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October 2024


Hothouse Plant [Dan Collins]

Via Redstate:

The capital flew into a bit of a tizzy when, on his first full day in the White House, President Obama was photographed in the Oval Office without his suit jacket. There was, however, a logical explanation: Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat.

“He’s from Hawaii, O.K.?” said Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.”

Congress votes itself a 93k raise. Goracle’s 30k sq ft home is well lit and heated. Obama’s got the thermostats set to kill, and everyone’s going to have to make sacrifices.

His kids go to a private school, but he’s in the tank for the teachers union. He wants to make sure that oil stays in the $4/gallon range. Thanks!

Judgment to lead, proles!

45 Replies to “Hothouse Plant [Dan Collins]”

  1. daleyrocks says:

    Don’t judge them. Don’t you dare judge them! There is no absolute truth.

  2. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Don’t forget the 1 million people without power in the middle of winter.

    No FEMA. No comment from Obama other than the standard “disaster area” declaration. Some of the state governors have called out the Guard, but I haven’t seen news of any substantive federal response.’

    Heckuva job, Barky.

  3. Bob Reed says:


    Remember the lesson from “Animal Farm”…

    In a society of equals, where the “outcomes” are the same, some are more equal than others

  4. Bob Reed says:


    Maybe we should all wail like the lefties did during Katrina…

    I mean, he hasn’t visited there; he hasn’t even flown over!


  5. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Someone should do a ‘shop of that Waikiki-on-the-Potomac photo with one or more of the photos from the ice storm.

  6. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    BTW, Which White House office will take care of the $600 energy bill I just got? ‘Cause for some reason they’re still sending the bills to my house.

    Time to get some huskies and train them to sleep on top of the covers, I reckon.

  7. Joe says:

    “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.”
    George Orwell, Animal Farm.

  8. Blind Howling Moonbat says:

    But, but, but, but….

  9. buzz says:

    Oh Good Lord, I can’t even IMAGINE the outcry if Bush was in office and had the heat cranked at the same time a million people were without power in severe cold. The daily show, the networks, Leno, Letterman……it would be bash Bush 24/7 (assuming there was any open time they were NOT already bashing him for something else available.

  10. Rob Crawford says:

    I admire the chutzpah behind the “he’s from Hawaii!” line of blather. Really? He’s from Hawaii? Weird — I thought he was from Chicago, a city not particularly known for its mild winters.

    And, yeah, the elected pols seem to believe they’ve been appointed to some royal title rather than a temporary job. The number of Obama’s cabinet appointees that have “discovered” they’re tax cheats is rather telling.

  11. Joe says:

    I hear Kentucky is kinda fucked this week, yet President Obama is hosting a Superbowl Party (which makes no sense since he is not from Arizona and the other team has “bitter people” as fans). Where is Jeff Spicoli and his Boston Whaler to the rescue–if only to rescue a few barrels of the good stuff they make there?

  12. Joe says:

    And just because Roger Simon is a dick:

    101. Terrye:


    I like Jeff at PW, but when was he not having a fit about something? It is his default. In fact he has been threatening to quit forever.

    Feb 1, 2009 – 1:03 pm [Reader Comment at Roger Simon’s PJM Explaination]

    Roger Simon of Pajamas Media tells Hot Air, Protein Wisdom and Ace to go get jobs, ya bums!

    “A society that gets rid of all its troublemakers goes downhill.” Robert Heinlein

  13. ThomasD says:

    He may not be classy, but at least he’s consistent.

  14. Dot says:

    “Oh Good Lord, I can’t even IMAGINE the outcry if Bush was in office and had the heat cranked at the same time a million people were without power in severe cold.”

    Why don’t you just stick in the real world instead of imagining what would happen if Bush had done it? This is a tired, tired, conservative formulation. Your petty victim fantasies are wearisome. Every hates us, wah wah wah.

