
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


“The forty acres and a mule follow-up x 7 post” (from the protein wisdom conceptual series)

If this land is your land and this land is my land, then how come I’m the one always stuck mowing the huge bitch?

Yeah. That’s what I thought. Pinko.

230 Replies to ““The forty acres and a mule follow-up x 7 post” (from the protein wisdom conceptual series)”

  1. Dan Collins says:

    Sure, but what’s your administration going to do about A-Rod’s steroid use?

  2. geoffb says:

    Just wait till they ban gas mowers. I bet that battery powered one won’t be a rider. It will be good for the environment and your health. A twofer.

  3. McGehee says:

    “This land was made for you and me.”

  4. happyfeet says:

    The EPA estimates that 10 percent of the nation’s air pollution is caused by lawn equipment such as chain saws, lawn mowers, golf carts, blowers, and weed whackers. Five percent can be contributed to lawn mowers alone. More fuel is spilled each year by Americans topping off their lawn equipment than by the Exxon-Valdez oil spill.*

    yup. And also you’re pissing Martha Stewart off.

  5. Squid says:

    Is this about the SecState’s bikini line? ‘Cuz I’m not sure that’s a path I want to travel.

  6. pledgepolish55 says:

    I guess O! will run John Deere out of business along with the coal industry.

  7. parsnip says:

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
    – Rod Blagojevich

  8. JHoward says:

    The DOW just lost 300 points on news of O!Stimulus. That’s proud pinkos, buster.

  9. happyfeet says:

    It’s scary that this was written just a few months ago.

    Socialism may have failed as an economic theory, but global warming alarmism, with its dire warnings about the consequences of industry and consumerism, is equally a rebuke to capitalism. Take just about any other discredited leftist nostrum of yore – population control, higher taxes, a vast new regulatory regime, global economic redistribution, an enhanced role for the United Nations – and global warming provides a justification.

    Socialism is #1 with a bullet in our little country now. Baracky is gonna leave a horrid stain on everything, not least of which will be his rehabilitation of a murderous ideology. So there’s that. But it doesn’t start officially for maybe a couple weeks so you have time to squeeze in a few more free enterprisey things and exercise personal freedom and all that. Just don’t get carried away.

  10. Big D says:

    Thanks a lot, Squid! I was going to go have lunch, but that visual has killed my appetite.

  11. Log Cabin says:

    Deficit spending is good in a down economy, bad in a good economy…

    except when it’s not. Or if any of it benefits republicans …

    Cuz, yeah, I am basically talking out my ass about things I am too stupid to understand. *chuckle*

    – Parsip

  12. Mr. Pink says:

    Via Drudge.

    Shorter Shumer: “We won”

  13. comatus says:

    You know, there’s a reason they call it a “sickle bar.”

  14. Sdferr says:

    67-31 Obama’s “Porkulus bill” passes. More sellouts, it seems.

  15. Techie says:

    Porkulus passes 61-37.

    God Save the Republic.

  16. Sdferr says:

    Check that, radio announcer transposed digits. 61-37.

  17. DarthRove says:

    In my household, the division of labor occurs along the “yuck” line.

    Any job that makes Mrs. Darth say “yuck” is mine.

    I don’t think Dear Leader is gonna let us say “yuck” very muchly.

  18. Pablo says:

    I’m seeing 61-37, Sdferr. Still just senile Arlen and the hootchies from Maine. I think because he said everyone in Maine was gonna lose their jobs or something.

    Yay, bipartisanship!

  19. happyfeet says:

    Is that “stimulus” bill thinger a stealth reparations package? That doesn’t seem like too much of a reach I don’t think. If they’re gonna do it I’d rather they just be explicit about so that we can scratch that off our dirty socialist ttd list.

  20. Techie says:

    Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine and Pennsylvania’s Arlen Specter.

  21. Pablo says:

    Is that “stimulus” bill thinger a stealth reparations package?

    It’s their whole fucking wish list, ‘feets. Reparations for everybody!

    It’s a bad day to be a white dude.

  22. Techie says:

    Pablo, it’s a bad day to be a taxpayer.

  23. parsnip says:

    Porkulus passes 61-37.

    Say it with me now: Elections matter!

  24. Mr. Pink says:

    Can one of our resident lefties explain how this is good in any way whatsoever? I have yet to hear any defense or explanation of the bill.

  25. Cowboy says:

    “. . . and don’t even get me started about aerating the damn thing.”

    “. . . NO, I fertilized it last!!”

  26. parsnip says:

    If the folks who caused our current economic crisis don’t like it, then it must be good, Pinkie.

  27. Techie says:

    Rousing defense of your craptastic bill, alphie.

  28. Mr. Pink says:

    It seems we live in a land governed by children eager to break their own toys for spite.

  29. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 12:16 pm #

    You’re a fucking moron, alpo.

  30. lee says:

    I have yet to hear any defense or explanation of the bill

    Jeez Mr. Pink, aren’t you listening?

    It’s worse than the great depression out there, and if we don’t do something, anything, right now, there will be a catastrophe from which we will NEVER recover from.

    Details of the bill are irrelevant. all that matters is the government act, and it act now.


  31. Mr. Pink says:

    I have heard that lee, and I have heard several variations of “trust Obama”, but I have yet to hear anyone explain how this bill will do anything about our economic situation.

  32. LTC John says:

    Man, the CNBC crowd have been savaging the SecTreasury over his rather limp performance. Something to the effect of “A populist rant against Wall Street and the regulators of the last Administration when he was sitting right there the whole time!” Then a follow up interview where he, again, gives no details. The market was nae so happy to have the Secretary call a presser to tell us… ‘I don’t know what we are going to do, when we will do it, or how much it will cost.’

    They had been quite deferential to the Administration thus far. You lose an NBC crew and you might have some problems…

  33. Sdferr says:

    I’m frankly surprised that Geithner hasn’t simply yanked on the “mark to market” chain and flushed the whole problem down the memory toilet. The option’s still out there though I guess.

  34. Techie says:

    The DOW is just tanking.

    Down -350 points as we speak.

    I guess that counts for “change”.

  35. Mr. Pink says:

    Well John I am officially trying to switch over to the chairforce reserves right now and am just waiting for a waiver. Should be a fun 4 years huh?

    PS who the hell needs a waiver for a Drunk in Public?

  36. Techie says:

    Look at all the pretty red numbers…..

  37. Roland THTG says:

    I guess that counts for “change”.

    “Change” is just a delta. It has no direction or magnitude.

    Kind of like The One True O!

  38. The Sheep Nazi says:

    Congratulations Maj LtC John.

