
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


O’Reilly Wept (UPDATED)

As many of you know, I’m not a fan of having National Guard troops patrol the southern border, and not simply because Bill O’Reilly is for it (though that certainly is a factor), but because I have long believed that any actual deployment of Guard troops to act as immigration police would be more ostentatious than substantive—itself a good thing, because the first shooting of an unarmed illegal by a National Guardsman would do irreparable damage to the immigration reform movement and could put us at war with Mexico, to boot—rendering the whole toothless endeavor more trouble than it’s worth. 

Which is why I found this bit from the Corner’s Mark Krikorian so sadly amusing:

I was told last night by a Hill staffer that since National Guard on the border are unarmed, the Border Patrol in some instances is having to guard the Guard! So there may well be fewer agents actually patrolling the border because of the Guard deployment — and it’s at least worth an enterprising reporter trying to find out if that’s actually the case.

Perfect!  Now if we can just get the Minutemen to guard the Border Patrol who are busy guarding the National Guard troops, we will have come full circle. 

Meanwhile, who’s left to keep all the filthy Canadians out, is what I want to know…? 


updateAllah sends along this link that suggests the jury is still out.

On the effectiveness of the Guard on the Border, that is.  Not on Canadians.  The filthy beasts.

76 Replies to “O’Reilly Wept (UPDATED)”

  1. mojo says:


    SB: young

    yeah, him too

  2. B Moe says:

    When I was growing up on the farm, closing the barn door after the cows had gotten out was considered not just futile, but actually rather foolish.

  3. OHNOES says:

    I respectfully disagree with you with regard to the National Guard on the border… only… you know, REAL National Guard, not unarmed wuss crap. Here, I actually think an international incident would be the only way to get this matter settled in a sane way. It is no less palatable than the alternatives though.

  4. I’ll believe Bush is serious about the border when the illegals are met with teargas cannisters and rubber bullets.

  5. Mark says:

    not simply because Bill O’Reilly is for it (though that certainly is a factor)


  6. Major John says:

    could put us at war with Mexico

    Jeff – please tell me this is deliberately over the top.  If some coyote shoots it out with an MP squad in southern Arizona, is Mexico going to mobilize and declare war?  Will they launch air strikes on Houston?  Blockade New Orleans?

    The political fallout would be heavy – but war?  Mexico could not, and we would not.

  7. David R. Block says:

    Very punny; O’Really and factor in the same sentence.

    Yes, I misspelled that on purpose, why do you ask?

    Run, run away brave Sir Robin….

  8. Major John says:

    Even shooting an unarmed Illegal (it has already happened – the “counterdrug” task force did so) wouldn’t start this either.  (Sorry about splitting the comment, and missing the “unarmed part until this half).

  9. actus says:

    I was told last night by a Hill staffer that since National Guard on the border are unarmed, the Border Patrol in some instances is having to guard the Guard!

    They should really just unfurl “mission accomplished” and go back to their families. Its gotta suck to serve with a family. Specially so needlessly.

    Meanwhile, who’s left to keep out all the filthy Canadians, is what I want to know…?

    Specially the al-qaeda types.

  10. Actually using the National Guard makes perfect sense, it is an invasion of sorts, and they are the military that protects our borders, the army that can function within the USA.  I don’t know as they’ll be used as more than a symbolic display, but it’s the right idea.

  11. SteveG says:

    Ummmmmm we get oil and other stuff from Mexico.

    They are second to Canada by about 100,000 barrels or so.

    We get oil from Venezuela, which comes in as our #4 supplier too, but Chavez seems a little unreliable.

    Of course we should shoot rubber bullets and tear gas at people breaking every law like as if it is a riot with life and property at immediate risk.

    Or we could shoot rubber bullets at any fool who would jeopardize our second most reliable supplier of our most needed natural resource… who advocates tear gassing the citizens of an otherwise peaceful nation with whom we have very close ties.

    That’s an “F” in foreign policy and an “F” in regional economics.

    Look beyond the small picture… Bush is.

  12. rls says:

    Obligatory IGNORE ACTUS posting.

    This has been a public service announcement.

  13. Juliette says:

    My brother-in-law will deploy down there soon (NMANG).  He’s AF Security Forces, i.e. military police.  I doubt very seriously that his unit will deploy unarmed.

    TW: English, can you speak it, MoFo?

