…and it has nothing whatsoever to do with men marrying other men! From The Corner:
[…] Apparently, the Democrats are planning a big confirmation battle. Do they think they’ll gain anything by opposing a guy who puts America’s interests first? Fighting Bolton is catering to the Democrat’s base. Nothing could undermine the Democrat’s hawkish make-over than a big confirmation battle over Bolton. We’ve had Nancy Pelosi’s dovishness, Ted Kennedys call for an Iraq pull-out, the grilling of Condoleeza Rice, and now a big confirmation battle over John Bolton. (I know I’ve left out plenty, but who has time.) I can’t see how fighting Bolton is going to do anything but carve the Democrat’s dovish image even more deeply into stone [links added].
Indeed. If the Congressional Democrats’ critique of Bolton boils down to “he is defiantly pro-American, and he expects the UN to honor its charter and remake itself in the image of something more than a feckless, corrupt, dictator-coddling debating society with a bone to pick with both the US and the Jews,” you don’t need to be a corned beef hash-eating red state Rovean puppet to recognize how easy it will be to pillory those who dare disagree with such a position. I mean, “Let’s take the nationalism out of US diplomacy!” hardly makes for a winning political strategy—a fact that any Democrat not driven completely mad by Dubya’s intentional mispronunciation of ‘nuclear’ and ‘mullah’ should recognize immediately.
QandO’s John Henke has a wonderfully informative post on Bolton here; and Michelle Malkin rounds up other Bolton links here.
update: The Bolty Awards, courtesy of Pillage Idiot
First Bolton goes and ruins pop music and now the UN? Will nothing stop this ma??
Michael Bolton must die!
A moonbat friend of mine had this to say about Bolton:
“George W. Bush nominated as US ambassador to the UN someone whose platform is to turn the UN building into a whorehouse for defense contractors.”
So I’d look for the angle of attack to be HALIBURTON and whatever other Military-Industrial links he has. (Which I am not familiar with.)
Of course a whorehouse for defense contractors would be infinitely prefrerable to the kind of prostitution that currently appears endemic at the UN.
I know there are Arabic speakers out there, and I have a question. Is GB’s pronunciation of mullah any worse than anyone else’s? My understanding is that it should be similar to the oo in book; GB says it as the oo in noon, as if it were a long vowel, but lots of other people say it like the u in gut, which is way off base. (I don’t know Arabic–it’sjust a passing linguistic aquaintance).
My spamword is book
Smilin’ James Wolcott: Bolton’s nomination is an “arrogant insult to the UN.”
That isn’t an insult. “Fuck you thieving moneygrubbing dictator-dick-sucking pedophilic assholes” is an insult.
Yep, that’s an insult, right there.
Were you ever in the Merchant Marines, Gail?
Just aboard the good ship Academia
Working heavy machinery, no doubt.
Yes, I operate the steam boiler that powers all the Lacanian interpretations of Jane Austen’s juvenilia in the publicly funded educational institutions of the upper midwest.
Gail rocks when she loses it…
Keyword: control
Yeah, that’d make me swear like a motherfucker, too.
I predict this will have just as much success as the anti-Alberto Gonzalez gambit, “He’s too mean to terrorists!”
<gail has an evil twin, too!>
“Fuck you thieving moneygrubbing dictator-dick-sucking pedophilic assholes†is an insult.
It’s not an insult if it’s true.
You’ve got me pretty curious about the mullah pronunciation now. They speak Farsi in Iran, though and the only thing I ever heard about Farsi pronunciation was in the 90s that “Dole” sounded like slang for penis.
Here’s Daniel Drezner liveblogging the debate:
Why, Gail, I am shocked, shocked. You’re a mother, for Christ’s sake. And quite the little mother, from what I can see.
Keyword, “personal”
My nipples are exploding with delight.
Yes, Craig, but I’m not exactly the Blessed Mother.
Dorkafork,is that a quote from some pornographic Iron Chef episode I must have missed?
I suggest you get yourself a Hungarian Phrasebook.
Bouncy bouncy. Hee hee.
Drop your panties, Sir William; I cannot wait ‘til lunchtime.
How could I have forgotten? My hovercraft is full of eels.
I wish to plead incompetence.
to pillory those who dare dare disagree with such a position.
“dare dare”…? Sounds like a faux-tropical novelty dance you’d do on the deck at a Jamaican beachfront resort. “C’mon, the steel drums are starting! Let’s go do the dare dare!”