  39. happyfeet says:

    I dunno why my comment won’t work. If almost the same comment pops up three times, that was an accident I guess but I think it’s stuck in the filter but I can’t figure out why.

  40. LTC John says:

    Chairforce? Sorry to see you go.

    Maybe you could get a cushy deployment at Al Udeid…

  41. LTC John says:

    Thanks, er, Sheep.

  42. Sdferr says:

    I’ve had that happen a couple of times happyfeet. Ended up copying the comment, re-booting the computer and then retrying the send comment with success.

  43. happyfeet says:

    I will try. Here I go.

  44. BumperStickerist says:

    Congrats, LTC.

  45. happyfeet says:

    The filter really really doesn’t like that comment.

  46. happyfeet says:

    now it’s a quest

  47. Sdferr says:

    Hey LTC, I’ve wondered whether you can explain to simpletons like m’self the importance of Manas Air Base. Looking at a map (without much context, I’d grant) it seems more out of the way than not to me, so how come the apparent very high value placed on its location? Or is it not a matter of location, but the simple fact of co-operation with Kyrgyz authorities (could I call it a “stick in the eye” phenomenon?) or some ancillary non-apparent relation like that? Or something else altogether that I’m just not seeing? Thanks in advance.

  48. happyfeet says:

    Hey you know what’s interesting about T!mmy the Tax-Cheating Treasury Tool? His daddy works for the Ford Foundation*, a marxist front group that bankrolls NPR among other dirty socialist endeavors. That’s so neat how it forms a pattern! It’s not like those weird ass pictures at the mall that you stare at and stare at but only Pablo can see. It’s like just sitting there right in front of you.

  49. happyfeet says:

    ok. yay. Somehow that was anticlimactic.

  50. JHoward says:

    Are you okay, ‘feets? Here on Black Tuesday, don’t make us worry about you.

  51. happyfeet says:

    Worry not, Mr. Howard. Fired up and ready to go I am.

  52. thor says:

    Comment by Techie on 2/10 @ 12:29 pm #

    The DOW is just tanking.

    Down -350 points as we speak.

    I guess that counts for “change”.

    Your concern comes 6000-points too late.

  53. JHoward says:

    And 75 years, thoirre.

  54. LTC John says:

    Manas is a big help – the moreso since Karshi-Khanabad in Uzbekistan closed (guess we should have been more “realist” about the Uzbeks shooting protestors and political dissidents. It allows us to break up traffic, so to speak. Otherwise you would have an awful lot of direct flghts in to Bagram, Khandahar, etc. I didn’t spend an awful lot of time there – just coming and going through on the way to and from Afghanistan. I expect there is much more that goes on there that I am not aware of (or I am aware of but can’t say…).

  55. happyfeet says:

    My favorite part about Baracky’s stock market crash is how NPR’s endowment took a huge whack last year so they couldn’t get any monies out of it for their dirty socialist projects and had to fire actual dirty socialists and this year is turning out to be more of the same. If I had to pick my favorite part about Baracky’s stock market crash, that would be it.

  56. JHoward says:

    Surely somebody will do something, ‘feets. It’s what they’re there for.

  57. Sdferr says:

    Thanks LTC John.

  58. thor says:

    It’s another wonderful buying opportunity, herr capitalist oinkers!

    Thank you President Obama for providing a diversity of opportunities!

  59. Jeffersonian says:

    Still, a few trillion and three-plus months in the Era of Hope and Change, the market is down 1,600 points.

  60. BJTexs says:

    I have never registered for a political party in my life. I will, very shortly, holding my nose and clenching my anus, register Republican.

    Why, you may ask (or not or not care or …sorry …)?? Just for the opportunity to give money to and campaign for whoever runs against Arlen Frickin’ Spector in the 2010 primary.

    Even if it’s a homicidal midget clown named Bobo. or thor…

  61. Jeffersonian says:

    I’m thinking there’s going to be even more great buying opportunities in the future with Obama’s klumsy kommisars straining at the levers, Thor. Assuming, of course, that the Dow Jones isn’t nationalized along with the rest of the economy.

  62. Log Cabin says:

    Jeffersonian, you have to believe, and have faith that he loves us and will care for us!

  63. Jeffersonian says:

    Imagine if he hated us, LC.

  64. cranky-d says:

    Once the Dow is nationalized then Obama can just set its value every day, just like FDR did with gold prices. We all know how well that worked out.

  65. B Moe says:

    All I know is the next time somebody starts talking about a bail-out we need to find out if they think they are in a boat or an airplane.

    Know what I mean?

  66. Matt says:

    *Still, a few trillion and three-plus months in the Era of Hope and Change, the market is down 1,600 points.*

    Yes but that’s all from “the failed policies of the last 8 years.” It has nothing to do with the One or the current socialist congress’s porkulus bill.

    Pay no attention to the Marx behind the curtain. Bunnies ! Unicorns ! Balloon fences !

  67. Bob Reed says:

    Jeff G,
    Your post reminds me that the song lyrics you play off of were written by the great Woody Guthrie. Interestingly, the movie biography of his life, as portrayed by David Carradine in “Bound for Glory”, was on last night…

    The movie is apropos because in Carradine’s portrayal of Guthrie, he was seemingly obsessed with social justice and the unionization of farm workers in California in the 30’s. Obama would have approved too, because Guthrie insisted on speaking trooooooooof! to pow-ah even at the expense of his own opportunities and ability to provide for his family…

    Seemed like more than a folk musician to me; more like, you know, a selfless community organizer

    Obama, Guthrie, and Jesus, all cut from the same cloth! Who knew?…

    Next I’ll be looking for Michelle O! to be likened to mother Theresa, because of her selfless sacrifices at the hospital in Chicago…

  68. cranky-d says:

    By the time our congresscritters are through, forty acres and a mule will look like some fancy living.

  69. FreakyBoy says:

    Wagyu beef tonight!!!!!

  70. Joe says:

    You know what. I like Guthrie. I like Pete Seger (who was friends with Woodie). I like Bruce Springsteen (who is friends with Seger). For their music.

    As for their political commentary and philosophy–not so much. In fact, they are all pretty lame.

    All I know is a lot of people are all for sharing when you have something good they want and you have it. Then property rights tend to be ignored. But if I started hawking bootleg Springsteen, Seger, or Guthrie CDs, how long would it be before some lawyers sent me some letters and pleadings compelling me to stop?

  71. Bob Reed says:

    Aug 28, Obama accepts Democrat nomination, era of hope-n-change in offing; DJIA = 11543
    NOV 4, Obama wins election, hope-n-change insured; DJIA = 9625
    Feb 10, well into era of hope-n-change; DJIA = 7888

    It seems like expectations aren’t the only thing that O!&Co. are good at lowering…


  72. Roland THTG says:

    Obama, Guthrie, and Jesus, Marx, all cut from the same cloth! Who knew?…


  73. B Moe says:

    All you people accusing Obama of being a Marxist are starting to sound like Marxists yourselves.

