
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

September 2024


"Rep. Smith: 'Obama Adminstration's Bias Against Catholics Is an Affront to Religious Freedom'"

About as close to calling the Administration anti-American by intent as one is likely to find from a Congressman. CNS:

[Rep Chris] Smith noted that independent reviewers found the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to be one of the most experienced experts on human trafficking.

From 2006 to 2011, the USCCB received HHS grants to help 2,271 victims, many of them girls as young as 12 years old, through USCCB’s National Human Trafficking Assistance Program.

In October, the most recent grant expired, and the HHS — after an open-bidding process — decided to award approximately $4.7 million in funding to three other agencies: $1,095,711 to an Atlanta-based group called Tapestri; $1,020,250 to Heartland Human Care Services of Chicago; and $2,589,125 to the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, based in Washington, D.C.

Smith, who authored the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, is furious:

“In what can only be described as an unconscionable abuse of power, the Obama administration has engaged in what amounts to bid rigging: denying taxpayer funds to a demonstrably superior organization — the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) — with an exemplary ten-year track record of performance that scored significantly higher in independent HHS reviews than two of the three NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) that got the grant.”

The Obama administration’s discriminatory practice of funding NGOs [non-governmental organizations] that provide or refer for abortions even when they fail to win a competitive process is not only unjust, unethical and in violation of conscience laws, but it severely undermines public — and congressional — confidence and support for what is an otherwise laudable program,” said Smith.

These aren’t your grandparents’ Democrats, folks.

These are authoritarians who usurped both the Democrat brand and the “liberal” label in order to deploy a Trojan Horse strategy for institutionalizing left-wing ideology by way of policy adoption and implementation (much of it beyond the purview of voters).

If I’m a Visigoth for saying so, then so be it. I look good in yak fur and horns, and I can handle a cudgel like a goddamned man, to boot.

So commence with the vapors if you must. But get out of my friggin’ way.

286 Replies to “"Rep. Smith: 'Obama Adminstration's Bias Against Catholics Is an Affront to Religious Freedom'"”

  1. Pablo says:

    Yeah. My Grandparents’ Democrats were Catholic.

  2. Squid says:

    I guess “Catholic” must be the new “White working-class” when it comes to abandoned voters.

  3. Crawford says:

    Well, it’s not like JFK would be a Democrat today anyway.

  4. sdferr says:

    Heh. Looked up Trojan Horse-face in the book, shouldn’t have include “face” with that I guess.

  5. happyfeet says:

    why does Chris Smith think the broke-ass failshit federal government of the United States needs to be in the business of aiding victims of human trafficking exactly?

    Dumbfuck created a boondoggle, looks like, and now he’s whining cause his preferred boondoggle whores are cut out of the gravy train.

  6. Jeff G. says:

    why does Chris Smith think the broke-ass failshit federal government of the United States needs to be in the business of aiding victims of human trafficking exactly?

    Because unlike your darling noble illegals, these people are brought here by force?

    Dunno. Just kinda spitballing.

  7. happyfeet says:

    bless their hearts but if the failshit federal government is involved you can bet your ass it’s a boondoggle I think

  8. Ernst Schreiber says:

    fucking idiot

  9. sdferr says:

    I’d kinda more expect a properly engorged Federal Government held in the clutches of Progressivism to eventually turn the surveillance program toward their own carnal purposes, for the good of the children.

  10. happyfeet says:

    The American Life League (ALL) is making a strong case of placing most of the blame for passage of ObamaCare squarely on the shoulders of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

    What the ALL is alleging is that the USCCB was very desperate to push for universal health coverage that they compromised on some key principles. One of which was that of abortion where instead of fighting against abortion they decided to stick their heads in the ground and use “abortion neutral” language.*


  11. DarthLevin says:

    The biggest problem I have with the USCCB right now is that new Roman Missal.

    All I hear now is, “The Lord be with you. And also with … and your … and with your spirit!!!”

    People can’t autopilot through Mass anymore… what’s this world coming to??

  12. leigh says:

    Back to the old Latin Rite churches. Talk about being on autopilot.

  13. happyfeet says:

    here is a better link for #10

  14. sdferr says:

    Used to play pickup football with friends every late-summer and fall Sunday for about 5 years on the field behind the USCCB.

  15. bergerbilder says:

    I think the church should stay as far away from gov’t money as possible. Aside from the fickleness of these grants, there is always the element of control being held over your head. This is just one example. Look at the bs shoved down the throats of catholic universities and hospitals (if there are any catholic hospitals left). So,as a catholic myself, I see this as a good thing in the long run.

  16. Squid says:

    …through USCCB’s National Human Trafficking Assistance Program.

    Wait — this isn’t a program to assist human traffickers? WTF?

    There’s a hundred bucks I’ll never see again. Talk about counterproductive…

  17. Crawford says:

    why does Chris Smith think the broke-ass failshit federal government of the United States needs to be in the business of aiding victims of human trafficking exactly?

    Fuck those slaves, eh, ‘feets.

  18. Squid says:

    The American Life League (ALL) is making a strong case of placing most of the blame for passage of ObamaCare squarely on the shoulders of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

    I think if the Conference of Bishops had that sort of control over Congress, they wouldn’t have trouble landing the odd grant here and there.

    I also can’t help but enjoy the assertion that ALL’s case is “strong.” I’ll have whatever the author is drinking, please.

  19. happyfeet says:

    they have a whole video, Mr. squid

    it’s on the internet

  20. LBascom says:

    “why does Chris Smith think the broke-ass failshit federal government of the United States needs to be in the business of aiding victims of human trafficking exactly?”

    It’s like you don’t think things through happyfeet. I don’t think the USCCB is whisking the slaves away from their captures, they are only helping them after their release. SOMEONE has to, or what, you’re going to just put them out on the sidewalk?

    Seems to me farming them out to a non-governmental agency with some government subsidy is more economically sound(and more beneficial for the victims) than the government doing it all.

    What do you think the sheriffs department should do with 30 young girls that can’t speak english discovered in a brothel raid? Say it ain’t our problem and let them just wander away.

  21. happyfeet says:

    yeah I don’t see why the failshit federal government needs to get involved really

  22. LBascom says:

    Because by definition almost “human trafficing” is of an international interest?

  23. happyfeet says:

    then we should deport them… they have to go to the back of the line

  24. happyfeet says:

    In the mid-1990s, then-First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton became interested and focused on this issue through her work with women and children. At the time, the most visible form of trafficking was women and girls from the former Soviet Union. There were duped by false advertisements for work in Western Europe only to find themselves trapped in brothels and strip clubs. The image of the blonde, beautiful, and vulnerable victim, reminiscent of anachronistic approaches to this problem back in the 1800s, garnered worldwide attention, but also demonstrated the weaknesses of that old legal regime. In the meantime, cases in the United States still involved men, women, and children–United States citizens and foreigners alike–in both sex and labor trafficking.

    It became clear that a holistic approach was needed, one that focused more on the exploitation than merely on the movement of people for immoral purposes. Then-First Lady Clinton, along with Attorney General Janet Reno and Secretary of State Madeline Albright, were instrumental in bringing this issue to the attention of policymakers in Washington. Out of it was borne the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA).*


  25. Pablo says:

    yeah I don’t see why the failshit federal government needs to get involved really

    It’s probably a remnant from the crazy old days when we used to be all obsessed with liberty.

  26. happyfeet says:

    what did we do before the reparations act of 2000 was passed?

  27. LBascom says:

    “then we should deport them… they have to go to the back of the line”

    Ah, drop them off on a sidewalk in Bangkok.

    Seriously, I’m sure much of what the USCCB does is repatriating the slaves to their home countries, where feasible(most are probably sold by their parents or guardians). If not feasible, finding them a safe alternative.

