
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Like Rathergate, only the EXACT OPPOSITE!

Rove attorney Robert Luskin speaks to a bit of new media overreach, specifically, to partisan attempts by many bloggers and (fringe) journalists—the vast majority of whom list leftward, politically—to practically will his client’s phantom indictment.  From the NY Observer, “Rove Case Lawyer Blackberries Karl: ‘Fitzgerald Called’”:

Mr. Luskin does not gnash his teeth at Mr. Fitzgerald.

“It’s not winning the lottery,” he said of the Rove case. “It’s just avoiding something that would be a truly horrendous injustice for your client …. You feel lucky to be part of a process that works fairly and intelligently.”

Actually, it’s the media—not the prosecutor’s office—that he’s angry at, and especially the bloggers. Mr. Luskin was eager to portray the suffering of his client as a function of media attention and speculation, rather than real danger of a conviction.

Mr. Rove, Mr. Luskin said, had fallen victim to partisans and—more importantly—the bloggers who became their enablers.


“The big criticism of the mainstream media is that they live in this community, they’ve got continuing relationships with their sources and the people they write about, and the blogosphere says that that makes them spineless,” Mr. Luskin said. (Like Judy Miller?) “I think one can make the exact opposite argument, which is that the premise is true but that makes them accountable.”

He recalled an episode from last month, when a report on the liberal Web site, written by Jason Leopold and citing “high-level sources with direct knowledge of the meeting,” claimed Mr. Rove would be indicted on charges of perjury and lying to investigators, the results of a marathon session of negotiations in Mr. Luskin’s office that he claims never occurred.

(Mr. Leopold and his editor have stood by his report.)

Well, they had stood by the story.  Until recently, that is.  But really, who didn’t see that coming?

Back to Luskin:

“I think, by and large, the mainstream media was trying to do the very best that it could,” Mr. Luskin said, “recognizing that they felt accountable—I mean, you know, for what they said—and at the same time, I think, feeling some considerable pressure from the blogosphere.”

Mr. Leopold’s report was only one of hundreds of similarly false pieces of information spread around the Web, Mr. Luskin added.

And indeed, Mr. Rove’s five appearances before the grand jury gave reporters—mainstream and otherwise—plenty to speculate about. (So, for that matter, did Mr. Luskin’s own deposition.)

The weekend Mr. Leopold’s story went online, Mr. Luskin said he had “mainstream-media reporters calling me saying, ‘I’m embarrassed to make this call, because I know this can’t be true—I’ve covered this story, I understand the process, I’ve got my sources—but my editors tell me I need to call and ask, “Is there any truth in this?”’

“That is a function of the tension that there is now between the mainstream media and the blogosphere. On the one hand, it seems to me that the CBS National Guard stories were the poster child for the principle that sometimes the blogosphere keeps the mainstream media accountable, and it seems to me that this story is, if you will, the poster child for the fact that the blogosphere is itself often not accountable, and that there are a universe of folks out there who have got personal or political agendas who were masquerading as news sources. That is just as destructive in its own way, or more than the mainstream media’s insularity is on the flip side.”

[my emphasis]

Lots of lawyerly precision there, but to put it layman’s terms:  policing the MSM by keeping them honest, good; making up news to try to sink a political opponent whom you very clearly despise, and whom you’d like to see frog marched across the White House lawn in a hoop skirt and a Marlo Thomas “That Girl” wig, not so good.

Now, if somebody would just teach this to Howard Dean and friends, we could all begin the healing we keep hearing national Democrats are so eager to engage in.

There’s a lot more to be finessed from this—but because Ace has already done the work, I’ll leave the final words to him:

Here’s something pretty obvious. It took a week for the MSM to get interested in Rathergate, despite the fact that rightwing bloggers were showing their work. They did not rely upon claims of personal knowlege; they did things like type up the “1972 typewritten document” on modern day MS Word and showed the two in comparison (LGF) or interviewed the man who, literally, wrote the Bible on a typewriter font indentification and authentication (Bill From INDC).

Despite that—despite the fact that the media was not required to accept anyone’s personal say-so that the documents were fake—it took a week for the MSM to acknowlege the controversy.

And when it did, it tended to lie. For example, the NYT, I believe, interviewed Bill From INDC’s source and cherry-picked his quotes so as to suggest that he thought the Rathergate docs were real. He didn’t think that at all. He said they were most likely fake but that he had to check a few things to be sure; they wrote that up as him saying the documents seemed authentic as far as he knew.

Now, compare that to the MSM’s behavior when a story comes from the left side of the blogosphere, and concerns someone they don’t like.

The story gets talked up a lot more, and quicker, too, eh?