  15. um, so Dot, are you saying that Global, um, Climate Change isn’t a problem and I can crank my thermostat to whatever I want? SWEET! well, if I had money, but then, Obama’s gonna be paying my mortgage!!! W007!

  16. Dan Collins says:

    Why don’t you try entertaining the proposition, Dot? I’m thinking Baracky must hate the flyover people, just like Boooooooooosh hated the chocolate New Orleaneans.

  17. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Why don’t you just stick in the real world

    That would be the real world where Barky said we couldn’t keep our houses at 72 degrees any more, then proceeded to crank up the heat in the White House to tropical levels?

    What kind of “carbon footprint” do you suppose the White House has, Dot?

  18. Buffoon says:

    I couldn’t read this post because the heat in the house steamed up the screen.. what’d I miss?

  19. happyfeet says:

    I’m pretty sure when you’re pezzydent your first briefing debunks UFOs, global warming, and that whole domestic wiretapping thing just so you’re up to speed and the people what know better don’t snicker at you.

  20. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Dot’s taking a while to think about this one, isn’t she?

  21. Sdferr says:

    I thought they went to work on getting all those dots connected years ago. Maybe they just missed this one.

  22. buck says:

    this is what you queers are crying about? enjoy losing forever.

  23. Joe says:

    I remember staying in some bungalow in Bali and there were geckos the size of small cats running up and down the walls. No shit, these things were 12 inches long and fat. Freaked my wife out.

    Is Obama going to import giant geckos to run around the White House? Give him the feel of Indonesia. Oh, better yet, add the sound of the muzzein at sundown too, since that is the most beautiful sound in the world to Barack?

  24. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    How heteronormative of you, buck.


  25. Grasshopper says:

    About those folks in Kentucky freezing in the dark: high winds are expected there now. The thing is, in the real world, in disaster work, RESCUE CREWS DON’T GO IN UNTIL A DISASTER IS OVER. That is, until the dangerous, twisty mountain roads are clear of ice, it would only endanger rescuers to send them in prematurely. Also, inexpensive emergency supplies recommended for EVERYONE include water, canned or dried prepared foods for several days, candles and — if living in a rural area especially, where there is a chance of being stranded by bad weather of any kind — an emergency supply of medications and an independent heat source, such as firewood or propane. I think when the crews can get in down there — and FEMA is in as close as they can get and poised for action, according to their spokeswoman — it will be found that the self-reliant people of Kentucky will be pretty much OK. There may well be some deaths, and this is nothing to make light of; however, I think it unlikely that the numbers will be large, if only the weather will give rescuers a break.

    As for geckos in the White House, well, the kids want a pet, and I haven’t heard that the puppy issue has been resolved, geckos might be an interesting and educational interim solution! (Personally, I wish the Obamas would get a pit bull-Doberman mix female who would view those children as her own and maim anyone who tried to harm them.) And if the President wants to work bare-chested and keep the temperature at 89 degrees in the O.O., I will judge him not on that but on the quality of the work he does in there.

  26. happyfeet says:

    Those are just the same tired arguments you used during Katrina.

  27. gah! let me just get it over with…


  28. Bob Reed says:


    With all due respect, I doubt that you would have so blythely applied that same rationalization to the Katrina disaster. I’m certain that you were as Outraged! as everyone else in the hate boooooosh! brigade, and joined into the wild speculation about him wanting some kind of black genocide, or caring less because it was black folks in Louisiana…

    But it is the same old double standard, and the blatant use of any circumstance in a political fashion…

    The fact is that supplies and medics should be airlifted into the region, along with generators and fuel bladders.

  29. And if the President wants to work bare-chested and keep the temperature at 89 degrees in the O.O., I will judge him not on that but on the quality of the work he does in there.

    well, and this is just silly. I mean, he’s judged the country, told us… “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

    “That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.”

    SO HE’S NOT LEADING…. according to his own previous statements.