    I get the feeling you are trying to make a point about illegal immigration by making some kind of moral equivalence between victims of a horrendous crime, and Meg Whitman’s maid, but you wouldn’t do that, would you?

  28. LBascom says:

    Really happyfeet, you don’t see the difference between sneaking over the border, and being dragged across in chains?

  29. happyfeet says:

    I have to go home now ok I will talk to you later bye bye

  30. LBascom says:

    OK, don’t forget to do that thing on your way home.

  31. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Probably a significant portion of them ought to be deported since they sold themselves into slavery in order to “work” off the fee owed to the people who smuggled them into the country in the first place. I’ve got the ones who end up working in a kitchen or sweatshop in mind more than the victims of the sex trade.

    Anyway, the point is one would hope the certainty of deportation would discourage people from placing themselves in situations where they find themselves smuggled into the country under conditions worse than seventeenth century indentured servitude.

  32. happyfeet says:

    I stopped and got a triptych thingy I’d been thinking over and a divine divinity cupcake cause I have to work tomorrow and it’s saturday

  33. leigh says:

    I was going to make divintiy as part of my Christmas candy today, but it’s too humid for it to come out right.

  34. happyfeet says:

    oh I hope you get a cold front soon… christmas is nigh!

  35. leigh says:

    Snow is in the forecast for tomorrow, happy! Imo decorate the house for Christmas on Sunday. My stupid outdoor lights that were brand new last year, have given up the ghost already. I feel robbed since they were supposed to replace our ancient Christmas lights with the great big bulbs that you can’t buy anymore on account of they make the baby Jesus cry by poking holes in the ozone.

  36. bh says:

    Divinity Christmas candy? Never had it but it sounds good.

    Don’t think I cook anything where I worry about the humidity. Gin and tonics maybe.* But then I don’t really worry about it I just say, “Damn, it’s humid. I should make a gin and tonic.”

    *Yes, that counts as cooking. It happens in a my kitchen and there are ingredients.

  37. leigh says:

    Booze is in the Christmas spirit(s), bh. A big slug of the otherwise undrinkable bourbon/rum/scotch that you got as a gift in eggnog ia a good way to use that stuff up. And make your Christmas brighter, too.

    Gin and tonics? I think of poolside and hot weather, but who am I to argue with tradition?

  38. bh says:

    Ever have a Tom and Jerry? That’s what we drink from Thanksgiving to New Year. It’s sorta like a hot eggnog.

  39. happyfeet says:

    I’m a do christmas tomorrow yesterday I bought a kinda large antiquey-looking magical snowglobe where you turn the bottom to wind it up and it plays have yourself a merry little christmas while the reindeers and poley bears and elves circle the globe thingy

    NG got one too! They were at a thrift store in Santa Barbara at the foot of the riviera by this awesome mexican place… they only had two.

  40. happyfeet says:

    brandy sounds very christmassy I think

    don’t mind if I do

  41. leigh says:

    Yes, I have! I even had a special set of mugs for them, but they got crushed in a move.

  42. happyfeet says:

    oh. NG’s is different hers is bigger and less antiquey-looking

  43. happyfeet says:

    I need a tom n jerry

  44. leigh says:

    What does your triptych look like? I think I need to get a Nativity one since I don’t have a flat space on top of the teevee to put the old Nativity scene (which is pretty beat up, anyway) since we went all flat screens in the house.

  45. bh says:

    Around here you can just buy Tom and Jerry batter pre-made in a tub. Add two spoons of it, brandy, rum, hot water, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

    It’s sorta fun because everyone takes theirs different. I substitute bourbon and don’t add cinnamon. Used to be the youngest boy above 12 made them but our family hasn’t made enough youngest boys lately. My little brother is still doing it now and he’s old enough to have given serious thought to a neck tattoo.

  46. leigh says:

    I’ve seen that batter somewhere, maybe at Sam’s Club. I have to go there before Christmas gets too much closer, so I’ll look.

    Neck tattoo? I’m so glad that I chickened out on getting a tattoo when I was in my 20’s. Look at all the money I saved by not having to have it lasared off when I decided it was fugly.

  47. bh says:

    I’ve talked to him about neck tattoos.

    I’m not entirely sure we’re related. He’s like a shorter version of me who mainly wants to get girls pregnant and buy ironic El Caminos.

    He hasn’t done any of these things yet but I can see still his scary impulses.

  48. leigh says:

    Keep him away from Madison or any other lefty college town or you might lose him for good.

    You could clue him in that children = child support, too. He doesn’t bathe in Axe, does he? The stench of that stuff makes me gag.

  49. happyfeet says:

    hmmm… it’s not technically a triptych it’s 3 prints

    I haven’t talked to the artist guy but I got it at Holly Hornstein’s shop on Magnolia here and she knows him and she’s gonna get the back story of the prints for me but she’s gone this weekend so I bought them from her able assistant Dalton

    I got my neurotic monster pictures there too – about 8 little prints of lonely scared and or otherwise neurotic monsters

    ok so anyway these new ones they are all of a hue… red blue and green respectively … they are somber, and you have to look to see the images that are sort of screened into them

    one is a victorian house as seen from across the street where people are chatting at a table

    one is an odd looking tower with a spiral stair case in the middle beneath which has collapsed a dead or very tired guy… possibly a soldier… the tower looks a lot like this except you can only see up a little above the first landing and there’s no arches

    the last one – the red one – is a barren and forlorn expanse of wasteland – which, the imagery of all three evoke the poem I think, but probably just if you really like that poem

    in each print the same three small figures appear, standing together – on the tower, on a balcony of the victorian home, and, most prominently, in the top corner of the landscape – they are cloaked and the visages are ghostly white – the ghostly whiteness being the only real breaking of the chosen hue of each picture

    I gave myself 5 days to think about whether or not I wanted to get them and yup

    hey click that link do you see the clown in the third picture? It’s a lamp and the light streams out of the evil clown’s soulless eyes and mouf! I ask her every year or so if it’s for sale and nope it’s not nope it’s not but last time she said “maybe someday” and I thought that sounded promising

  50. happyfeet says:

    these are over-the-couch pictures btw – about 26 by 18 each or so

  51. happyfeet says:

    ohhh – I have to think where I’ve seen that batter stuff… I know exactly what you’re talking about

  52. bh says:

    Keep him away from Madison or any other lefty college town or you might lose him for good.

    Heh, no, he’s pretty good on politics, leigh. Wouldn’t say he’s entirely right wing yet but he’s more “Get off my lawn!” than just about anyone I know. He’s just not entirely down with delaying gratification at his current age.

    He’s just on the other side of the line of me. I worry about hidden dangers and keeping lots of food in the pantry. He worries about wasting the time in his life. Taken together we’d be a normal human.

    It’s a lamp and the light streams out of the evil clown’s soulless eyes and mouf! I ask her every year or so if it’s for sale and nope it’s not nope it’s not but last time she said “maybe someday” and I thought that sounded promising.

    Scariest thing you’ve ever said, ‘feets.

  53. bh says:

    Both of you should get the batter. It’s a very good tradition to start up this time of year.

  54. happyfeet says:

    I will do so even if I have to go to BevMo

  55. leigh says:

    Yikes! Thatlamo is a regular Pennywise from “It”. I’d have to keep it in the guestroom.

    Well, bh, we’ll just chalk little brother up to being a regular kid since I’m reassured about his politics.

    Your triptych-thing sounds really cool, happy. I like stuff like that.

  56. bh says:

    If BevMo is a place like Mordor or South Central they’re probably not that good.

  57. leigh says:


  58. happyfeet says:

    BevMo! actually always has an exclamation mark… they’re ridiculously large but not in a fun cabela’s kind of way more in a gruesome for fuck’s sake I just want to get my shit and get out of here way… here is a story about BevMo! wif a picture

  59. bh says:

    BevMo! sounds sorta awesome.