Gee. I wonder why that should be.

I’m pretty sure that last bit is rhetorical.


(h/t Hot Air, who notes that, on the bright side, the leftosphere did manage to bring down GOP powerplayer Jeff Guckert).

100 Replies to “Like Rathergate, only the EXACT OPPOSITE!”

  1. dartmouth prof says:

    Jeff: Do you have a response to this essay about your writing?

    I suggest you read it (or have your therapist read it). It is quite enlightening.

    By the way: why haven’t you finished your MA or PhD yet?

  2. Big E says:

    I’m pretty sure that last bit is rhetorical.

    No, no, no!  I actually know this one.  It’s ah, don’t help me here.  I know it, just let me think.

    Ahh fuckit, I’m getting stoned.

    Oh yeah, the media’s chock full of raving leftist retards.  Now let’s see if I can hook myself up with half a cinnamon struessel and a half dozen Sam Adams Summer Ale’s.

  3. Jeff Goldstein says:

    dartmouth prof —

    That’s the second time one of your folks has linked that post here.

    I responded in the previous thread.  And over on Sadly, No!

    Here’s the real question: why is it so important to you what I think?  I mean, I’m just a paste-eating dullard, after all—though one who did, in fact, finish a Masters degree (and probably has a second; I haven’t bothered checking), but who quit his PhD program before completing the language requirement because he decided he’d rather stay home his son and write than teach for a living.

    Which—how does this concern you, exactly, and what is it supposed to prove?  For instance, Andrew Haggerty (thers) and Mary Donnelly (NYMary) have PhDs, and they have proven themselves to be completely confused by text semiotics, intentionalism, basic interpretive theory, and just about anything they couldn’t summarize from either Foucault or Bordieu. Which I suppose is why they’re teaching at Broome Community College, and I’m just a lowly writer.

    Nevertheless, I’m curious why you care.  Do tell. 

  4. Big E says:

    I suggest you read it (or have your therapist read it). It is quite enlightening.

    By the way: why haven’t you finished your MA or PhD yet?

    Man these lovable little scamps are incorrigable.  Do you have any comment for the good professer Jeff?  Huh, do ya?  I mean he teaches at Dartmouth so you pretty much owe it to him.

    It’s clear to me that they will not be happy until you bitch slap each and every one of them in the face with your penis.  You better get started now if your gonna get to bed at a decent hour.

  5. topsecretk9 says:

    Mr. Luskin said he had “mainstream-media reporters calling me saying, ‘I’m embarrassed to make this call, because I know this can’t be true—I’ve covered this story, I understand the process, I’ve got my sources—but my editors tell me I need to call and ask, “Is there any truth in this?”’

    Frankly I am kinda tired of the left-o-sphere stinking up the “sphere” period at the same time kinda stuck on the irony of it too.

    Jeff: Do you have a response to this essay about your writing?

    Another fan site?

  6. lee says:

    Now that the MSM’s lying, manipulative style is being exposed via bloggers, I shudder to think of the unchallenged reporting in the time before the internet.

    Dartmouth prof, that link already made it on PW today, but never fear, the second asshat is still recognized as an asshat.

    TW: service, as in, public service.

  7. EricP says:

    Sadly, seems to be no more.  At least temporarily.

    TW: You are a heretic Jeff, and as much as they hate you, the lefties keep ending up behind.

  8. BoZ says:

    completely confused by […] anything they couldn’t summarize from either Foucault or Bordieu

    Be fair, pasty. They’re completely confused by those guys, too.

  9. Mikey NTH says:

    Who shall guard us from the guardians?

    Tell us, O MSM, protector of the Republic.

  10. Dealio says:


    Face it. You’re a homosexual. Not just a homo either, a real fucked-up weirdo.

  11. Mikey NTH says:

    Jeff, it is merely the agonized questions of the Inquistors calling you to repent before they feel they must, however reluctantly, light the fires.

    I have faith, O Great Academic Heretic, that you shall take the (rhetorical) flames like Thomas Cranmer did.

    In style; I don’t mean the writhing-and-screaming part.


  12. topsecretk9 says:

    Well I professed my love of Jeff at SAD and A Jeff Goldstein responded in a way that was, well…exciting. red face

  13. MayBee says:

    And yet John Dickerson of Slate sees the situation more “clearly” than Mr. Luskin:

    One of the healthiest things about the left-wing blogosphere is its confrontational dislike of the mainstream media. There’s a distinction here with the media’s critics on the right. At some level, the right doesn’t much like that the press exists. They don’t want to fix it, they want to drive a stake through its heart. The left, on the other hand, just wishes the establishment press would do a better job. The Kos-type critique of the media is intertwined with its passion about politics. When the press gets it wrong, left-wing bloggers believe, the people are ill-informed and democracy suffers.