  14. David R. Block says:

    Uh-oh, don’t get Miss Juliette all upset now.

    There are some Canadians that I would not mind having come over. I think that we should let Kate from Small Dead Animals across, for example.

  15. McGehee says:

    Posted by actus | permalink

    on 06/14 at 04:34 PM

    He just keeps on trollin’…

  16. SteveG says:

    It is an election year… in Mexico. Look up the candidates…. the front runner (I think) is pro American.

    The guy who could win it if we f*** it up is the former Mayor of Mexico City… communist and good friends with tinpot dictator wannabe Chavez and real tinpot dictator Castro. Even the deployment of the unarmed Nat’l Guard has helped gain votes for the anti American party.

    Does anyone here know that one of the reasons Mexicans are against the war in Iraq is their own uncertainty (fueled by Chavez and Castro) about our designs on their oil?

    There are some drug smugglers that need to be shot… and I’m all for it…. next year.

    I think it would be beyond stupid to lob tear gas into sovereign Mexico, much less shoot rubber bullets into their citizens on their own soil.

    Most of the rock throwing is done from the Mexican side of the “wall”. Most of the illegals crossing on foot just give up if caught. Why gas “em?

  17. Dawn W says:

    This has been up for over two hours and still no indignant Canadians have dropped by to share their contributions to the greater good??!!  Or to bemoan the bad manners of Americans, for that matter.

  18. Rusty says:

    This has been up for over two hours and still no indignant Canadians have dropped by to share their contributions to the greater good??!!  Or to bemoan the bad manners of Americans, for that matter.

    I like Canadians!!!!

    They’re Crunchy!!!!!

  19. concerned observer says:

    Dudes, this is horrible!  Somebody has collected all of Jeff’s craziest online statements in one place, and he’s cold busted, man!

  20. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Yeah.  Like people here don’t know I like the word COCK.

    What’s sad (besides your needing to post the link here) is that the guy’s spent so many many many many hours worried about me.

    And ye,t I don’t even give him a second thought.


  21. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Of course, one wonders if Drs Andrew Haggerty and Mary Donnely of Broome Community College approve of such a post.


  22. actus says:

    What’s sad (besides your needing to post the link here) is that the guys spent so many hours on worried about me.

    And yet I don’t even give him a second thought.

    But why would you? You’re entertaining because of what you do and write, not because of who you give second thougths to.

  23. concerned observer says:

    And ye,t I don’t even give him a second thought.

    Strange, I thought surely you’d want to offer to slap the Sadly, No! writer in the face with your penis. But perhaps Klonopin has mellowed you.

  24. OCBill says:

    Those dirty Canadians are already soiling Lake Tahoe.  According to what I read, they’re dumping up to four pounds EACH of feces into the lake.  In some places the lake bed is covered up to two inches deep.  It’s time to do something about those filthy Canadians.

  25. OCBill says:

    Okay, so now the link is broken.  Perfect.  As it happens, the Canadians in question are Canadian geese, but I think the point holds.

  26. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Strange, I thought surely you’d want to offer to slap the Sadly, No! writer in the face with your penis. But perhaps Klonopin has mellowed you.

    Well, it’s not that so much as I don’t want him to lose hearing in one of his ears.

    It’s the heft, you know.

  27. Sigivald says:

    Steve: If Mexico decides to sell its oil to someone else… that means we’d buy oil from someone else instead.

    Oil is fungible (mostly); total world supply and demand are what make prices what they are, and if Mexico was stupidcrazy enough to “boycott” the US over that, which I doubt, it would simply mean the US would buy the non-Mexican oil that whoever was now buying Mexico’s oil was now no longer buying wherever they got their oil before Mexico threw a fit.

    (Also, did anyone suggest teargas and rubber bullets being shot at Mexicans in Mexico? Or Mexicans illegally inside the US near the border? I think only the latter, but you speak as if they former. I’m not sure either is a good idea, but we should at least restrict ourselves to what was actually proposed, no?)

  28. boss429 says:

    Why gas “em?

    Just because it’s fun, like farting in an elevator before exiting

  29. Jim in KC says:

    We used to gas ‘em all the time at Las Flores area on Camp Pendleton–of course, it was with the remnants of what we’d been gassing ourselves with during the day.  Sometimes it was hard to sleep around there; 1st Tanks was quite serious about the yearly gas-mask requalifications.

