
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


This Valentine’s Day . . . [Dan Collins]

adopt a wolf.

For her.

More House of Mirth-a; original House of Mirth-a

44 Replies to “This Valentine’s Day . . . [Dan Collins]”

  1. pledgepolish55 says:

    Can I just send the wolf to her house? I’m sure it’ll just do cute Disney stuff.

  2. Jeffersonian says:


  3. Bob Reed says:

    Yeah, she’s not all that…Especially when you add in the shooting-off-her-mouth-about-her-vapid-thoughts-and-insipid-opinions factor…

    2+ at best after the modifiers…

  4. MarkD says:

    Somebody introduce her to parsnip.

  5. Dale says:

    Actually I watched as my domesticated wolves (actually German Shepherd Dogs) and a mixed breed terrier killed an oppossum this morning when I let them out at 5 AM. They aren’t trained to kill. They’d probably bark and run from a caribou. But the point is that animals kill other animals. We cannot change the behavior. But if we attempt to manage the population of wolves to improve the sustainable population of the feeder species, we are merely trying to keep caribou hope alive!

  6. You might like this person’s reasoning as well.

  7. Rob Crawford says:

    It’s rather sad that someone that attractive has been rendered hideous by the words that come out of her mouth.

  8. happyfeet says:

    classic Ashley

    “I was so thrilled to meet Bishop Tutu. He has been such a hero to me. I used to listen to records of his speeches smuggled out in the 1980s. He so inspired me, with his fight against these forces that totally perverted and distorted what spirituality and religion are supposed to mean. I really think that his fight then echoes my fight today in my own country. I’ve gone and spoken with so many of these Evangelicals and these conservative churches, trying to open their eyes to what faith is supposed to be about.” Sigh. “It’s so much like Bishop Tutu’s struggle.”

    she dumb

  9. geoffb says:

    This will help with that problem discussed in another post about the old hippies taking over the rural areas. Since they don’t own firearms, the wolves will have safe hunting, and a plentiful, if smelly, food supply.

  10. pledgepolish55 says:

    I wonder what the point of ‘faith’ is in their little world. They never elaborate on that coherently.

  11. Sdferr says:

    Is she the one married to the Scots race-car driver with the Italian name?

  12. Dan Collins says:

    Yeah, I think. I’ve seen photos of her at racing events.

  13. Sdferr says:

    He had a spectacular wreck last year, drove up the back of someone else’s tires and flipped and flipped, gasping crowd and Judds. Dude walked away with nary a scratch, then won the next week if I remember right.

  14. Joe says:

    Ashley could change me political viewpoint….NO NO. Resist the power of faux cuteness! Resist! I want her to be my fishing buddy! Oh what is wrong with me!

  15. Megaera says:

    #9, geoffb: Not so far from fact … reading a back issue of, I think, Sports Illustrated, recently, I ran across a story of wolves up in Canada near a bush airfield I’d flown out of in years past stalking several men, and ultimately killing an unarmed 20-something male. Unsettling, for sure. They’re predators, and we’re all prey to them, no matter how charming Ashley thinks they are. From their standpoint, Ashley’s just another meal.

  16. Joe says:

    You know something, increasing caribou and moose numbers by shooting wolves is generally a bad idea biologically (studies at Yellowstone show habitat for elk actually improved when wolves were again introduced). But since I do not live in Alaska, I do not get a say. Alaskans are for it and it is not like they are killing all the wolves.

    I would rather see the emphasis on expanding existing wolf habitat. I would like them re-introduced to the mid and lower Rockies, the Cascades, the Adirondacks, and the Sierra Nevada. I would like to see more Red Wolves in the Southeast. With the understanding that problem wolves get shot, they do not get special ESA protection in reintroduced areas, and that livestock owners get compensated for predation that does occur.

    And if I was not married I like to spend an evning working over this issue with Ashley.

  17. N. O'Brain says:


  18. N. O'Brain says:

    John Murtha is an ex-Marine.

  19. Cowboy says:

    In Alaska, nearly 800 wolves have been slaughtered from the skies through the brutal practice of aerial hunting.

    This is misleading–actually shooting a wolf from an airplane is illegal. They use the planes to spot and track the wolves and hunters on the ground shoot them. Also, notice that the sentence doesn’t say over how long a period those 800 wolves were killed. The last estimate I read suggested that no more than 100 were killed in Alaska last year.

  20. Percy Dovetonsils says:

    Yes, she is a classic example of hollywoodus retardonicus, but… looking at that picture, I can’t help but think of adopting one animal in particular.

    A beaver.

  21. memomachine says:


    It’s always the popular or cute animals that people want to “save”. Never anything creepy, crawling or with exterior slime. People say “kittens!” but never say “jellyfish!” except in a “WTF is *that* and why do I have this stinging sensation!?”.

