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November 2024


Searching for Bobby Fischer

Oops!  Nevermind.  Found him

25 Replies to “Searching for Bobby Fischer”

  1. JWebb says:

    DOJ gets rooked again.

  2. Garry Kasparov says:

    Now that we’ve found him, can we throw a burlap sack over his greasy head and beat him about the head and shoulders with various blunt objects?

    Or, as an alternative punishment he could be forced to live in Sisseton, SD for six months.

  3. Alpha Baboon says:

    What a coincidence..I didnt exactly find HIM, but a few days ago I made a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich on sourdough toast.. and as I started to take a bite I noticed that when the light struck the top piece of toast just right.. it looks just like Bobby Fischer.. the young Bobby Fischer, circa 1972, that looked like Tim Roth.. not the old Bobby Fischer that looks like a slightly older Yakov Smirnoff. Anyway, I recognized right away that it was some kind of miracle and probably worth a lot of money, so I very carefully just ate around the head.. but now I have this half a sandwich or so, sans crust, and I dont know exactly what my next move should be… Anybody know what a picture of Bobby Fischer on sourdough is going for these days on Ebay? (the young one remember.. not the old guy)

    Turing word: boys

    Oh, you know those impulsive chess players …

    boys will be boys…

  4. McGehee says:

    Has anybody asked Bobby whether he likes the climate in Iceland?

    He might find the summers tolerable, assuming a volcano doesn’t bury his house in lava or pumice or whatever, but the winters…

  5. CraigC says:

    “Oops!  Nevermind.  Found him.”

    No doubt at Q1.

  6. BLT in CO says:

    McGehee – He seems to be able to travel at his leisure, so maybe he’s not terribly worried about the climate.  Probably planning to winter in France, what with their less-than-rigorous immigration policies when it comes to America haters and all.

  7. Why were you looking?

  8. Mark says:

    Time to expose Bobby’s PAWN COCK of lies!


  9. Alpha Baboon –

    You should get a blog. At some point, there’s such a need to expound upon personal creativity that it escapes the bounds of merely commenting on a blog and demands its own forum.

  10. Ana says:

    Alpha, DO you have a secret blog hidden somewhere? You can tell us. We’re your friends.

  11. JWebb says:

    Mr. Baboon – I think Bill from INDC just told you to get lost.

  12. Alpha Baboon says:

    That was definitely the most polite “fuck you very much but your services are no longer needed” that I’ve ever heard. One has to appreciate a person with good manners .. its a sign of good breeding..

    Perhaps I will start a Blog before long .. I’ve thought about it, but right now its the inspiration of Jeff’s ideas that drive me..I’m not sure I could pick up a paper and find a handful of topics that I’d be interested in writing on each day.. and I dont want one of those blogs that get updated every 6 weeks.

    I really like the group participation aspect of this blog.. I mean, Jeff’s postings are excellent to begin with, but the mass of creative energy that gathers here everyday makes this place truly unique.. As an example, compare Jeff’s comment section to Vodkapundits on a specific cross posted topic.. compare the number and quality of the comments.. Here, its like living theatre, the audience is part of the show. A real time ‘Who’s Line Is It Anyway’.. Now of course if Jeff didnt care for my running on in the comment section all he’d have to do is say something and I’d pick up my keyboard and split.. but I’ve made that offer before and never heard any objection from him..He’s The Magus..and he doesnt strike me as either timid or reluctant to speak his mind.

    Oh, and Ana.. I dont have a real world blog but I do have a virtual blog that runs in my head all day long…

  13. gail says:

    I agree with AB. (I agreed with Bill on another thread, so you can’t say I’m not even handed.) The PW comments section is a little like a writing collective. None of us would be as creative without the others to play off of. If it didn’t exist someone would have to invent it.

  14. JWebb says:

    I comment on PW. I have a limited attention span. I gloss over posts or comments longer than four lines.

    Unless they’re from Goldstein.

    Or Ardolino.

    Or, okay, from McGehee. CraigC pushes it sometimes, but my trusty Kettle One helps.

    Shit, this is seven lines long.

  15. JWebb says:

    And don’t even get me started on the superior gender comments.

  16. Attila Girl says:

    Kettle One?

    Have you been boiling your vodka? And how is that working out for you?

  17. McGehee says:

    Cooks off the alcohol, leaving nothing but the fine and sublime flavor of fermented potatoes.

  18. bigbooner says:

    I can get the fermented potato smell if I don’t wash my feet for about a week.

  19. Alpha Baboon says:

    I can get the fermented potato smell if I don’t wash my feet for about a week.

    ..but thats barely worth the trouble. I mean, once you wash your feet then boil all the excess water from the pan, your left with just a sip of good potato essence.

    Try this method that my old Russian grandmother taught me.. Take a pair of your old sweaty running shoes and boil them for several hours to release all of their potato goodness.. Then remove the sneakers and boil off the excess water. you should be left with a cloudy brown concentrate. Allow it to cool then seal it in some tupperware or a ziploc freezer bag and store it in your refrigerature.

    Now when you get that urge for some good old world potato aid, just pour a few ounces of your concentrate into a tall glass with ice and add water.. mmmm great for a hot summer day, or warmed on a cold winter day.

    Oh, and dont waste your time with that crystalized potato aid you see in the Russian ethnic markets.. I tried it and its too bland. I end up throwing a few socks in with it just to make it drinkable.

    С огромным приветом!!!

  20. Alpha Baboon says:

    That should have read; Komrade Alpha Baboon

  21. Alpha Baboon says:

    Actually I shouldnt have pretended to be Russian.. not when I have so many drunken, illiterate, potato eating Irish ancestors to pick on … Make that;

    Alpha O’Baboon of County Spud

    Sorry Ruskies..

    hahaha I dunna av to be PC wit mi own keen ya wankers… bugger off !

  22. bigbooner says:

    You never mentioned what to do with the toe jam.

  23. That was definitely the most polite “fuck you very much but your services are no longer needed” that I’ve ever heard.

    I have no idea what you mean.

    You’re like a prodigy, an auteur. Your creative imagination cannot be chained by the blog of another man!

    Go and find your voice – share your gift with the world!

  24. Alpha Baboon says:

    Thanks Bill.. I appreciate the encouragement. No offense meant and none was actually taken.. I was just clowning. Playing off JWebb. I’ll definitely consider what you’ve said. Oh, and I dont know about ‘prodigy’.. Idiot Savant maybe..hahahaha…or maybe just idiot..

    -Baboon Savant (mmm I like the sound of that)

    The AI says:  great

    a portent ? I must go consult my chicken entrails.. I’ll be back..

  25. Alpha Baboon says:


    Jeeeeez Toe Jam.. you got me.. I generally just throw it away because there’s too little to do much with.. Now ask me about a good Callus or Bunion or Planters warts or a nice case of Toe Nail Fungal Infection… and have I got some recipes for you…

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