    The irony, it is so thick.

  74. Joe says:

    Give me my fourty acres and a mule. I want a nice remote place where I can build my survival mountain camp.

  75. happyfeet says:

    I don’t think nanotechnology is interesting or appropriate when dirty socialists are enthusiastically looting our little country and casting about for internal enemies of their sick revolution.

  76. Joe says:

    Good thing I stocked up on lots of Waygu Beef Helper.

  77. thor says:

    Obama comes from downtown with his chemistry set. He’s a real-time fixer, yesterday all his mysteries met. He’s a man about town, and family justice, just don’t get in his way. And if he makes your heart jump to-O! then be on-time, a quarter after nine, he’s a friend of mine.

  78. Roland THTG says:

    That’s not helping Michelle’s children, Joe.

  79. FreakyBoy says:

    #77 Joe: Everyone knows that’s a nice 1964 Chateaux neuf de Pape and Beluga caviar.

  80. geoffb says:

    “Still, a few trillion and three-plus months in the Era of Hope and Change, the market is down 1,600 points.”

    This is not to be considered a bad thing. When your purpose is to increase the share of the economy in the hands of government, shrinking your private sector works just as well as enlarging the government. Doing both in one fell swoop is a messianic miracle. O!, he’s “The One”™

  81. thor says:

    Please go quietly, yesterday people.

  82. happyfeet says:

    Wall Street has no confidence in this administration already. How long can Baracky’s media keep covering the sun with one finger I wonder. Me and Wall Street, we’re on the same page.

  83. Joe says:

    Comment by FreakyBoy on 2/10 @ 1:58 pm #

    #77 Joe: Everyone knows that’s a nice 1964 Chateaux neuf de Pape and Beluga caviar.

    Becareful. People are going to start mistaking this site for

  84. cranky-d says:

    On FauxNewz, one R senator estimated that if every program that has been proposed gets implemented (which I am pretty sure includes plans proposed for future legislation, not just the plans in this current piece of crap) then the government will grow from its currently level of 20% of the GDP to 40% of the GDP. Then we’ll be just like Europe. Won’t that be nice?

  85. Silver Whistle says:

    Where’s my mule? Where’s my forty acres?

  86. N. O'Brain says:

    #Comment by thor on 2/10 @ 2:01 pm #

    sure thing, whore.

    Now go take your meds and have a nice long nap, ‘mkay?

  87. thor says:

    Poets, priests and politicians have words to thank for their positions, and bloggers too.

    De do do do de da da da.

  88. N. O'Brain says:

    #Comment by thor on 2/10 @ 2:14 pm #

    That’s nice, whoe.

    [smiles and nods at the crazy person on the street corner who is screaming and raging at the voices in his head ]

  89. kelly says:

    Ahem. I think you’re referring to:

    Chateauneuf du Pape

  90. thor says:

    They’re training a monkey to replace your existence, P’brain. Monkeys are just like you; they’ll do any you-ask-’em for a loaded Twinkie.

  91. cranky-d says:

    Forty acres and a mule is better than living in a van down by the river. At least I imagine it would be better.

    Yes I know I’m rambling a lot today. I’m getting depressed about where my country is headed. If and when the Democrats are finally unelected, they will still have left in place a truckload of new programs that no politician will ever have the balls to rid us of.

    All spending programs should have a sunset provision built it so that they have to be re-examined regularly.

  92. Jeffersonian says:

    Please go quietly, yesterday people.

    We’re going and, from the looks of the market, we’re taking our money with us.

  93. thor says:

    Where you going? The bourse is closed.

  94. cranky-d says:

    Tomorrow people, where is your past?
    Tomorrow people, how long can you last?

    My guess is, about as long as it takes for us yesterday people to go all John Galt on your asses.

  95. Old Texas Turkey says:

    Please go quietly, yesterday people

    BAAAAAA BAAAAA probably more like it if we cant even wring out the real culprits who are hell bent like terrorists to undue the longest running EGALITARIAN MERITOCRACY with the best model CAPITALISM for delivering the standard of living in the HISTORY OF MAN…FOR WHAT? an HEGELIAN NIGHTMARE showing we have all the street smarts of Europe and the inevitable NON INCENTIVIZED SLAVERY OF SOCIALIST MARXISM …anyone who remembers the VERY FIRST REACTION by the POLITICAL ELITISTS on the FAILURE OF LEHMAN ought to KNOW ALREADY IT AINT THE BANKS .. WHEN THEY GOT 1 FINGER POINTED AT YA, THEY HAVE 3 FINGERS POINTING BACK AT THEM and WHEN GUILTY AS HELL ALWAYS, ALWAYS ATTACH YOUR FLAW TO THE OTHER GUY is POLITICS 101 AND THEN SPIN IT AS THEIRS NOT YOURS ….

    And that ‘MID-WEST WORK ETHIC” that people of that region have always been a source of pride– forget it, you were nothing more than pawns for the LEFT as they used your decline in TRADE UNIONS to spin the plight of the working man, keep agitiation agaisnt the CAPITALIST MODEL rolling , and TRANSFER THAT POWER TO THE PUBLIC SECTOR UNIONS… and the MATH is there, they may get the final victory without a wimper becasue they have dumbed down public education to the point of goo goo gaa gaa and fed the WHALE SO MUCH that PRIVATE INDUSTRY will be unable to function without the GOVT to VEND TO.

    IT AINT THE BANKERS– it is the guy who said YOU MUST WEAR SETBELTS-yes, something as innocuous as that… AND it the LEADERSHIP that all these cornholes emmulate—most of these little POLITICAL ELITES like the ‘lieut. on the SWAT TEAM’ who will hide behind the ruberic of “we were just doing our jobs” dont realize that in a JOHN KNOX EGALITARIAN MERITOCRACY DELIVERING A STANDARD OF LIVING VIA CAPITALISM , not only are they NOT NEEDED , THEY ARE ACTUALLY THE PROBLEM.

  96. cranky-d says:

    Without people who actually produce wealth, there will be no wealth for the government to take away and “spread around.”

  97. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by thor on 2/10 @ 2:21 pm #

    AT least the monkey is smarter than you, asshelmet.


    As to the “loaded Twinkie”, you really should stop dreaming about O!bama’s junk.

