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November 2024


Senator Barbara Boxer to US electorate:  “Screw you.”

From FOXNews:

Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., will contest the results of the Electoral College that will give President Bush a second term. A joint session of Congress is set to meet on the matter at 1 p.m. EST Thursday.

Boxer’s decision follows a similar one by several Democratic House members. With Boxer’s challenge, congressional rules stipulate that senators and representatives must recess to their respective chambers to debate certification.

The action would be the first of its kind in 36 years, but probably will amount to no more than a procedural delay of the inevitable.

Well, I suspect it will amount to more than just a precedural delay—though it will of course have no effect on the outcome of the certification.  Instead, this cynical, partisan gesture—which Boxer and her House cohort will attempt to perfume over with a lot of flowery-smelling talk of making every vote count™ (twice, in fact, if they can pull it off) and “feeling compelled to draw attention to”™ perceived problems in the electoral system—is meant to do several things:  1) taint the Bush presidency with a stink of deligitimacy; 2) prepare for a forthcoming push to abolish the electoral college in favor of a “Californians and New Yorkers will tell you filthy, midwest pissants who the president is gonna be” movement; 3) weaken the aura of respectibility US Presidential elections have enjoyed throughout the world, even amongst our enemies (in this, Boxer will join the likes of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who recently, in his familiar quasi-retarded way, questioned the legitimacy of the US electoral process); and 4) provide Boxer herself with a lot of left-liberal cache—plenty of congratualtory phone calls from European diplomats; a wine and brat basket from the Franco-German alliance; and a coupon for 15% of the next Michael Moore DVD.  Hell, maybe she can even get Keith Olbermann to give her a friendly spanking.

But here’s the thing:  the US has a long (and, I believe, truly dignified) tradition of handing over the reins of power without incident.  In the last 5 years, however, this new generation of “progressivist” Democrats has managed to undo a couple centuries worth of dignity in their increasingly pathetic attempt to hold onto power—or, when all else fails, to call into question the legitimacy of the power their opponents will attempt to exert.

By raising questions of legitimacy at every turn, the progressivist / liberal wing of the Democratic establishment hopes to provide themselves cover for a strategy of obstructionism; by constantly presenting to the public suggestions of Republican impropriety, these contemptible partisans hope to create enough controversy to force Bush and Co. to work extra hard for each plank of their reform agenda—the idea being to force the Republicans to play defense so that their opportunities to score politically are significantly diminished.  Not a bad strategy as legislative strategies go, but one that has had the practical impact of increasing seats for Republicans in both the House and Senate.  Because it turns out many Americans don’t look at politics merely as a power struggle between two parties; some of them actually want to see work done and judges appointed, etc.

So with manuevers like Boxer’s, what the left-liberal base of the Democratic party is really succeeding in doing is weakening democracy in the eyes of the world, and alienating moderate voters here at home.  For instance, the whiny little bitches have succeeded in losing my vote for the forseable future.  Because I’d rather see a gang of shaved marmosets in executive and judicial and legislative power than the modern day Democratics represented by the likes of Pelosi and Dean and Boxer and Moore.


(thanks to Kyle)

29 Replies to “Senator Barbara Boxer to US electorate:  “Screw you.””

  1. MC says:

    Many House Dems have not learned their Daschle lessons. Teach them. Teach them well.

  2. Jon says:

    tee hee.. Jeff said marmoset.

  3. MC says:

    Uh, Senate Dems as well.

  4. gail says:

    Thank God for the Electoral College. Without it we pissants would be up the crick. Outdated, my eye.

  5. gail says:

    Ghaddafi may be quasi-retarded, but he wears a clever little Jackie Kennedy pillbox.

  6. albo says:

    Shaved marmosets in the White House.  That actually sounds like it’d be a lot of fun.

    “Barney, stop humping that marmoset!”

  7. gail says:

    Now where’s the damn Chanel suit you frump?

