
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


variations on a theme:  The “an ordinary clock glimpsed in its moment of brief nihilistic awakening” post (from the protein wisdom conceptual series)










65 Replies to “variations on a theme:  The “an ordinary clock glimpsed in its moment of brief nihilistic awakening” post (from the protein wisdom conceptual series)”

  1. Mikey NTH says:

    Thanks for the insight, old Dutch clock on the mantlepiece.

    But what really happened to the gingham dog and the calico cat?

    And the Chinese plate is about ready to crack, so you better start chiming now, if you know what I mean.

    word:heart “The Tell-Tale Heart”.

  2. Jeff Goldstein says:


  3. Sticky B says:

    Well that was fuckin’ harsh.

  4. American Son says:

    Isn’t there a danger here of getting ahead of the “Time cycle”, or is that clock just ahead of its (fill in the blank).

    (neat hand writing counts +20)

    Side note: As I just noticed that my big hand is on her thigh and her little hand is on the family jewels, I’m getting the distinct impression she is seeking of my undivided attention. The clock thing will have to wait…..

  5. BoZ says:

    Jubilate Deo, men. The irremediable vanity of all things is like ten peach wine coolers. Evangelize.

    We’re all gonna get laid!


  6. THE UNINVITED GUEST and Friend ("SQUEAK!") says:

    And what was the use-by date on that Klonopin again?

  7. Meg Q says:

    Nihilistic timepieces. Great. Next thing you know, my freezer will have an “inner awakening” just when I need my Haagen-Dazs the most.

    Personally, I blame Kant. “Transcendental objects” my ass.

    TW: *really*

  8. wishbone says:

    Stupid nihilistic clocks and their stupid digital marmots messing up my bathtime.

  9. Lo Ping Wong says:

    That was great and all, but how can you make jokes at a time like this? You’ve been eviscerated, and you’re making jokes while your guts pile up on your shoes. Gruesome.

    TW: hes

  10. Pablo says:

    I though you gooks knew how to gut stuff. Sum Ting Wong.

    tw: children natch.

  11. Cybrludite says:

    Mikey NTH,

    word:heart “The Tell-Tale Heart“.

    “Don’t hear that heart, that telly-taley heart. It beatin’ loud enough to beat the band. ‘Cause if you find the heart, the telly-taley heart, you’ll probably figure out I killed the man” – Tom Smith

  12. TomB says:

    Jesus Jeff, I can’t even get a word in edgewise around here anymore. Every post has over 100 comments before I ever get to it.

    Er, except this one.

    You’re turing into another LGF. (not that there’s anything wrong with that.


  13. B Moe says:

    … I mean you’re crucifying the guy here, crushing his psychoness to smithereens,

    It’s true, those bastards at sadlyno have destroyed Jeff’s pyschoness.  Just wanted to let you know I can chip in a buck or two if you need help getting a new one.

  14. syn says:

    God is dead…that’s all that Left us BUT then SHE rose three days later as the prophet Climate Change with a hit movie about “The Inconvenient Truth”.


  15. Slartibartfast says:

    I tried to read it, but I felt my IQ dropping just in the first paragraph, and lord knows I can’t afford to have any of that going on.

  16. Beck says:

    Can it be?  That this clock on the mantle hasn’t heard?  That God is–

    –Ooh!  Pizza!

  17. MarkD says:

    I’d ask if Jeff’s clock is synchronized with the National Bureau of Standards atomic clock, but why should we consider them authoritative?  And for how long?

    Howard Dean is proof that entropy exists.  Don’t let me start on Al Gore.

  18. gahrie says:

    Damn! I’m late again……….

  19. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Two significant developments in the “you’re a closet queer, Jeff!” crusade… The Log Cabin Republicans are lining up at the tip jar and there have been exactly three hits on Andy Sullivan’s site since Jeff was outed.  So we know where they’re going now.

    So in the last couple weeks, we’ve seen the left start running the Bush-closet-queer meme and now passing it on to Jeff.  I guess they remember how well it worked when a stuttering John Kerry threw Mary Cheney into the debate.

  20. gaycoward says:

    Hey, Lo Eye Que:

    When did you first realize you were a mouse?

  21. Pablo says:

    Right. Cheney = Gay. Rove = Gay. McClellan = Gay. Rice = Gay. Why not W?

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But what are all these gay people doing holding positions in the government? And why does the left hate that?

    tw: french

    I didn’t say it, the thing said it.