  98. Pablo says:

    Poets, priests and politicians have words to thank for their positions

    Words that scream for their submission
    And no one’s jamming their transmission
    ‘Cos when their eloquence escapes you
    Their logic ties you up and rapes you

    You’d think that someone cognizant of those lyrics wouldn’t be so excited about them.

  99. thor says:

    Don’t worry P-blo, if you do good work they’ll always be a demand for your services.

  100. Joe says:

    Comment by kelly on 2/10 @ 2:19 pm #

    Ahem. I think you’re referring to:

    Chateauneuf du Pape

    Thanks Kelly, I should have caught that error by FreakyBoy. You, Professor Bainbridge, and probably Stephen Green would never make that mistake. Me? I am lucky if I get a bottle of Woodbridge every now and again to break the monotony of Carlo Rossi and cheap vodka. As for Thor, he gets Welsh’s from mom when she brings snacks down from the kitchen.

  101. Old Texas Turkey says:

    It’s another wonderful buying opportunity, herr capitalist oinkers!

    Thank you President Obama for providing a diversity of opportunities!

    AS long as you think YOUR CONGRESSMAN IS OK and the other guy’s is the one that stuck us.

    A long as you believe the first STATE LEGISLATURE was RIGHT NOT TO REVOLT at a federal hand down of an unfunded mandate.

    AS long as you believe your state legislator is ok, and that some other state legislator is resonsible for your county or city commission being forced to pay of an unfunded mandate.

    AS long as you believe that your wife, friend, neighbor, sister, brother, et al, is underpaid as a teacher or that it is acceptable to turn out a crappier product every year for 40 years.

    As long as you believe that TORT AND LABOR LAWYERS can bargain for 3 squad cars to write a speeding ticket due to inherent danger to police.

    As long as your local govt bottom up all the way to the top should possess both the right to strike, the right to bargain , and the right to vote

    As long as you believe that through the stroke of a pen one can do away with POPULATION DEMOGRAPHICS and LONG TERM LIABILITIES that out pace productivity or the means to pay.

    As long as you believe that rough times or poverty at an unacceptable level is having a sub 5% unemployment rate with 3 million ILLEGAL PEOPLE ON THE PAYROLLS.

    AS long as you believe that the BANKERS are CAUSAL and not REACTIVE and can not be decommissioned of their charge.

    AS long as you believe that teaching pseudo-science , no history, that all cultures are equal and are unwilling to revolt in a manner befitting Patrick Henry.

    and on an on .. the REAL CULPRITS WILL FLOURISH and the BANKS AND BUSINESS will continue to be scapegoated FOR DOING WHAT THE REAL CULPRITS THROUGH MORAL SUASION PRESSED THEM TO DO OR FACE EITHER EXTINCTION at the parochial level OR systemic punitive retaliation

    A LONG as you accept a 36 dollar per hr package for a worker who produces nothing, gets his revenues at the end of the gun (taxes), and even the lowliest one has power over you is more economically viable cog in a society than a 24$ per hour worker who must scramble everyday to obtain revnues and runs the risk of society obsolescing his product anytime

    AS long as you beleive that TRADE UNION LABOR demise was the end of UNION POWER , when the unions actually have not only more power but a cancrous power of our society

    AS long as you beleive it is ok to fund a femenist organization, whilst when in their hour of need 25 million muslim women were spurned

    lol-this is getting old — I could go on for about another 1000 itmes —

    THE POLITCIAL ELITE in this COUNTRY have brought it to its knees and the ELECTED OFFICIALS WHO DUE THE THEIR TRANSIENT NATURE DID NOT PUT A STOP TO IT have brought us to the precipice.

    and this also why we have carried a blighted europe who are decades ahead of us in their folly to the grave with us — as long as the tipping point had not been reached here , it was ‘ok’..

    And that is the warning of the old timers who thought it was 1973-75, 1980-82, 1990-91, 2000-2001 ..they just did not know like AG did not know that the bankers would act LIKE THE POLITICAL ELITE and seal their own DEMISE WITH EXACT SAME SOMEHTING FOR NOTHIN MODEL THAT GOVT HAS OPERATED UNDSER IN THIS NATION since 1933 in an ever accelerating fashion –especiially the GREAT SOCIETY.

    And the trolls here seem to think that most of us are ‘just redumblicans’ — no, but in a 2 party nation where the game is driven from between the 30 yard lines, the repubs had the ‘closest platform that would offset the CANCER THE LONGEST’ —


  102. Joe says:

    I can’t even get the grape juice right, Welch’s!

  103. thor says:


    Comment by Old Texas Turkey on 2/10 @ 2:28 pm #

    Please go quietly, yesterday people

    BAAAAAA BAAAAA probably more like it if we cant even wring out the real culprits who are hell bent like terrorists to undue the longest running EGALITARIAN MERITOCRACY with the best model CAPITALISM for delivering the standard of living in the HISTORY OF MAN…FOR WHAT? an HEGELIAN NIGHTMARE showing we have all the street smarts of Europe and the inevitable NON INCENTIVIZED SLAVERY OF SOCIALIST MARXISM …anyone who remembers the VERY FIRST REACTION by the POLITICAL ELITISTS on the FAILURE OF LEHMAN ought to KNOW ALREADY IT AINT THE BANKS .. WHEN THEY GOT 1 FINGER POINTED AT YA, THEY HAVE 3 FINGERS POINTING BACK AT THEM and WHEN GUILTY AS HELL ALWAYS, ALWAYS ATTACH YOUR FLAW TO THE OTHER GUY is POLITICS 101 AND THEN SPIN IT AS THEIRS NOT YOURS ….

    And that ‘MID-WEST WORK ETHIC” that people of that region have always been a source of pride– forget it, you were nothing more than pawns for the LEFT as they used your decline in TRADE UNIONS to spin the plight of the working man, keep agitiation agaisnt the CAPITALIST MODEL rolling , and TRANSFER THAT POWER TO THE PUBLIC SECTOR UNIONS… and the MATH is there, they may get the final victory without a wimper becasue they have dumbed down public education to the point of goo goo gaa gaa and fed the WHALE SO MUCH that PRIVATE INDUSTRY will be unable to function without the GOVT to VEND TO.

    IT AINT THE BANKERS– it is the guy who said YOU MUST WEAR SETBELTS-yes, something as innocuous as that… AND it the LEADERSHIP that all these cornholes emmulate—most of these little POLITICAL ELITES like the ‘lieut. on the SWAT TEAM’ who will hide behind the ruberic of “we were just doing our jobs” dont realize that in a JOHN KNOX EGALITARIAN MERITOCRACY DELIVERING A STANDARD OF LIVING VIA CAPITALISM , not only are they NOT NEEDED , THEY ARE ACTUALLY THE PROBLEM.