  14. lee says:

    “Face it. You’re a homosexual. Not just a homo either, a real fucked-up weirdo.”

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

  15. Face it. You’re a homosexual. Not just a homo either, a real fucked-up weirdo.

    I know this has been asked before, but has anyone ever come up with a theory why our liberal brethren, devoted to diversity, celebrators of Pride Day, protestors for expanding the definition of marriage and believers of the canard that Ronald Reagan didn’t approve of AIDS funding because he was an evil evangelical who thought homosexuals should be exterminated (while they, of course, are far more enlightened and compassionate), still think that the acme of scathing rhetorical flourish is calling some guy a queer?

  16. Phleabo says:

    So, I saw this post about at SadlyNo.  Instead of taking Klonopin to mask your personal problems, how about some honest reflection or some professional psychological care?

    I don’t intend this as an attack; I just read some of the things you wrote, and to be honest, if you only said half of them, you come off as man desperately in need of help.  I realize you’ll mock, attack, or ignore me, but seriously – find help.

  17. It would appear that the issue with “dartmouth prof“‘s link is that he can’t spell “sadly”.

    Try this

    Please God tell me that he’s not a professor teaching composition.

  18. topsecretk9 says:

    I know this has been asked before, but has anyone ever come up with a theory why our liberal brethren, devoted to diversity, celebrators of Pride Day, protestors for expanding the definition of marriage and believers of the canard that Ronald Reagan didn’t approve of AIDS funding because he was an evil evangelical who thought homosexuals should be exterminated (while they, of course, are far more enlightened and compassionate), still think that the acme of scathing rhetorical flourish is calling some guy a queer?

    Becuase they are full of shit?

  19. rls says:

    Please God tell me that he’s not a professor teaching composition.

    I was going to do that, Charlie…but I thought I would be enabling.

  20. mishu says:

    It would appear that the issue with “dartmouth prof“‘s link is that he can’t spell “sadly”.

    And here I thought it was a new blog that’s against doing things in a Sade like manner. I’m quite fond of the Nigerian songstress.

  21. uncryingrepublican says:

    The weekly meeting of the Cultural Marxo-Fascists must have let out early…Your Two-Minute Hate is over. Fuck off.

  22. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    …and they have proven themselves to be completely confused by text semiotics, intentionalism, basic interpretive theory, and just about anything they couldn’t summarize from either Foucault or Bordieu.

    Hey, I’ve got my Viking Book of Aphorisms (by Auden) and a crisp copy of Derrida for Dummies. I’m good to go.

  23. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Well, I wasn’t going to seek professional psychological help, but now that Sadly, No! and his readers have highlighted my failures as a human being by picking quotes from a variety of contexts that have been produced over years, and in the course of over 20000 posts and who knows how many comments, I’m going to take the plunge.


  24. wishbone says:

    To dartmouth prof, phleabo, and any other lefty fucktard jackoffs who feel the need to attack Jeff personally instead of recognizing the paucity of ideas in your failed, miserable, pseudo-intellectual snob-world:



    Get it?

  25. uncryingrepublican says:


    I think you should really get a hobby or something. You have far too much time on your hands, Clearly, you don’t get enough sex. And diddling cats doesn’t count. I’ve looked at your site and it’s clear to me that you don’t have the intellect to sustain such ambitious critical efforts.

    You’re not a rapier, you’re a butterknife. As the late Leo Buscaglia might have said, ‘Not everyone can be a rapier. Some of us are only butterknives. But be the best butter knife you can possibly be.’

    Don’t feel too bad. Everyone has something special about them. Even you.

    Thanks for playing.

  26. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:


    That Sadly No or any other leftard blogsite would expend the time and energy required to generate that few thousand words of hate speech

    (mostly by taking out of context excerpts from the thousands of sometimes humorous, sometimes serious and sometimes scatalogical/soft core pornographic postings that have amused, informed and entertained somewhere north of 4.8 MILLION readers over the years) shows how jealous and threatened they are of your abilities.

    Rock on, dude. They are little more than the fungus that grows on your toe jam.

  27. topsecretk9 says:


    Really? I am thinking a person so consumed with paste hate, devoting that much time and effort on fizzlemas gawd dagnabit was sorta, kinda in need of healing…so really, I think you provide a valuable service (to both sides, obviously)

  28. Dealio says:


    That’s why I said “not just a homo”. He’s a guy that wants to violently cockslap guys in the face against their will, hence “a real fucked-up weirdo”. We can get PC and mince words, but let’s face it- we all know it’s to insult him- that’s the point, but you knew that already, huh?

