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September 2024


Remember those heady days of American exceptionalism?

You know, the ones where you didn’t have to pen responses to Wall Street Journal op-eds calling for an American Great Leap Forward modeled after the Chi-Com’s centrally-controlled and planned police state?

The pies were plumper back then — and the cars more muscular and less likely to be confused for oversized earrings with wheels…

(h/t Sean Hackberth)

14 Replies to “Remember those heady days of American exceptionalism?”

  1. happyfeet says:

    speaking of the fascist obamawhore war on science

    Boston Bans E-Cigarettes in Workplaces, Just Because

  2. sdferr says:

    Time was no penned response would have been necessary ’cause nearly everyone would have beaten Stern to a pulp with the nearest cudgel to hand. Americans were a prickly sort when it came to taking away their liberties. But then, they recalled they were birthed in opposition to tyranny, rather than in its embrace.

  3. Squid says:

    I didn’t realize anyone took Stern seriously. Seriously, the guy’s argument boils down to “Let’s do what China does — steal American ideas and methods and force our people to work in appalling conditions to exploit those American ideas and methods as cheaply as possible.” Not to mention the question-begging involved in asserting that the Beltway crowd has the smarts, the knowledge, and the experience to put together a winning plan.

    Honestly, I thought the WSJ editors ran Stern’s piece just so we could all laugh at how stupid he is.

  4. B. Moe says:

    Seriously, the guy’s argument boils down to “Let’s do what China does — steal American ideas and methods and force our people to work in appalling conditions to exploit those American ideas and methods as cheaply as possible.”

    What is truly sad is there are millions of working stiffs out there who think this moron hung the moon and are too stupid to realize this really is what he is saying.

  5. leigh says:

    I’m getting more than a little ticked off at the Murdochification of all my favorite news outlets.

  6. Crawford says:


    If anything, they let Stern step on his own crank. AFAIK, unlike the NYT, they don’t have an on-staff editorial writer who has made a career of wistfully longing for the end of the American Republic in favor of Chinese totalitarianism.

  7. leigh says:

    I refer to the paywalls and general dumbing down of content at the WSJ.

    Stern is a dolt but, he is far from the only one on staff.

  8. dicentra says:

    Jonah answers Stern, because how could he not?

  9. dicentra says:

    Stern’s not on the WSJ staff. It’s a guest editorial.

  10. leigh says:

    Yes. He’s the SEIU guy. I said that wrong.

  11. Squid says:

    I wish there were a way to force Stern to debate Jonah head-to-head on national TV. That would be the sort of infotainment America needs.

  12. leigh says:

    See? There you are, using force again.

  13. LBascom says:

    From Di’s link @#8

    Stern himself visited the White House more than any other person during Obama’s first year in office (53 times).

    Stern sees the Chinese government’s allegedly keen ability to “plan” its way to prosperity as the new model for America.

    That right there ought to clear up any confusion over whether Obama is trashing the free market economy on purpose, or if he’s just inept.

    We’re in deep bad trouble.

  14. Roddy Boyd says:

    The People’s Republic of Madoff.

    This is my next book. Classic.

    it’s not terribly unlike an impassioned essay arguing for the likelihood of the ’62 Mets winning the Series, or wondering about the policy directions of the second Dukakis administration in ’88. It’s that big of a goof.

    China is a balance of payments two-step infused with leveraged stimulus. It’s already stopped. It’s turn toward the free market is real and important, but the days of credible “hockey stick” growth are done.

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