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January 2025


Stanley Kurtz asks a good question…

…and it has nothing whatsoever to do with men marrying other men!  From The Corner:

[…] Apparently, the Democrats are planning a big confirmation battle. Do they think they’ll gain anything by opposing a guy who puts America’s interests first? Fighting Bolton is catering to the Democrat’s base. Nothing could undermine the Democrat’s hawkish make-over than a big confirmation battle over Bolton. We’ve had Nancy Pelosi’s dovishness, Ted Kennedys call for an Iraq pull-out, the grilling of Condoleeza Rice, and now a big confirmation battle over John Bolton. (I know I’ve left out plenty, but who has time.) I can’t see how fighting Bolton is going to do anything but carve the Democrat’s dovish image even more deeply into stone [links added].

Indeed.  If the Congressional Democrats’ critique of Bolton boils down to “he is defiantly pro-American, and he expects the UN to honor its charter and remake itself in the image of something more than a feckless, corrupt, dictator-coddling debating society with a bone to pick with both the US and the Jews,” you don’t need to be a corned beef hash-eating red state Rovean puppet to recognize how easy it will be to pillory those who dare disagree with such a position.  I mean, “Let’s take the nationalism out of US diplomacy!” hardly makes for a winning political strategy—a fact that any Democrat not driven completely mad by Dubya’s intentional mispronunciation of ‘nuclear’ and ‘mullah’ should recognize immediately.


QandO’s John Henke has a wonderfully informative post on Bolton here; and Michelle Malkin rounds up other Bolton links here.


updateThe Bolty Awards, courtesy of Pillage Idiot

26 Replies to “Stanley Kurtz asks a good question…”

  1. First Bolton goes and ruins pop music and now the UN?  Will nothing stop this ma??

    Michael Bolton must die!

  2. A moonbat friend of mine had this to say about Bolton:

    “George W. Bush nominated as US ambassador to the UN someone whose platform is to turn the UN building into a whorehouse for defense contractors.”

    So I’d look for the angle of attack to be HALIBURTON and whatever other Military-Industrial links he has. (Which I am not familiar with.)

    Of course a whorehouse for defense contractors would be infinitely prefrerable to the kind of prostitution that currently appears endemic at the UN.

  3. gail says:

    I know there are Arabic speakers out there, and I have a question. Is GB’s pronunciation of mullah any worse than anyone else’s? My understanding is that it should be similar to the oo in book; GB says it as the oo in noon, as if it were a long vowel, but lots of other people say it like the u in gut, which is way off base. (I don’t know Arabic–it’sjust a passing linguistic aquaintance).

    My spamword is book

  4. Allah says:

    Smilin’ James Wolcott: Bolton’s nomination is an “arrogant insult to the UN.”

  5. gail says:

    That isn’t an insult. “Fuck you thieving moneygrubbing dictator-dick-sucking pedophilic assholes” is an insult.

  6. kelly says:

    Yep, that’s an insult, right there.

  7. kelly says:

    Were you ever in the Merchant Marines, Gail?

  8. gail says:

    Just aboard the good ship Academia

  9. kelly says:

    Working heavy machinery, no doubt.

  10. gail says:

    Yes, I operate the steam boiler that powers all the Lacanian interpretations of Jane Austen’s juvenilia in the publicly funded educational institutions of the upper midwest.

  11. ray says:

    Gail rocks when she loses it…

    Keyword:  control

  12. kelly says:

    Yeah, that’d make me swear like a motherfucker, too.

  13. David C says:

    I predict this will have just as much success as the anti-Alberto Gonzalez gambit, “He’s too mean to terrorists!”

  14. Diana says:

    <gail has an evil twin, too!>

  15. McGehee says:

    “Fuck you thieving moneygrubbing dictator-dick-sucking pedophilic assholes” is an insult.

    It’s not an insult if it’s true.

  16. SeanH says:


    You’ve got me pretty curious about the mullah pronunciation now.  They speak Farsi in Iran, though and the only thing I ever heard about Farsi pronunciation was in the 90s that “Dole” sounded like slang for penis.

  17. gail says:

    Here’s Daniel Drezner liveblogging the debate:

    10:03 PM: Bush keeps pronouncing “mullahs” as “mooolahs”—that can’t be correct, can it? UP

    The update is in response to a commenter who knows Farsi (props to Sean–I was thinking of the Iraqi Shiites like Al Sistani):

    the U sound in Farsi is much closer to a Spanish U than an English one.

    Don’t you have any Iranian friends?

  18. CraigC says:

    Why, Gail, I am shocked, shocked.  You’re a mother, for Christ’s sake.  And quite the little mother, from what I can see.

    Keyword, “personal”

  19. dorkafork says:

    My nipples are exploding with delight.

  20. gail says:

    Yes, Craig, but I’m not exactly the Blessed Mother.

    Dorkafork,is that a quote from some pornographic Iron Chef episode I must have missed?

  21. Sean M. says:

    I suggest you get yourself a Hungarian Phrasebook.

  22. Ana says:

    Bouncy bouncy. Hee hee.

  23. Sean M. says:

    Drop your panties, Sir William; I cannot wait ‘til lunchtime.

  24. gail says:

    How could I have forgotten? My hovercraft is full of eels.

  25. Ana says:

    I wish to plead incompetence.

  26. to pillory those who dare dare disagree with such a position.

    “dare dare”…?  Sounds like a faux-tropical novelty dance you’d do on the deck at a Jamaican beachfront resort.  “C’mon, the steel drums are starting!  Let’s go do the dare dare!”

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