  60. happyfeet says:

    this chain in Texas has it right here is their about us page

    The Warehouse Store in downtown Houston is the crown jewel of our operation. With over 40,000 labels Spec’s indeed fills all 80,000 sq feet of selling space. Our walk-in humidor offers over 900 cigars- more than many tobacconist shops. Our deli offers the finest in deli meats, pates, domestic and imported cheeses, fresh caviar, and a complete assortment of domestic and imported smoked fish and salmon, not to mention our made- to-order sandwiches, salad bar, fresh baked breads, party trays and so much more! We roast our own coffee beans and offer over 100 different coffees. We have teas from around the world and all the necessary accompaniments.

    it really is a treasure, especially as they roll into these little hick towns, they really bring something that was missing

  61. JD says:

    It’s a lamp and the light streams out of the evil clown’s soulless eyes and mouf!

    There are so many things wrong with this statement, I can hardly figure out where to start. First, calling a clown evil is redundant. Second, calling a clown soulless is redundant again. The idea of a desire to purchase said clown is an idea so noxious so as to make me puke a little in the back of my mouf.

  62. happyfeet says:

    hah! next time I’m gonna ask her if I can look underneath for a name who made it for so I can google

    then I’m gonna save up and buy a ginormous house with a long hallway on the third floor and put it at the very end of it and

    that would be so cool

  63. sdferr says:

    Is there cream of tartar in your cupboard?

  64. JD says:

    I will never cross the threshold of said home.

  65. bh says:

    I wouldn’t cross the state line of said home.

  66. JD says:

    I might burn said home.

  67. bh says:

    I might burn any clowns I met within a hundred miles.

    Best to be safe.

  68. JD says:

    Safe. Thorough. Get ’em all.

  69. serr8d says:

    Nothing says Christmassy like a nice shot of triple-orange cognac brandy. Or several, if it’s really cold outside.

  70. serr8d says:

    No clowns can ever drink of the Gran Marnier. It’s in a book somewheres.

  71. bh says:

    Have two bottles of that sitting in the pantry, serr8d. And Limoncello, too.

    I should drink more. Clowns are probably going to get all of us anyways.

  72. bh says:

    Okay, this is off topic but did you guys know this?

    I didn’t. Bolshevik (or bol’shinstvo, I guess) means the majority.

    I sorta figured there was a guy named Mr. Bolshe who was an enormous commie.

  73. happyfeet says:

    i googled and googled… that lamp is a one-of-a-kind museum piece I fear

  74. happyfeet says:

    (Russian: ??????????, ????????? (singular) Russian pronunciation: [b?l????v?ik], derived from bol’shinstvo, “majority”)

  75. happyfeet says:

    and… fail

    The Mensheviks (“The minority”) (1906–1907)

  76. bh says:

    Try googling Malfeitor from Witchboard. I figure he’s a good lead for this demonic art you seek.

    (If you search that by images there’s a picture of Tawny Kitaen wearing her hands as a bikini top for some reason. Don’t judge me.)

  77. bh says:

    If you search for “slut on a Jaguar” you don’t find this video for some reason.

    C’mon, it’s one of my top memories from the ’80s, Mr. Google.

  78. geoffb says:

    There’s smart and then there’s Meghan smart.

  79. Pablo says:

    BevMo is God’s favorite chain store. Right after In-N-Out.

  80. leigh says:

    that lamp is a one-of-a-kind museum piece I fear

    It’s a sign, happy.

  81. B. Moe says:

    I wonder how tall that clown is?

  82. leigh says:

    Too tall. I’m with JD: Clowns are bad. They must be or little kids wouldn’t scream and run from them.

    I always thought it was really cruel for clowns to visit sick little kids in the hospital. They’re bed-bound and can’t flee.

  83. happyfeet says:

    i didn’t get about the tartar

  84. leigh says:

    Me either. Cream of tartar is used to stabilize whipped eggs whites in meringues. Maybe its in reference to the divinity?

  85. happyfeet says:

    I’m not sure I think anything involving “stabilizing” is above my skill level in the kitchen

  86. leigh says:

    My skill set in the kitchen is awesome. It used to be that I could make just about anything at home, but then I moved out here to the hinterlands where until recently you couldn’t get pasta in any shape except spaghetti noodles.

  87. sdferr says:

    I was running into it in every Tom$Jerry batter recipe I found, is what.

  88. happyfeet says:

    oh got it

  89. sdferr says:

    Wasn’t running into any Pigford 2 congressional oversight hearings though. So there’s that.

  90. happyfeet says:

    who is this yutz introducing Herman?

  91. happyfeet says:

    ok now it’s some guy named Josh

  92. happyfeet says:

    Josh is talking about his retail shopping adventures I love this sort of thing

  93. happyfeet says:

    it’s all about the extreme couponing is the takeaway

  94. happyfeet says:

    Josh likes ice creams too… he says Obama stifles the ice creams and after WW2 people had to work hard and make babies. Education is very important too. This is why becoming a lawyer is the American Dream. And Herman is a great example of that. But it all comes back to groceries. So the question is… are we gonna let a bunch of sexual harassment sluts dictate our future?


    We have to raise the Herman banner!

    God Bless America ok bye bye

  95. happyfeet says:

    Aveda King or whatever is up next she has a smile as big as Texas and she’s enunciating clearly. Let us pray. Dear God please unleash your wrath up upon the pesky sexual harassment sluts thanks. Ok bye.

  96. sdferr says:

    I missed Josh for reading about George McGovern slip-and-falling in S.D. hitting his head and bleeding a bunch. He had to go to hospital, but it doesn’t sound to be much beyond that.

  97. sdferr says:

    It’s special that America is so happy willing to absorb a media smear campaign to make fallacious predictions on stuff its got no idea whatsoever will happen or not happen. Where are the bonethrowers when we need them? Where the bird augurs? Where the entrail readers?

  98. happyfeet says:

    Here’s some random no-neck dude plugging a book or something. We’re gonna pledge allegiance here in a sec. Together. As a family. Cause that’s what the Cain campaign is like. A family.

    Mr. No-neck is happy to be an American. Happy and proud. And also unrepentant.

    Let’s pledge allegiance! Let’s pledge allegiance like a banshee!

    I pledge allegiance to et cetera et cetera.


    The issues is plaguin’ our nation. But this is a seminal point in time, you know, and Herman majored in math! He’s also a very good leader. Also he’s very trustworthy.


    I would trust Herman with my kids even!

    Ok so let’s make him to be the president.

    Here he is everybody say hi … right after this from our friends the eurhythmics.

  99. happyfeet says:

    Gloria is here!

  100. happyfeet says:

    new sign (to me):


    Obama Must Go

  101. happyfeet says:

    Herman is speaking slowly… about the spendings! And the oils!

  102. happyfeet says:

    We need Bold Solutions says Mr. Herman. He says politicians suck ass what we need is non-politicians to get us out of the spending mess.

    He says when he decided to run he knew he wasn’t a cookie-cutter candidate. He’d never been elected ever in his whole life and he wasn’t well-known. Plus he didn’t have a whole lot of money like Wall Street Romney, but that’s ok cause when you have a great message you don’t need so much money and if you get thirsty you can drink out of any goddamn water fountain you want to.

    You don’t have to go to Harvard to be president you just have to be one of the people, and we have showed that. We have shown that.

    Just look at the top 3 Team R candidates! Herman is in the final four! Which is a basketball allusion!

    That’s neato-mosquito for a kid from Atlanta.

    I tell you what! I am humbled, says Mr. Herman.

    This is so neat I can’t even tell you plus we have created a lot of change so far.

    Herman is toying with verb tenses in an intriguing way.

    He is one of us! He is not an elite. Just like me!

    There are False Accusations afoot, however, and Herman says he has been sidetracked.

