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January 2025


Film reviews in five words or less, #21

I Heart Huckabees (2004) Directed by David O. Russell.  Stars Jason Schwartzman, Dustin Hoffman, Lily Tomlin, Jude Law, Mark Wahlberg, Naomi Watts, and Isabelle Huppert.

Five words or less review:  “Like tequila, only with actors.”

18 Replies to “Film reviews in five words or less, #21”

  1. jpok says:

    Just saw it last night and found it quite amusing.

  2. Perhaps off topic here, but seeing Dustin Hoffman’s name reminded me that I saw “Midnight Cowboy” for the first time the other night. I have heard about that movie for years and all I can say is PUKE!!!! 

    I did see the Ray Charles movie last night and it was very good. Nice to see a good movie for once.

    I hardly watch movies, but my youngest has been sick and he likes to snuggle and sleep next to me when he is. So I have to lay there and watch something. I also got to see Friday Night Lights which I blogged on. It is accurate rural Texas football madness for sure, but that isn’t what I liked about it. It just sorta made me realize a bit about men.

    End of my movie reviews. Carry on.

  3. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Midnight Cowboy is a GREAT flick.

  4. Mark says:

    Jude Law is in it???  What’s the matter, didn’t they want to wait for Tom Cruise?  heh.

  5. Matt30 says:

    I don’t know about tequila.  I thought it was a fun little flick.  Then I listened to Russell’s commentary track, apparently this nutjob takes all that nonsense seriously.

    Maybe it is like tequila, pour yourself some fun, just do it for the right reasons…which is NOT so you can chew on the worm for its nutritional benefits.

  6. TJIC says:

    I rented this movie the other night.

    My favorite part was the 45 minutes in the middle where I fell asleep.

  7. “Attack of the Killer black party dress” (1962) – Directed by Fran “Nanny” Drescher. Starring: Deedie T. Strapheels and Henry Kissinger as the evil Dr. Nemisus (with special guest-star JOE PESCI as wise-cracking panties thief Leo Getz)…”Riviting entertainment – “Small dead pets” monthly review….

  8. zombyboy says:

    Be careful: I know what tequila does to you…

  9. Jeff, really? Explain that one to me. Because it had to be one of the most depressing films ever. I wanted to take a shower after watching it.

    But then. I have never seen a porn movie, so our measure of ickiness may be different….wink

  10. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Well, sure, it was depressing.  But it was supposed to be.  And I think that the friendship formed by two of society’s fringe-dwellers was really quite touching.

  11. And if I remember correctly, as a 10 year old when it was released with a “X” rating, I couldn’t wait to see that movie.  And Dustin Hoffman as Enrico Salvatore ‘Ratso’ Rizzo…it doesn’t get much better.

  12. Carin says:

    Are we talking the cheap Tequila, or good stuff? I debated between that and “Up the River” … I spent last night laughing my @ss off, so you can guess which movie I picked.

  13. Carin says:

    Oh, make that “Without a paddle”.  That’ll teach me to try to watch the news AND read Jeff at the same time.

  14. ngvrnd says:

    Duuuuuuude.  How am I not myself?

    It was like an indoctrination film for new initiates in a newage self-help cult.

    All through the movie I kept having this back and forth in my mind: they’re really taking this seriously…. nah, it has to be a spoof… no, no, I’m pretty sure they’re taking it seriously….  they CAN’T be serious…

    The last line in the credits, where they repeated the “How am I not myself?” cinched it.

    I didn’t need to listen to the commentary track.

    John Roger, where are you?

  15. Nathan says:

    That explains why I both enjoyed it and was pissed off by it.  The latter because I could tell Russell thought he was being really profound.

  16. Jay Reding says:

    On the other hand, it may be crap, but it does have Naomi Watts, one of my two favorite actresses…

    (Anti-spam word is coincidentally “firm”…)

  17. T Marcell says:

    From the Meta Files: The Existentialists Review Jeff’s 5 Word Review of I (heart) Huckabees:

    “Le Mots Cinque Juste – I laughed, I cried, I was Nauseous.” – J.P Sartre

    “3 Reichs out of 4!” – Marty Heidegger

    “Wagnerian in its conception; Jeff’s 5 word review made me think, Cosima, who!?”

    “Don’t be a stranger to the hilarity of Jeff’s 5 word review of I heart Huckabees!” – Al Camus

  18. Goy Girl says:

    Hmmm.  I like tequila….

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