    Welcome back, Old Texas Turkey. Your hysterical hysterics are never missed.

    I feel like stepping into Condoleezza Rice’s soul and talking with her cat, LiiiiiTTlle Bones! Where are you, LiiiiiTTlle Bones! A bowl of ice cream, here you go Little Bones.

  104. kelly says:

    No prob, Joe.

    I figure my wine collection will start to dwindle down to nothing once I can’t afford to indulge myself any longer. Doesn’t appear to be too far off now.

  105. TheGeezer says:

    The legislation is not yet passed. It goes to conference.

    Maybe it is over-reaching. Maybe the Tenth Amendment can be revived to poke them all in the eye.

    I’m just resenting the coming health rationing.

    Although a lot of people here are pissed off about this so-called “stimulus” bill. Maybe it’s rumbling is something I just can’t hear it.

  106. Sticky B says:

    Looks like I picked a bad year to get a RNY.

  107. wow. Geithner shit the bed today

    Everyone wear a sweater.

  108. Old Texas Turkey says:

    Whistle past the graveyard Thor, its your ass after all.

  109. parsnip says:

    Always nice to see party discipline on the Dems side.

  110. John Cheshire says:

    “If the folks who caused our current economic crisis don’t like it, then it must be good, Pinkie.”


    You fucking liar, I checked and Dodd, Frank, Weeks, Waters, Schumer all voted for it. I thought you said they didn’t like it.

    BTW you have still not defended the bill. All you have done is shout “haha you lost and we won” from the sidelines.

  111. Barrack Milhouse Obama says:

    Always nice to see party discipline….

    You are such a good little boy.

  112. Pablo says:

    Oh, you’ll be on the receiving end, hor. Because you can’t see it coming. Open wide for Baracky!

  113. parsnip says:

    I have defended the bill, John.

    Perhaps all you can see is “haha you lost and we won” though.

  114. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 3:16 pm #

    I have defended the bill, John.”

    That’s because you’re a fucking moron, alpo.

  115. kelly says:

    You have kids, snip? Grandkids? (The thought of you bearing progeny makes me a little nauseous.)Better keep your “defense” of the bill in close reach years from now.

    Have any financial assets? Oops, silly question.

  116. Old Texas Turkey says:

    Aug 28, Obama accepts Democrat nomination, era of hope-n-change in offing; DJIA = 11543
    NOV 4, Obama wins election, hope-n-change insured; DJIA = 9625
    Feb 10, well into era of hope-n-change; DJIA = 7888

    Better than that Bob – put the following dates on a chart of the S&P 500: Remember that markets are forward looking.

    1564 S&P 500 on the day he first out raised HRC 7/16/2007

    1440 S&P 500 may 20 2008 on the day he announced he was the primary victor

    1007 S&P 500 high on Nov 4 2008

    MARKETS do not like Marxism, and if lending money to deadbeats under coercion from the political elite ain’t marxism and what we witnessed since last summer ain’t Marxism, then KARL MARX NEVER EXISTED -its that damn simple

  117. Jeffersonian says:

    Maybe the Tenth Amendment can be revived to poke them all in the eye.

    Sheeeeit, A10 is as dead as a doornail, a victim of the “living Constitition.” As Josey Wales said, “Dyin’ ain’t much of a livin’.”

  118. Old Texas Turkey says:

    That Chris Dodd isn’t sitting in a federal pen wearing his “Friends of Angelo” t-shirt is more evidence of the stench and rot in DC.

    yea .. this is a great buying opportunity. Just like the other times.

  119. parsnip says:


    Jan. 19, 2001 – 10,587.59
    Jan. 19, 2009 – 8281.22

    Anything Obama does Bush done worse.

    Own dat.

  120. Roland THTG says:

    Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 3:43 pm #


    Jan. 19, 2001 – 10,587.59

    9/11/2001: CLOSED–NAT’L. EMERGENCY
    9/12/2001: CLOSED–NAT’L. EMERGENCY
    9/13/2001: CLOSED–NAT’L. EMERGENCY
    9/14/2001: CLOSED–NAT’L. EMERGENCY
    9/17/2010: 8,920.70 – 684.81** (-7.13%) [10,927.00]*

    You stupid fuck.

  121. John Cheshire says:


    Have you read the bills? How can you defend something you have not read? Just taking O!’s word for it? How is that working out for you?

  122. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 3:43 pm #

    You’re a moron, alpo.

    I thought I’d point that out.

  123. John Cheshire says:

    Did you take O! at his word on public campaign financing? Sucker.

  124. parsnip says:

    Roland THTG,

    The uncomfortable fact that the Republicans were completely in control of our government on 9/11 dawns on you now?

    Or do you actually think 9/11 was still affecting stock prices nearly 8 years later(other than the war profiteers’ stocks, that is)?

  125. John Cheshire says:

    Did you take O! on his word when he promised that lobbyists had not place on his staff? Sucker.

  126. John Cheshire says:

    Did you take O! on his word when he promised to fiscal responsibility? Sucker.

  127. John Cheshire says:

    Did you take O! on his word when he promised to cut pork barrel spending? Sucker.

  128. John Cheshire says:

    Did you take O! on his word when he promised to reinstate paygo rules? Sucker.

  129. parsnip says:

    On the plus side, looks like Tzipi Livni, not Bibi the Insane, will be running Israel.

    That will make life easier for Hillary and Obama.

  130. Matt says:

    I agree with the comment about Geitner. Yeah, he’s a tax cheat but given his background, I figured he’d do better than he did today. I think the problem he was running into is you can sell the crapulus bill, with iffy numbers to the general population and other politicians but real money people know the real effect this bill will have on the economy. As somebody noted above, if the bill really included significant infrastructure improvements, I’d hate it but I’d be more willing to go along with it. AS it stands now, unless we can get the folks at ACORN to build a couple of bridges, you may as well flush the money down the toilet (or, donate to the democratic party, which is about the same thing).

  131. John Cheshire says:

    Did you take O! at his word when he promised to pull all the troops out of Iraq in 16 months? Its 24 months now Sucker. BTW 24 months is spinspeak for 2 years. HMMMMMMM Baracky’s plan starts to look a lot like the plan already in place from the Booooooosh admin. SUCKER.

  132. Matt says:

    What the fuck does Israel have to do with this post ?
    Are you so ADD you cannot stay on topic even for one thread ? What the hell is wrong with you ?

  133. kelly says:

    Answer my question, snip. Do you have any children?

  134. B Moe says:

    Or do you actually think 9/11 was still affecting stock prices nearly 8 years later….

    Christ you are an idiot. Honest to God until we do something to limit the franchise to people with a fucking clue we are doomed.