  103. happyfeet says:

    Sometimes when sexual harassment sluts attack me I don’t handle it like a For Real Politician would. And this has all been very hurtful, what the cloud-making sexual harassment sluts have been doing.

    And it hurts everybody what wants Solutions!

    Now my wife and me we know how dishonest these sluts are. So here is the thing:

    I like God and I feel very peaceful with him. Also with my wife.

    was it something that they said are the voices in your head calling Gloria???

    ok I was gonna be president but…

  104. happyfeet says:

    I prayed and decided I’m gonna get out of the race.

    I’m suspending my campaign cause of these nasty sluts.

  105. happyfeet says:

    It’s cause of I reassessed, you see. And I just hate what this is doing to my family.

    So there you have it my friends. That is the bad news.


    Here is some good news! I will not shut up just cause of these stupid sluts. My grandma was very sarcastic.

    So Plan B is I’m a start a website.

  106. sdferr says:

    Huzzah America, your sex addiction wins again! Don’t ya’ll feel special? All the way to the grave, baby!

  107. happyfeet says:

    I want change you want change we all want change!

    So Plan B will be like where I talk about change and stuff. On the internets!

    This is how we will Take America Back.

    Plus also 9 9 9! Plus also foreign policies! But wait there’s more!

    If you order now you will get Energy Independence absolutely free!

  108. John Bradley says:

    Yes, yes, but what does it all mean? Quick, someone get me a tv newsreader to explain the situation!

  109. happyfeet says:

    Ok so last thing.

    I’m gonna endorse a candidate!

    And it will not be Barack Obama cause he sucks ass.

    Ok last last thing: American politics are dirty but my parents taught me believe in God and in myself and in America.

    And I have not given up!

    We the people are still in charge!

    Ok last last last thing cause of the pokemons!!!

  110. John Bradley says:

    Shorter, cruder Cain: “Fuck y’all mo’fuckers – get back to me if and when you actually want to change the status quo. Enjoy your Romney!”

  111. happyfeet says:

    Life can be a challenge Life can seem impossible

    It’s never easy when there’s so much on the line

    But you and I can make a difference!

    There’s a mission just for you and me!

    Just look inside and you will find just what you can do
    Just look inside and you will find just what you can do

    and here’s what we can do: We put the shiny city back on the hill!

    I love you guys.

  112. happyfeet says:

    and Diana Ross takes it away

  113. sdferr says:

    What’s the pokemon’s derivative quotes exactly? Those of us lacking knowledge of the pokemon’s opus are sorta kinda in the dark there.

  114. happyfeet says:

    George McGovern bonked himself in the goozle

  115. happyfeet says:

    it was a song from the pokemon movie I think

  116. sdferr says:

    Ach du lieber, such poverty. Falls away America, and down she goes.

  117. happyfeet says:

    he has me for reals intrigued who he’s gonna endorse

    cause right after he said that part he started talking about how bad we needed an Outsider in our little white house

    let’s check Mr. Magic 8 Ball!

    Signs point to… Wall Street Romney?

    You betcha!

  118. sdferr says:

    Oh, look, her head is bleeding! Inwardly, a bolus has unseen formed, building the pressure on her brainstem, looming to stop her heart any day now. Won’t the world be relieved not to have that saggy-titted old bitch around anymore?

  119. happyfeet says:

    It was all kind of sad and hollow I thought. He didn’t seize the moment to meaningfully indict Gloria Allred-driven slut politics.

    If anything he sort of legitimized them by showing how effective they are.

  120. John Bradley says:

    Lesson: ‘Outsiders’ will be shot on sight, metaphorically speaking. You’ll get your Romney v. Gingrich ‘choice’ and like it, prole!

  121. geoffb says:

    So back to plan B. More ammo and MREs.

  122. sdferr says:

    Is it possible to tweeze apart the lack of public support as a decision point pivot from the private drivers (which may have overcome any public outpouring anyhow, but who can tell)? I can’t, save to presume that the public support must have been less than stellar or overwhelming. America has chosen, not this one, so we too make the sex politics effective.

  123. geoffb says:

    In that case “America has chosen” that all choice will be in the hands of our ruling class elites and especially their various “Mouths of Sauron.”

    Now the question is will next Spring be the Progressive or Conservative one. We know how the Arab version evolves.

  124. happyfeet says:

    that is true but I wasn’t super-sold on him before the sluts, honestly

    the whole outsider thesis is sort of contrived and irrational I think

    there are more than a handful of people in washington and in statehouses what have the exact right instincts and who have done their small part to hold back the tide

    not much more than a handful, but it’s worth noting that they were there fighting the good fight while Herman was making pizza

  125. LBascom says:

    I’m pretty much in the same place as John Bradley posted:

    “Fuck y’all mo’fuckers – get back to me if and when you actually want to change the status quo. Enjoy your Romney!”

  126. happyfeet says:

    this hurts Romney very woefully I think Mr. lee

    and honestly who do you think Herman is gonna endorse?

  127. geoffb says:

    Feets, this has shown that they too can and will be destroyed if they ever stick their heads up too far and threaten the class that shall be rulers. The method works.

  128. happyfeet says:

    we’re likely to see the limits of the method I think… Newt up and married himself a nasty and covetous adulterous slut twenty years his junior, so… game on

    It’ll be interesting to see how National Soros Radio rolls this out.

  129. sdferr says:

    How irrational (as a thesis, that is) hf? Is it to say that there is no broadly definitive ruling type (class is too fraught a term for these purposes, it seems to me) in fact, in contradistinction to a numerically larger type of people who’ve no idea how to rule, nor would want to rule if they had any idea how to rule? Or what? Seems to me as though your simple posit that there are people who’ve been (unlike Mr Cain) paying attention to ruling, governing, politics in general as a way of life and way of making a living, devoting their lives to the pursuit, for lo these many years, rather tends to make the case than not?

  130. sdferr says:

    By the by, I don’t see Cain endorsing Romney. But maybe I’m wrong about that. I’d sooner expect him to pick Newt but even there don’t have any reason to attach to it — he could just as easily endorse Mrs Bachmann or Rick Santorum, for all I can see.

  131. John Bradley says:

    Does it hurt Romney? It would seem that coalescing the not-Romneys into a single MECHA-NOT ROMNEY would be counter to the desire of keeping the opposition fragmented and disorganized. But I’m thinking there’s a good chunk of us who don’t see Newt as subtantially different or better than Mitt, and will either write-in (her) name in the primary, or ignore the damned thing altogether.

    Point being, if you condense all the competition down to one guy the base doesn’t like either, that seems like a win.

    Short term. Getting the nomination, that is.

    I think long term it will hurt him.

    If the primary choice is settled on Romney v. Gingrich before a single vote is cast, that just gives the disaffected conservatives and small-govt. types that much more time and desire to push forward a 3rd-party candidate of some sort in the general. According to Conventional Wisdom, such a bid would only be successful in re-electing Obama – I’m not convinced of that, and don’t really care to argue the point at the moment. The one thing that can be stated with certainty: “if there is a 3rd-party conservative/tea-party candidate in the general, the GOP candidate will lose.”

  132. happyfeet says:

    I think it’s irrational when it leads people to support less-capable untested outsidery peeps versus capable and tested insidery ones. And I think the thesis elides the great extent to which insiders and outsiders both are equally unable to get the nod from a Team R convention without bowing to many many insidery shibboleths.

  133. happyfeet says:

    doesn’t Newt just need to be marginally different or better than Mitt?

    the starting point for any analysis has to proceed for the fact that we currently have a president who is viciously raping our freedom and our prosperity with his hateful and obscene marijuana-stunted cock

  134. geoffb says:

    The method isn’t just sex. It is the use of lies, repeated lies, to manipulate the “public persona” seen, the image that voters have in their mind of a candidate, as opposed to the actual person who is much more complex and may or may not be like the image. The heirs of Parsons and Hopper now decide more than Hollywood careers.

