Meanwhile, in less pressing news, “President Bush on Tuesday told the American people his policies were leading to democracy in the Middle East and demanded that Syria pull out of Lebanon to allow free elections.”
“All Syrian military forces and intelligence personnel must withdraw before the [May] Lebanese elections for these elections to be free and fair,” Bush said in a speech at the National Defense University, a center for professional military education at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C.
Addressing the Lebanese people, Bush said: “All the world is witnessing your great movement of conscience. Lebanon’s future belongs in your hands, and by your courage, Lebanon’s future will be in your hands.
“The American people are on your side,” he added. “Millions across Europe are on your side. The momentum of freedom is on your side, and freedom will prevail in Lebanon.”
Sure, freedom will prevail in Lebanon. But can FOXNews ever truly be free so long as Brit Hume clings to his anchor post like some stupid, lying conserva-barnacle clinging to a ship’s hull…?
Can’t you work it so you come out on top in Google searches of Oliver Willis?
Um, swimdad, that’s MY honor.
Speakin of our favorite squishy progressive (with too few brain cells to step away from the Cheetos), Ollie has now come out in favor of pulling the plug on Terry Schiavo. Apparently, the Left can’t WAIT to pull her feeding tube out, since this whole Terry Schiavo story is part of some right-wing agenda.
Oliver probably thinks that nutrition is a zero-sum game.
OW: “That’s more Ensure for me, just in case!”
Freedom House for 2005 – “rated Lebanon on political rights with a 6 and on civil rights with a 5, both on a scale of 1 to 7 (in which 1 is the most free). Freedom House considers Lebanon to be a not free country.”
.. so we’ll see what pattern spray we get it hits the fan in May.
Hey, did you notice O-dub complaining that Instapundit never links to a liberal agreeing with another Democrat? I don’t know, maybe Glenn figures that he already posts 120 links a day, maybe another 6 trillion is a bit much?
And where did anyone ever get the idea that Glenn is some unbiased news source? I guess just because he doesn’t tag every post with, “And that’s just my biased, Karl Rove approved opinion.”
BTW – I can’t believe you guys haven’t commented on the new Dusty girl.
Here’s what I noticed about Oliver: he’s a mean, none-too-bright partisan who evidently likes cheesecake. Beyond that, I try not to pay too much attention.
Re: the new Dusty girl.
I’m just glad Dusty is back. For the shirts.
How dare you slander Mike Barnicle like that…
Even if the hostage truth is finally released, will it not just be mown down in a hail of bullets as it passes the checkpoint of destiny, targeted by the fascist opressor simply because it is the truth?
Jeesh….is Oliver “Jabba the Nutt” Willis still calling for Britt’s resignation???
Tell him that I’ll send him some Yoo Hoo and Ding Dongs if he’ll take down that silly little post.
mmmmm……Dusty Girls…..mmmmm
What is it about advertisers that makes them think pictures of under-clad women will increase their traffic?
And what is taking their damn pages so long to stinkin’ load?
Stiv, that was downright inspiring. Any headhunting calls from Il Manifesto yet?
I thought that was what Brit was doing while he was sitting on the john working the crossword puzzle last week.
Y’know, the TRUTH as can be recognized by OW.
Hey, Stiv, that’s my gig. Next time, ask permission, or I’ll have to hoist you on the petard of pettiness.
Diana, I miss the blonde, but not too much, because I know how to save.
Craig, A Change Would Do You Good.
Craig, I’m afraid the Petard of Pettiness has been sent out to be cleaned.
Next time you hoist somebody on it, please spritz it with Clean Shower afterward, m’kay?