  135. kelly says:

    Know anythng about hyper-inflation, snip? Stagflation?

  136. parsnip says:

    My kids are grown up, kelly.

    The youngest is in his last year of college.

  137. kelly says:

    Ever hear anything about the effects of steep dollar declines, snip?

  138. kelly says:

    Oh, so the thought of mortgaging your kid’s (and their kid’s) futures is just fine with you?

  139. parsnip says:

    I bought a roll of Krugerrands during the Reagan administration.

    Turned out to be a good investment.

  140. parsnip says:

    Dick Cheney and all the Republican economists told me deficits don’t matter back when they were racking up $5 trillion in federal debt, kelly.

    So did all the right wing bloggers.

    Are you saying they lied to me?

  141. Roland THTG says:

    Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 3:55 pm #

    Or do you actually think 9/11 was still affecting stock prices nearly 8 years later(other than the war profiteers’ stocks, that is)?

    DJIA 10/09/2007 14,164.53

    You stoopid root.

    You make no sense…..ever.

  142. Roland THTG says:

    The youngest is in his last year of college.

    Advise him/her to take a logic class, because you sure won’t be able to supply it.

  143. B Moe says:

    all the Republican economists told me deficits don’t matter back when they were racking up $5 trillion in federal debt, kelly.

    So did all the right wing bloggers.

    Are you saying they lied to me?

    I am saying you are a liar right now. Being stupid is excusable tuberhead, being a liar isn’t.

  144. Old Texas Turkey says:

    Anything Obama does Bush done worse.

    2 weeks into his administration is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early to pass such judgement. But then again, when crazy voices in your head are your facts, why not?

    Given his attempt to stuff his cabinet with lobbyists and tax cheats, double the deficit, crash the market and cause a run on the dollar. I think your man has a sporting chance of breaking Bush’s records (by your own metrics).

  145. cranky-d says:

    We’re all going to get a lesson in hyper-inflation, stagflation, and steep dollar declines, courtesy of Teh One and our congresscritters. Thanks guys!

  146. Percy Dovetonsils says:

    I really think Jeff should investigate charging people to comment. If the trolls are going to defecate on the carpet, they should be forced to help subsidize the steam cleaning.

  147. happyfeet says:

    Baracky is a dipshit, cranky. I just can’t get over it. I mean… damn.

  148. B Moe says:

    courtesy of Teh One and our congresscritters. Thanks guys!

    I blame thor and tuberhead and all the other retarded sycophants.

    Thanks guys!

  149. kelly says:

    Cheney and right wing bloggers, huh? Got any links?

    You still seem pretty damn sanguine about mortgaging your children’s future. Why do you hate your children?

  150. B Moe says:

    He is Urkel with a mean streak, ‘feets.

  151. A fine scotch says:

    I know kicking alphie around is fun and all, but please disregard the Typing Telephone Pole.


  152. MarkD says:

    Japan just tried this massive infrastructure investment thing. Their economy stalled out.

    But this time it’ll be different.

    Maybe. Japanese civilians rarely have guns.

  153. happyfeet says:

    Dark Urkel

  154. kelly says:

    Half Dark Urkel Street Thug From Chicago

  155. Old Texas Turkey says:

    Hey don’t forget, Japan ran a current account surplus when they tried the keynesian reflatation. They had FICA 770, yo.

    We, starting off a bit in the red and expecting to sell more debt to finance our reflation. But this is time, it will work.

    Don’t let concepts like inelasticity and monetary velocity trip up the argument. After all Nobel Laureate Economist Rachel Maddow agrees with Barky. You got to spend. On Gaia, acorn, rubbers, to stimulate. Thats the point.

  156. parsnip says:

    What’s the matter, B Moe?

    Trying to distance yourself from 8 years of Republican rule.

    Not gonna happen.

    You guys own Bush/Cheney.


  157. Makewi says:

    It’s so sad that parsnip continues to live in the past. Obama is POTUS now and as such the problems are his and his alone (see rules established re: Clinton/Bush). History is reset every election.

  158. kelly says:

    Why do you hate your children, snip?

  159. parsnip says:

    Haha, Makewi,

    You’re a funny guy.

    You crackers were actually trying to blame stuff on Jimmy Carter during the bush/Cheney nightmare.

    The Republicans own the recession and the Democrats own the recovery now.

    Wonder how that will play out next election?

  160. Rusty says:

    parsnip said,”The youngest is in his last year of college.”

    Hmmmm. I had you pegged at 15, sixteen tops. I wonder what it feels like being as old as you are and still so stupid. Guess I’ll never know.

  161. Makewi says:

    Sorry parsnip, you have to live by the rules you set up. The Democrats own the whole mess. Whining about the past isn’t going to help.

  162. Slartibartfast says:

    No, no parsnip. If you’re going to be completely dishonest about things, you have to consider the possibility that the recession was the pricing-in of the Obama presidency.

    If you’re going to be a lying twit, you may as well go whole hog.

  163. kelly says:

    Just like the Democrats owned the dot com bubble burst in 1999/2000 that sank the stock market for the next two years, right, snippy? How did that election play out? How about the next one or the one after that?

    [psst] Nothing has “recovered” yet. The “stimulus” is a gigantic roll of the dice. You a gambling type of root vegetable?

  164. kelly says:

    What out for the snake eyes, snippy.

  165. parsnip says:

    I find it funny that you guys, who haven’t been right about anything in…well, forever, are still confident your latest bad predictions will somehow prove correct.

    Truly amazing.

  166. happyfeet says:

    The “stimulus” is a gigantic roll of the dice.

    That’s crediting it with the possibility of a positive outcome, which, no. But also it carries the assumption that the stimulus was designed to actually stimulate, which, no. It’s a farce, but it will do exactly what it’s meant to do … loot the treasury of our little country, ensconce the Democrat party and its interest groups, and marginalize proponents of free enterprise and liberty. To the extent that it accomplishes these things, that is how you will know it has been successful.

  167. kelly says:

    What have you guys been right about, snip? And why do you hate your children? They don’t call or write or text?

  168. parsnip says:

    I predictedd Obama would win, kelly.

  169. kelly says:

    Well said, ‘feets.

    Snippy thinks it’s going to be great. Has anyone ascertained if the tuber is even a US citizen?

  170. kelly says:

    Big whoop, snippy. So did I.

  171. B Moe says:

    I find it funny that you guys, who haven’t been right about anything in…well, forever….

    We said the more electable Obama looked, the worse the market would get, we were right.

    We said that if Obama got elected the economy would go to hell, we were right.

    We said that if Obama got elected he would surround himself with a bunch of corrupt hacks, we were right.