  135. sdferr says:

    Ah, so not irrational as a thesis as such, but irrational rather, in the effect, so as to lead people to think that they can find a leader who has the requisite qualities who yet isn’t an insider. That kind of makes sense, unless such a leader should miraculously appear on the scene, I guess. And even then, if possessed somehow with the requisite qualities of leadership, the miracle person would almost by definition be an insider, save for lacking the memories of insider conversations and private dealings possessed by all the nominal insiders (the cynical and jaded bastards).

  136. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Following up on geoff’s Winter of Discontent post:

    At least we know where the next presidency ending hostage crisis is going to occur.

  137. happyfeet says:

    no… there are for reals outsiders who are capable and worthy of trust… it’s just there’s no reason to preference them just on the basis of their outsideryness… or to preference them above outsiders who decide to begin public service by first becoming a representative at the state level before moving to the national level and then perhaps running for governor and then deciding that the governings that they have championed would be valuable in our little white house

  138. geoffb says:

    And to the South of the “Spring”.

  139. geoffb says:

    #138 heh.

  140. sdferr says:

    Circumstance might be a sufficient cause of preference, should the circumstance leave one with nothing but bad choices among the insiders on offer, surely? One doesn’t have to posit outsideryness as a cause of preference alone, where it can be a mere component among others at the time. There could be, however, something to the lack of cynicism and jaded aspect an outsider may bring, only because it’s probably hard for ordinary men and women on the inside to avoid becoming infected by those pernicious characteristics, human nature being what it is. Enthusiasm, dedication and energy are hard things to come by when one is forced to wallow with pigs in the mud for any extended period.

  141. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I don’t see Cain endorsing anyone except the candidate who went out of his way to denounce these politco-type anonymous long on insinuations short on actual evidence scurilous rumor-mongering hit pieces.

    Who was that guy again?

  142. LBascom says:

    “it’s just there’s no reason to preference them just on the basis of their outsideryness”

    So, citizen civil servants is a dead concept, all hail the ruling elite!

    Annnnd, the fundamental transformation is complete.

  143. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Yeah yeah, I saw that. I’m living a dial-up life in a G4 world.

    Take your “first” and shove it up yer ass! (He said with exaggerated sarcasm).

  144. happyfeet says:

    yes that makes sense

    but it’s not just a lack of cynicism and jadedness that would justify preferencing them

    they have to be willing to stand up and tell America that the insiders such as John Boehner and Meghan’s coward daddy and Wall Street Romney and Barack Obama are filthy degenerate cunts

    and you hardly ever see that

  145. John Bradley says:

    doesn’t Newt just need to be marginally different or better than Mitt?

    Well, you’d think so… but having the not-Romneys (in their brightly colored leotards) combine into a fearsome, yet easily destroyed Gingrichtron Prime is still a win for the Mittster, I think.

    Newt has more baggage than an infinite number of monkeys in an infinite number of Samsonite commercials. Those of us who follow politics remember, but the general public will be shocked, shocked I say!, by the stuff that will start to magically appear in the press at the appropriate time.

    (“I heard that Newt was boinking a candy-striper in the same hospital bed in which his wife was dying of cancer!” “Oh yeah? Well I heard that in 2007, Gingrich lobbied to ban 100W lightbulbs just so he could have them all to himself!“)

    Remember that the press will be all to eager to help. Newt would make their man look like a stuttering ‘tard in a debate, whereas with Romney, Obamacare is saved! (Especially so, since I believe Romney loses the general, 3rd party or no. I’m sure they think that, at any rate.)

  146. geoffb says:

    I should have put a smiley face there.

    I quite often post links without any quotes and only a short not too explanatory piece of text. Comes from my slow typing and constant interruptions of life at home and leads often to the link not being clicked. My fault you see. Sorry you’re on dialup. I was until 2006 or so.

  147. sdferr says:

    I agree, not just the lack of those. First among things is possession of the ruling concepts, second is great rhetorical gifts (if not also, dedicated study, a la Democrates), third is inspiration for where to go, and so on with the enumerationings. And rare beyond dreams, really, they show up entirely unexpected, so rare are the actual statesmen, they mostly don’t show up at all. Even too, sometimes I think the political circumstances can be such that a nation may be so degenerate that it wouldn’t matter if a statesman does show up, he wouldn’t be sufficient. Like say, Napoleon’s France. They needed someone to shoot at them to bring them back to a modest possession of their senses.

  148. happyfeet says:

    this is true but Obama has a record now, and it’s fucking heinous

  149. happyfeet says:

    that was for Mr. Bradley

  150. happyfeet says:

    none of those things necessarily differentiate them from the able and honorable insiders is my point I guess

    what would differentiate them would be a willingness to indict the status quo in terms an insider would never dare

  151. Ernst Schreiber says:

    No need geoff. I’m just goofin’ as well.

  152. happyfeet says:

    and on a related note – the National Soros Radio whore media badly badly want Wall Street Romney to be the nominee

    so whoever is not-Romney is thus a certain type of outsider I think perforce

  153. sdferr says:

    “…would never dare”

    Or wouldn’t know how in most cases, being so fixed on the status quo, as the fish asked to distinguish the water from the air or dryland. Wider self-reflection isn’t a necessary quality of insideryness as such, but would seem to depend on something else, hence the general lack of able and honorables (nevermind honorables willing to subject themselves and families to torture).

  154. leigh says:

    Herman brought low by the Scribes? Say it ain’t so!

  155. happyfeet says:

    a pitch-perfect profile in cowardice, our Mitt:

    Asked at Manchester press availability if he opposes any of Gingrich’s positions, ex-MA Guv says he disagrees with the ex-Speaker on how early in life kids should get jobs.*

    that’s the whore media’s inflection on what cowardly cowardly whore Mitt said – Mitt actually said Newt wanted to “repeal portions of the child labor law”

    interesting, no?

  156. sdferr says:

    I like how Barack Obama has been the most supportive of Israel’s security in the history of history:

    Defense Secretary Leon Panetta urged Israel on Friday to “reach out and mend fences” with Turkey, Egypt and other security partners in the Middle East, saying he is troubled by the Jewish state’s growing isolation in the volatile region.

  157. Ernst Schreiber says:

    the National Soros Radio whore media badly badly want Wall Street Romney to be the nominee

    so whoever is not-Romney is thus a certain type of outsider I think perforce

    By that definition, Romney is also a certain type of outsider, since the NSR whores badly badly badly want ObamaSachs to be reelected.

  158. happyfeet says:

    the sacrificial lamb is the consummate insider I think

    he’s absolutely central to the proceedings

  159. leigh says:

    Barack Obama needs to finish packing for his trip to Hawaii where I hope we are not treated to pictures of his poorly shod family or his moobs as he exits the surf. We the subjects, will stay home enjoying our cut-rate Christmas and hoping (again) that the pilot of Airforce One takes one for the team over the Pacific.

  160. LBascom says:

    Romney will be the candidate. The establishment has already decided, the stanch conservatives will play their game.

    Obamacare is here to stay, and your life belongs to your masters.

    Related, and bad news for sdferr(not to mention the rest of us)

    Steve Jobs, who derided the original Kindle: “It doesn’t matter how good or bad the product is, the fact is that people don’t read anymore.” […]

    According to a landmark study published in 2007, Americans are reading less than they were just a few decades ago. The National Endowment for the Arts reported that only half of young Americans reported reading a book for pleasure. No age group read as much or as often as they had previously in earlier years.

    Unsurprisingly, as Americans read less, they are also reading less well. In a 2005 report, the Department of Education estimated that only 31% of college graduates were “proficient” at reading prose text. What does “proficient” mean? A proficient prose reader would be capable, said the report, of “comparing viewpoints in two editorials” or “interpreting a table about blood pressure, age, and physical activity.”

