Cruz is just some tea-baggin’, H8ty h8tr from Texas
When asked about Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, [Former New Mexico Gov. Bill] Richardson expressed his distaste for the senator.
“I’m not a fan. I know [Ted Cruz is] sort of the Republican latest flavor. He’s articulate. He seems to be charismatic, but I don’t like his politics. I think he introduces a measure of incivility in the political process. Insulting people is not the way to go. But I guess he’s a force in the Republican political system, but I’m not a fan.”
ABC News: Do you think he represents most Hispanics with his politics?
“No, no. He’s anti-immigration. Almost every Hispanic in the country wants to see immigration reform. No, I don’t think he should be defined as a Hispanic. He’s a politician from Texas. A conservative state. And I respect Texas’ choice. But what I don’t like is… when you try to get things done, it’s okay to be strong and state your views, your ideology. But I’ve seen him demean the office, be rude to other senators, not be part of, I think, the civility that is really needed in Washington.”
You’re not an authentic [fill in favored pet minority du jour on the Leftist Plantation] if you dare dissent from Leftwing dogma.
Who knew Bill Richardson’s other job was Democrat Imam?
Carville: Cruz is ‘the most talented and fearless Republican politician’ in 30 years
Sheesh. Richardson’s ma is Mexican and his dad is white. Cruz’ dad is Cuban and his mom is white.
A distinction without a difference, Billy.
he’s cuban like roobs I thought
which is hispanic but not the sort what translates unless you’re an estefan
they’re not homogeneous you know
and the estefans are drooling past-their-prime obamawhores anymore
here’s a fun factoid
ask the googles what’s the percentage of hispanics in miami what are of mexican origin
it’s manzanas y naranjos
ohnoes mexican standoff
Richardson is just feeling outclassed. Cubans have style and a hipper accent.
Cubans don’t run to massive girth as they age the way Mexicans do either. Richardson has more chins than a Chinese phonebook.
so far roobs has shown a vastly greater appetite for being “the hispanic candidate” – identity politics is sort of his thang
cruz seems much more idea-driven
Cruz is on fire right now, so they have to stamp it out while they still can.
You cannot be an authentic anything, other than an old white man, if you are Republican.
Cruz is going to prove to the dems that if they play with the bull, they get the horns.
. . . he introduces a measure of incivility in the political process. Insulting people is not the way to go
Richardson should have a word with Sen. Reid about that.
Sen. Reid’s incivility, that is. Until that time, Sen. Cruz may rest easy.
there is no such thing as a failmerican politicianwhore above insult
So what does this say about Barack Obama who is half cracker.
is cruz indeed “anti-immigration” for reals?
I haven’t been dignifying the cheesy cheesy backroom antics of roobs and schumer and meghan’s coward daddy with my attentions
but I can tell you there’s been no actual debate on the matter
I think demeaning and incivil and all their variations are code words for uppity.
Richardson sounds like a raaaaacist when you put it that way, Ernst.
And in the corner you have Susana Martinez, Gov NM. (R)
the Dems have Menendez of child prostitution fame
Do the dems have any Hispanic Governors? of Senators i Missed ?
Whatever they accuse others of being, they are.
lil George P might could make a respectable land commissioner in Texas
he’s the bestest bulwark against a purple texas you’re gonna find
Perry is stale cheesy and done done done not unlike Tamara Faye LaValley Bakker Messner
Interesting Ann Althouse post relating to last night’s OT discussion of Niall Ferguson’s of the cuff remark about Keynes’s sexual preferences.
(via Glenn Reynolds)
forget about the hag and her riding activities
that boy is weird
real people want money for to have freedom
the ones what want it for social importance are already neutered
money grubbing lil castratos
think Warren Buffett and how safe as houses we all know his whore secretary is
Acht, but Keynes was given to overblown prose. Yuck.
Richardson sounds like a raaaaacist
He did call Cruz “articulate” … DOG WHISTLE!!
“[G]iven to overblown prose[,]” leigh?
Are you saying that Keynes was flowery?
Keynes’s penchant for tiptoeing through the tulips IS A SUBJECT FORBIDDEN!
Report to Room 101 immediately!
maybe you’re overthinking it Mr. Ernst
what’s kinda interesting though is to think about how Keynes was so readily reduced to a fascist tool in light of how the Reinhart-Rogoff fiasco is being used to reduce those two to…
the exact same fucking tool
all roads lead to rome i guess
How So?
(Yeah, I’m going to make you spell it out here)
ok by overblown i mean
maybe keynes was fellated too much by the ivy league set to where he never thought to examine how his theories would be used to justify the economic rape of our sad piteous little country what would ultimately be administered by the merciless and brutal loins, working in machine-like tandem, of food stamp and whorenanke
I think Keynes reply to that would be
why are you blaming me? I’m dead.
I’m not blaming him for how he was/is used
but for reals the keynesianism as practiced in these latter days of failmerica pretty much instantiates the idea that sometimes you’re better off dead there’s a gun in your hand and it’s pointing at your head
I would dearly love to see Cruz debate Teh Won.
How and to whom has Cruz been rude? What insults have been leveled? Memo to Bill: Pointing out the fact that you’re wrong is not rude. You might want to get used to it.
