Noting with unabashed admiration of your omnipresence on the comments of all my favorite blogs, I dare ask…are you sure you’re on the right thread, here?
”…and not only is Jude Law among our most gifted and generous actors, but he’s a fucking Hebe, too, and isn’t that pretty much all you need in this town?…What, he’s not?…Come on, look at his name, I mean, Jeeewwwwwwde? Gotta be a member of the Tribe.”
Man, if you guys are gonna comment on the Oscars for days, next year I might have to watch them. Please, don’t make me do that … someone tell me what the fuck Penn said.
Oops, check that. I meant Jude Law. Jude Cole was a moderately successful singer/songwriter/guitarist out of the midwest in the late 80’s, early 90’s, in case anyone was wondering.
Carin, I don’t think what Penn said was so memorable, it was the fact that he was quite obviously on some drug-induced trip while saying it. And I didn’t watch the show either, I’m just guessing…
Most amusing was that he knew he was going to come off as a humorless jerk, but did it anyway… he couldn’t stop himself. To be fair though (to Penn? Oh, hell, why not?), I think Penn is shooting a movie with Law right now, so maybe he thought Law would rough him up for not saying anything.
In contrast, Tim Robbins responded to Rock’s gibe by flipping Rock the bird. Less classy, but less didactic, too.
“Man, if you guys are gonna comment on the Oscars for days, next year I might have to watch them. Please, don’t make me do that … someone tell me what the fuck Penn said.
Posted by Carin | permalink”
I think it was something about kids swimming in chocolate rivers in Iraq before the US came…
But I didn’t bother to watch the oscars- “Team America” was MUCH more realistic.
OK, McG, as long as we’re going for confessions here, I made up that bit about The Chairman. I thought the idea of Jude Law playing Greenspan was pretty funny. Apologies to anyone taken in by this monstrous ruse.
Setting interest rates, however…
I’m just sayin’…
Noting with unabashed admiration of your omnipresence on the comments of all my favorite blogs, I dare ask…are you sure you’re on the right thread, here?
Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?
”…and not only is Jude Law among our most gifted and generous actors, but he’s a fucking Hebe, too, and isn’t that pretty much all you need in this town?…What, he’s not?…Come on, look at his name, I mean, Jeeewwwwwwde? Gotta be a member of the Tribe.”
Keyword, “image”
I think he’s permanently stuck in-character for “I Am Sam”. Politically, at least.
Kelly, you’re never supposed to admit out loud that you have other favorite blogs.
Either that, or Jeff understood my comment.
Man, if you guys are gonna comment on the Oscars for days, next year I might have to watch them. Please, don’t make me do that … someone tell me what the fuck Penn said.
My sentiments, exactly, Jeff.
And, McG, you must be referring to last year’s smash hit, The Chairman, starring Jude Cole as…Alan Greenspan. I heard Jude owned it.
Oops, check that. I meant Jude Law. Jude Cole was a moderately successful singer/songwriter/guitarist out of the midwest in the late 80’s, early 90’s, in case anyone was wondering.
Carin, I don’t think what Penn said was so memorable, it was the fact that he was quite obviously on some drug-induced trip while saying it. And I didn’t watch the show either, I’m just guessing…
Most amusing was that he knew he was going to come off as a humorless jerk, but did it anyway… he couldn’t stop himself. To be fair though (to Penn? Oh, hell, why not?), I think Penn is shooting a movie with Law right now, so maybe he thought Law would rough him up for not saying anything.
In contrast, Tim Robbins responded to Rock’s gibe by flipping Rock the bird. Less classy, but less didactic, too.
Fast Times at Ridgemont High was just on USA Network today.
Coinkydink? You be the judge.
However, Spicoli’s morphing over the years into Mr. Hand has been a fascinating process.
Props to Robbins for flashing Rock the Bird. At least THAT chucklehead still has some semblance of a sense of humor.
“Man, if you guys are gonna comment on the Oscars for days, next year I might have to watch them. Please, don’t make me do that … someone tell me what the fuck Penn said.
Posted by Carin | permalink”
I think it was something about kids swimming in chocolate rivers in Iraq before the US came…
But I didn’t bother to watch the oscars- “Team America” was MUCH more realistic.
For the record, that photog of S Penn is starting to creep me out. Like a cross between Charles Manson and Alfred E. Newman.
Has anybody figured out what Kevin meant?
Kelly got it: apparently, Jude Law once played Alan Greenspan, and did a nice job.
(Turing: girls)
Who is Kevin?
Turing: Today. As in, I should go to sleep, otherwise today morning is going to suck.
Who is Kevin?
Beats me.
But I have a confession to make—I never heard of The Chairman before this thread.
Accidental comedy. It’s what I do best.
Hey! Where’s Kevin?
OK, McG, as long as we’re going for confessions here, I made up that bit about The Chairman. I thought the idea of Jude Law playing Greenspan was pretty funny. Apologies to anyone taken in by this monstrous ruse.
I knew that.
(Or did I…?)
JG makes shit up, Kelly makes shit up, Gail is speaking in Middle Teutonic or whatever. No wonder I’m so damned lost all the time.