  161. sdferr says:

    How is this bad news for me Lee? I’ve always sort of looked at it as a matter of their loss, a thing of their own chosing when people don’t like to read or don’t bother themselves to read. That’s not to say that there aren’t potentially bad consequences. Just to say that it’s been the way of the world so long as the world has existed, so nothing’s really changed.

  162. leigh says:

    Feh, Lee. I say consider the source.

  163. happyfeet says:

    i think Wall Street Romney is on the ropes and he knows it

    people just flat-out don’t like him

  164. happyfeet says:

    and worse they don’t respect him

  165. Ernst Schreiber says:

    he’s [i.e. the sacrifical lamb] absolutely central to the proceedings

    And what makes you think Gingrich doesn’t serve the same purpose? Your certain type of outsider is merely the penultimate insider I think.

  166. happyfeet says:

    Gingrich has already endured the worst treatment the obamawhore media can throw at him… he was absolutely vilified back in the day

    he is inured

  167. LBascom says:

    Oh, it was meant as kind of a complement and validation, in that you in particular hit on the theme of a better educated citizenry as the path to first principles and restored liberty.

    Nothing…I’m very depressed right now. I’m going to my quiet place now, me and my bottle here.

  168. LBascom says:

    169 for 163

  169. newrouter says:

    his hair gets respect.

  170. leigh says:

    How are you doing today, nr?

  171. happyfeet says:

    he has the hair of a man what likes to be tied up and spanked by leather-clad fat women I think

  172. sdferr says:

    Ah, I see Lee, and thank you for that. It’s true I put great stock in reading myself, especially great books, as opposed to throw away stuff since time is short, and do think it helps all sorts of ways, so encourage others to it too. I only meant that this story isn’t like news to me, being more or less what I’ve understood about the world anyhow. But each new person I meet, I think, may be one who would like to read, until they say or show they don’t (which is, again, mostly).

  173. happyfeet says:

    hmmm the newswhores say that Cain “reached out to some of his rivals” but they only mention Bachmann by name

  174. McGehee says:

    Gingrich is the Establishment-approved notRomney. Which means he’s close enough to being Romney that it makes no never-mind.

  175. happyfeet says:

    I don’t get that sense at all Mr. McGehee… it’s his turn to get the Bachmann Perry Cain treatment I think

    they’ve been trying like hell to slap him upside his big newty head with the Freddie thing but they can’t put it over the plate

  176. happyfeet says:

    or at least not yet

  177. happyfeet says:

    they even dug up a retired useless Meghan’s coward daddy-loving whore from yesteryear to twist the knife


  178. Ernst Schreiber says:

    More like the Establishment-tolerated notRomney. The Establishment hasn’t approved of Gingrich since about ’98.

  179. leigh says:

    I’m not certain that the Establishment has approved of Gingrich ever. The upside with him, is they have been through his closet so many times, that there isn’t anything new to find there. It doesn’t make him NotRomney, though, at least not for me.

  180. happyfeet says:

    Through a Twitter posting on Saturday, Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker, became the first candidate to accept an invitation to the Newsmax-Trump debate, which will be broadcast on the Ion Television cable network on Dec. 27.*

    I suppose a man who thinks a tacky slut like callista is marriage material can hardly be expected to know that Donald Trump is sleazy gutter trash of the rankest variety

  181. happyfeet says:

    and… Newsmax?


  182. sdferr says:

    I hold a prejudice against Trump I don’t think I’ll ever overcome, from back in the days when he was building in Atlantic City and stiffing contractors and sub-contractors (of my acquaintance, merely, not myself) right and left. I just think him an abusive prick, without further evidence necessary, so loath him beyond reason. And too, he isn’t a serious political thinker at all, from what we’ve seen of him lately. So doubly a prick for that.

  183. happyfeet says:

    he’s also most definitely not any kind of conservative

  184. leigh says:

    A very reasonable prejudice to hold, sdferr. The Donald is a whore of many stripes.

  185. McGehee says:

    I don’t get that sense at all Mr. McGehee… it’s his turn to get the Bachmann Perry Cain treatment I think

    I’ll betcha the media treat him much more kindly than they have the others. Partly because as salty as he talks about them he still also talks to them. But in the end he’s just as acceptable to the media as John McCain was, and would be right up until next Labor Day. Just like McCain was.

    And just like Romney would be if he were to get it instead.

    This whole process has never been about choosing the candidate who would be the best next president, nor even the most electable next nominee. It’s always been about choosing the candidate that will make the biggest splat on the Democrat-controlled media’s windshield next fall.

    Bank on it.

  186. McGehee says:

    And the GOP wing of the Political Class has been in on it for 2012 since the day McCain named Sarah Palin to be his running mate.

  187. McGehee says:

    Scared the shit out of ’em when he did that. They’ll never forgive him.

  188. newrouter says:


    Posted by William A. Jacobson Saturday, December 3, 2011 at 3:33pm
    Headlines of the day:

    Obama: Congress ‘shouldn’t go home’ until tax cut is extended

    Obama Off to Hawaii for 17 Day Vacation Over Christmas

  189. happyfeet says:

    all the Team R candidates were sucky this time and that’s not the media’s fault

    but Mr. McGehee I truly believe in my heart that should he be the nominee Mr. Newt would be far and away the most formidable debate opponent Team R has produced in many moons

    and bumblefuck should worry about that – cause his record of raping America’s prosperity and freedom is not one that he should be eager to have to defend

  190. McGehee says:

    Fuck debates. It wouldn’t matter if Gingrich could rope and hogtie Obama with his purty mouth, the typical voter would never see it himself because he doesn’t watch debates; would never hear about it because the media will spin it in Obama’s favor; and would never care either way because he knows something political junkies don’t: BEING GOOD AT DEBATES DOESN’T AMOUNT TO SHIT ABOUT HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL PRESIDENT.

    And no, the field of candidates wasn’t sucky. You think it was because people told you so — people who don’t have your best interest at heart. People who consider you livestock they can milk for their own political power.

  191. BT says:

    I could live with Newt but perhaps its time to give Perry a second look. I mean … how he would govern is more important than how scathingly he is portrayed on Saturday Night Live. I’m really not concerned that he has problems with his sentences, maybe his actions will speak louder.

  192. happyfeet says:

    hang a shining star upon the highest bow!

    And have yourself a newty little christmas


  193. McGehee says:

    perhaps its time to give Perry a second look.

    I hear you. I don’t want to contemplate having only Romney and Gingrich to choose from in the Georgia primary. In ’08 I had to choose between McCain, Romney and Huckabee.

    This time around if the choices look anywhere near that bad, I’ll write in my own damn name

  194. McGehee says:

    And happyfeet, you are livestock to them. Never doubt it. Then again, you do seem to enjoy playing the part.

  195. happyfeet says:

    America is a brokedick joke and the next president is going to be that reality’s bitch I think Mr. McGehee

  196. happyfeet says:

    but this whole Donald Trump thing is as effing retarded as it is tacky

    hopefully no one else will be as eager to jump into that gutter as Mr. Newt

  197. happyfeet says:

    “How could you turn down the Donald?” Gingrich said when I asked him in a press conference in Staten Island why he had chosen to attend the debate and whether he considered Trump a conservative. “This has nothing to do with whether he’s liberal or conservative. It has to do with the sheer entertainment. Think of this as the Apprentice for the presidency.”

    “I like debates. I’m pretty happy to show up,” Gingrich added.

    “It’s going to be in Iowa, so that makes a lot of sense, because we’re going to be in Iowa by that point,” he continued. “But in addition, in all seriousness, Trump is a unique American character. It’d be like if Bill Gates called and said hi, I’d like to host a debate. The correct answer would be yes.”*

    he really has no idea what a shameless whore he is, what a shameless whore Donald Trump is, and what a shameless whore his tacky slut wife is

    but fortunately that’s not a disqualification for seeking the presidency

  198. McGehee says:

    America is a brokedick joke and the next president is going to be that reality’s bitch I think

    You may be right, and the bitch’s last name might as well start with a vowel as far as I’m concerned. Fuck ’em all.