  22. So in the last couple weeks, we’ve seen the left start running the Bush-closet-queer meme

    Again? This is, I think, the third or fourth run for that one.

    How long until the white phosphorous story gets another turn in the mill?

  23. mymouseisbiggerthanyours says:

    The only thing that’s in the closet around here are the closet hypocrites who, by insisting that ‘gay’ is an insult, are tacitly admitting they truely believe something is wrong with homosexuals. Color me unsurprised.

    What to call them? Under the Log Democrats? Running Sore Democrats? Log Shithouse Democrats? Glory Hole Democrats?

    tw: bed. Under the Bed Democrats.

  24. schoolmarm says:

    I just went over to the sadlyno site. In all seriousness I am little disturbed. Since there is arm chair psychology going on … I found the post to be OCD bordering on stalking. And what is up with the Napoleon Photoshop of Jeff ?  Are they implying Jeff is short, megalomaniac bent on world domination, or a brilliant military general (obviously Waterloo didn’t work out so well). Is that it … is Jeff taking on the good doctors from Broome County Community College Jeff’s Waterloo? The whole exchange is bizarre. Generally speaking I like bizarre but somehow this has crossed the line.

    TW: Nothing but “trouble” when you have all that time on your hands. Idle minds are the devil’s playground.

  25. Pablo says:

    The most amusing part of this little obsession is their insatiable need to solicit a reaction. It’s as if they need to be validated by the object of their hatred (envy?).

    Where does all that impotent rage come from?


  26. rls says:

    The whole exchange is bizarre. Generally speaking I like bizarre but somehow this has crossed the line.

    They just need a good “spanking” – (wink, wink) if you know what I mean.  Sexual repression and all that.

  27. Jeff Goldstein says:

    What I don’t understand (other than the ridiculous amount of time that Sadly, I’m FREAKIN’ OBSESSED! spent on that post—though I’m sure he enlisted an “army” of helpers) is that for years, the religious fundies on the right have been telling me to fear sexuality, while the left has blithely extolled the virtues of getting in touch with it. 

    I mean, they have a play in which womyn have conversations with their boxes, for Chrissakes, right?  Well, I’ve taken their advice and learned not to fear the COCK.  This should make them happy. 

    And yet it seems to drive them crazy.  Or, in the case of Andrew Haggerty and Mary Donnelly of Broome Community College, it just makes them kinda stupid.

    Oh.  And this is now the third unrelated thread in which some reader from Sadly, I SPENT 29 HOURS ON THIS! has posted a link to that particular post, each time with a claim I’ve been eviscerated.

    But when I read the post, the best part are my commments.  Hysterical!  Which, that’s what happens when you learn not to fear the COCK.  You can find the humor in its little winking eye.

  28. SarahW says:

    I prefer Boop-Beep nyself.  Bauer style.

    Which is counting down to some unspecified doom.

  29. McGehee says:

    The most amusing part of this little obsession is their insatiable need to solicit a reaction.

    Not a reaction—a link. That poor sap probably gets less daily traffic than I do.


    So, Jeff, when did you stop cruising bathhouses?

    TW: Ashamed. Yes. I am.

  30. TomB says:

    In all honesty, why all the vitriol at Jeff now?

    I mean, he’s been the same arsehole for years now, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Is it that the “academic community” is coming to the aid of the Broome CCC faculty?

    Or is it us, the lemming-like minions? Are we the problem, not the solution?

    I hope so, ‘cause I’d like to make a difference in the world.

    Is that wrong?

  31. American Son says:

    – Well we can all sleep safer in our beds tonight…. This morning our fearless ChimpyDude signed off on the “Janet Jackson anti-tit law”…Beltway insiders say that the “Maddona act your age bitch law” is in the works…Who said we Repubs can’t get anything done!

  32. GayCowardDemocrat says:

    TomB: School’s out for the summer.

  33. Jim in KC says:

    The most amusing part of this little obsession

    I disagree, Pablo.  I think the most amusing part is that the trolls who insist on linking to it can’t even spell the name of the damn site correctly. 



    What the fuck?  I mean, for crying out loud, if you can’t spell worth a shit, just cut and paste–how hard is that?

  34. schoolmarm says:

    Or is it us, the lemming-like minions? Are we the problem, not the solution?

    I hope so, ‘cause I’d like to make a difference in the world.

    Hmm from that theory you could arrive at the reason for the Napoleon Jeff is he is bent on world domination. Then as his loyal minions when he rules the world we deserve some sort of cabinet positions. Well I’ve got dibs on Inquisitor Generalis. I sure none of you will object. It may hurt if you try.