    I’m with Major John on the starting a war thing.  They’re really not that crazy, I’m pretty sure.

  30. Lloyd says:

    Yeah, e=mc2, he’d be lucky to have a head left.

  31. Scrapiron says:

    Arm the Guard Soldiers with real bullets and orders to shoot three times and then holler halt. Works for me.

    This is not an immigration problem. It’s an invasion ‘by criminals’ problem. There is no such thing as an illegal immigrant, they are all (100%) criminals the minute their foot hits our soil and they just keep on cimitting crimes until we decide to spend $50,000 per year to keep them in jail. Anyone remember what Castro did when Dimmy Carter open the border for all? We didn’t have enough prisons and insane facilities to hold what Castro got rid of. This is exactly what Mexico and the other countries are doing, rounding up the criminals and the insane and sending them across the border. Idiots in the U.S. are napping while it happens.

  32. lj says:

    Yeah, e=mc2, he’d be lucky to have a head left.

    That big, huh?

  33. Gawains Ghost says:

    I am not a fan of posting National Guardsmen on the southern border either.  I want the U.S. Marines and Army Rangers.

    The border is already militarized, by corrupt Mexican federales and drug lords.  Armed excursions across the border are commonplace, and the longer we allow this flagrant violation of our sovereignty to continue, the worse it’s going to get.

    As to war with Mexico, please.  In 1848, the Mexican army outnumbered the American army five to one.  And we still kicked their ass.  Mainly because the American military has the finest trained officers in the world, always has and always will.

    Mexico doesn’t have a navy or an air force, and it’s army is a joke.  What would it realistically take to conquer Mexico?  One bomber, one battle ship, and one platoon of Rangers.  Give me a break.

    If the U.S. sealed the border, which wouldn’t really be too difficult–I mean really sealed it, no people, no products, no produce, no oil, and no wire transfers–the entire economy of Mexcio would collapse inside a month.  That’s reality.

    If Mexico wants to throw a hissy fit, let them.  And let them pay for it dearly.

  34. actus says:

    This is exactly what Mexico and the other countries are doing, rounding up the criminals and the insane and sending them across the border.

    You think this is like Mariel?

  35. noah says:

    Google “mexican army US border incursion” and see how many hits you get.

    I don’t think we should worry about War with Mexico…it looks like we are already prepared to surrender!

  36. OCBill says:

    Not so much like Mariel boatlift, but I think Mexico is exporting its revolution.  If all those people actually stayed in Mexico, then the Mexican government would probably be facing overthrow a la Ferdinand Marcos.  As long as they can send them to America and get huge amounts of dollars coming back to Mexico, it’s a big win for the Mexican corruptocrats.  I’m hard-pressed to come up with a reason that Mexico would even want to slow down the flow of illegals let alone stop it.  Ditto the filthy Canadians.

  37. B Moe says:

    Does anybody else start thinking of this when these discussions get going?

  38. Lloyd says:

    Well having not witnessed it personally, I couldn’t guarantee anything. But popular myth has him furrowing fields with out a tractor or plow. :o)

  39. Mikey NTH says:

    The Canadians can only stay here for a few months or they lose their health benefits.*

    So we go that goin’ for us.

    *So my Canadian cousins say – but they could be triple agents, or something.

  40. Mikey NTH says:

    Actus keeps on trollin’

    Jeff G. keeps on postin’



    On Protein Wis-dom!

  41. MarkD says:

    I thought the Mexicans already invaded New Orleans and took all the reconstruction jobs.

    TW: color.  It’s not their color, it’s that I’m just too old to learn Spanish.

  42. Matt, Esq. says:

    Jeff, you have FIVE nicknames in the fetid swamps of the left ?

    My hat comes off to you sir.

  43. Big E says:



    Sure you like to beat retards like CO and that Sadly, No duechebag with your cock.  When I get done beating liberal ass I prefer to give them a ham sandwich (take down pants, spread ass cheeks and stick stinkhole on nose.  If your lucky you’ll have a fart available to dish out).  Your semi-obsessed with your penis, I mean who isn’t obsessed with their own penis?  Everymorning I wonder anew at mines many wonders.  The only thing disturbing here is the fact that apparently Sadly No is obsessed with your penis. 

