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October 2024


D-Day Remembered

Blackfive has a great roundup.  See also, Confederate Yankee, who posts the text of Patton’s speech to the troops before the invasion, and Jawa Report, where Rusty Shackleford notes:

June 6th, 1944, has so many lessons to be taught. So many perspectives which are at odds with the perspectives about the war we’re fighting now.

I suppose we can pick and choose what those lessons are, but for me, the tenor of media coverage—you won’t see many patriotic newsreels today before Oliver Stone’s next feature film, for instance—has changed dramatically, and, in a nod toward what it believes is an increase in sophistication, nuance, and (worst of all) “neutrality,” has actually made the very complex problem of how to keep an open country safe in an increasingly interconnected world far more onerous than it need be.

112 Replies to “D-Day Remembered”

  1. – Some may wonder if all those men that gave their Blood on the beaches of Omaha, Utah, Anzio, and Guadalcanal, all the sites of devistating losses we suffered, standing up against the Axis, would have been so willing if they could have foreseen what a shithouse the Liberals have tried to turn America into.

    – But thats only because they don’t believe in any anything, past their own narcissitic asses.

    – Heres to the fallen. We all owe them a debt of gratitude we’ll never be able to repay. May they have forever found peace, in the bossum of the lord, and may those of us that remember and respect those sacrifices, stay the course against America’s foes, both without AND within.

  2. – Some may wonder if all those men that gave their Blood on the beaches of Omaha, Utah, Anzio, and Guadalcanal, all the sites of devistating losses we suffered, standing up against the Axis, would have been so willing if they could have foreseen what a shithouse the Liberals have tried to turn America into.

    – But thats only because they don’t believe in any anything, past their own narcissitic asses.

    – Heres to the fallen. We all owe them a debt of gratitude we’ll never be able to repay. May they have forever found peace, in the bossum of the lord, and may those of us that remember and respect those sacrifices, stay the course against America’s foes, both without AND within.

  3. Pablo says:

    Thank you, Gentlemen. May we be worthy of your sacrifices.

  4. actus says:

    you won’t see many patriotic newsreels today before Oliver Stone’s next feature film, for instance

    Or unpatriotic, for that matter. But you will see the preview for snakes on a plane, and maybe some coke commercials.

    And that does make warmaking harder. Because everybody just wants to go shopping.

  5. – Fuck you very much actus, and the rest of your Leftass idiotarians. Those that sacrificed did so for you too, though you’ll never understand why. why good men and strong, with families, and hopes, and dreams just like you, put it all on the line, so you could have the freedom you have too make an ass of yourself 24/7/365. Maybe someday you’ll understand, but lucky for you better men already do.

  6. – Fuck you very much actus, and the rest of your Leftass idiotarians. Those that sacrificed did so for you too, though you’ll never understand why. why good men and strong, with families, and hopes, and dreams just like you, put it all on the line, so you could have the freedom you have too make an ass of yourself 24/7/365. Maybe someday you’ll understand, but lucky for you better men already do.

  7. rls says:

    Obligatory IGNORE ACTHOLE comment.

    Everytime I think that you might actually have a shred of humanity….you quickly disabuse me of that thought.  Take your evil little hunchbacked piece of protoplasm that includes your shriveled little prick and get out on the interstate and see how many headlights you can kiss while wanking off.


  8. actus says:

    Fuck you very much actus, and the rest of your Leftass idiotarians. Those that sacrificed did so for you too, though you’ll never understand why

    Hey I dislike commercials before movies just like the rest of them, but those soldiers died for the movie chain’s first Amendment rights too you know.

  9. 6Gun says:

    Speaking of conflating freedom of speech with being a complete fucking mewling punk, where’s this damn blog’s kick-the-shit-out-of-baiting-gay-Brazilians button.

    For the love of Pete, Jeff.  Actard waving his bare inflamed ass around on the speed trap thread rightly didn’t produce as much as a syllable.  But this…


  10. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I prefer to let actus open his mouth and remove all doubt, to borrow half of a famous quip.

  11. rls says:

    half of a famous quip.

    If you think that is appropriate for half a wit, me doth believe that you have over endowed the acthole.

  12. Tom W. says:

    D-Day, as reported by today’s CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc.

    The Allies were dealt a shattering blow today when 3000 American, British, and Canadian troops were killed while attempting to establish a beachhead on Normandy.

    “It was complete fiasco,” said retired American army corporal Winston Lukas when reached for comment in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  “The naval bombardments didn’t take out the pillboxes, and Eisenhower didn’t send in enough troops.  All those lives were lost for nothing.” Lukas, a World War One veteran and gas-station attendant, expressed his hope that Allied troops would be withdrawn immediately, now that their mission had failed.

    “The president lied to us,” said Lukas.  “He said that it would be a cake walk.  He ignored the advice from his commanders and sent our boys in unprepared.  He had no plan.  He should be impeached and hanged for treason.”

    Although the naval and air bombardments were ineffective in silencing enemy postions, they killed a reported 20,000 French civilians.

    One Allied naval shell struck a French orphanage that also served as a pet store, killing 200 children and 356 puppies and kittens.