    “W-w-why can’t the left be nice and shut up and just treat us with more respect than we’ll ever give them????!!!!”

    We tried that, but you dipshits are obviously uncivil, there’s no need for us to be polite anymore. Let’s face it, to a right-winger, the biggest insult is to be called gay or a coward. It’s not PC, but I thought you guys were against that anyway. Boo-hoo.

  29. The Ghost of Abu-Musab Al Zarqawi says:

    Dartmouth Prof and all the rest,

    We’ve noted your hatred of homosexuals and thank you for the same.  However, in times like these (when the roles of actual suicide bombers are shall we say thinning) just hating homosexuals isn’t nearly enough.  So in accordance with the fine print of the contracts you signed when you joined up we will be invoking the “vest rule.” In accordance with the aforementioned rule you will be expected to be measured for vests jammed wiht plastic explosives and thumb tacks forthwith.  Once more thanks so much for your cooperation, and support.  And if any of you happen to see Ward Churchill tell him we need to talk.  He’s avoided his contractual responsiblities for awhile now, and let’s face it, it’s not like he has anything else to do…anymore.

    Alu Akbar, etc. etc.

  30. wishbone says:

    Want to know something, Dealio?

    One of you fucktards asking for civility is like Hitler asking Poland to pass the pot roast.

  31. Mikey NTH says:

    Phleabo sadly shakes its head and touches its brand to the paper bundles and ignites the pyre.  The flames leap and spring amongst the bile-soaked blog posts and comments, searing the academ-heretic Goldstein.  He writhes under the asault of the flames generated by moonbatian alchemy, then, slowly, regains his composure.  Fixing the High Inquistors with his steely gaze, he intones “You dumbasses still have no idea what intentionalism means, do you?”

    The High Inquisitors cover their ears to keep such blasphemy away from their primeval “minds” and incautiously light their own hats on fire with their torches.  Shrieking and wailing, they rush off into the night, little candles that mark the sacrifice of the academy’s finest to their worship of neo-nonknowledge.

    The Goldstein chuckles softly, knowing that though he perishes, his enemies perish with him, and the dawn that shall surely come is one that will see coffee-houses throughout the university town vacant as the death of the moonbats empties their comfy chairs.

    Or something like that.  Could just be the beer talking.

  32. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:


    Actually to a right winger the biggest insult is to be called a “progressive, America-loathing,

    pedophilic, amoral, shit-for-brains”. Or “Dealio”

    or “actus”, those really piss us off.

    Thanks for playing though.

    TW: “left”

    fucking eerie, I tell ya…..

  33. topsecretk9 says:

    “W-w-why can’t the left be nice and shut up

    This implies we actually think the left is capable of shutting up or ever did. Duh…we aren’t stooooopid.

    and just treat us with more respect than we’ll ever give them????!!!!”

    You are confusing inconvenience with respect, but that is not surprising really.

    Let’s face it, to a right-winger, the biggest insult is to be called gay or a coward.

    Not true. The biggest insult is to be called a leftist or Michael Moore lover or something like that.

  34. wishbone says:

    You left out “sensitive”, proud…

  35. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I’m so gay I once fucked a guy just for NOT being gay.  Because I find non gayness offensive, frankly.

  36. The Ghost of Abu Musab Al Zarqawi says:

    Oh and Dealio if you happen to run across a fellow who calls himself Actus…tell him it’s just not going to work out.  His work on this blog has been, well, not what we’re looking for in a real top of the line sympathizer.  I would tell him myself, but you see where being my own hatchet-man has gotten me.  Thnks so much.  Give a hug to the missus and all the little skinheads for me.  Bash a homo in the mouth.

    Alu Akbar etc. etc.

  37. American Son says:

    – Hmmmm…. Churchill hates homosexuals… jeez…. Who knew?

  38. Mikey NTH says:

    Dealio – look, trying to explain a Goldstein post to you is like having to explain a Shakespeare play to someone who doesn’t “get” a Popeye cartoon.

    Way too much work, and the explainee (you) is too low level to understand anything that is expressed in words of under one syllable, so why don’t you just save us all the trouble of commenting on your many obvious faults and just go get bent?

    Consider it an act of charity – you may be able to write it off next year.

  39. gaycoward says:

    Why does anyone here have to show you any respect? You’ve done nothing to earn it. If you were a brighter bulb, you’d realize that the readership here represents a much wider cross-section of political thought than you realize.

    You are the one with your head up your ass. You’ve swallowed Marxist agitprop hook, line and sinker. Many of us have actually been where you are, but we grew up. Take your ba-ba and go home.

    tw: door. Show him the.

