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January 2025


Get by with a little help from your (murderous and fanatical medievalist) friends

From FOXNews:

Recent communications between Usama bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi indicate that bin Laden has “encouraged Zarqawi and his group to focus on attacks inside the United States,” multiple U.S. officials told FOX News on Monday.

The sources would not get into detail about how the communication was made or how it was intercepted by the United States. They also said that there is nothing specific in the message […]

Zarqawi, the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq and believed to be the inspiration of the ongoing bombings, beheadings and attacks on Iraqi and American forces, pledged his alliance to bin Laden last year and changed the name of his group in Iraq to reflect his ties to Al Qaeda. Iraqi officials said they expect to take Zarqawi soon; they recently nabbed a key associate and the driver of Jordanian-born terror leader.

U.S. officials say Zarqawi has “his hands full” trying to stay out of U.S. or Iraqi custody in Iraq and they question whether Zarqawi’s group would have the ability to pull off an attack inside America. Also, officials are wondering aloud what this means about Al Qaeda and whether it means the group is reaching out to its central leader because they are under significant pressure.

Related:  In a concomitant show of strength, Usama bin Laden has reportedly also urged “the vast army of brave mujahadin pigeons” to “defecate with abandon on the windshields of automobiles inside the United States, Allah be praised.”


update:  Steve and I appear to be on the same wavelength today.  Which you have to admit is a coincidence that fairly reeks of Karl Rove.

38 Replies to “Get by with a little help from your (murderous and fanatical medievalist) friends”

  1. In all fairness to His Evil Lordship, Lord Rove, his reek is a manly one, reminiscent of ox musk and pineal excretions.

  2. Jeff Goldstein says:

    And Altoids.  Don’t forget Altoids.

  3. kelly says:

    Hmm, I had Rove as kind of an Old Spice guy.

  4. harrison says:

    …he’s a little Karlie…

  5. …said he is convinced of a Rove-Churchill connection. While local Colorado authorities declined interviews, insiders speculated that the sudden influx of direction finding anttennas and electronics survailance vans was a sure sign that the DNC was trying to track Rove waves again. Prior efforts narrowly missed catching the elusive Bush political advisor, when it was widely believed in Democratic circles that he beamed suggestive waves at the hapless John Kerry during his failed bid at the presidency. When contacted for comment Rove chortled and said….”[W]ell for what its worth I don’t believe in paying parket tickets either but I certainly appriciate the bump up in Reynolds aluminum stock prices”….

  6. Frank Villon says:

    Get by with a little help from your (murderous and fanatical medievalist) friends

    Hey!  I resemble that remark.  I happen to know some very good medievalists.

    Your commenter Gail was even one in a former life.


  7. – I wasn’t going to bring that up Frank…. Gail being so awesome in her bloomers and all….

  8. I’d like to take this opportunity to say “pineal excretions” again.

    In fact, I’d like Protein Wisdom to be the #1 Google result for “pineal excretions.”

    Have you said “pineal excretions” today?

  9. gail says:

    And Frank is a medievalist in his present life, so there. But not a murderous or fanatical one.

  10. – How can you be a medieval person and not be murderous or fanatical….. Well…. at least into bondage….

    ….said today that Martha Stewart will be carefully checked for hidden camp cupcake cutlery when she is released next week. Officials will pay special attention to her bra. A spoksman for Stewarts “Living on the Media” could not be reached for comment…..

  11. gail says:

    If Jeff wants to claw his way to the top of the “pineal excretions” heap, he’ll have to brush aside one Jack Skillingstead, author of “Transplant,” a dystopic vision of pineal excretions in a future of disturbing literary derivativeness.

  12. gail says:

    BBH Am I wrong in discerning a kind of lingerie leitmotif in your comments this evening?

  13. – Disturbing literary derivativeness is certainly furtile territory….Chinnchilla flogs help a lot too…..

  14. – Oh are you referring to the “awesome blooers” tossoff from an earlier missive of mine…. well possibly…. I love 54 year old nipples…..

  15. gail says:

    BBH, I don’t keep those in my bloomers.