    “It was a massacre,” said shaken Waffen SS Colonel Joachim von Schmügelheimer, commandant of the 5th SS Panzer Division occupying Normandy. 

    “My men tried to save the children and puppies and kittens from the flames, but it was too late.  I’ve never seen such a wanton disregard for human life.  It will haunt me forever.  When we cleared out the Warsaw Ghetto, we at least gave the Jews a running start before we opened fire.  But this?  This is evil on a level I’ve never experienced.”

    American military spokesmen were at a loss to explain their catastrophic failure, their lies, their carelessness, their racism, their stupidity, and their phony flag-waving rah-rah so-called patriotism.

  13. Farmer Joe says:

    Jesus! Actus just went from being a blithering idiot to a major prick in my book.

  14. 6Gun says:

    Apropos of the fool’s chronic, willing shortcomings, I was reading Godwin again and came across this sequence.  Different context; identical problem:  Either you perceive the higher plane or you do not:

    …today I’m doubly unsure, because I don’t know if I can put my feelings into words. This must be how liberals feel all the time, but they don’t seem to have the slightest bit of difficulty in finding the words to express their unthinking.


    …even in the United States we are well down the road of trying to remake and redesign human nature… This is why I scoff at secular humanists, because theirs is a philosophy that is specifically subhuman, for any philosophy that severs human beings from their transcendent source is ipso facto a barbarism that reduces us to animality and regards us as beasts.

    If reason—like beauty, honor, and love—is transcendent, then rejecting it (and them) is tantamount to being a beast.  By choice.

  15. McGehee says:

    Actus just went from being a blithering idiot to a major prick…

    Him, a “major prick?” In his dreams.

  16. actus says:

    Him, a “major prick?” In his dreams.

    This is the best part of the internet. How well people get to know each other.

  17. McGehee – you just made actup swoon…. more than he got out of a full year of using the John Holmes pumpo-matic for a year…..

  18. McGehee – you just made actup swoon…. more than he got out of a full year of using the John Holmes pumpo-matic for a year…..

  19. Beto Ochoa says:


    Antietum Creek

    How is it now that we are borne

    upon the wave of sacrifice,

    whose lives were bound for greater things

    yet now we pay the price.

    And whose firm shoulders turned to bear

    the blows for those behind.

    Into our foe we press ourselves

    and fates’ grim judgment pares the rind.

    Then how we think our selves above

    things more eternal than we stand,

    and bear upon our enemy

    with death or life in glov-ed hand.

    Stand not as what great wind may blow,

    fore swear, we say we will advance,

    as waves of grain encumbering

    the field for sure will be entranced,

    Into that wind we throw ourselves

    for those we have behind.

    And fates grim judgment pares the rind.

    Yea Justice pares the rind.

    America the Beautiful

    O beautiful for glory-tale

    Of liberating strife

    When once and twice for man’s avail

    Men lavished precious life!

    America! America! God shed his grace on thee

    Till selfish gain no longer stain

    The banner of the free!

  20. N. O'Brain says:

    I have one uncle flew 27 missions in B-17s over Europe.

    I have his wartime logs.

    And his picture in June of 1944, after a mission.

    Have you ever heard the phrase “the million mile stare”? He has it.

    I have a cousin buried in Lorraine, France, winner of a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. He was in Third Army.

    I have an uncle who was from the sticks in North-central Penna., who joined the Navy and three months later was on a dinky little minesweeper off the Normandy Beachhead.

    I have another uncle who was from the sticks in North-central Penna., who joined the Navy and served as a corpman in the South Pacific, where he picked up the disease that destroyed his liver and eventually killed him

    My wife has an uncle who served with The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders “Who gave His Life While Serving King and Country”

    My wife’s Dad survived the retreat from Dunkirk, and then was shipped to North Africa where he served with 8TH Army.

    My Dad stayed home and made the machine tools that made the weapons, working 12 hour days.

    So, yeah, they were a great generation.

    But not the last, not the last.

    My son Matt volunteered for the USMC.

    Maybe HIS is the greatest generation.

    -N. O’Brain

  21. Major John says:

    Actus – probably a good time to just be quiet and wait for another thread, OK?  Please don’t respond – merely assent by your silence.

  22. Beto Ochoa says:

    So, yeah, they were a great generation.

    But not the last, not the last.

    My son Matt volunteered for the USMC.

    Maybe HIS is the greatest generation.

    I taught mt kids how to hit a dinner plate 99% of the time with anything that shoots at any reasonable distance. (furlong)

    A nation of riflemen. We are legion….

  23. actus says:

    Actus – probably a good time to just be quiet and wait for another thread, OK?

    It’s about more than remembering the soldiers. It’s also about remembering the propaganda, the tenor.

  24. Major John says:

    N. O’Brain,

    Having led men like your son (at least in the Army side of the house) I agree – there might just be another Greatest Generation…

    Good luck to Matt.

  25. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    If we weren’t ignoring Actus, I might ask if anyone else thinks his sunglasses are mirrored on the inside…

    Major John — The one thing I think the Democrats haven’t worked out yet, is that over a million American men and women have served now in Iraq and Afghanistan.  And they’re talking to their friends and families….