  40. tachyonshuggy says:

    Did I miss the part where Jeff asked for the most needle-dicked trolls evar? 

    ‘Cause I need context.

  41. wishbone says:

    I’m pissed…

    If Dealio and his intellectual circle jerk brethren can inform me about one goddamned public policy issue they’ve been right about in my lifetime, I’ll kiss their collective asses and give them thirty mintues to draw a crowd.

    Since they can’t–respect is definitely off the fucking table.

  42. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    Well, Jeff, they don’t have Rove anymore so they can’t troll Tom Maguire, and they can’t troll Tim Blair’s site because they don’t speak Australian and Andrea will cut them off shorter than The Texas Chainsaw Briss, so I guess you’re their last hope.

  43. The Ghost of Abu-Musab Al Zarqawi says:

    Actually what Mr. Churchill seems to hate most is soap and its application to his body.  Of course none of us have spoken with him about that becuase that would be really gay and we’re sort of down on that.

    Alu Akbar etc. etc.

  44. Slartibartfast says:

    You know, all of this talk about Vitamin K has all sorts of inconvenient blowback.

  45. gaycoward says:


    I think the context is that that dastardly idiot-savant Karl Rove has slipped from their clutches once more. Curses!

  46. American Son says:

    Overheard in a Ashbury mall

    – Mommy, mommy…. Who is that ugly man over there, and why is he beating those poor men in the face with his floppy thingy?

    – Oh my goodness… come along hon….thats a heuristic intentionalist….. they’re very very dangerous…..

    – But mommy I…..

    – Shhh hon….Mommy will tell you all about it when you grow up….

    – Ummmm…. but mommy I’m already 38 years old….

  47. Jeff Goldstein says:



  48. American Son says:

    I thought it was Bill that had the ass of an 11 year old…. Did I get that ‘backwards’ again…. heh

  49. There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as narrow as the space between Thersite’s ears and as dull as Marxist economic theory. It is the middleground between bigotry and psychopathic hate, between envy and insecurity, and it lays like the stench of a three day old dead rat on what passes for today’s ‘progressive’ repartee. This is a dimension of intolerance. It is an area we shall call the ‘what passes for progressive thought zone.’

  50. American Son says:

    (Cue Zither music and “eyeball” video)

  51. Sticky B says:

    It’s not every blogger that can get their ideological enemies to cut a “greatest hits” album for them. Congratulations Jeff.

  52. Just Passing Through says:

    It’s really all about revenge for Dr Haggerty (Thersites) getting his clock cleaned. The narrative shift will ramp up to a crescendo at EshatconII. The gobblygook from Haggerty sympathizers up to and just after that will be a hoot to read and then it’ll tail off.

    I did get a kick out of the narrative spin in the referenced post on that site and another from around the end of last month. Haggerty nuking his old site really doesn’t erase his tracks until the cached comment pages age out of google and that takes a looong time.

  53. Phleabo says:


    I’m serious.  I too had unresolved psychological problems that manifested themselves with bouts of irrational rage and anxiety.  But rather than leaving them to consume me – and resigning myself to a lifelong prescription of psychoactive drugs – I sought help.  It was difficult and I hated doing it for a while, but it helped, in spite of my initial unwillingness.  It’s not for everyone, but I really was just making an honest suggestion to try it.

    As an aside, have you considered the longer term effects of benzodiazepine use?  They’re not nice drugs and can quite easily lead to dependence.  You might look into some more recent drugs – Buspar, for example, if you can tolerate it.  It doesn’t have addictive potential of benzodiazepines but is still generally effective for the management of anxiety disorders, as well as having some mild anti-depressant effect.  The side-effects, though, can be problematic.

  54. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Mother, is that you?  I see blue lights, and the world smells of cooked bologna.

    Mother?  Mother?  Please, don’t leave me….

  55. American Son says:

    Oh hon…. wake up baby…. wake up….

    but mommy…..

    Shhhhhh….. it was just a bad ole dream baby….the same one you always have….its alright….mommy’s here….

    but mommy it seemed sooooo real….

    I know baby….but remember human beings can’t really turn into Democrats silly….now go back to sleepy-bye….

  56. SteveG says:


    I get that same kind of unsolicited medical advice all the time in my email too. Mine usually involves mispelled cheap v* iagrA or generic ci#alis at deep discounts. The word “massive” seems to appear a lot.

    Your personal WebMD also seems to have come ready with a nifty diagnosis and prescription that I’m sure you could print out and take to your doctor…. “some Buspar please… it’s newer”


    Where do they find these people?

  57. Phleabo says:

    Pardon me, please, for expressing actual concern for another person. 

