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January 2025


"Jake Shannon How To Handle Haters Smear Campaigns and Harassment"

[specialized posting; feel free to ignore]

From article hub — the ultimate in make believe expertise online. Looks like Jake Shannon is really getting his $450 worth!

[Note: Shannon often uses these kinds of “articles hub” or “articles base” websites to link his pieces to one another and drive up their perceived importance in search engines. For instance, today’s “article” on “smears” is linked to things like “interior design” and “MBA.” It’s a giant link massaging scam -ed]

Look, Jake: I realize that your tack here is to try to throw my reputation in question. When you write things like this —

So, when confronted with nasty criticism, remember two things first:

1) IF they are brave enough to not hide behind fake internet usernames, take a look at the detractors history. Do they have a long history of offering nothing but negativity, drama, and smearing others? Have they ever produced anything but nasty criticism?

2) Remember who you are and whose opinion is REALLY important.

For me, I worked very hard to earn my M.Sc. Financial Engineering. Ive worked hard to be a respected author. I worked hard to become a cancer survivor. I am proud of the help Ive offered people as a hypnotist. I am proud to be the founder of and inventor of the Macebell. I am proud that my work has been featured in magazines locally, nationally, and internationally. I am proud that I am a frequently a guest on talk radio programs. I am proud that I am taking action to make a difference as the Utah Libertarian Party vice chairman. Most of all, I am proud of being a good husband and father!

Always remember first, what are YOU proud that youve produced of value or earned?

I know what you’re trying to do. I’m not one of your marks, Jake, and frankly, I find it astounding that after your having run a lengthy smear piece on Tony Cecchine, keeping it high in the search engine findings for years, you are now feigning concern over how people secure their reputations.

I have posted nothing about you I don’t believe to be true. When I posted on Scientific Wrestling and Kris Iatskevitch and the whole sham that is your certification program, I sourced every argument — something, recall, you never bothered to do when you were attacking your “competitor” (I put that word in scare quotes because, though your business was set up to compete, you yourself were woefully unqualified to pretend you were a viable alternative in terms of skill or training).

Your response? Has been to break old links, to hide evidence; to scrub your websites [note: I saved the linked screenshot] of incriminating postings; to remove video clips that you believe damaging to the house of cards you live in; to hire some specialist to try to bury search results that are of necessity (their being chock-ful o’ true) unflattering; and now to post contrived “articles” that are filled with “testimonials” about you from friends or those with whom you’ve had business arrangements — while using said article to suggest that the reason you get “attacked” is that you are some sort of great man, and that great leaders such as yourself draw anklebiting criticisms. But brave Jake sallies forth. Bravely.

Yawn. Do people really buy that bullshit?

Here’s a hint, Jake: if you truly believed any of that, you would have ignored the criticisms, not paid to try to have them squelched. Instead, you’re paying to have testimonials placed in supposed “articles.” It’s really rather sad.

But I digress.

In your “article,” you intimate that those who are your detractors — and let’s face it, you are speaking of me, because it is me you are paying a specialist to try to bury — have dubious reputations, a claim you tried making before by linking to others in the online world who’ve had run-ins with me, or who don’t very much like me. At least one of those you linked to previously was a noted leftwing smear site — an ironic thing to do when you are pretending to be fighting smears your own brave self.

But the truth is, for every negative run-in I’ve had with a critic or online adversary, I’ve found hundreds or more supporters. And that’s because I tell the truth, Jake — at least, the truth as I see it, supported by what evidence I can marshal — and I let the chips fall where they may. Some people would prefer I be more diplomatic in my approach. Others would just as soon pay an SEO pro to make me go away.

Here’s the thing, though, Jake: I, too, have done national radio programs; I, too, am a published author (though I prefer to write my own stuff, not mimeograph the work of others and pretend); I, too, have advanced degrees; I, too, am proud of what I’ve been able to teach people, both at the university where I once worked and here online, be it about language, or movies, or Martha Stewart’s prison stay, or the effects of on one’s consciousness. (Note: I’m not a cancer survivor; but then, I don’t pimp that info hoping it draws attention away from my bad behavior, either. So I’ve got that going for me)

— The difference being, I stand by what I’ve written, and I’m not afraid to debate it on the merits. Whereas you are busy with yet another “marketing” angle — trying to place “articles” filled with “testimonials” about yourself rather than engaging in the more difficult work of standing up for the sleazy tactics you’ve deployed for years and years against those you decided to run over on your way to being the next Matt Furey.

So go ahead. Instruct people to consider who the messenger is in the hopes that will distract them from considering the message. That’s what you do. But what that is is an anti-intellectual dodge.

What it isn’t is the “critical thinking” you pretend to peddle — nor is it “scientific.”

Face it, Jake: you got away with your smears for years. You used the online world you knew was largely foreign to your competition in order to build yourself up and tear others down. You’ve put up a number of flashy websites, run a number of dubious businesses, and lately have taken to trying to foist yourself into politics, yet another den of corruption and Machievellian power dynamics.

It’s who you are, Jake. And it’s what you do.

Me, I offer different advice to those who might stumble upon this ongoing confrontation and are looking for some semblance of truth: don’t worry about Shannon or me or any other player in this saga as people; just look at the evidence of what been done, when it’s been done , and why it’s been done.

Then draw your conclusions.

You know — trust the evidence, not Shannon’s latest paid marketing scheme or his newest online strategem to build himself up while he works tirelessly to tear his competitors down.

Because what this latest “article” proves — and in fact, is a perfect performative for — is precisely what Shannon is about: it is a manufactured “how to” that now counts as a “published” item (yet another piece of padding for a bloated, bullshit resume), and yet it is written by someone whose only real “expertise” in the subject of online smear campaigns is that he’s spent years running them, and is now paying to combat that very truth.