  26. Beto Ochoa says:

    N. O’Brain

    Our kids know what to do. How great is that.

  27. N. O'Brain says:

    Major John,

    Thank you, sir.

  28. REFORGER mud on my boots says:

    Oh, and fuck you, Kos, and all who sail in you:

    Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

    These, in the day when heaven was falling,

    The hour when earth’s foundations fled,

    Followed their mercenary calling,

    And took their wages, and are dead.

    Their shoulders held the sky suspended;

    They stood, and earth’s foundations stay;

    What God abandoned, these defended,

    And saved the sum of things for pay.

    A.E. Housman

  29. Beto Ochoa says:

    And that does make warmaking harder. Because everybody just wants to go shopping.

    We die

    You shop

  30. Yep O’Brian – Hundreds of my ancesters and family served in every war we’ve ever had, going back to the earlist days of the country, (myself in two campaigns.) I was lucky to servive, many of us weren’t. On my dads side I have 138 relatives gassed or burned to ashes in the ovens of the SS.

    I have a dog in this fight, as every true American does. What I see going on, the sedition of the left by the Marxist minds of the Socialists that have fled the Euro block to come here, only to try to imprint the Liberty hating ideas that had failed so completely in the places they came from, trully turns my stomach.

    – But as the Christian savior once said “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do”. Even for non-Christians the light of that supreme sacrifice and ultimate unselfish understanding is obvious. As a choice, I practice Judism, but I know our Messiah would say exactly the same things.

    – There is only one cult of murderers that hate everything all other religions and peoples of the world stand for, and they have made it clear.

    I thank my maker every day of my life I never followed that sedition of mind, heart, and spirit.

  31. Yep O’Brian – Hundreds of my ancesters and family served in every war we’ve ever had, going back to the earlist days of the country, (myself in two campaigns.) I was lucky to servive, many of us weren’t. On my dads side I have 138 relatives gassed or burned to ashes in the ovens of the SS.

    I have a dog in this fight, as every true American does. What I see going on, the sedition of the left by the Marxist minds of the Socialists that have fled the Euro block to come here, only to try to imprint the Liberty hating ideas that had failed so completely in the places they came from, trully turns my stomach.

    – But as the Christian savior once said “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do”. Even for non-Christians the light of that supreme sacrifice and ultimate unselfish understanding is obvious. As a choice, I practice Judism, but I know our Messiah would say exactly the same things.

    – There is only one cult of murderers that hate everything all other religions and peoples of the world stand for, and they have made it clear.

    I thank my maker every day of my life I never followed that sedition of mind, heart, and spirit.

  32. REFORGER mud on my boots says:

    BTW, the misspelling of Houseman was not mine.

  33. N. O'Brain says:

    And assholus, you’re of the ilk that isn’t worthy enough to lick the soles on my sons combat boots.

    -N. O’Brain

  34. – Forgive me the miss-spellings… I tend to get emotional when I try too talk about these things….Which is hardly ever but sometimes it just screams to get said….

  35. – Forgive me the miss-spellings… I tend to get emotional when I try too talk about these things….Which is hardly ever but sometimes it just screams to get said….

  36. actus says:

    We die

    You shop

    It is a crass consumerist culture isnt it? I used to spend time protesting against it. What a Quixotic thing.

  37. Major John says:

    REFORGER mud on my boots

    If you think I was going to shudder at the thought of old REFORGERs, then you would be … correct.

    Brrrrr.  Waiting on Ivan.

  38. Master Tang says:

    This need to infect even a post commemorating fallen heroes to parade your need for attention is just a little short of pathological, actus.

  39. REFORGER mud on my boots says:

    Major John — Mud, ice, trees and pissed-off farmers.  Everything that makes Germany worth visiting…

  40. actus says:

    This need to infect even a post commemorating fallen heroes to parade your need for attention is just a little short of pathological, actus.

    The post does more than that. It also commerates the fallen propaganda. Heroes are heroes. And propaganda is propaganda.

  41. Master Tang says:

    And….. Master Tang shakes his head in pity.

    And returns to ignoring actus.

  42. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    It’s not enough to just ignore the acthole anymore. He’s gone from merely an annoyance to an abomination, effectively desecrating the memory

    of fallen heroes with his inanities and childish, snarky need for attention.

    I propose Jeff administer a lengthy time-out.

    Anybody else care to second the motion?

  43. – And of course as a true “blue” lefty actus, the “narrative” transcends the sacrifice, and blood, and even life, the families, everything human and decent in this fucking world….

    – But of course…. its your whole reason for being, and what silly ass would ever want to die for narrative….

  44. – And of course as a true “blue” lefty actus, the “narrative” transcends the sacrifice, and blood, and even life, the families, everything human and decent in this fucking world….

    – But of course…. its your whole reason for being, and what silly ass would ever want to die for narrative….

  45. actus says:

    And of course as a true “blue” lefty actus, the “narrative” transcends the sacrifice, and blood, and even life, the families, everything human and decent in this fucking world…

    Well, if one were to pick and choose lessons, mine wouldn’t be narrative. It would be necessity. But so long as our host has picked the lesson to discuss, I’m happy to engage in it for this thread.