    Haven’t had a chance to be right about much else, give it some time.

  172. Makewi says:

    I don’t have to be right about anything. All I have to do is scream in a loud and shrill voice that “you guys” are doing it wrong and are ruining the country.

  173. parsnip says:

    The economy has officially been in recession since December of 2007, B Moe.

    I am real pleased to see you guys aren’t gonna change one bit, ensuring the Republican party will continue to be just a regional party run by Rush Limbaugh.

  174. router says:

    “I find it funny that you guys, who haven’t been right about anything in”

    how about iraq

  175. kelly says:

    “I don’t have to be right about anything. All I have to do is scream in a loud and shrill voice that “you guys” are doing it wrong and are ruining the country.”

    Sound familiar, parsippity? It should, you’ve been doing it for eight years.

    Well, that and fantacizing about assassinating a sitting President, leaking sensitive information to your fellow travellers, undermining a war effort, predicting/agititating for the US to lose a war, politicizing/criminalizing policy differences, and masturbating over military deaths, among other things I’m too tired to list.

  176. router says:

    this is turning into an annenburg challenge on steroids

  177. B Moe says:

    That’s crediting it with the possibility of a positive outcome, which, no. But also it carries the assumption that the stimulus was designed to actually stimulate, which, no. It’s a farce, but it will do exactly what it’s meant to do … loot the treasury of our little country, ensconce the Democrat party and its interest groups, and marginalize proponents of free enterprise and liberty. To the extent that it accomplishes these things, that is how you will know it has been successful.

    Bullseye. The more I learn about it, the more I see it as a Trojan horse, while everyone is shitting bricks about the payola earmarks, the monumental power grabs hidden deep within are going nearly unnoticed. This thing is looking more disasterous all the time.

  178. N. O'Brain says:

    “(other than the war profiteers’ stocks, that is)?”

    You’re a fucking moron, alpo.

  179. happyfeet says:

    very annenberg, except with less accountability

  180. kelly says:

    December of ’07, you say? Lame duck president and Congress under Democratic control. The most ethical Congress EVER!?!?

    If you weren’t such an obtuse jackass, you’d know that Bush wasn’t all that popular around these parts and McCain even less so. But, please, don’t stop. Smug sanctimoniousnes it all “you guys” got. We’ll see how well it goes trying to govern.

  181. Makewi says:

    The economy has officially been in recession since December of 2007, B Moe.

    Stop living in the past parsnip.

    I am real pleased to see you guys aren’t gonna change one bit, ensuring the Republican party will continue to be just a regional party run by Rush Limbaugh.

    Nice try at deflecting. No one gives a shit about Rush Limbaugh. He’s a private citizen and his actions can not affect you. Obama and the Democrats are in charge now, so start fixing. Time to be an adult alphie.

  182. N. O'Brain says:

    “…and the Democrats own the recovery now.”

    You’re a fucking moron, alpo.

  183. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 5:21 pm #

    The economy has officially been in recession since December of 2007, B Moe.”

    No, no it hasn’t you retarded marmoset.

  184. parsnip says:

    Democrats are in charge now, so start fixing.

    The stimulus bill just passed today, makewiwi.

    Enjoy hoping it fails.

    Nothing unpatriotic about that at all.

    No sir!

    You guys want America to fail for all the right reasons!

    (Rush told you to).


    You guys are such losers.

  185. kelly says:

    …”the monumental power grabs hidden deep within are going nearly unnoticed. This thing is looking more disasterous all the time.”

    Census tasked under the executive branch, anyone? Can you imagine if Bush tried this? (Yes, I know it’s not in the Orgy Of Pork.)

  186. N. O'Brain says:

    I was right when I predicted that O!bama would be a miserable failure.

  187. happyfeet says:

    The economy has officially been in recession since December of 2007, B Moe.

    The recession was caused by an oil shock. Oil. The stuff that Baracky scoffs at drilling, no matter how dependent we are on middle eastern oil, no matter how many jobs it would create, no matter how much our economy suffers. He scoffs a lot actually, it’s a principle mode of his. Pompous dipshit.

  188. Mikey NTH says:

    N. O’Brain:

    Uriah Heep.
    (The character, not the band.)

  189. kelly says:

    Nothing unpatriotic about that at all.

    No sir!

    What? Dissent is the Highest Form Of Patriotism! That’s all I’ve heard for eight fucking years, you puss eating hypocrite.


  190. pledgepolish55 says:

    Comment by N. O’Brain on 2/10 @ 5:35 pm #

    I was right when I predicted that O!bama would be a miserable failure.

    O! isn’t a failure, his plans to shred the Constitution and smash the economy are right on schedule.

  191. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 5:34 pm #

    Democrats are in charge now, so start fixing.

    The stimulus bill just passed today, makewiwi.

    Enjoy hoping it fails.”

    Oh. it will, it will.

    Trying the reactionary, exploded theories of the past, the same theories that have never worked, well, look up the definition of insanity.

  192. Joe says:

    Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 4:08 pm #

    My kids are grown up, kelly.

    The youngest is in his last year of college.

    Are your kids conservatives? Because that would be funny.

  193. Joe says:

    Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 4:44 pm #

    What’s the matter, B Moe?

    Trying to distance yourself from 8 years of Republican rule.

    Not gonna happen.

    You guys own Bush/Cheney.


    I’ll take Bush any day over Carter.

  194. alppuccino says:

    Can you believe Barack’s buddy at Huffington Post didn’t get electrocuted? He had the mike up to his lips and he was spitting like a sophmore on prom night.

    But it was good that he mentioned Pat Leahy. I think it’s safe to say that we’re all very concerned about Pat’s next genius move.

  195. Makewi says:

    I don’t hope anything fails. I don’t have any hope or desire at all. My only job now, as was taught to me by “you guys” is to dissent. Time to grow up and start leading alphie. Hop to it.

    As to the stimulus passing today. Doesn’t seem to be working. Best try something else.

  196. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 4:08 pm #

    My kids are grown up, kelly.

    The youngest is in his last year of college.”

    Oh, please, alpo doesn’t have any kids.

    He’s hallucinating like thor on acid.

  197. B Moe says:

    The economy has officially been in recession since December of 2007, B Moe.

    I forgot that one, thanks for reminding me!

    We said that if the Democrats got the majority in Congress in ’06 they would fuck up the economy, we were right.

  198. N. O'Brain says:

    “As to the stimulus passing today. Doesn’t seem to be working.”

    DJIA down 400 points.

    Failure, alpo, love it, live it, have it’s liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

  199. Rob Crawford says:

    The “stimulus” is a gigantic roll of the dice.