  8. shank says:

    Well said Goldstein.  The current democratic leadership could fuck up a wet dream.  They kind of did actually…that Theresa Heinz interrupted a most invigorating nighttime tryst involving yours truly, Ms. Spears, a certain X-tina, and a heart shaped bubblebath.  Damn that ketchup peddling whore and her unfathomably disfigured face.  Damn!

  9. By attacking legitimate election results, the Democrats have adopted a policy of underming the integrity of our democracy itself.  They are actually creating the environment to justify their own cheating with the false “they do it too” charge.

  10. gail says:

    Oh well, screw that.

  11. Aubrey says:

    This is on the same day two white, wealthy, liberal Senators from the Northeast are challenging a Hispanic Attorney General candidate for being too harsh on terrorists.  The will probably introduce a Terrorist’s Bill of Rights any day (may be a parody subject there).

    You just can’t make this stuff up.

  12. azlibertarian says:

    I can’t help but to remember that it was only four years ago that Sen. Al Gore did not stoop this low.

  13. mojo says:

    Even the Dem reps from Rhode Island seem to be in favor of killing the EC. Talk about clueless…

  14. tongueboy says:

    For instance, the whiny little bitches have succeeded in losing my vote for the forseable future.

    Same here. This Model U.N. parliamentary trick truly validates, in my mind, my decision to vote a straight party ticket in 2004 for the first time in 25 years of voting. I was a bit nervous about it at the time but Boxer, Conyers and Co. have set my mind at ease. For that, I thank them.

  15. capitano says:

    Boxer: I need some face time to show off my touch-up work around the eyes; it’s pretty darn good don’t you think?  Ideas?

    Boxer Aide: It’s going to be tough with Teddy, Leahy and Biden hogging all the cableshow time trying to bloody up Alberto with Abu Graib.

    Boxer: Leave it to those assholes to worry about women laughing at someone’s genitalia.  OK call Conyers.  I feel saucey today.

  16. moge says:

    Aw c’mon, Jeff! We all know Kerry didn’t lose.

  17. JWebb says:

    As Boxer tries to jockey into position with her electoral briefs, hopefully history will judge this as just more fruit of the loons.

  18. gail says:

    Thame old thong.

  19. Sean M. says:

    Don’t blame me, I voted for the other guy who ran for her Senate seat here in CA.  You know, whassis name, the guy who apparently didn’t spend any friggin’ money on advertising and didn’t seem to do any goddamned campaigning…oh yeah, Bill Jones.  That’s who I voted for.  I think.

  20. Carin says:

    You know, this is all it takes … and in a few months, the standard moonbat response will be “Bush stole BOTH elections.” The accusations repeated often enough- it becomes liberal gold standard. (They just played the whole deal on the radio live.)

  21. Interestingly in the House when it came time to vote only a small fraction of Democrats endorsed this stupid move.

  22. cthulhu says:

    “Because I’d rather see a gang of shaved marmosets in executive and judicial and legislative power than the modern day Democratics represented by the likes of Pelosi and Dean and Boxer and Moore.”

    — Yeah, me too, but unfortunately I live in California.

    Oddly, if you’ve ever looked at the actual voting statistics in California, we have red counties and blue counties. Unfortunately, the state has been Gerrymandered in such a way that the state is very, very, very blue.

  23. Sam says:

    Isn’t Boxer one member of the congress that was bouncing checks a few years ago? Self righteousness even with a “prettier” face still doesn’t fit well coming from her.

  24. Linda in Whittier, CA says:

    I have already sent MS Boxer my thanks for starting the ball rolling for a Republican Sweep in 2004!

  25. tee bee says:

    wouldn’t the irony be that Bush won both the popular and the EC votes? okay, I know, it’s easier for the dems to steal and produce a favorable vote, a la Washington’s gubonatorial race, if they are challenged by only one vote system. but still…

  26. Linda in Whittier, CA says:

    I have already sent MS Boxer my thanks for starting the ball rolling for a Republican Sweep in 2004!

    Oooops! I meant 2006 not 2004.

  27. Randy says:

    I don’t get why Dems like her DON’T GET IT !!

    Thanks for being you Barb.

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