  16. – No…. but while I’m in the neighborhood so to speak…. >wink

  17. gail says:

    By derivative, I mean that the first three sentences or so seemed a bit Dickish.

  18. gail says:

    Goodness, we do seem to be talking a bit out of sync.

  19. – Hmmmm…. well one could hardly expect to “rise” to Cock-off-the-run in the world of pineal excretions, without exposing a propensity to a good deal of dickishness…. could one?

  20. – We’re in perfect sync…..I just shifted to the other breast between posts….equal attention and all that…..

  21. Ana says:

    And I thought it would all calm down once Martha returned. I am soooooo na-ive.

  22. Frank Villon says:

    And Frank is a medievalist in his present life, so there. But not a murderous or fanatical one.

    Hear, hear!  But some less kind souls might dispute the “not fanatical” part.

  23. gail says:

    The effect of Martha has not been a calming one. So much for the “safety valve” theory of smut.

  24. gail says:

    Kindness to medievalists is high on my list of moral imperatives.

  25. Ana says:

    Strangely, I think it just served to plunge them deeper into depravity. I’m becoming more conservative by the moment.

  26. Rush is right: If they could have hit us again, they would have by now.  We’re winning.

  27. – At the risk of being premature…. (well actually come to think of it I was cicerian) … If things progress well in the ME its going to be mondo enjoyable watching the Limp-burrows try to find anyway they can to never say Bush was right……

  28. Ana says:

    Don’t be silly. The ME will have been liberated in spite of Chimpy McHitlerburton’s smirky rodeo ride. Not because of it. Silly BBH. What thinkest thou? (Not midieval, just a wee bit Amish.)

  29. McGehee says:

    BBH, I’m sure Cicero is proud to have you as a disciple…

  30. McGehee says:

    But I think they call themselves “ciceronian”…

    Sautee, and simmer

    The flavor can’t be beat!

  31. jiimmy says:

    now, how is it that usamanamana can find a way to communicate with zarqoweedman yet we can’t manage to find and capture the weedman, or usama?  isn’t there something wrong with this picture?

    my werd was “further.” indeed.

  32. gail says:

    McG, I think BBH is referring to a different Roman–Caesar– as in “ripped untimely from his mother’s womb” Caesar.

  33. – I thought it was Caesar Agustus that was perpetually ripped…

    Traffic Cop: “Alright…wheres the fire sport?”

    Me: “The fire?….Why the fire lays not in our Stars dear friend….The fire is in your eyes Occifer Anthony”….

  34. gail says:

    Strangely, I think it just served to plunge them deeper into depravity.

    This is especially true if Depravity is a brand of rotgut. I smell the fumes in a few particularly depraved posts….

  35. CroolWurld says:

    Related:  In a concomitant show of strength, Usama bin Laden has reportedly also urged “the vast army of brave mujahadin pigeons” to “defecate with abandon on the windshields of automobiles inside the United States, Allah be praised.”

    If the Asian Bird Flu finds a way to jump from human to human, this madman could be practicing germ warfare with his flocks of Ornitho-Islamofascists (TM).  Nuke Osamastan now.

    BTW, if you’re looking for a good ethnic cleanser, you can pick up a 5-gallon drum of Janjawihd (TM) cheap at Home Depot this week.  It’s never too early to start thinking about spring cleaning.

  36. McGehee says:

    Then why wasn’t it Caesar who killed Macbeth?

  37. gail says:

    Clarification: Caesar was (supposedly) delivered by Caesarian section BUT the “ripped untimely” quote does not refer to him. You got me McGehee.

  38. Judge: “Mr. Radar….Do you know anything about this, um… blogger I think they’re called, that has described you as a GAY MAN COCK PORN sandwitch…?”

    Radar: “I didn’t kill anybody but the names on the list…I made a specialty of defenseless females your honor…I just want the record to be accurate on that…I wouldn’t dream of hurting a STRAPING TIGHT BUNNED GAY MAN…what kind of serial killer do you take me for….jeeez”….

    turing word (alright Jeff…knock it off): attack

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