  30. happyfeet says:

    He’s really just an awful president.

  31. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    The thing is, in the real world, in disaster work, RESCUE CREWS DON’T GO IN UNTIL A DISASTER IS OVER. That is, until the dangerous, twisty mountain roads are clear of ice, it would only endanger rescuers to send them in prematurely

    Total crap. The Guard is already rolling in.

    They don’t need “rescue”. They need the friggin’ power back on. Which is going to require linemen to come in from other states. Which, to not put too fine a point on it, has federal coordination written all over it.

    Actually, I suspect that linemen are already traveling there under their own volition — quite common for them to do that, just as many people went to help with Katrina under their own volition.

    What’s Barky doing?


    And if the President wants to work bare-chested and keep the temperature at 89 degrees in the O.O., I will judge him not on that but on the quality of the work he does in there.

    “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.” — Barky Smoot Obama.

    Whatever you say, dude.

  32. Grasshopper says:

    Bob, I don’t know why you assume anything about what I thought or how I reacted during the Katrina disaster. In fact, it wasn’t for several days, until it became clear that FEMA wasn’t responding, that the people of New Orleans were ill-prepared, and that Bush was “blithely ignoring” the crisis, and praising his FEMA director for having done a good job, that I became angry. What, weren’t you angry? There was a pretty widespread sense of outrage, as I recall. I have certainly never suspected Mr. Bush of planning genocide; he is, from all accounts, a personally “good guy”, without ill intent, who likes and is comfortable with Black people, and is incapable of planning much beyond lunch. So, please don’t attribute opinions to me I haven’t expressed.

    SB&P, if the Guard trucks are rolling now, great; they weren’t earlier, and the planes weren’t being able to fly because of weird wind conditions, at least that was the local news before the Super Bowl. The point is that the system seems to be working as well as actual conditions will allow, what should Obama be doing if it’s working? Sticking his nose in somewhere it’s not needed when there are so many areas where it is? No one would have criticized Bush after Katrina if the system had worked — and if it’s working now, it can’t be attributed to Obama, either, he certainly hasn’t had enough time to fix the agency! So hey, something good may have happened on Bush’s watch! (Nothing is totally black or white, and the man who sees things only in that way is blind.)

    re an earlier mention of flyovers — what would that prove? that Obama “cares”? Please, that is just a media opp; does nothing real to help anyone. If he did fly over frozen Kentucky to wave at the folks, he would probably be criticized for wasting fuel! Or Buzz, etc., would be crying about how the auto execs got criticized for using their private jets and why not Obama, or that McCain got criticized for leaving his campaign to go to DC and pretend he was going to solve the economic crisis, so why not Obama — the thing is, what you see as “liberal bias” is actually just more Big Business bias snowing you — they’re damn sure not in favor of any actual progressive positions! (e.g., regulation of media ownership and reinstitution of “must-carry” local channel access rules!) You seem to think the bad guys are other Americans in the same economic boat as (presumably) you; well, it’s the Americans who are in the large luxury liner equipped with all conveniences that I am kind of peeved at! Who profited, do you suppose, from $4 gasoline last year? Does it surprise you to hear it was (shhh, now, this is a big secret): THE BIG OIL COMPANIES. While you are shadow-boxing with “liberals”, we are all being shafted by the banks and multinationals!

    Finally, hey, Happy feet, you’re tough, aren’t you? Obama has been in office for Ten Whole Days, in the midst of several concurrent crises of epic proportions, and he hasn’t solved anything yet, so he’s an awful president? Wow — sure glad I don’t work at the big successful corporation where YOU must be the CEO! Yeah, Donald Trump and you would have had everything straightened out by now; we should fire that awful apprentice!

    pasta luigi, paisans ——-

  33. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Bush was “blithely ignoring”, while Obama is “doing everything that can be expected”?

    Jesus. You’re in a cult, my friend.