  199. happyfeet says:

    you’re gonna let the team down with that attitude Mr. McGehee

  200. leigh says:

    Did I hear this right? Newt has converted to Catholocism? Is Calista the Jewelry Whore a Catholic? Anyway, I read that the Baptist/Evangelicals in Iowa want Newt to “ask for their forgiveness” over his dickish ways with the wives and mistress/wives before they can consider voting for him.

    Now, hold it right there, Baptist/Evangelicals. Catholics confess their transgressions to their priest, not to y’all. I can’t see Newt putting on the Humble Hat. His head is too big for that. If the public confession of Newt’s wrongs is a make-it-or-break-it in Iowa, then Newt is not going to fit.

    I’ll keep hold of my tear-stained dreams of Governor Perry who loves the Baby Jesus winning over their hearts and minds.

  201. serr8d says:

    You may be right, and the bitch’s last name might as well start with a vowel as far as I’m concerned.

    Michelle Easton is running? Cool beans!

  202. happyfeet says:

    here’s the letter from the baptist goofball

    You need to make it as clear as you possibly can that you deeply regret your past actions and that you do understand the anguish and suffering they caused others including your former spouses.

    I think Mr. Newt needs to talk about the spendings and the spendings, not so much his slutty harem of tacky gold-digging floozies.

  203. John Bradley says:

    Maybe I’ll just write-in Adam Carolla…

  204. happyfeet says:

    here’s a pic of Gingrich hoochie #2

    self-aware much Mr. Gingrich? Nope.

  205. serr8d says:

    At this point, Gingrich had better get as much face-time as possible. I don’t see Trump as a liability; and possibly the format will be a springboard for Gingrich to use to his advantage.

    He’s all we’ve got left, as Santorum and Bachmann aren’t showing any signs of surge. So, full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes and hope Mittens stalls out soon so’s we can focus on the Barack monster.

  206. serr8d says:

    Huh? Nothing much wrong with that #2, ‘feets. But, that’s his daughter, right ?

  207. happyfeet says:

    I just don’t think Trump does the Team R brand any favors while our cocksucker president and his media wage relentless class warfare

  208. leigh says:

    Yikes! I think that’s his daughter. At least I hope so.

  209. happyfeet says:

    I haven’t even looked at his kids at all I’m not even sure he has any

  210. leigh says:

    Trump is all about Trump—and the next supermodel/wife from Eastern Europe.

  211. leigh says:

    He wrote a book with one of, maybe his only? daughter. I remember her as being somewhat plumper.

  212. happyfeet says:

    Gingrich has two daughters, both from his first marriage to Jackie Battley

    Kathleen Gingrich Lubbers (born 1963) is currently the president of Gingrich Communications.

    Jacqueline Sue Gingrich Cushman (born 1966) is a published author.

    Kathleen once famously came out to defend her father against accusations that Gingrich sought a divorce from Battley while she was recovering from cancer in hospital.

    it wasn’t *that* famous

  213. leigh says:

    In Kathleen’s 15 minutes of fame mind, it was *famous*.

  214. happyfeet says:

    oh my goodness cradle-robbing sexpot Eva Longoria is giving Mr. Newt a piece of her mind

    Longoria took to her twitter account Saturday afternoon to criticize the former speaker, writing: “@newtgingrich you clearly know little about the Latina community, Latina entrepreneurs who start businesses at 6 times the national average.”

    She was referring to comments Gingrich made in Iowa Thursday, where he said “poor children” have no work habits unless it’s “illegal.”*

  215. leigh says:

    Maybe she’ll go on teevee with her concerns. “Sexy Latina Spitfire Sounds Off”

    What’s with the cradle-robbing Latinas? First Eva, now J-Lo. Maybe it’s so they don’t have to make conversation. They can boss the boy-toy around like one of their kids.

  216. happyfeet says:

    oops here’s the link for sexpot Eva’s viscious tongue-lashing

  217. happyfeet says:

    oops there’s an s up there what needs to not be there

  218. newrouter says:

    is there a cure for evalongoria?

  219. happyfeet says:

    she’s really making hay while the sun shines, that Eva is

    she’s already gone a long long way on a very minimal amount of talent

  220. leigh says:

    So did Raquel Welch. Running around nearly nekkid will do that.

  221. BT says:

    Bless the practitioners of identity politics.

  222. leigh says:

    Identity Politics is yet another thing we can thank the donkeys for.

  223. newrouter says:

    are the latinos schlubs?

  224. happyfeet says:

    I hadn’t seen this yet … some corpulent Jersey trash piece of shit is bagging on Newt too

    In recent days, as the Republican in-fighting has intensified, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Romney surrogate, came up with a new line of attack on Gingrich, likening him to — who else? — Barack Obama.

    “Speaker Gingrich has never run anything,” the New Jersey governor told reporters in Florida, according to, a project associated with Scripps Media. “He’s been a legislator. I have to tell you – I don’t think being a legislator is the best calling card… Look at the guy we have in the White House now: he never ran anything and was a legislator.”

    I won’t link that it’s from those politico obamawhores

  225. newrouter says:

    you get evalongoria from reading politico i hear.

  226. BT says:

    I still remember the time during one of the debates where the guy from univision asked what the GOP was going to do to bring in Hispanic voters. I forget who answered, might have been Newt, but the gist was they weren’t going to treat any group differently than any other group.

    If there is a clear cut differentiation between the parties that is one of them.

  227. BT says:


    Newt has been running his own business for 12 years.

  228. happyfeet says:

    plus his mouf!

  229. leigh says:

    I was (still am, really) of the opinion that Mitt Romney has never run anything either. Bain Capital reads like more of a hostile takeover company than a captain of industry company.

    It’s not like Mitt started it in his garage with his meager coin that he saved from his paper route.

  230. happyfeet says:

    well he invented obamacare… that was a big deal for him

  231. BT says:


    That is the business he is in.

  232. leigh says:

    That’s true. He’s a doer, that Mitt.

  233. happyfeet says:

    that’s true and I hope it serves him well in the coming months

    unlike Mr. Herman Team R doesn’t have a plan B

  234. happyfeet says:

    I just don’t understand you Mr. McGehee there’s nothing but nothing to recommend four more years of commander gigglefart

    there’s real people what are being horrifically abused at the hands of these obamawhores

    we have to help them

  235. serr8d says:

    Here’s a link to the #Huckforum going on right now.

  236. leigh says:

    Gah! I just walked past the teevee and Mike Huckabee was interviewing Rick Santorum. It was more of an interfaith discussion than an interview. When did Team R slide over onto the Legion of Decency bench? I know, I think it was Slart, said it was in the ’80s, but I remember the Born Agains as being a subset that were mostly nodded and smiled at.

    My daddy used to say “You go to your church and I’ll go to mine”. That sentiment seems to have gone by the wayside.

  237. John Bradley says:

    If you don’t let them(*) suffer the results of their sin, how will they ever learn?

    * Applicable to any and all instances of ‘them’: Obama voters, establishment GOP types, Peggy Noonan, people who thought Obama was gonna pay their rent, etc. Sure, we’ve all got to suffer along with them, but it’s worth it to see the look on their faces.

  238. happyfeet says:

    Huckabee revels in that shit

  239. newrouter says:

    “When did Team R slide over onto the Legion of Decency bench?”

    thanks for pointing out john edwards 2 americas.

  240. leigh says:

    So, are you okay with that, nr? Is it because we let that icky Reagan guy get elected after he divorced his first wife and got Nancy preggers before they were married? We can’t let that happen again. RR slid under the wire, but never again.