  46. Pablo says:

    REFORGER mud on my boots

    OMG, I haven’t heard that term in 20 years.

    Major John — Mud, ice, trees and pissed-off farmers.  Everything that makes Germany worth visiting…


    2. C-Rat ham and eggs. Bleeech.

    3. I’ll always remember knocking on doors in a little village trying to find rattling money for the cigarette machine, and the sweet young Frau who eventually obliged us while barely being able to contain her laughter at the pair of young men, dressed like dirt and carrying M-16’s (with the big red thingy screwed onto the muzzle), desperately searching for the German term for “change”.

    Hey, actus! Drop dead.

  47. Pablo says:

    But so long as our host has picked the lesson to discuss, I’m happy to engage in it for this thread.

    The thread is also about killing evil people.

    Just saying.

  48. 6Gun says:

    It would be necessity.

    Yes, indeed.  The necessity to so loudly inflict your narcissic existence on humanity.  That dark place where nothing is too shameful, no word too far.  Not when it comes to your own selfish aims and ends, such as they surely must be.

    Honor has its inverse, as does principle.  Willfully owning them marks impossibly low character.  Flaunting them, worse.

    But so long as our host has picked the lesson to discuss, I’m happy to engage in it for this thread.

    Ah, blame.  The first symptom. 

    Seconded, PVRWC.

  49. 6Gun says:

    Er, narcistic. Seeing red over here…

  50. jamrat says:

    Holy cow, I haven’t thought of REFORGER in a while. (1985 and ‘86) Is there a more Godforsaken piece of land than Grafenwier and Hoenfels? (sp)

    Pablo, if I remember correctly the word is kleingeld.

  51. ShedMySkin says:

    I wasn’t there for REFORGER, but I went to PLDC in Graf….and I’d have to agree. There’s probably a little more out there these days, but it’s still a whole lot of nothing out there.

    To the vets: Thanks.

  52. Pablo says:

    I think you’re right, jamrat. But fortunately, I quit smoking.  LOL

    I’ll third the “Send actus on vacation” motion, unless firing up the Zionist mind control ray is an option. In which case, I forsee an abortive one man production of “La Cage Aux Folles” in the lobby of the J. Edgar Hoover Building.

  53. – The Zionist mind ray projector is permanently tied up Pablo, for at least 30 or 40 years, keeping the moonbats on the edges of their Birkenstocks waiting for the Rove indictments.

  54. – The Zionist mind ray projector is permanently tied up Pablo, for at least 30 or 40 years, keeping the moonbats on the edges of their Birkenstocks waiting for the Rove indictments.

  55. actus says:

    Ah, blame

    Blame makes it sound like its wrong. Nothing wrong with using the memory of the honorable dead to make points about todays media.

  56. I love Dick (Nixon) says:

    Let’s face it… America sucks.

  57. 6Gun says:

    Nothing wrong with using the memory of the honorable dead to make points about todays media.

    Plenty wrong with using a thread about the memory of the honorable dead to prance around, defile said memory, scrape it off on the host, and then come back, prance around some more, make a veiled appeal, and effectively lie about it all over again.

  58. Todays legacy media, the good ole boy club, have tin ears, and their G_d is the bottom line. Fuck honor, whatever sells papers or jacks up your sweeps ratings.

  59. Todays legacy media, the good ole boy club, have tin ears, and their G_d is the bottom line. Fuck honor, whatever sells papers or jacks up your sweeps ratings.

  60. Orwell's Ghost says:

    Isn’t it funny how many Reforger vets are haunting the halls of chickenhawkdom?

  61. 6Gun says:

    The Sunday Times Online:

    The Wrong Target

    “Terrorism, not America, is a real and present threat to our freedoms”

    The strength of disdain is a measure of Europe’s weakness. Smugness is one of Europe’s great contemporary exports. We may all think that we know America, its music, its culture, its self-confident exceptionalism. We tend to forget that Americans fight only with extreme reluctance. We overlook their penchant for agonised self-criticism; everything bad we know about the US, we know because Americans inexhaustibly rehearse their society’s shortcomings. There has never been greater transparency, whether than on the battlefield or the boondocks, and there has never been more open debate about the country’s virtues and vices — the internet has transformed the quantity and, at times, the quality of the conversation.

    Hmmm.  Isn’t Brazil at least as close to the US as Britian?

  62. Well the Wheels are already starting to fall off the Hidatha “ScamGate” story actus. So right about now your side should be practicing all the usual “cover-up” screeds, and requisite apoligizing perfidity for yet another legacy press royal fuckup. But oh how you support our troops…..Yesiree

  63. Well the Wheels are already starting to fall off the Hidatha “ScamGate” story actus. So right about now your side should be practicing all the usual “cover-up” screeds, and requisite apoligizing perfidity for yet another legacy press royal fuckup. But oh how you support our troops…..Yesiree

  64. I love Dick (Nixon) says:

    Most of those involved with D-Day treated Negroes and Gays very poorly.

    Negroes and Gays are victims and should be treated with the highest respect.

    We should honor them.

    Most of the D-Day veterans were rednecks or working class rubes.

    TW: served as in who really served this country?