    Except that the dice are “Character Builders” (rigged to favor sixes) and you’re playing GURPS (in which high rolls are bad, and three sixes the absolute worst).

  200. parsnip says:

    As to the stimulus passing today. Doesn’t seem to be working. Best try something else.

    Obama crushed McCain and Hillary because he takes the long view.

    As long as the American economy looks like it’s recovering by September of 2010, the Democrats will remain in charge for a loooong time.

    And the Republicans will rightly be seen as the unpatriotic obstructionists they are.

    I’ll take that bet.

  201. Rob Crawford says:

    The more I learn about it, the more I see it as a Trojan horse, while everyone is shitting bricks about the payola earmarks, the monumental power grabs hidden deep within are going nearly unnoticed.

    You mean like the federal board determining whether you deserve medical treatment?

  202. pledgepolish55 says:

    I’ll take that bet.

    Then you’ll move the goal posts if you lose.

  203. Makewi says:

    Obama crushed McCain and Hillary because he takes the long view.

    By “crushed” you mean he squeaked out a win. You are delusional if you think the American people give a crap about Obama’s “long view”.

    1.5 million jobs lost in the last 3 months, DOW and real estate prices in free fall. Best hurry, because you don’t have a lot of time until the next shoe drops and all your precious plans go out the window.

  204. N. O'Brain says:

    “Obama crushed McCain…”

    52% to 48 % hardl yconstitutes “crushing”, you retarded marmoset.

    “…he takes the long view”

    He’s a cheap Chicago pol, alpo, looking for the next payoff.

  205. SteveG says:

    “As long as the American economy looks like it’s recovering by September of 2010…”

    Maybe change that to “As long as the American economy *sounds* like it’s recovering by September of 2010…”

    How will we know if the Obama stimulus has created 4M jobs in 2010?
    He’ll tell us it did.
    The media will go “ummmmmm… okay”

    Maybe his new crack census team/ACORN can show us where the jobs were created…

  206. parsnip says:

    Do we have to keep repeating the correct election results for you guys?

    Obsms won 52.9% to 45.7%

    Rush told you guys to lie and say it was 52-48 and…you do it.

  207. parsnip says:

    Or, for you simpletons:

    Obama won by 10,000,000 votes.


  208. JHoward says:

    I find it funny that you guys, who haven’t been right about anything in…well, forever, are still confident your latest bad predictions will somehow prove correct.

    Truly amazing.

    Still stalking reality, snotty? Enjoy peeking in through the blinds from behind the bushes, are you?

    I predictedd Obama would win, kelly.

    Did you predict the Democrat Socialists losing six points in the polls since election day? Or O!bama lying through his teeth on tax breaks? Or that 62% of the country wants less pork and more of those tax breaks?

    Predictions are for you and Oprah and the covers of supermarket tabloids. Systems restoring themselves are for those with the stomach to live through them and live through them you damn will. You pointless little infection.

    Enjoy yourself. Only insulating yourself in some govt post is going to prevent you some acute realizations in quite short order.

  209. pledgepolish55 says:

    parsnip, is this why your kids don’t call anymore?

  210. router says:

    Or, for you simpletons:
    Electoral Vote – 2008 Election
    365 173

  211. Mikey NTH says:

    Uriah Heep.

    Fiction becomes fact.

  212. Makewi says:

    Yes, he won. So now he needs to deliver. Gonna be tough since you guys only seem to know how to blame the right for things. That’s not going to work this time. No one is going to be fooled by your “Rush Limbaugh is the real one to blame” crapola.

    Tick-tock. Time’s a wasting.

  213. N. O'Brain says:


    Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 6:15 pm #

    Or, for you simpletons:

    Obama won by 10,000,000 votes.


    Yeah, 52% to 48 %.

    You fucking moron.

  214. N. O'Brain says:

    I just realized…..

    Socialist Obama is now the establishment.

    There goes the youth vote.

  215. N. O'Brain says:

    Team Obama:

    40 acres and a miserable failure.

  216. Roland THTG says:

    Predictions huh?
    Just like his role model, Jimmah “Peanut Brain” Carter, Bobo is 4 and out amid economic failure and abysmal foreign policy blundering.

  217. Rusty says:

    Obama won by 10,000,000 votes.

    It’s not my fault there’s more of you idiots on the left side of the bellcurve.

    Hang on to your ‘rands little man, you’re gonna need them and rather soon too.

  218. geoffb says:

    Actually this is a pretty good comparison.

    “Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 3:43 pm #


    Jan. 19, 2001 – 10,587.59

    9/11/2001: CLOSED–NAT’L. EMERGENCY
    9/12/2001: CLOSED–NAT’L. EMERGENCY
    9/13/2001: CLOSED–NAT’L. EMERGENCY
    9/14/2001: CLOSED–NAT’L. EMERGENCY
    9/17/2010: 8,920.70 – 684.81** (-7.13%) [10,927.00]*”

    Obama’s Stimulus plan is economically equivalent to a terrorist attack on the US. It’s an act of war committed by the Democrats against America. That works for me.

  219. happyfeet says:

    That works for me as well. Sure. I’d call it treasonous.

  220. Bob Reed says:

    Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 4:11 pm #

    I bought a roll of Krugerrands during the Reagan administration.”


    How could you…

  221. thor says:

    Since Obama put the ball gag in all we hear in painful muffled squeals from tearing rethuglidums. Ha, the pun! Get it? What? Squeal once if so, twice if I gotta explain it.

  222. thor says:

    in = is

  223. Sigmund Schadenfreude says:

    You seem to have an obsession with fetishist sex practices Mr. thor.

    Do you have frustrated homoerotic fantasies? Are you one of those South Beach cross-dressing dance hall performers? Do you fantasize about Obama, or listen to recordings of his voice, while masturbating?

    A lot of your sexual talk seems to conflate violence and control with sex acts. Are you seeing anyone about that? You seem like a good candidate for a University study.

    I’m worried about you Mr. thor.

  224. Old Texas Turkey says:

    Comment by thor on 2/10 @ 9:15 pm #

    in = is = i’m a complete tit

  225. Big D says:

    Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 5:21 pm #

    The economy has officially been in recession since December of 2007, B Moe.

    Q3 2007 4.8
    Q4 2007 (.2)
    Q1 2008 .9
    Q2 2008 2.8
    Q3 2008 (.3)
    Q4 2008 (3.8)

    Snippy, a recession is defined as two quarters of negative growth.

  226. Big D says:

    In case you have trouble with that snippy, the recession “Officially” started in Q3 2008. That would be April.

  227. geoffb says:


  228. Rusty says:

    It’s ’cause he can’t make babies.

Comments are closed.