
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Happy Birthday…

…to the US Army, which today turns 231—though to look at it, you’d swear it couldn’t possibly be a day over 40.  And it still moves pretty well for its age, too—as quite a few erstwhile “freedom fighters” in Iraq and Afghanistan would be the first to tell you.

If they weren’t off humping white raisins in Paradise, that is.


(h/t STACLU; see also, My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy)

23 Replies to “Happy Birthday…”

  1. Major John says:


    though to look at it, you’d swear it couldn’t possibly be a day over 40.

    You are just saying that because I just turned 40.  Awww, you flatterer.

  2. Muslihoon says:

    Happy birthday! May you have many, many more! Happy years, that is.

  3. Swede says:

    Happy Birthday, Army!

    It’s a great day, as always, to be a Soldier.

  4. BoZ says:

    I just had a frightening vision of an alternate-history America with no Army, and therefore no little dark green plastic toy army men, and therefore no Dave Attell punchline where those plastic toy army men come parachuting out of his nipples, and that America, my friends, was not worth saving.

    Well done, boys.

  5. Cardinals Nation says:

    Happy birthday, Army!  Your brothers and sisters in the “Air Corps” salute you.

  6. Major John says:

    And don’t think for a second we forget that the USAF was once the United States Army Air Force. Heh.

  7. rls says:

    Happy Birthday Army!  The Marines salute you.

  8. Vercingetorix says:

    Happy B-day to the Army brats and doggies. Keeping the boots of capitalism stomping forever on the face of socialists and off-white peoples (plus the damn Irish and Guineas).

    God bless you.

  9. Jim in KC says:

    Well, Happy Birthday!  Puts me in mind of a certain Tom Lehrer song, a link to the lyrics of which follow:

    (Too bad he never wrote one about the Corps, damn it.)

  10. MarkD says:

    Happy Birthday to all of you – especially my newly promoted 1Lt son-in-law Mark 2 in Iraq.

  11. RAL says:

    As an old doggie veteran of Truman’s miserable Army in Korea, it’s good to know that soldiers are much better trained in Bush’s Army and I hope get more respect from the Marines. wink

  12. uncryingrepublican says:

    Verc: Thanks for adding the expected leftist touch of mindless asninity. Your work work here is done. Go.

  13. T-Web says:

    Major John, I question the timing of your birthday!

  14. Vercingetorix says:

    uncryingrepublican, dude, que pasa?

    You’re acting like stomping socialists and barbarians is a Bad Thing. Only actus and eunuchs, but I repeat myself, actually “think” sissified things like that.

  15. Pablo says:

    And don’t think for a second we forget that the USAF was once the United States Army Air Force. Heh.

    And my job came to be when the AF figured out that protecting Air Bases wasn’t the highest priority of the Army once we’d gone our seperate ways.

    I got to shoot all kinds of cool stuff. And crawl around in cowshit too, but I digress.

    Thank you, Gentlemen, for all you’ve done. Many happy returns.

  16. TODD says:

    As a veteran of Reagan’s Army, I too wish the United States Army a happy birthday. Professionals one and all. Thanks MJ for your service….. HOOOOOOAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

  17. Mikey NTH says:

    Hapy Birthday, US Army, from a US Coast Guard Auxiliarist.

    BTW, did I ever mention that the entire USCG received a Presidential Unit Citation for Katrina relief?

    Oh,I did.  Nevermind, gotta e-mail the little bro and wish him a happy-birthday-to your-employer.


  18. Big and Buckeye says:

    Brother Todd,

    I also served under the Great Ronaldus. I propose a toast to the finest C-in-C since Lincoln.

    Hear, Hear.

  19. MayBee says:

    I never served, but I did my part by watching my beloved Spartans sacrifice themselves to ARMY at the inaugural Cherry Bowl.

    We all do what we can.

    Happy Birthday, Army (and Maj. John).

  20. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    As an old doggie veteran of Truman’s miserable Army in Korea, it’s good to know that soldiers are much better trained in Bush’s Army and I hope get more respect from the Marines.

    RAL — We can leave our boots untied or we can impress the Marines.  We can’t do both.

  21. wishbone says:

    I was going to post a bit of former-Navy snobbery, but that would have been redundant.

    Happy B-Day, USA!

  22. pigilito says:

    Belated best wishes from yet another Reagan era Army grunt.

    Bonus trivia: the Army marches at the front of military parades because it’s the oldest branch of the military.

  23. RC says:

    Another belated happy Birthday to the Army from a Carter Era Marine and Reagan Era Airedale.

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