    When you think about it it fits a pattern.  Liberals are generally self loathing and slaves to their wanton desires.  Clearly Sadly No is trying to piss you off bad enough so that you will find him, give him a good beating and then finish him off with a good cock slapping.  For all we know he’s just trying to save a little money, from what I hear that kind of thing cost’s about $300/hr if you use a professional. Liberals:  Always trying to get somebody else to pay for their play.

  44. Defense Guy says:


    Not sure if you noticed or not, but the last homage by this clown was of Mark Steyn.

  45. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I love the ending:<blockquote>(For thers and clan)</blackquote>Like he’s done something to avenge a fallen homey.

    I left a comment over there asking if he poured some of his MGD 40 into the keyboard when he wrote that.

    So very street.

  46. SteveG says:

    Wow. Oil is fungible.

    I like it close… sold by friendly people who don’t use the profits to pay blood money to the families of suicide bombers.

    Interesting link:

  47. lee says:

    Maybe I”m mistaken, But I thought the intent of using the NG was to let them do the admistrative stuff, thus freeing up more Border Patrol agents to actually be on the border. Which would explain the “unarmed” part.

    There’s a chance I was really drunk at the time I heard about that, and misunderstud. (Cuz I’m mad studly when I’m drunk.)

  48. dorkafork says:

    It doesn’t look like the Guardsmen were intended to be armed.  Here’s a description of the Guard’s duties from the White House official website:

    This Month, National Guard Units Will Deploy To The Border To Set Up The Headquarters That Will Help Coordinate Guard Operations In Support Of The Border Patrol. These forces are the first of up to 6,000 Guard members who will assist the Border Patrol by operating surveillance systems, analyzing intelligence, installing fences and vehicle barriers, building patrol roads, and providing training. Guard units will not be involved in direct law enforcement activities, and as new Border Patrol agents and new technologies come online, the number of Guard forces will be reduced.  (emphasis added)

    I think fears of Border Patrol members having to spend significant time guarding the Guard are overblown.  They’d presumably still have their MPs providing force protection.  I can’t imagine them forbidding MPs from carrying weapons, I think that would be quite a departure from standard operating procedure.

  49. J.R. says:

    To get back on topic for just a minute.

    The military was dispatched to patrol the border previously. The did not shoot an unarmed immigrant, they shot and killed an American citizen who was out herding his goats; because he was armed with a .22 rifle. The military should not be used as a police force.

  50. ThomasD says:

    I’m not in favor of using the Guard to patrol the border; wrong tool for the task at hand.  Even if they would be effective, they are not really a long term solution.  We already have an organization called the Border Patrol, we just need to use them as such.

    I am in favor of keeping some Guard on hand when the Border Patrol has trouble with smugglers and Mexican cops, such as happened in the past.  Then I would like to see some real hot pursuit into Mexico and some serious ass kicking.

  51. Swede says:

    As a resident of Michigan, I don’t trust Canadians as far as I can throw ‘em.  Always smiling and so polite.  I’m not buying it.

    I’m watching you, you maple syrup-swilling fucks.

  52. CERDIP says:


    >> Okay, so now the link is broken.  Perfect.  As it

    >> happens, the Canadians in question are Canadian

    >> geese, but I think the point holds.


    That would be Canada geese.

    …and so it shall be written.

  53. Toby Petzold says:

    Since the Democrats are so queer for strengthening our domestic security infrastructure (down with Dubai!), maybe we can get a note from them to excuse ourselves from gym class and the Posse Comitatus Act.

    See, we need our Guardsman back from Chimpy McHitlerburton’s War to tramp around from Brownsville to San Diego and shoot Housekeeping and the Leafblowers.

    Oh, I’m just so torn!

  54. wendy says:

    Not sure if you noticed or not, but the last homage by this clown was of Mark Steyn.

    Awwww, the little assmunch must be getting brave. He used to troll an Army wife while her husband was deployed…

  55. Walking with Cheney says:


    Very nice.

    >Yeah.  Like people here don’t know I like the word COCK.

    No, Jeff, I think the people here KNOW.

    >What’s sad (besides your needing to post the link here) is that the guy’s spent so many many many many hours worried about me.

    He does it because he cares. You are right, it’s nuts but loving nuts.

    >And ye,t I don’t even give him a second thought.

    After reading the long Sadly No post on you, I think you have a point here.