If I recall correctly, he tried to explain the Constitution to Diane Feinstein.
It didn’t work.
Is there a better way to introduce civility into politics than a personal attack?
To be fair, I don’t see any mention made of Cruz’s parentage. Maybe that is being implied, but I’m not getting it.
This I see in spades, and to me it is far more important. The people of Texas elected Cruz to represent them in the Senate, not to “be a Hispanic”.
If Cruz has upset the nauseating comity of the US Senate, I say more power to him, and “can Tennessee get a couple of guys like him to do more of the same?”.
Possibly that’s the thrifty gene at work.
Yes, and real frauds want — not a little Richardson-like — to redefine things so as to legitimize their specific dysfunctions and crimes. To wit:
Exactly. Socialism has no greater tool than the infinite expansion of free money, except maybe that the policy of the infinite expansion of free money can be reframed as something other than a big Cloward Pivenian cog.
Valid observations, albeit high moralizing … that are obliterated by the notions that either artificial Keynesian stimuli or systems now awash in perpetual “semi-criminal, semi-pathological propensities which one hands over with a shudder to the specialists in mental disease” are sound, valid, ethical, or moral. We know how this ends and end it shall.
Keynes invented cancer, toyed with it, wrote extolling some of its virtues, and then wrote it all off as the dysfunctional product of the cigarette and processed food industry?
I don’t know if Keynes thought there would be hard dividing line defining what’s called monetary Keynesianism from soft, temporary, asset-based stimulus, but intellectually — and certainly practically — one doesn’t actually exist.
Leading back to Richardson, as I wrote Jeff about this topic this morning, in a land of frauds and criminals hell-bent on legitimizing their own criminality in their own criminal enterprise, I’m not surprised to see the inversion of reality — per protein wisdom’s effort to identify the theft of language — as the first recourse of evil.
Fiat monetary policy is the greatest existential threat to classical liberalism. It’s not surprising then to find its language the greatest extant fraud on meaning and intent.
It’s well past time to call that thing what it is. It is likely the purposeful death knell of classical American liberalism. It is an impending economic and social police State.
He caused embarrassment to the GOP Establishment with his support for the gun control filibuster (that never came about). Senators yelled at him for it.
But the yelling at isn’t considered rude. Nosiree, because he strayed off the pragmatic and proper GOP Senator’s acceptable and pragmatic protocols plantation.
I hope he gives every one of ’em significant heartburn, and McCain uncontrollable diarrhea.
I thought the “one drop rule” was historically something only racists employed to ensure racial purity.
Guess I had that mixed up.
Call me crazy but I want a leader who is not afraid to call someone out and get in a fight, when a fight is called for. I don’t want civility like McCain. I want a fighter, who will call the President a liar when he continually, perpetually lies about pretty much everything.
Its one of those things I don’t get – King Food Stamp lies, constantly, repeatedly- the truth can be proven with very little work, yet almost no Republicans will call Food Stamp out. It seems like it would be a good strategy – call the President a liar, prove he’s a liar (which is not hard) and people will flock to you, for no other reason than people are just sick and tired of being lied to, then told its the truth by the fawning media.
Wall Street’s Favorite Racist
It’s like the 3/5ths compromise. Once you abandon any interest in or knowledge of history, it makes more “sense” to look at it as exactly the opposite of what it was.
Besides, if you’re half-something-besides-“white”, you get extra grievance/victim points to spend, and people are supposed to listen to you because you’re “special”.
Saw the picture on Drudge, and had a momentary worry that Obama had just appointed himself to the Supreme Court.
It’s just a graduation robe though:
Obama To Grads: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny
I guess this “constitutional scholar” never heard of an anti-Federalist, either.
Most economists I know think Keynes would be apalled at what his theories have wrought. According to them, I don’t know that much about it, what is currently being advertised as Keynsian Economics was only intended by Keynes to be used for short periods to help boost a stagnant economy. He never advocated it as a full time philosophy.
I would blame it on cognitive dissonance, but he is probably just that dishonest.
Saw the picture on Drudge, and had a momentary worry that Obama had just appointed himself to the Supreme Court.
Heh. But hasn’t he, twice already?
Lucky for us that Cruz doesn’t rely on his ethnicity to make his arguments or claim the high ground in debate. Weirdly, he uses the Constitution, which applies to all Americans, with no special privileges or disadvantages based on one’s membership in a gender/race/ethnic/religious group.
beemoe: “I would blame it on cognitive dissonance, but he is probably just that dishonest.”
Also, not overly bright.
Because if the government were tyrannical, they’d tell us, right?
Unlike Presentdent ConLawyer, Cruz has actual legal experience and credentials. Even Alan Dershowitz (not exactly a Tea Partier) has called him “brilliant”.
So, I guess anyone who has a “Question Authority” bumperstick better cover it up with an Obamessiah sticker.
Meanwhile Bill Richardson is one of the biggest jackasses on the planet, whatever identity group he’s running with.
See, that right there is some world-class civility on offer from Mr. Reid.
Uppity freshman half-Latino from Jesusland needs to remember his place.
i like how he’s not showing “solidarity” with greasy greasy roobs and his slimy immigration trickery
he got in bed with schumer it’s either grease or some kind of fancy lotion and I’m not gonna ask
“It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose.”