ALWAYS get the benefit of the doubt over Bush.

  67. actus says:

    If a smoking gun is found – not that there isn’t enough out there – they would argue that Bush went to war without this information, which in their minds lacks any sort of justification.

    I think ‘smoking gun’ is a fools quest. What there is is justification for varying levels of involvement.

  68. B Moe says:

    I think ‘smoking gun’ is a fools quest. What there is is justification for varying levels of involvement.

    The smoking gun was a post-invasion rhetorical device of the left.  A smoking gun is one that has just been fired. Our intent was to get the Saddam before the gun went off.  Is that reasonable justification?  Am I agreeing with actus?

  69. I think ‘smoking gun’ is a fools quest.

    Then by all means – quest away, Perfessor Jact-ass, you moronic fool. (guffaw)

  70. SGT Dave says:


    Just to clarify, you should know that the Foreign Military Studies Office is not, I repeat not, at the Pentagon.  Having worked for and with this fine group of civilian, Army Reserve, and National Guard personnel I am proud of their contributions.  The office normally has a staff of less than forty personnel, about half are temporary duty (as I was and will be again).  Keep an eye on the website; there are more and interesting things out there as well.

    SGT Dave Bailey

    Former FMSO analyst/translator

    Currently deployed OIF

  71. actus says:

    Our intent was to get the Saddam before the gun went off.  Is that reasonable justification?  Am I agreeing with actus?

    What i’m saying is that there are certain threats and certain proportionate resposes. We nuke bagdhad in response to certain things. We impose sanctions in response to others etc…

    Then by all means – quest away, Perfessor Jact-ass, you moronic fool. (guffaw)

    Are you still a creationist? What an ego that takes huh?

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