  65. – Lets see – “race baiting”, “the sex orientation card”, and “class warfare”, all in one tight little post.

    – Aside from the fact that the demographics of America has always been over 90% middle class working families, “rednecks and rubes” as you put it in the usual “Progressive, oh so tolorant way”, your point is bullshit. Society and its moires move on, unlike the WahhabiCrats who are still stuck in “stupid” and the past. Forget it Sparky, this isn’t the 60’s, Iraq is not Vietnam, and you’re no Thomas Jefferson.

    – Just as an aside we don’t use the oldtime words like “negro” anymore.

    – One final note. There was no “gays”, “negros”, or anything else to “card” on with the band of brothers in the military. The guy next to you could have been a purple transvestite dog fucker, but your life depended on him jackass, so it didn’t matter. That you think it did, tells me you’ve been alive just long enough to be a danger to yourself, and everyone around you.

  66. – Lets see – “race baiting”, “the sex orientation card”, and “class warfare”, all in one tight little post.

    – Aside from the fact that the demographics of America has always been over 90% middle class working families, “rednecks and rubes” as you put it in the usual “Progressive, oh so tolorant way”, your point is bullshit. Society and its moires move on, unlike the WahhabiCrats who are still stuck in “stupid” and the past. Forget it Sparky, this isn’t the 60’s, Iraq is not Vietnam, and you’re no Thomas Jefferson.

    – Just as an aside we don’t use the oldtime words like “negro” anymore.

    – One final note. There was no “gays”, “negros”, or anything else to “card” on with the band of brothers in the military. The guy next to you could have been a purple transvestite dog fucker, but your life depended on him jackass, so it didn’t matter. That you think it did, tells me you’ve been alive just long enough to be a danger to yourself, and everyone around you.

  67. I love Dick (Nixon) says:

    If America wasn’t evil and didn’t buy Negroes from other Negroes who sold there brothers into slavery

    then things would be better.

    That’s why Negroes want to be called African -Americans because they want to honor those who sold their ancestors into slavery.

    See Oprah would have been better off if she was born in Ethiopia instead of Alabama because no one would have called her a ni**er in Ethiopia.

    TW: husband(kind of) …. I don’t think Stedman would dig the “old” country.

  68. – Just a bit of friendly advice “dick lover”. If I were you I would hold forth with those types of bullshit disrespectful comments in a room full of war vets, or you won’t need to worry about saving money on your car insurance.

  69. – Just a bit of friendly advice “dick lover”. If I were you I would hold forth with those types of bullshit disrespectful comments in a room full of war vets, or you won’t need to worry about saving money on your car insurance.

  70. Wouldn’t that is…..

  71. Wouldn’t that is…..

  72. Master Tang says:

    Pay no attention to I love Dick (Nixon) – we purposely trained him wrong …. as a joke.

  73. I love Dick (Nixon) says:

    Duty , Honor and Country is for the ignorant.

    Only victims have honor.



    Katrina survivors






    Enron employees


  74. Master Tang says:

    I was perhaps not clear earlier.

    Please ignore I love Dick (Nixon).  He is an idiot.

  75. Cybrludite says:

    Let’s face it… America sucks.

    Looks like you’ve mistaken the Bay Area for America…

  76. ShedMySkin says:

    Sorry, Master Tang…I couldn’t resist.

    So, Dick, or perhaps I should say Mark Barrett…how does one get to be the CFO of a corporation with the sheer level of idiocy that you’ve displayed? I’m now beginning to think I really don’t need to finish that college education to become a successful ass. Maybe the key is to just adopt a philosophy of complete and total appeasement, combined with ass kissing (or judging by your moniker, other activities) as a way to excel in life. There’s a piece by a humorous gentleman by the name of Maddox that addresses the use of the phrase “African-American”. You might find it a bit contradictory to the deep and meaningful explanation you gave above. Feel free to take a look here. And lastly, do us all a favor and quit wasting oxygen- it’s obviously doing you no good.

  77. Andras says:

    Well, I’ve been to Florence recently (for a very short time) and I visited a WWII cemetery just outside of town (on the way to Fiesole).

    It’s maintained the British War Graves Commission (or somesuch) as it contains the graves of some 700-800 Brits, around 70 Canadians, some New Zealanders, Aussies and South Africans.

    So many young men… and women as well; a terrible waste it was but it had to be done (and my land of birth, Hungary, was on the losing side… as usual).

  78. English Only says:

    Everything was so much more betterer and more colorfuller and important and heroic way back when!  We should all learn to jitterbug! 

    Or maybe not…there was a draft! And sad-sack 4Fs like Zoot Suit Goldstein would be forced to work at the scrap yard or at the tank factory.  No sitting around and “reframing” and “parsing” and “looking for extra-Textual meaning.”

    Slobbering sentimentality gets us into wars nad keeps us there.  Let’s honor the fallen and the living too.

    As long as we’re sharing poems, here’s one:

    Dulce et decorum est

    Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,

    Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,

    Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs

    And towards our distant rest began to trudge.

    Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots

    But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;

    Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots

    Of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind.

    Gas! GAS! Quick, boys! – An ecstasy of fumbling,

    Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;

    But someone still was yelling out and stumbling,

    And flound’ring like a man in fire or lime…

    Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light,

    As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.

