or you just don’t want to admit that you were screwing around on your desk and it accidentally posted. nah, that can’t be it. must be something too smart fer me ta figger out.
Finally, performance art has made it to the blogosphere. What better way can may define the existential nature of his nature than through the incoherence of an irrelevant string of letters. Brilliant!
Are you the guy who keeps sending me those e-mails? Or is that “Sighted H. Inductee” or “Numbers P. Dougherty”? In any case, huscrbnkc hhdjdfhjdt mbkghh to you too.
kfijsr asdoji oekfvao cmoxev riasclkcy!
Popping that into http://www.rot13.com yields:
My thoughts exactly.
norm macdonald??? norm macdonald?!?!!! the guy is funny, but… ewwwwww. don’t know how I’ll get that picture out of my head.
http://patterico.com/, indeed.
ahem. I meant to say, <href=”http://patterico.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/2570 “ target=”_blank” class=”text”>patterico</a>, indeed.
That’s easy for you to say.
Well, I knew it couldn’t last. Two good belly laughs yesterday, but now Goldstein’s back to the same old incomprehensible shit-blogging. Sigh.
I suspect the baby…
It’s a performative.
or you just don’t want to admit that you were screwing around on your desk and it accidentally posted. nah, that can’t be it. must be something too smart fer me ta figger out.
Actually, Jeff, it’s a perjorative. In Klingon, I believe.
? zitch?
the cryptography poem
I was going to say something about zitch, too, Sarah.
Just who is this “zitch” person? I don’t believe I’ve heard the name.
“90 percent of the time this blog is like reading Hokusai translated into English by Stevie Wonder on a manual typewriter.”
yfqze, maybe?
Just gotta do the math, Bill. All has been revealed, mostly.
wkhuh rqfh zdv d srhw qdphg mhii
zkr prfnhg wkrvh zkr vwrrg rq wkh ohiw
kh phqwlrqhg wkhlu idw dqg
wkhlu pdjlfdo kdwv;
dovr idplob sulgh lq exww fohiwv.
Is it me or is this one of the most coherent posts Goldstein has ever written?
Whatever Scott, I’m not good with math. Or poetry. But if there’s one thing that I know, it’s that that poem doesn’t fucking rhyme, bitch.
You mean zitch, Bill?
Clefts. I like it, VdudkZ.
I missed all the hub bub. So I’ll just leave you with my prison bitch name translation.
I would be called “Skankster”
Jeff Goldstein is “Screw’s Choice” appropriately.
Oh, and in a deserpate attempt to understand this post, qebzovmqldoxmevmlbj is “Boy Bitch”.
exfhr oribp, Johnny.
“That’s not writing, that’s just typing.”
–Truman Capote
Cat got your keyboard?
That was an awful lot of work just so you could call me bitch, Jeff.
vlr mofzh.
Finally, performance art has made it to the blogosphere. What better way can may define the existential nature of his nature than through the incoherence of an irrelevant string of letters. Brilliant!
Always late to the party, Janice realizes she missed out because she didn’t receive her decoder ring in time.
What, Beck?
Oh—you wanted my brother. Never mind.
Are you saying you’ve seen the fnords?
Seen ‘em? I’m pining for ‘em even as we speak.
Are you the guy who keeps sending me those e-mails? Or is that “Sighted H. Inductee” or “Numbers P. Dougherty”? In any case, huscrbnkc hhdjdfhjdt mbkghh to you too.