    Though the notion seems alien to some here, it is possible to have legitimate human concern for the wellbeing of another person, despite having disagreements with them over matters like politics.  Snark about Viagra spam aside, it happens that benzodiazepines (such as Klonopin, Valium, Xanax) have a significant and well known addictive potential. 

    Perhaps you’d have preferred if I just called Jeff names, or said he was a moron, or whatever.  Sorry to disappoint.

  58. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    They were very good on population control in Cambodia…

  59. Merovign says:

    Phleabo: I don’t know, maybe it’s your sanctimony that bugs people?

    Or maybe it’s the darned bad timing of your helpful timing coinciding with the Meme Attack from Certain Parties harping on the “Jeff’s Crazy” meme.

    Maybe you really are just well-intentioned, but clumsy. Like, for example, giving unrequested and probably unqualified medical advice to someone you don’t know on a public forum in the middle of a snarkstorm.

    The really cool thing is; it doesn’t matter. At all. Not even a little bit. Take that home with you and cuddle it, it really helps.

  60. Pablo says:

    Snark about Viagra spam aside, it happens that benzodiazepines (such as Klonopin, Valium, Xanax) have a significant and well known addictive potential.

    And you know what, exactly, about Mr. Goldstein’s medical condition and/or treatment Mr. Dimwit Blog Commenter, MD? I believe it’s what he’s told you, and you know how he lies.

    Physician, heal thyself. Start with the GDS. 

    So Jeff, how do you like being the rebound fling for Mr. Rove’s recent dumpees?

  61. marcus says:

    I have to admit, the photoshops at Sadly,No! were very well done. It must have taken hours to do them.

    Add to that the hours and hours it took to peruse through dozens upon dozens of posts and comment threads to piece together such a comprehensive caricature of our intrepid host.

    It seems to me that Jeff Goldstein’s “obsession” with male genitalia is exceeded only by Sadly,No!’s obsession with Jeff Goldstein.  It really puts the “sadly” in “Sadly,No!”, no?

    tw:  They seem to have a thing for Jeff…

  62. Mike says:

    Sadly, the lefties can’t actually come up with any rational rebuttal to any of Jeffs’ posts on politics or semiotics that doesn’t get smacked down, so this is really the only option they have.

    In the hours they must have spent sifting through thousands of posts and comments they must have sorted through to make that collection, they must have seen and ignored vast numbers of reasoned and reasonable opinions that they could have tried to refute. Faux moral outrage at Jeff’s potty mouth is all they’ve got.

  63. I know this has been asked before, but has anyone ever come up with a theory why our liberal brethren, devoted to diversity, celebrators of Pride Day, protestors for expanding the definition of marriage and believers of the canard that Ronald Reagan didn’t approve of AIDS funding because he was an evil evangelical who thought homosexuals should be exterminated (while they, of course, are far more enlightened and compassionate), still think that the acme of scathing rhetorical flourish is calling some guy a queer?

    Because they lie when they say they have nothing against homosexuals. They really have nothing but contempt for them—they plan on throwing them under the bus if they become politically unreliably. Hell, look at how many leftists openly admire Castro, and look at HIS gay rights policies.

  64. alppuccino says:

    Couple things:

    Phleabo is CheChe.  I’ve slammed my left nut down on the table and if you think I’m wrong, put your nut where your mouth is.

    Jeff, can I borrow the Count Chocula outfit when you’re done with it?  (is it a wig or is it one of those plastic hair hats?)

  65. I’ve slammed my left nut down on the table and if you think I’m wrong, put your nut where your mouth is.

    I don’t think I’m that flexible.

    Nope. Sorry. Can’t do it.

    Thank God it’s so early and no one else is in the office yet.

  66. alppuccino says:

    Should’ve kept up with the Pilates then aye?

    And you didn’t think you’d use those in the real world.  *harumph*

  67. alppuccino says:

    …………uuuhhh, Mr. Crawford?  Should I hold your calls?

    –Mrs. e’Wiggins

  68. The Ghost of Abu-Musab Al Zarqawi says:

    I’m sorry Phleabo, but we can’t use you either.  No offense, but you’re just stupid.  Again thanks so much for the application.  Alu Aklbar etc. etc.

  69. Ric Locke says:

    I smell a profit opportunity.

    I’m going to write unsolicited proposals to the organizers of Eschaton, Yearly Kos, etc. for special sessions to be held for the attendees. Title: The Concept of Humor: Cognitive Dissonance and the Non-utilitarian Falsehood.

    Should be genuinely eye-opening to most of them. I expect good attendance.