    In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,

    He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.

    If in some smothering dreams you too could pace

    Behind the wagon that we flung him in,

    And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,

    His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin;

    If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood

    Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,

    Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud

    Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, –

    My friend, you would not tell with such high zest

    To children ardent for some desperate glory,

    The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est

    Pro patria mori.

    Wilfred Owen


  79. Master Tang says:

    And for his second feat, English Only will produce a quote from Graves or Sassoon!  This will be followed by a leap through a flaming hoop while citing the observations of General W.T. Sherman on the nature of war.

    Geez, dude, couldn’t you have pulled out Dalton Trumbo or maybe a little something from Storm of Steel?  Since you’re so fixated on the realities of WWI on a day set aside to commemorate the heroes of a battle of WWII.

  80. LagunaDave says:

    I recently went to Washington DC for the first time since the WWII Memorial on the Mall was dedicated.

    I have to agree with those who complained that it’s design is a bit disappointing, but there is a great quote chiseled into one of the walls which is appropriate in rembrance of D-Day and WWII:

    We are determined that before the sun sets on this terrible struggle our flag will be recognized throughout the world as a symbol of freedom on the one hand and of overwhelming force on the other.

    – General George C. Marshall

  81. LagunaDave says:

    Slobbering sentimentality gets us into wars nad keeps us there.

    Did you read that on a bumper sticker?

    “Slobbering sentimentality” is not what most people associate with the Japanese pilots who bombed Pearl Harbor, or the 9/11 hijackers.

  82. English Only says:

    Hey Poon Tang–you sure know your poetry!  That it’s about WWI makes it even more apropos in that there was a WWII, etc. 

    Laguna Dave: “Slobbering sentimentality” is mine, thank you. Saddam Hussein bombed Pearl Harbor too?!  Goddammit!

  83. Mikey NTH says:

    We’re sorry, English Only, but the Chickenhawk meme has been used earlier.

    But we have a lovely parting gift for you!  Tell the nice…thing…what he’s won, Johnny!

    word:another “Another day, another troll.”

  84. Mikey NTH says:

    Just as an aside –

    Does anyone else think we should rattle the old cup and get actus a Cure tape?  He/she/whatever seems really, really needy, and I think Disintegration should do it.

  85. LagunaDave says:

    Saddam Hussein bombed Pearl Harbor too?!


    And neither did the Germans, Bluto.

  86. LagunaDave says:

    Does anyone else think we should rattle the old cup and get actus a Cure tape?

    I think the only way to make Actus disappear is for Jeff to announce another Protein Wisdom fund-raiser.

    It sure did the trick last time.

  87. actus says:

    Plenty wrong with using a thread about the memory of the honorable dead to prance around, defile said memory, scrape it off on the host, and then come back, prance around some more, make a veiled appeal, and effectively lie about it all over again

    If anyone is defiled by discussions of how propaganda has changed since they were in the service, then I’m very sorry to them.

    So right about now your side should be practicing all the usual “cover-up” screed

    I really haven’t been following. Isn’t part of the original problem that there was an attempted coverup already? I wouldn’t read too much into Haditha, other than as a sign of how sovereign Iraq actually is. People keep telling me we put in an elected sovereign government. If so, they should have the final say on this stuff, not us.

    Since you’re so fixated on the realities of WWI on a day set aside to commemorate the heroes of a battle of WWII.

    And nobody else ever ‘“pro patria mori“‘ed on a june 6th.  How dare you defile the memories of the WWI dead? As suffering sacrificers, they should not be held in such contempt.

  88. LagunaDave says:

    I wouldn’t read too much into Haditha, other than as a sign of how sovereign Iraq actually is. People keep telling me we put in an elected sovereign government. If so, they should have the final say on this stuff, not us.

    According to this BBC article, the US and Iraq have a bilateral agreement that US servicemembers suspected of wrongdoing will be be tried by the US military justice system.

    I believe we have similar agreements with other countries we help defend, like Germany and Japan.  But then maybe Germany and Japan don’t qualify as sovereign governments either.

    Would it satisfy your oh-so-impeccable sense of justice if our soldiers and marines were tried in the court of a town controlled by the insurgents who are trying to kill them (and the Iraqi government forces too, for that matter) everyday?

  89. actus says:

    According to this BBC article, the US and Iraq have a bilateral agreement that US servicemembers suspected of wrongdoing will be be tried by the US military justice system.

    I’m sure its very bilateral. But like I said, it does show how sovereign Iraq is. The more credence Iraqi authorities are given, for example, the more they are the arbitrers of truths in their country, the more sovereign they are.

    Would it satisfy your oh-so-impeccable sense of justice if our soldiers and marines were tried in the court of a town controlled by the insurgents who are trying to kill them (and the Iraqi government forces too, for that matter) everyday?

    That doesn’t sound like a good measure of how sovereign and representative the government is.

  90. Actus, why are you such an asshole?

  91. Mikey NTH says:

    Robert, actus seems to be emotionally very needy, so starved for attention that it comes here no matter the beatings, kind of like one of those Goth girls that mutilates herself – anything to get someone to notice the existence of actus.

