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November 2024


Pursuant to my last post, below, in which I noted how Obama CARES!


Lots of CARING happening here all of a sudden. Why, it’s as though he’s suddenly had an epiphany!

And I say more power to him!

— Which is why I bristle at such unhelpful and frankly cynical, non-trusting responses like this one, from ALG President Bill Wilson:

With homeowners underwater in their homes by about $700 billion, Obama’s $85 billion of bailout-refinance loans will not address 88 percent of the negative equity that is out there. The whole reason the crisis began was because cheap loans were provided to those with poor credit. Now, the Obama Administration wants to return to this failed policy to prop up his sagging reelection prospects by directing the money to favored constituencies that took out loans which could not be repaid. This is nothing more than an $85 billion Obama-Reelect slush fund.

Sure. But you have to admit, it beats a space alien attack.

So there’s that.

7 Replies to “Pursuant to my last post, below, in which I noted how Obama CARES!”

  1. cranky-d says:

    But you have to admit, it beats a space alien attack.

    I think I need to be convinced of that. A good space alien attack might flush out all the progressives who would wave signs saying “Welcome to Earth,” and the like. Any issues with population and too much welfare spending might go away, or at least be minimalized.

  2. cranky-d says:

    Glass half full, you see.

  3. Carin says:

    I think a good space alien attack could be good for society – it would separate the wheat from the chaff if you know what I mean. The producers from the moochers. While the moochers wait around for the buses to come rescue them, the producers would be doing what they always do. Figuring shit out.

  4. Squid says:

    I dunno, Carin — if I were trying to dominate a planet, I’d work pretty hard to eradicate the uppity, well-armed freedom fighters. I’d also compliment the Dems on breeding such a large herd of low-morale, low-initiative, low-education, low-expectations cattle to serve as my willing slaves. I might even grant them an extra ration of slop as they worked the mines.

  5. motionview says:

    You know all of those hard left union people Obama has been working with his whole life? It would probably look better if Obama got some distance from them before 2012. And voila! A core member of the United Progressive Front, a weekly visitor to the White House is suddenly saying Obama is too centrist, Obama is aligned with the TEA party.

  6. LTC John says:

    #5 – they said that and managed to keep a straight face?

  7. JamieC71 says:

    Obama’s $85 billion of bailout-refinance loans will not address 88 percent of the negative equity that is out there.

    will not address 88 percent

    88 percent

    via Wikipedia:

    About 12.4% of the American people (37.6 million, including about 885,000 Hispanic or Latino) are Black or African American.

    eh…probably just a coincidence, right? Right?

    Yeah, I know. I’m RACIST for noticing that. I’ll go to my room.

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