  241. leigh says:

    That Reagan, he didn’t even go to church. Like never and wouldn’t talk about his faith and stuff because he said it was private.

  242. McGehee says:

    you’re gonna let the team down with that attitude Mr. McGehee

    I’m not on any team. The last team I was on traded me for John McCain and an illegal alien to be named later.

  243. sdferr says:

    That damned Neville Obamerlin is going to get a lot of people killed he keeps up with this posture. And who will stop him?

  244. leigh says:

    I apologize, nr. He, Edwards, was talking about social stratification and income inequality. Nevermind.

  245. newrouter says:

    eff zombie reagan

  246. happyfeet says:

    McCain was a huge mistake

    I think everybody recognizes that now

  247. leigh says:

    That’s pretty harsh, now.

  248. happyfeet says:

    Perry is just fucking dying to amend that shitty inadequate constitution thingy

  249. newrouter says:

    “He, Edwards, was talking about social stratification and income inequality.”

    nah he was speaking about doing his campaign aide while the cain train is looking for rain in spain.

  250. leigh says:

    He’s waving a copy of the constitution at Huck.

  251. newrouter says:

    eff the zombie reagan used to smother climate change

  252. McGehee says:

    there’s real people what are being horrifically abused at the hands of these obamawhores

    I can’t make them vote for what they need. I can’t even make sure what they need is even on the ballot when they go to vote. They can only help themselves, when they want to do so.

    Until then, they know where the Band-Aids are Preparation H is.

  253. leigh says:

    Choked the very life out of it.

  254. happyfeet says:

    zombie reagan is a kindly old cuss

    he likes to frolic in the geraniums and mom gets so mad

    but she can’t never stay mad at him, he’s such a kindly old cuss

  255. happyfeet says:

    but McGehee it’s the children what the obamawhores hurt the most

    look at their hopes… look at their dreams

    that’s the currency Obama spent

  256. leigh says:

    The children at the OWS rallies who were arrested by the mean old police claim that they will need therapy now. Because it was traumatic and stuff. And we need to pay for it, bitches.

  257. newrouter says:

    zombie reagan™ – when your talking point is endangered.

  258. happyfeet says:

    not those children I mean the nice clean ones

  259. BT says:

    What ever gave marketing people the idea if they pitch a product with an Australian accent , people would be more likely to buy it?

  260. happyfeet says:

    his name was Paul Hogan

  261. newrouter says:

    “Yeah. Air travel is not my friend, as it happens. My legs are really sore.”

    “Oh boo flippin’ hoo, mate,” Blair spit, taking the final swig of his beer before slamming the empty glass on the table. “Try flying in from bleedin’ New Zealand, then come bitch to me. After 23 hours, your ass starts to feel like a diabetic’s feet.”

    “I’ll bet,” I said, not really sure what he meant. “So. I’ll see you guys tomorrow, then…?”

    Blair: “Feh. Whatever.”

  262. geoffb says:

    Link for sdferr’s #245.

    They are going for a record to eclipse Mao, Stalin, and Hitler combined and do it in much less time too. World Champions Chumpions.

  263. newrouter says:

    my allah mitten’s hair pbuh

  264. Pablo says:

    Feets, this has shown that they too can and will be destroyed if they ever stick their heads up too far and threaten the class that shall be rulers. The method works.

    This. On the bright side, we’re getting a politician, one way or the other. My kingdom for a manager.

    As for the Huckholio thing, I’m new to it, but I like the format.

  265. Pablo says:

    So back to plan B. More ammo and MREs.

    This too. geoffb 2012!

  266. Pablo says:

    Should I go heavy on 00 buckshot or .45 ACP? This is the question that vexes me.

  267. Pablo says:

    Newt knows Alinsky! Fuck him anyway.

  268. sdferr says:

    Better he should know LeMay.

  269. newrouter says:

    faux news suxs – we can’t live stream a 3rd rate show

  270. newrouter says:

    on effin saturday night

  271. geoffb says:

    7.62×51 & 39 for me.

  272. Pablo says:

    Yeah. Thing is, they want you to watch the teevee, that being the business they’re in. Bastards. THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW!!!!!

  273. Pablo says:

    geoffb, I’m thinking that this is going to be an asymmetrical battle with untrained and poorly armed nitwits. Folks you could beat to death with a fallen branch, should it some to that. It almost seems unsporting to drop them with a Scary Black Rifle before they even understand that they’re in the fight. I’m thinking big ass flyswatter. Which sucks if you’re a fly.

  274. newrouter says:

    bad biz model no if cnn can do it but cbs and fnc cain’t. gbtv cain.

  275. newrouter says:

    glee: there might be peeps getting stuff on the intertubes. goreimagine that.

  276. John Bradley says:

    I’m thinking big ass flyswatter. Which sucks if you’re a fly.

    …with a big ass.

  277. happyfeet says:


  278. LBascom says:

    “Should I go heavy on 00 buckshot or .45 ACP? This is the question that vexes me.”

    You need a balanced diet. You want to cover varying ranges.

    Realistically, a fully loaded pistol with two full spare clips is sufficient, it’s your last defense for up close and personal.

    A shotgun is your intermediate weapon. When the perimeter is breached, for the scattergun you reach. Lighter loads(like 7 1/2 birdshot) are good for dispersing clueless crowds at the gate, but have plenty of heavier loads for the mob if they come through.

    For further distances, I think a 30-06 is a real nice caliber, but whatever. Have something that you can reach out and touch someone at a couple hundred yards, it’s necessary for a first defense and outside the wire probing/sniping ops.

    Anyway, that’s how I’m set up.

  279. LBascom says:

    , like all of you, admire Newt Gingrich’s instant recall of facts and ideas. But aren’t we also worried that he seems not only not to remember some of the strange things he has said and done, but does not seem aware that he is not aware of them — or that millions remember more about his past than he seems to?


  280. geoffb says:

    The Method” is not just applied to candidates but also to any private individual who manages to stick out enough to be noticed. Religions always hate heresy most of all.

  281. Nolanimrod says:

    You will notice that the injustice being decried is the government giving money to somebody else. Surprise. As for calling you a Visigoth? Please! And why the Visis? Got something against the Ostros? Either of which would have enslaved you and made you handle their copyright disputes.

  282. guinspen says:

    Dennis Kern and Alvin Felch in ‘Krapp’s Last Tape’

    See more information on the show at

    Dennis Kern and Alvin Felch, who accompanies the piece with the accordion, at the Independence Opera House on Saturday, April 10 [2010] at 8 p.m. for a performance of ‘Krapp’s Last Tape,’ a play written by Samuel Beckett. Admission is $10.

    Dennis Kern first performed ‘Krapp’s Last Tape’ in 1994 in Madison. At the time, reviewer Kevin Lynch, of the Capital Times, wrote of Kern’s “fresh interpretation” of Beckett.

    “Madison actor Dennis Kern may have found an inlet to a fresh personal interpretation of a work that, like much of Beckett, needs to be dusted off from countless layers of academic interpretation and analysis,” according to Lynch. “It’s his own Krapp, with shades of Marcel Marceau and Emmet Kelly. He moves like a marionette being toyed with, all herky-jerky impulses and collapsing sighs. His eyes small pools of despair. One senses a mortal twinge of decrepitude lurking inside him like an explosive sneeze…sudden, messy and final.”

    Beware the mimes of Mad


  283. jack hoff says:

    “…like a marionette being toyed with, all herky-jerky impulses and collapsing sighs. His eyes small pools of despair. One senses a mortal twinge of decrepitude lurking inside him like an explosive sneeze…sudden, messy and final.”


  284. leigh says:

    Beckett was a genius. He managed to make more talented playwrites turn to the bottle or worse as he eclipsed their talent with his absurdity and raked in bucket loads of money. And probably comely wimmin.

    Jeff, ye were born too late. You could have given Samuel a run for his money.

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