  35. TomB says:

    Then as his loyal minions when he rules the world we deserve some sort of cabinet positions


    Looks like I’ll have to settle for Minister of Education.


  36. Major John says:

    Can I be Minister of War?

    I mean, for crying out loud, if you can’t spell worth a shit, just cut and paste–how hard is that?

    They cannot, because we ate all the paste. Right?

  37. Pablo says:

    I’d be an awesome Minister of Love.

    tw: longer. Harder too!

  38. me says:

    I got dibs on Minister of Imbeveration.

  39. Jim in KC says:

    They cannot, because we ate all the paste. Right?

    Oops.  I forgot they were probably socialists, and so would expect those of us with actual jobs to provide the paste for them…

  40. TomB says:

    Sorry Pablo, I’ve just been informed there will be no Ministy of Love.

    There will, however, be a Minister of Lust, a Minister of Cheap One Night Stands, and Minister of Gobsmackingly Vile Beagle Love. That one is obviously promised already.


  41. Jay says:

    I call dibs on Minister of Bikini Models.

    It’s not a difficult job, but’s it’s a hard one.

  42. TomB says:

    Sorry Jay, the Ministry of Bikini Models is actually a sub-Ministry, and therefore, not a cabinet level postition and not eligible to attend the meetings. But on the bright side, that means you won’t have to wear pants.

  43. McGehee says:

    Guess I could do some damage at the Ministry of Silly Walks…

  44. mojo says:






    “TOCK Goddamnit! TOCK!”

    SB: middle

    of a breakdown

  45. Ric Locke says:

    I see no one yet has asked for the Ministry of Propaganda Information, so I call dibs.

    Headsup, schoolmarm. I’ll need to borrow some minions from time to time…



    tw: Yes, Andrew, it’s just about your turn.

  46. wishbone says:

    I call dibs on Ministry of That Gravy They Make at KFC–the crack of fast food condiments.

    Oh, and maybe King of, say, Barbados or maybe Maui.

  47. Major John says:


    You only get to be King of Maui if I get a lifetime supply of Kona Coffee.


    Minister of War

    Holy Goldstein Empire

  48. Major John says:

    Oh, and if you do get the KFC gig – send coleslaw.  Lots of it.  Please.

  49. Attila Girl says:


    Wait! What am I saying? Goldstein!

    (A little lower, please.)

  50. Vercingetorix says:

    So long as I get Ministry of Whipping Homos (and Actus, Really Two of the Same Daisy Chain).

    I want to do it for the kidz, is all, as in the Kos kidz.

  51. SPQR says:

    Can I get my Dogbert New Ruling Class title here too?

  52. OHNOES says:

    Well, considering how I’m one of the lower dudes on this here totem pole, let me put in for assistant Minister of Coming Up With New And More Elaborate Ministrys.

  53. OHNOES, will you think up one for me? I can type pretty fast and I don’t end sentences with prepositions. It’s something I just won’t put up with.

  54. [ahem] Up with which I will not put.

  55. Vercingetorix says:

    Ministry of Precision…and German S & M…

    <walking away, whistling…what? What did I say?>

  56. Just testing to see if comments to these threads show up on the right thread…

  57. Answer: I dunno.

  58. “Don’t hear that heart, that telly-taley heart. It beatin’ loud enough to beat the band. ‘Cause if you find the heart, the telly-taley heart, you’ll probably figure out I killed the man” – Tom Smith

    God will get you for that earworm.

  59. So in the last couple weeks, we’ve seen the left start running the Bush-closet-queer meme and now passing it on to Jeff.

    Jesus, I can’t keep up any longer.  I thought the new meme was that Bush was schtupping Condi.  Now it’s that Bush is gay.

    I think “Townhouse” is just to make sure everyone knows what the stupid idea of the day is.

  60. Whoooo! Deja vu, man!

  61. Pablo says:

    Let’s do the time warp agaaaaain!

    Why is it that you can only back into it?

  62. mojo says:

    You have to back into it because it’s an anti-time warp.

    Or a cross-linked index. One or the other.

    SB: herself

    might know

  63. mojo says:

    Looks like it’s mostly on the multiple posts with the same title, or rather the same until late in the string, if that’s any help. index hashing only a limited number of chars, mebbe…

  64. Pablo says:

    Right, it’s only the clock posts. Bug or feature? Only Goldstein knows for sure.

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