Like nearly all of what Shannon does, it is a mirage — a sham, a fake, a coward’s slight of hand masquerading as stoicism and bravery.

How anyone continues to buy it is beyond me.

ps. Shannon claims to have invented the Mace Bell. Well, technically, what he did was take a piece of equipment that’s been commonly used in, say, India (as the gada) for centuries and give it a new name, then market it on YouTube and on one of his thousands of Furey-esque websites.

That’s not “inventing,” Jake. That’s appropriating. You are to “inventors” what Milli Vanilli is to “singer songwriters”…

24 Replies to “"Jake Shannon How To Handle Haters Smear Campaigns and Harassment"”

  1. Danger says:

    Oh yeah Jeff,
    Well Jake Shannon is a libertarian author, U.S. Congressional candidate, and the Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Utah.

    Just unfortunate that the flying elvis’s are still hogging the so much of the utah spotlight or he’d really be somebody to contend with.

    One of these days Goldstein;)

  2. Danger says:

    Oops, sometimes the price for being first is an extra the. Well worth it in my estimation.

    Carry on!

  3. McGehee says:

    It’s too bad for Jake that pro wrestling has become big business, or he might have a decent income at it on some local TV station somewhere, enough to rent space in a four-star trailer park and maybe only have to buy dinner for about half the bimbos he dates.

    Instead he has to be an internet P.T Barnum wannabe. Poor guy.

  4. JD says:

    Jake Shannon is a festering cooze.

  5. sdferr says:

    Jake could be so successful making himself what he is that one day he’ll wake up to find Galen Strawson using him as a proof.

  6. Jeff G. says:

    I notice that if you do a Google search for my name, one of the top findings is the Sadly, No! piece.

    Gee, I wonder who’s been linking that old thing, working to move it up the rankings and keep it alive…?

  7. JD says:

    Notice how Jakey is too cowardly to actually respond?

  8. Jeff G. says:

    Check out how this works: Google results.

    The reason appears to be because Shannon’s new articleshub “article” is associated as “related” on the front page of, and so is being “linked” by a high traffic portal.

    Want to see where his “publishing” takes place? Self-posted articles pretending to an “expertise” he simply doesn’t have. Mirages.

    Just another of Shannon’s scams.

  9. geoffb says:

    A few clicks away from your Google search finds (Google cache version)“‘JAKE SHANNON AND SONDRA SHANNON – In This Week 2010, Power Couple’ by” (of course) “Jake Shannon”. Marvey.

  10. Silver Whistle says:

    So, hypothetically, an article detailing how Jake Shannon is a fraud, couldn’t wrassle my sister, and by the way drinks Coors Lite, would just need to be linked by a high traffic site and Google would keep turning up these alleged facts?

  11. Soiled Sockpuppet says:

    Seems like this “manufactured Google rating” is something people are using to boost nefarious products. Maybe it’s time for Congress to start regulating the internet. I wonder what Libertarian party of Utah would think of that?

  12. cranky-d says:

    I don’t want Congress anywhere near the internet. If someone is perpetrating a fraud, they can be charged with that. Once the government touches the internet it’s all over.

  13. Jeff G. says:

    Shannon has never put out any material of his own.

    And yet he pretends to be an expert and a “coach.”

    Where’s the beef, Jake?

  14. cranky-d says:

    Jake probably figures you’ll get tired of countering him. He’s in for a big disappointment, I think.

  15. Pablo says:

    That’s not “inventing,” Jake. That’s appropriating. You are to “inventors” what Milli Vanilli is to “singer songwriters”…

    …and proud of it. My, but Jake is a tedious son of a bitch.

  16. Soiled Sockpuppet says:

    I don’t want Congress anywhere near the internet. If someone is perpetrating a fraud, they can be charged with that. Once the government touches the internet it’s all over.

    Too late!

    Time to start hosting in the Cayman Islands.

  17. Spiny Norman says:

    “‘JAKE SHANNON AND SONDRA SHANNON – In This Week 2010, Power Couple’ by” (of course) “Jake Shannon”.

    Oh. My. Gawd.


  18. JD says:

    Here is a hint, Jakey. If you have to write an article about yourself, declaring yourself a power couple, you probably are not.

  19. serr8d says:

    Maybe he hypnotized Ms. Sondra (Mistakes Happen!) Shannon into thinking he’s the shizzle on a shingle. Some people will fall for anything.

  20. serr8d says:

    It seems to me he got Caught in his scheme to take over ownership of Catch, and is in the midst of trying everything he can do to save face. The self-promoting breast-beating is the first of many clues.

    If you can’t tell the truth, Jake the Snake, nothing’s ever gonna work out for you. You’re just making it worse, and with these tactics your guilt becomes more obvious.

    Yep, he’s a politician, all right.

  21. Dewclaw says:


    Don’t sully the name of Jake the Snake Roberts!

    As a drug addicted, pro wrestling, self-admitted turd… I’m sure he takes great offense at being put in the same boat as twatwaffle Jake Shannon.

    Carry on… :)

  22. Slartibartfast says:

    Oh. My. Gawd.

    Oh, yeah. I can see myself writing an article about me and my wife, and putting “Power Couple” in the title.

    After maybe a half bottle of Mezcal.

  23. Pablo says:

    To be fair, Jake is posting pieces written by other people under his own byline. He’s not just a douche, he’s a dishonest plagiarizing douche…and proud of it. He pinched that particular bit from here.

  24. Slartibartfast says:


    He’s a self-promoting dishonest plagiarizing douche. But he’s not just ringing his own bell really hard, he’s digging up where others have done so and re-publishing their articles without attribution.

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