    Wait, you are tricking me. You aren’t Goldstein. Or maybe you are.

    Anyway, gentle readers, the Sadly, No! post on Goldstein is very fine. Take him or leave him but know him.

  56. JD says:

    When you think about it it fits a pattern.  Liberals are generally self loathing and slaves to their wanton desires.  Clearly Sadly No is trying to piss you off bad enough so that you will find him, give him a good beating and then finish him off with a good cock slapping.

    A good Cleveland Steamer would top off the evening quite nicely, IMHO.

  57. actus says:

    He used to troll an Army wife while her husband was deployed…

    Cuz she cant defend herself?

  58. Meg Q says:

    Technically, the proper orinthological term might be “Canada geese”, but up here in Canada I’ve always heard them called “Canadian geese”. Just FYI.

    Personally, I thought we should have sealed the border with military back when Zedillo was president, and Fox has done nothing to make me change my mind (sadly – I was hoping for more from the PAN). So, get on with it already.

    Remember, you have to be careful with ALL Canadians, since the “Toronto 17” came from a “broad strata of society”. (Right.)

    Meg the Friendly American in Edmonton

    TW: dead

    don’t get caught alone on the border, baby

  59. Patricia says:

    Yes, Mexico is exporting its creeps, refusing to take them back when we convict them, and its revolution.  I’m sure you’ve all seen pictures of Daryl Hannah up in the tree in LA, but you probably haven’t seen who is squatting on that land.<a href=”” target=”_blank”>

    But the influx is slowing, IMO.  There are no longer groups of men hanging around the apartments down the street, for rent signs are up and have been for weeks, and the stolen shopping cart brigade is apparently taking the summer off.

  60. is Mexico going to mobilize and declare war?  Will they launch air strikes on Houston?  Blockade New Orleans?

    I don’t think Mexico would declare war in that case. However, Mexico already has a great deal of power over the U.S.

    They have millions of their citizens in our country; you might have seen several hundreds of thousands of them recently marching in the streets of several of our cities.

    If even just a few percent of the Mexicans in our cities decided to riot, what could we do? We’d certainly have to declare martial law and roll tanks in the streets. It would cost many billions of dollars and many lives would be lost.

    They probably won’t do that, but there’s the possibility that they will, and how all those millions of people would react has to be taken into account. In other words, Mexico and the people they’ve sent us have a great deal of power over us.

    And, you won’t believe what Mexico’s former foreign minister said a few years ago.

    And, did you know that the Georgia illegal alien boycott/rally was organized by a former Mexican consul general?

    And, 20 Democrats in the California legislature threw their support behind those marching for illegal immigration?

    I could go on, but the U.S. has clearly been infiltrated and a foreign government has been allowed to obtain power inside our country.

  61. Since I live only 7 miles from the border in Texas, I can tell ya’ll that the situation on the border, at least in Texas, is bad and getting worse. The border area is getting more lawless everyday, and the South Texas area is getting more and more like Mexico, and not in a good way. The drug cartel’s fights in Mexico are starting to come across the border, and the drug money has corrupted officials on both sides of the border. That and the downward pressure on wages due to all the illegals, unless you have a esoteric technical skill, or are a degreed professional, means that wages are artificially low, and unemployment is higher than the state and national averages. As the situation on the border worsens, people who have ignored the problems there for years seem startled that there even IS a problem, and the solutions offered by the politicians and pundits will be completely ineffective.

    TW: values, Get ready to kiss your gringo values goodbye whitey…

  62. actus says:

    If even just a few percent of the Mexicans in our cities decided to riot, what could we do

    As members of a single race/nationality, they can decide easily, being of a hive mind.

  63. KM says:

    And then there’s this, which was treated rather skeptically at redstate. But hey, if the Guard has a reputation, what the hell. And besides, I need the traffic.

  64. That big, huh?

    I understand it has a knee.  he needs two hands to lift it, but his doctor recently told him his back can’t take the strain and he needs an assistant to do it instead.  It’s like a baby’s arm holding an apple.  He’s so hung, horses whisper about being “hung like Jeff Goldstein.” Dick Cheney is envious of the massive member of this man.

    I could go on, but I’ve already embarassed myself enough.

  65. Veritas says:


    When I saw the end of the circle jerk over at sadly no, it reminded me of the Boyz II Men video; “Yesterday” (and yes, I do know it is a remake, thanks in advance to everyone who feels the need to tell me that).

