
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


Meanwhile, somewhere in Jesusland…


20 Replies to “Meanwhile, somewhere in Jesusland…”

  1. mojo says:

    Ah – the Hog Waller free-diving championships.

    Tonight on ESPN!

  2. Tig says:

    I forget, what does it mean when the groundhog sees it’s shadow?

  3. insomni says:

    Tig: I’m not sure, but thanks for making the following off-topic link less off-topic:

  4. leelu says:


  5. harrison says:

    I don’t get it…is this satire?

    That’s me,3rd from the right,closer to the middle.

    Secret word: people

  6. insomni says:

    How Peter Pan’s big sister, Gertie, permanently lost her shadow.

  7. Hey! You gotta admire the form! She has obviously been practicing her little heart out. Perfect line!

  8. A fine scotch says:

    Maybe I’m revealing too much here, but:

    Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it.  Mud holin’ (or just holin&#8217wink is a lot of fun.  Think mud football without the tackling.

  9. slarrow says:

    Awww, don’t knock the pic too hard. How often does someone who looks like that get to be the center of attention?

  10. Salt Lick says:

    Y’all don’t understand.  These people are suiting up to fight the Predator.

  11. kelly says:

    I’m with RWS, here, folks. That’s great form. But, uh, that’s a woman?

  12. ang6666 says:

    I don’t know, I can think of much better things to do for fun.  Say, pluck my public hairs out one at a time.  LOL

  13. CraigC says:

    “Marge’s experiment with drunken levitation wasn’t going quite as planned.”

  14. Anty says:

    I used to love doing that!  Brings back fond memories of my childhood days in the south.

    Like A Fine Scotch said..

    “Don’t knock it ‘til you try it”

    It is quite fun I can assure you, but not if you have to get that red clay out in a washine machine.


  15. That there is what them ragheads get. That one there is all “Hee Haw” and no “Honey.”

  16. Then again, it reminds me of when I met my wife. Best family reunion ever.

  17. JWebb says:

    It’s much more meaningful when done indeliberately. 

    Or so I was told after my last birthday party.

  18. Kibrogops says:

    The end of the tour of the Clinton Library. cool mad

  19. Ana says:

    She’s gonna belly flop. Then, pretty much any way that ole gal went in she was gonna belly flop.

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