    Actus – self-mutilating Goth chick of Protein Wisdom – get it a Cure tape, stat!

  92. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    If we weren’t ignoring Actus, I’d just post this:

    The Cure Downloads

  93. actus says:

    Actus – self-mutilating Goth chick of Protein Wisdom – get it a Cure tape, stat!

    Isn’t there better goth than The Cure? I was always more partial to joy division. Does Siouxsie and the Banshees count? I would appreciate some Bauhaus, as I don’t have any.

  94. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Master Tang — Since English Only is so litterate n’all, I woulda thought he’d bring up something from that great realist Norman Mailer about soldiers terrified into erections rutting the earth under fire…

  95. Major John says:

    and my land of birth, Hungary, was on the losing side… as usual

    As I spent most of the time getting my MA in History studying the Habsburgs, I must agree.

    However, When I was last in Hungary (1997) it sure seemed a happier place than perhaps, most of the 20th Century.

  96. Artist Formerly Known as Fred says:

    Isn’t there better goth than The Cure? I was always more partial to joy division. Does Siouxsie and the Banshees count? I would appreciate some Bauhaus, as I don’t have any.

    God, you are such a cliche.

  97. Eddie says:

    Please enough with the comparison of WWII to the Iraq (well it’s a war as far as creating a unitary executive, but with respect to Congress ever declaring it or recognizing it in any meaningful manner with respect to budgetary decisions) … military action.  Don’t you all have better things to do with your time (perhaps enlist) than to blame liberals for all evil in the world.

    Item A:  WWII was a response to treaties we had with European countries.  Our current administration flexing its bully-like muscles as the only “super-power” has repeatedly stated that treaties are not binding on the President.  Most of the opposition to our entering WWII came from conservatives (especially war profiteers).  And we entered WWII with the intention of winning it and there was a clear enemy and a clear notion of what winning would be.

    Item B:  What are we doing militarily in Iraq?  Is this any more than baby-sitting a country that we destroyed by overthrowing its sovereign government?  I find it the ultimate irony that this administration pins its “world” legitimacy upon the United Nations, which it feels should be the next terrorist target (see, e.g., the lack of iconic monuments in NYC).

    And I do not think the introduction of any theories regarding FDR or otherwise will add to the discussion.  Comparing our elective choice to overthrow a government, dismantle an army and a society to the entrance into an already existing conflict where a megalomaniacal fascist (not liberal in any sense) sought world domination is simply too stupid to comment on.

    By the way, my father fought in WWII and he was a college graduate first generation italian from New York City.  Probably he would have been on a conservative blogger’s hitlist of worthless liberals.  But let’s not have inconvenient facts get in the way of vacuous vituperation from those who find it comfy to fight wars from behind their keyboards.

    This is not about being liberal or conservative, as if belonging to the “correct” club suddenly gave you relevance, meaning and honor. 

    Oh and I see that when the comparison is to the time that it should take to win a war, all of you are very silent and like our President can only hide behind the bullshit of “war is hard” and “this is a different kind of war” and …

    Spare me the rationalizations.

    War is not theoretical.  And wisdom does not flow from protein.  Wisdom is only found after sacrificing one’s ego.  And don’t talk about protecting freedom if you are constantly telling everyone that disagrees with you to shut up or leave.  That is not freedom.  That is totalitarianism.

  98. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Oh yeah?  Well then, why don’t you just, like….GET OUT OF HERE IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT?

  99. Lloyd says:

    Yup, they crash the party and then complain because you’ve only got keg beer. Fucking wankers.

  100. 6Gun says:


    From the downright ill to the factually challenged leftwing feel-ist (one who spouts newfound respect for anti-UN sovereignty when it involves leaving psychopaths in power) forming an entire chickenhawk reality around carefully constructed preconception; funnny how a simple thread about D-Day and media bias really brings the moonbats out.

    Must be the immense cranial pressure of speaking a cheap, crude, ugly kind of truth to power and all that.  Because somebody has to, right?  Because there’s so much reverent patriotism in shouting McChimpyFascist just because you have the right to speak what purports to be a mind.

    The courage; the honor.  The vein-bulging justified outrage.


    Leftism is already a clinical disorder.  I suppose thinking nobody notices is just another symptoms.

  101. MarkD says:

    I thought this administration lacked respect for the UN.  Did I miss the latest talking points memo?

  102. LagunaDave says:

    Item A:  WWII was a response to treaties we had with European countries.

    US participation in WWII had nothing whatsoever to do with “treaties we had with European countries,” you dolt, because we didn’t have any.

    Most of the opposition to our entering WWII came from conservatives (especially war profiteers).

    It is true that Republicans (and also Socialists until Hitler broke his pact with Stalin) opposed involvement in WWII initially, although 1930’s Republicans would be best described as isolationist, not “conservative”.

    But let me get this straight – the “war profiteers” opposed US involvement in…a war?  Do you even think about the words you type?

    Item B:  What are we doing militarily in Iraq?  Is this any more than baby-sitting a country that we destroyed by overthrowing its sovereign government?

    Yes, it is more than that.