    I do, however, have one problem with your comment at SN; you give them way too much credit with the MGD. I think mad dog 20/20 would be more appropriate. Besides, its easier for his mom to buy it for him as he patiently waits in her basement, cheetoh-stained fingers banging away endlessly, as he spends hundreds of hours devoting himself to you.


    seriously, I wanted to tell you that I read your site as much as I possibly can, and admire what you stand for. And although I don’t have to tell you, dont listen to these jealous fucks. They couldn’t even carry your jockstrap.


  66. A fine scotch says:

    Excellent.  I never thought I’d have a reason to remember all of those “My dick’s so big…” jokes.

    My dick’s so big it gets into clubs and I don’t.

    My dick’s so big it’s got a dick and my dick’s dick is bigger than your dick.

  67. M.Scott says:

    Sorry, but I had to point out this little gem of a non-sexual Freudian-style slip:

    I love the ending:<blockquote>(For thers and clan)</blackquote>Like he’s done something to avenge a fallen homey.

    But here’s a real Freudian-style slip:

    He does it because he cares. You are right, it’s nuts but loving nuts.

    Oh, SadlyNo’s “loving nuts” alright.  Because he’s a BIG, STINKING FAG.

  68. McGehee says:

    I never thought I’d have a reason to remember all of those “My dick’s so big…” jokes.

    Sorry, I couldn’t hear you. I’m trapped under my dick. With the entire population of the state of Georgia.

  69. actus says:

    Excellent.  I never thought I’d have a reason to remember all of those “My dick’s so big…” jokes.

    There are advantages to having a PhD.

  70. M.Scott says:

    Teaching at Broome County Community College seems to be just one of them.

  71. actus says:

    Teaching at Broome County Community College seems to be just one of them.

    I think you just need a masters for CC teaching. At least that’s been my experience of the one’s i’ve seen.

  72. Sigivald says:

    Steve: That’s all well and good, emotionally.

    But (leaving aside that Mexico is not going to stop selling oil to the US because of increased border security) it makes no difference to the actual outcomes.

    The terrorist-financier America-haters are going to make exactly as much money off selling their oil if they sell it to US companies or to EU companies or to China. (Heck, the US imports gasoline, so we’re getting oil from “them” even if they sell it to someone else.)

    That was my point; it doesn’t matter who buys what barrel of oil. The effects on the overall price of oil and the money made by the sellers doesn’t change just because Mexico decides to not sell oil to the US.

    That it might be more emotionally satisfactory to get “our” oil from a friendly nation than a hostile one doesn’t change the hostile one making the same amount of money to finance their hostility no matter who buys the oil.

  73. actus says:

    The terrorist-financier America-haters are going to make exactly as much money off selling their oil if they sell it to US companies or to EU companies or to China. (Heck, the US imports gasoline, so we’re getting oil from “them” even if they sell it to someone else.)

    They might make even more money. To the extent we introduce inneficiencies by demanding that the oil be from mexico or canada, that will raise overall prices.

  74. SteveG says:

    My point was that if someone ummmmmmm like maybe some Persians were to launch a few Silkworm missles for laughs (reminds me of when North Korea launched a missle over South Korea’s airspace on S. Korea’s independence day… the US State Dept. was asked for its response and the spokeperson says “everyone else sent flowers.. but N. Korea is different)

    Its nice to have a nice reliable source next door who doesn’t support jihad.

    But you guys keep it up… you keep hating them and they will hate us.

    Watch the Mexican election… people like yourselves are a campaign issue. I’d rather y’all beat your drum after Obrador is defeated.

    Just be patient.

  75. Patricia says:


    I guess all my neighbors left and went to Texas.  Sorry.

  76. CERDIP says:

    Meg Q

    >>Technically, the proper orinthological term might

    >>be “Canada geese”, but up here in Canada I’ve

    >>always heard them called “Canadian geese”. Just FYI.

    Hmmm…can’t recall ever hearing anyone call them “Canadian” anywhere I’ve lived here in the past 47 years – which is every prov. but PEI, Nfld & the Territories. But maybe I wasn’t listening hard enough grin

    Mind you, I was a mere dumpling when I lived in PQ, and likely called them “Mother Geese” then grin

    going, going….gone

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