
Jeff's Wish List

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January 2025


If instead of a paranoid Congressman with a penchant for vaguely-formed and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) were a Quarter Pounder with cheese

Hinchey:  “I can’t prove it just yet, mind you, but I’m almost certain that Karl Rove was behind the whole McDonald’s “supersize me” campaign—a carefully-orchestrated Republican marketing strategy aimed at killing off Democratic-leaning minority voters by convincing them to ingest high doses of saturated fat and sodium at an insidiously low price.

“The evil bastard.”*

11 Replies to “If instead of a paranoid Congressman with a penchant for vaguely-formed and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) were a Quarter Pounder with cheese”

  1. Trevor says:

    Which just goes to show how brilliant Rove is. He can set up his enemies, and get Oliver Willis to destroy the evidence. Keeps his fingers clean the whole time. On the other hand, Oliver’s fingers are covered in grease and salt, making his finger prints show up even better. So you see, Rove really is a genius!

  2. Mayor McCheese Lied! Fry Guys Died!

  3. Bucky Katt says:

    “—a carefully-orchestrated Republican marketing strategy aimed at killing off Democratic-leaning minority voters by convincing them to ingest high doses of saturated fat and sodium at an insidiously low price.”

    Ah….it’s not just the insidiously low price, but it’s the tastiness factor!  Who doesn’t love a juicy Big Mac with those delicious super-sized fries?  cheese

  4. Salt Lick says:

    Maurice? Didn’t he say something about the Pompitous of Love?  Is that like a large vanilla cone?

  5. …..Stated that he thought there must be some connection between Karl Rove and the recent spat of sexual abuse cases in the public schools by young, attractive, liberal blond female teachers. Rove, contacted for a statement said…”[I] thought I was paying attention in school, but apparently some really good opportunities got by me”……

  6. BLT in CO says:

    Rove: a wolf in clown’s clothing.

  7. kelly says:



  8. CraigC says:

    Don’t forget the plot to spread disease through the ranks of the great unwashed Dummycrats by having their sticky-fingered little brats wade around in those germ-laden rubber balls.  Now, if he could only work a little Jack Daniels in there, we’d have….wait for it….rubber balls and liquor.

    Which never made any sense, but hey, it sounds funny…to a fifth-grader. rasberry

  9. BLT in CO says:

    Kelly: I’m just sayin’ that you never see Rove and Ronald McDonald together.  Mighty suspicious.

  10. Ana says:



    West Nile?


    Nasty square school lunch pizza?

    Yup. Rove.

  11. McGehee says:

    And yet, oddly enough, Karl Rove was not behind the New Coke.

    That one was all McAuliffe.

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