    We went into Iraq for a number of reasons that have been discussed ad infinitum.  You may agree or disagree with the arguments for doing it, but why pretend that you have no idea whatsoever what they are?

    But let’s not have inconvenient facts get in the way of vacuous vituperation from those who find it comfy to fight wars from behind their keyboards.

    No, why let inconvenient facts get in the way, when you can just invent more convenient ones “from behind your keyboard”, like the “treaties we had with European countries” leading to WWII.

    And don’t talk about protecting freedom if you are constantly telling everyone that disagrees with you to shut up or leave.  That is not freedom.  That is totalitarianism.

    No, it is freedom.  Just like your being able to show up and try to tell us what we are and aren’t allowed to discuss is freedom.

    “actus” not just some guy who innocently wandered by to have a discussion.  He is a habitual thread-hijacker who posts banal non-sequiturs, contributes nothing of any substance, and generally tries to annoy people.  Also, he is as badly informed as you are.

  103. 6Gun says:

    BTW eddie, I nominate this as the single most concise, well-written hunk of conflicted paranoid make-truth yet to appear on pw.  And we’ve had our share.

    Fisking this sucker would take three times as many words as it itself contains.  Congrats!

    War is not theoretical.  And wisdom does not flow from protein.  Wisdom is only found after sacrificing one’s ego.  And don’t talk about protecting freedom if you are constantly telling everyone that disagrees with you to shut up or leave.  That is not freedom.  That is totalitarianism.

    I hereby define any quivering slab of irrationality that takes more than double the words to fisk than it did to write, “6Gun’s Law”.

    With extra credit for double and triple conflicts across multiple levels of contradiction.  And a cherry on top if you can work in at least one example of complete ignorance while adopting a correcting tone.

    This one qualifies like nothing I’ve ever seen.  Go write it up at Wikipedia.

  104. 6Gun says:

    And Laguna Dave handily and courteously demonstrates 6Gun’s Law!

    Gosh.  I’m blushing.  Thanks, Laguna Dave!

  105. Mikey NTH says:

    Perhaps New Order.

    And a cartoon of the best Wilkinson has to offer.

  106. actus says:

    It is true that Republicans (and also Socialists until Hitler broke his pact with Stalin) opposed involvement in WWII initially, although 1930’s Republicans would be best described as isolationist, not “conservative”.

    I think they were conservative—in the sense that they were agaisnt the economic progressiveness of the new deal.

  107. Jim in KC says:

    Just for the record, Eddie, the “chickenhawk” crap doesn’t work with this crowd.  Too many veterans and current active-duty to make it stick.

    But to your points:

    A: Iraq was violating the cease-fire that ended the Gulf War, a cease-fire that ended a U.N. action against Iraq authorized by U.N. resolutions.  By violating that cease-fire, not only is he waging war on the U.S. but by extension on the whole of the U.N.  Now I realize that a few countries were so busy making money off circumventing the sanctions that they were unwilling to stand up for the principles involved, but really, your relegation of the U.N. to the dustheap of history isn’t very helpful to the discussion.

    B: Seems to me like we still have troops in Korea, Japan, Germany.  Are we baby-sitting them, too?  After all, those wars ended quite a long time ago, don’t you think? 

    What is it, exactly, that you find “not different” about this particular war?  I’m sure you have some sort of basis for your apparent notion that someone either at the Pentagon or the White House has a crystal ball that allows them to see the future and divine the exact length of the war on terror, only they refuse to share it with the rest of us.

  108. N. O'Brain says:

    And wisdom does not flow from protein.  Wisdom is only found after sacrificing one’s ego.  And don’t talk about protecting freedom if you are constantly telling everyone that disagrees with you to shut up or leave.  That is not freedom.  That is totalitarianism.

    And when yo can snatch this pebble from my hand, you will be a true Shao-lin priest and a master of kung-fu, grasshopper.

    Then you get those honkin’ big burn marks on your arms.

  109. Major John says:

    But let’s not have inconvenient facts get in the way of vacuous vituperation from those who find it comfy to fight wars from behind their keyboards.

    You don’t know some us very well at all, do you?

  110. LagunaDave says:

    I think they were conservative—in the sense that they were agaisnt the economic progressiveness of the new deal.

    Yes, but those same Republicans/isolationists (the same actual Congressmen and Senators, in many cases) opposed joining the League of Nations, more than a decade before there was any New Deal.

    The connection between laissez-faire, limited-government domestic policies (“conservativism”) and isolatist foreign policies seems like a coincidence.

    Today’s Republicans and Democrats would find their counterparts from the 20’s and 30’s generally in agreement with their basic economic philosophies, but the isolationist/internationalist foreign policy roles have been completely reversed.  Vietnam clearly seems to have been the turning point.  Carter and Reagan were the first instances of the new foreign policy alignment of their respective parties.

    President Bush is the most “Wilsonian” president since, well, Wilson (not that others like FDR, JFK and RWR weren’t also similarly idealistic).

  111. allah carte says:

    Maybe Actus needs a scarecrow…..

  112. What amazes me—and seems to be studiously ignored by the modern anti-war movement—is how closely their tactics and rhetoric tracks that of the Coughlinites before US entry into WWII.

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