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November 2024


"Paul Krugman and Potemkin jobs"

protein wisdom summarizes: If you build it as a government dig some big holes, they the workers will come fill them in for a reasonable, living wage, and in so doing, become productive citizens who pay taxes and provide the government with the revenue necessary to take care of you in a way you simply aren’t capable of taking care of yourselves.*

Media Matters responds: “Hey! You EDITED that unfairly, you dumb lying racist!”

25 Replies to “"Paul Krugman and Potemkin jobs"”

  1. LTC John says:

    Who would it be that decided Paul Krugman has any ability to decide anything for himself? I think he needs to turn over his financial and health decisions to the nearest GS-9 at a desk. And his paycheck.

  2. sdferr says:

    I don’t mean to dismiss concerns about the long-run U.S. budget picture. If you look at fiscal prospects over, say, the next 20 years, they are indeed deeply worrying, largely because of rising health-care costs. But the experience of the past two years has overwhelmingly confirmed what some of us tried to argue from the beginning: The deficits we’re running right now — deficits we should be running, because deficit spending helps support a depressed economy — are no threat at all.

    How about the short-run turning into a long-run before our eyes in light of the experience of the past two years? This isn’t to dismiss the budget picture of the past two years, i.e., the lack of a budget for a period swiftly closing in on three years because the Democrats refuse to pass a budget? Goddamn right it is. Krugman doesn’t even mention it.

  3. Slartibartfast says:

    Yes, we can SO bootstrap ourselves!

  4. cranky-d says:

    Remember, for progressives, wealth is just there lying around for the taking. Also, governments don’t waste money, because all money gets distributed to those who need it, even if it’s to a bureaucracy that chews up money that is supposed to be spent elsewhere. Bureaucrats need to eat, too.

    You see, since wealth is simply there, as opposed to being created, it doesn’t matter how you manage existing wealth. The new wealth will magically appear regardless.

  5. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Shorter Krugman: You can’t collect from the dead. And in the long-run, that’s all we are anyways.

  6. sdferr says:

    It is weird though isn’t it, this self-destruction we witness the progressives and their allies committing on themselves? I mean, even stupid people are capable of figuring out that what they’re doing is harming themselves, so generally will wake up to quit long before they’ve succeeded in their own annihilation. But these progressive fucks clearly don’t have a clue.

    Which, I can’t help but stand back in amazement. Damned if I’d try to stop them so they’ll still be around “in the out years”, as they like to say. Fuck no. Leave ’em be to complete the job. And good riddance.

  7. Slartibartfast says:

    I’d bet that if we could translate Krugman’s economics to physics, it would wind up being perpetual motion.

  8. sdferr says:

    Potemkin national security too.

    The Obama administration decides to reduce the number of U.S. troops in Iraq to 3,000 by the end of the year, Fox News has learned, as senior commanders are said to be livid at the decision.

    So the brilliant idea to save money is to leave 3,000 soldiers exposed as targets in a disintegrating Iraq. Fuck. These Obama people are morons, plain and simple.

  9. McGehee says:

    deficit spending helps support a depressed economy

    I think he’s projecting. He’s assuming deficit spending helps support a depressed economy because eating an entire half-gallon of Chunky Monkey always helps him when he’s depressed.

    It’s not as if his lactose intolerance bothers him, after all.

  10. Ernst Schreiber says:

    The guy’s gotta do something to tie down his left flank, sdferr.

    And besides, if they didn’t insist on voting Republican, we wouldn’t have to work so hard at excluding their ballots. So fuck ’em. (As it was notoriously said).

  11. pdbuttons says:

    she was a good earner
    she liked ‘when the saints go marching in’
    we had a 4 piece band at the funeral
    i don’t know who’s gonna pay ya
    good luck

  12. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    I get confused sometimes, Comrade Krugman.
    Is today the day we dig the holes, or is today the day we fill them?

    I forget.

  13. sdferr says:

    This is a bridge to ruin too far for even the likes of Carl Levin is my guess. But then, we’ll see.

  14. pdbuttons says:

    one of my sisters [i got 2..2 harvards]
    lives in frisco and i ask her kinda what she does
    and she said ‘money” she lends money to goverments and flies about the globe firing people and she had a catholic upbringing but when she dyes her hair candy apple red someones gonna get hurt she said america is to big to fail when she blew into town and ate at a way cool jesus french restaurant i left the tip

  15. pdbuttons says:

    sorry-not a name dropper or ..just a story
    so i axe older harvard sis “does brenda drink”?”
    and older harvard sis say- “brenda flies into new york city and goes high end scotch bar hopping”
    i shut up/ still processing info

  16. McGehee says:

    too big to fail
    means when it does the hole
    will be
    too deep
    to crawl out of
    Burma Shave

  17. Squid says:

    You’re going to need
    A bigger pail,
    The ditch you dig’s
    Too big to fail!

    Burma Shave

  18. serr8d says:

    “brenda flies into new york city and goes high end scotch bar hopping”

    Hook her up with Abe Froman, unless she looks like the south end of a north-bound mule. In which case, William Yelverton.

  19. McGehee says:

    unless she looks like the south end of a north-bound mule. In which case, William Yelverton.

    Why would you want Yelfie’s children to look better than him?

  20. serr8d says:

    OT a bit more, but speaking of no-people Potemkin Villages, this

  21. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Unless that’s a photo essay about the hordes of scantily clad teenage nympho zombie ninjas roaming the countryside, I’m not interested serr8d.

  22. Squid says:

    At least the Chernobyl one had a hot chick on a motorcycle…

  23. LBascom says:

    deficit spending helps support a depressed economy

    True statement.

    Why anyone wants to help a depressed economy instead of helping a vibrant economy is anyones guess.

  24. pdbuttons says:

    my sister b is kinda cute but as she turns 40 her bum is…widening..
    she’s taking boxing lessons?!
    rich people are wierdos

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