    Of course, I’m not really very good at humor—damn near as dour as the average lefty, in fact, but I do at least understand what it is and what it’s for, and very often have a clue that it’s going on even when I don’t “get” the joke. That’s a qualification, actually. Don’t you need somebody who’s sort of between worlds to carry messages between differing cultures? Maybe some of you can help out with course notes.

    I might not get the contract. They’d have to pay me really well, and unlimited access to unwashed hippie chicks isn’t all that valuable to me. BPE medication, you know.



  70. marcus says:


    For further reference to the moonbat state of mind concerning humor, read this link from Tim Blair.

  71. Robert Crawford, alpuccino, you two owe me a new keyboard. And I’ll be contacting my Congressperson to get cracking on that “WARNING: Frickin’ Hilarious Comment” mandatory labeling law.

  72. Wait a minute.  You mean Jeff’s NOT crazy???!!!  I’m going away.

  73. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    One of the healthiest things about the left-wing blogosphere is its confrontational dislike of the mainstream media. There’s a distinction here with the media’s critics on the right. At some level, the right doesn’t much like that the press exists. They don’t want to fix it, they want to drive a stake through its heart. The left, on the other hand, just wishes the establishment press would do a better job. The Kos-type critique of the media is intertwined with its passion about politics. When the press gets it wrong, left-wing bloggers believe, the people are ill-informed and democracy suffers.

    MayBee, I think you have to consider that this whole statement is, in a sense, leveraged upon “One of the healthiest things about the left-wing blogosphere…”.  When compared to the left wing blogoshpere’s tendancy to publish the home address of a reporter/pundit known to elicit violent over-reaction to her commentary, accuse opponents of being “gay”, and make up news…then the LWB’s beliefs about the MSM do seem the spark of health.

    As far as the accusation that the right would like to drive a stake through the heart of the MSM…well, sure.  Army of Davids and all that.

  74. Robb Allen says:

    You know Jeff, Phlembo has a good point. You don’t need the medication. Just someone to talk to.

    It’s like diabetics. They don’t need insulin shots. If they’d just talk out their problems, the tingling in their feet would go away.

    Phlebe – fuck off. You don’t ‘care’ any more about Jeff than you do about bushitlerovecheney.You just want to walk in and claim Jeff has anger issues then hide behind the insult by claiming compassion.

    I have a sever case of a chemical imbalance in my brain that requires constant medication to prevent me from snapping. It’s no more something I can ‘talk out’ than Stephen Hawking could talk his way out of a wheelchair. Luckily for me I don’t need to take Klonopin on a regular basis as, *gasp* the medication actually works!

    Go troll somewhere else.

  75. Greek Homer in a time of Springfield Homers says:

    But rather than leaving them to consume me – and resigning myself to a lifelong prescription of psychoactive drugs – I sought help.

    Oh, great, now the Tom Cruise and the Scientologist Loons (which, by the by, would be a great name for a cover band) are here.  “You’re glib, Jeff.  You’re glib.  You don’t know the history of psychiatry. I do.”

  76. Carin says:

    Sharp- what would the consequences be if instead of taking the medication, you directed your “snaps” at deranged liberals?  Could be a win-win situation.

    Just at thought.

  77. The Ace says:

    Mr. Luskin said he had “mainstream-media reporters calling me saying, ‘I’m embarrassed to make this call, because I know this can’t be true—I’ve covered this story, I understand the process, I’ve got my sources—but my editors tell me I need to call and ask, “Is there any truth in this?”’

    Yes because of course any allegation against any Republican may have truth to it, so it must be dignified.

    Isn’t it interesting no “editors” were taking this outlook when Juanita Broderick went on national television and said the then President of the United States raped her?

  78. Just Passing Through says:

    Here’s a couple of Phleabo comments from sadlyno:


    phleabo said,

    June 14, 2006 at 23:04

    I’d just like to echo the “wow” from other readers. I mean, fucking, wow.

    What the fuck happened to him to create that much impotent rage? Damn. And you know, however big he talks, if you cut the line in front of him at the supermarket, he’d just silently fume till he got out to his car to safely threaten you with death.



    phleabo said,

    June 15, 2006 at 4:06

    Yeah. Why do all the wingers suck such shit?

    Has to maintain his street cred with the marching morons so that’s understandable. Then he comments here reinventing himself as a very reasonable fellow which he thinks will establish his street cred here. Which, when one thinks of it in that way, speaks volumes about his understanding of the difference between sadlyno and protein wisdom specifically, and the BDS and non-BDS sites in general.

  79. Vercingetorix says:

    Pardon me, please, for expressing actual concern for another person.

    Oye, we call that ”chutspah.”