    Let’s all congratulate Ashley Judd. She hates the ugly animals and doesn’t give a fuck if Gov Palin shoots them all.

  22. Matt says:

    Dennis Leary wants his act back memo =p

    “I’m a cow”.
    “You’re a baseball glove!!! Get in the back with the others”

  23. RC says:

    God how i’d love to See Murtha led out of anywhere in handcuffs. he’s rapidly Catching up with 0swald as being the biggest stain on the Corps.

    unfortunately ‘Brain Murtha is indeed a former Marine. Painful as it is it has to be that way for the Sake of the good Marines. kind of a “nobody gets left behind” Kind of thing. esprite requires it.

  24. Joe says:

    Ex Marine is an appropriate title for Murtha. Not for being a Democrat, or a pig at the trough, or corrupt–but for betraying fellow Marines prematurely regarding Haditha. Asksing for an investigation was fine. Saying they were murderers and guilty (when it turns out they were not) was wrong. For a Marine, that is the worse thing you could do.

  25. B Moe says:

    You know something, increasing caribou and moose numbers by shooting wolves is generally a bad idea biologically (studies at Yellowstone show habitat for elk actually improved when wolves were again introduced).

    Exactly, wolves eat a lot more rabbits and mice and shit that compete with the caribou and elk for food than they do elk. Wolves kill very few large game, it isn’t cost effective for them. These bleeding heart emo campaigns don’t help at all, either, and probably mostly just make money for the fundraisers I would guess.

    Read Farley Mowatt’s Never Cry Wolf or some Alston Chase for a clear picture.

  26. Joe says:

    Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 11:18 am #

    How many wingnuts fantasized that Sarah Palin would pay them a visit in their parent’s basement?

    My fantasy involved taking Sarah on a snow-machine, in between us running down wolves in Yellowstone.

    But I bet if Ashley substituted in it would work too. And she would like it.

    But hey, that is me snippy.

  27. Silver Whistle says:

    Ms Judd is hot. Just sayin’.

  28. B Moe says:

    She is married to Dario Franchitti, by the way.

  29. Joe says:

    BMoe, Sarah is married to Todd Palin. I think I would be more worried about Todd Palin than Dario Franchitti.

  30. Slartibartfast says:

    I think she’s not bad, visually. Otherwise, I have no idea, nor any intention of finding out.

  31. kelly says:

    One wonders whether Ms. Judd would have a problem with the wolf thinning if the governor of Alaska was anyone but…Sarah Palin.

  32. Kevin J. says:

    Here’s an interesting tale of an encounter with her:

  33. Timstigator says:

    She’s so cute, so hot, but aging, and a lefty loony. Dad told me “you can’t have it all”. Imagine if she was pals with Sarah and they went hunting moose together. I think my loins just stirred.

  34. Rusty says:

    Joe. Around here)Chicago suburbs) coyotes have taken over the role of wolf. The first things to go were the feral cats, then rabbits and ground squirrels. The rabbits and ground squirrels are making a comeback so I’m assuming some balance has been met. they aren’t big enough to take down a full grown deer, but they will strip a roadkill in a couple of days.

  35. Like a screen door on a summer’s day.

    That is all.

    (I’m married. Loud and crazy and wrong means nothing to me.)

  36. Fat Wolverine says:

    They airbrushed out her turkey neck.

  37. JohnAnnArbor says:

    This poster of her hung in an Ann Arbor barbershop window a decade ago. I thought it was a nice shot. And the poster started a minor tradition.

  38. Jesus H. Obama says:

    I’m going to adopt a wolf, then kill it and eat it.

  39. Joe says:

    Content warning on the above.

  40. Dana says:

    OK, as an alumnus of the University of Kentucky, and a red-blooded American male, I freely admit that I think Ashley Judd is Teh Awesome, utterly babe-ilicious, she just plain rocks. I regret her political opinions, but I find them a lot more forgivable and forgettable in someone who looks like her than someone who looks like Nancy Pelosi.

  41. ruddiger says:

    “Ms Judd is hot. Just sayin’.”

    “She is married to Dario Franchitti, by the way.”

    Yeah, and she looked good walking in the rain after Indy a few years back, but these people need to understand their real value is as eye candy.

    I’ve always appreciated hot dumb chicks who just never bothered to broach subjects they knew nothing about.

    Man, this is making me eager for spring, going to the KMart and checking out the hot chicks wearing tube tops… and tube bottoms.

  42. the other Ken says:

    Is it bad that I have no idea who she is?

  43. McGehee says:

    Wynonna’s little sister. On “Star Trek: The Nitwit Generation” she appeared a couple of times as a potential love interest for Wesley Crusher.

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