  80. McGehee says:

    One from the vaults (meaning, from waaaaay up in this thread:

    He’s a guy that wants to violently cockslap guys in the face against their will…

    I don’t buy that “against their will” part. The fact these cockslap victims keep coming around reminds me of a joke, the punchline of which is, “Admit it, you don’t really come here for the hunting, do you?”

  81. What the fuck happened to him to create that much impotent rage?

    Do you think it will ever dawn on them that what they’re interpreting as “impotent rage” is humor?

    Or is this more projection from the kosplayers?

  82. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Anyway, getting back on topic.  What WILL the lefty bloggers try to change the topic to next to avoid the simple truth that they fed their faded credibibility into the wood-chipper of Joe Wilson’s ambitions and had it scattered all over the aspens?

  83. gaycoward says:


    I’d waste less of that compassion on Jeff, if I were you. You’re clearly in need of plenty yourself. You still have unresolved psychological problems. I’m serious, I’m not being political here. It’s a legitimate human concern. Are you a shut-in or something? I know loneliness can be a terrible thing. For instance, it can cause you to form sexual attachments with all sorts of inappropriate objects.

    By the way, where is the cat?

  84. TerryH says:

    The hard left defines itself by what it opposes.  What are they for? 

    As per Nancy Pelosi they are for integrity, civility, and accountability.

    Feel the love

  85. 6Gun says:

    –Mrs. e’Wiggins.

    I thing alppuccio owes a bunch of us new keyboards…

    gaycoward, JustPassingThrough, not to restate the obvious, but the problem with heaps of leftists is they’re pathological liars. 

    They mean to be misunderstood.  They’re shameless about it.  All the meds in the world can’t solve that.

    tw:  Love. Oh, bullshit…

    It makes me anxious.

  86. triticale says:

    Phleabo, can you also give us some PDR boilerplate regarding little red pills found behind the sofa?

  87. MayBee says:

    Some Guy in Chicago- why’d you have to go and do a reasoned analysis of the piece I posted.  I just wanted to show the guy was wrong wrong wrong.  Aaaak!  I hate you smart, reasonable people!

  88. MayBee says:

    I’ve slammed my left nut down on the table and if you think I’m wrong, put your nut where your mouth is.

    I smell a profit opportunity.

    I think it smells like teen spirit.

  89. American Son says:

    – “bunnies”, McGehee, “….you don’t really come here for the bunnies….”

  90. Pablo says:

    – “bunnies”, McGehee, “….you don’t really come here for the bunnies….”

    Nah, it’s hunting. The question is posed by a bear with some interesting ideas about retribution…

    But seriously, “violently cockslap” ? Are you fucking kidding me? When was the last time anyone reported having been beaten up with a cock?

    Reality much, libbies?

  91. MayBee says:

    I messed up my formatting.  I’m going to bed.

  92. 6Gun says:

    Reality much, libbies?

    The Perfesser is a realist.  He told me so.

  93. Defense Guy says:

    Well since the left-o-sphere can’t win elections, or formulate policy that the American public wants, or even accurately describe reality, they have to do something to fill their time.  At least fearing Jeff’s cock keeps them off the streets.

    The numero uno cock-fearer(ist?) is now claiming that your cock threat was pre-emptive, that he was essentially minding his own business when BAM out came the cock-o-doom.

  94. kelly says:

    on the bright side, the leftosphere did manage to bring down GOP powerplayer Jeff Guckert).

    Wait one damn minute! They took down Guckert?!? This can’t be right. When? How? WHY?!?


  95. mojo says:

    Hey, looks like the “Sadly, Nyet” crapfest has even stirred up a certain florida manatee…

    He asks a good question: Just how sadly obsessed do you need to be to spend the time on a character-assassination piece on a blogger?

    Inquiring minds, unprocessed.

    SB: arms

    and armour

  96. B Moe says:

    Check out Retardo’s response to Hog on Ice, mojo, it is literally too stupid to make fun of.  Nothing I could say could make him look any stupider than he makes himself.  Kind of frustrating.

  97. alppuccino says:


    Not sure how much of a profit can be made selling my non-right nad on ebay.

    Doorstop, wheel chock, boat anchor – perhaps, but big bucks? – doubtful.

  98. Becuase they are full of shit?

    Well put.

  99. That’s why I said “not just a homo”. He’s a guy that wants to violently cockslap guys in the face against their will, hence “a real fucked-up weirdo”. We can get PC and mince words, but let’s face it- we all know it’s to insult him- that’s the point, but you knew that already, huh?

    So what you’re saying is that it’s okay to make fun of queers, as long as they’re BDSM queers and not good queers?

    Son, go cope with your homophobia elsewhere.  Some of here are real faggots and don’t take it well.

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