  34. (shhh, now, this is a big secret): THE BIG OIL COMPANIES.

    and it’s not like they actually, like, employ people or anything.

    How bout you go study up on FEMA and the Federal vs. State government’s role in disaster response and get back to us on that Katrina thing? Start here maybe.

    In fact, the response to Hurricane Katrina was by far the largest–and fastest-rescue effort in U.S. history, with nearly 100,000 emergency personnel arriving on the scene within three days of the storm’s landfall.

  35. Bob Reed says:

    The Mayor of New Orleans and then Governor of Louisians had more to do with those civilians being left in a lurch than the Feds ever did. And then FEMA director Brown did all he could within the confines of working with the prior mentioned politicians. Only after they requested, and allowed, FEMA to come in could that agency take over. And ultimately I was ashamed of the FEMA administration of the disaster relief…

    All the money was essentially handed over to some crooked local contractors and the usual suspects among the FEMS vendors. But by then the hew and cry was such that if a ton of cash wasn’t thrown at the project, then NPR and other such entities would have essentially begun calling it Booooooosh!s final solution for minorities…

    I’m sorry, but your whole diatrabe about eeeeeeevil Business!, CEOs!, and Multi-National Corporations!, with Boooooosh! stupidity jabs thrown in for good measure, sound like a lot of paranoid collectivist ranting…

    And although he’s only been in office 10 days, maybe you can explain his walking back of the airtight promises and assurances he felt free to glibly make during the campaign. Or, maybe you could explain the whole SUV and 72 degree rant in Oregon, and reconcile it with the heat being turned up to tropical levels while folks are freezing in flyover america..? Or perhaps the porking up of a stimulus bill that was heralded as targeted, timely, and temporary; and the gleeful zeal with which they aren’t letting a good crisi go to waste to stealth their wish list into the budget..?

    Enjoy Obama’s presidency, ‘cuz you all own it now…

    exit questions: So whay are people still dying in Afghanistan, while Obama has suer bowl parties and 100 dollar steak dinners?

    Why isn’t my mortgage paid for this month..?

    Where’s my free gas..?

    and so on…

  36. RTO Trainer says:

    Grasshopper, Your anger was, and remains, misplaced.

    I was a part of that federal response. You are as ill-informaed as to who did what and when then as you are about KY today–the KY Army Guard has been fully mobilized and started rolling Friday.

  37. Akatsukami says:

    Really, why the shocked outrage? This the way that the Chicago machine that Obama fronts for works.

  38. McGehee says:

    He’s really just an awful president.

    I hate to say this, but I had more confidence in the first First Black President™ when it came to disaster response. Say what you like about Slick, but he loved him some photo ops.

  39. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    McGehee: Sure enough. Billy Jeff would’ve helicoptered in with a camera crew the first day. Media spotlight + opportunity for some discreet hillbilly horndoggin’ = pure gold.

  40. Gordon says:

    His kids go to a private school, but he’s in the tank for the teachers union. He wants to make sure that oil stays in the $4/gallon range. Thanks!

    Judgment to lead, proles!

    You don’t get it Dan, they know this!

    I swear, I hear “we have no king but Caesar” whenever I see the mass adulation.

  41. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Comment by Dot on 2/1 @ 8:09 pm #

    Thanks for the admission, Dot.

  42. Slartibartfast says:

    He’s from Hawaii, O.K.?

    I guess if those two decades he’s spent North of the Mason-Dixon line weren’t enough to acclimate him to harsh winters, he’s just not going to adjust, ever.

    Suck it up, Obama. My wife has more cold-hardiness in her than you do, and she was born and raised in Florida.

  43. McGehee says:

    FWIW, I put up with more indoor chill here in Georgia than I did in 50-below temps in Fairbanks. But I would hope the Whitey House is better insulated than my hovel.

  44. […] for 200k customers after the ice storms of January 27-28. Clearly, this is Bush’s fault. Orchids. Posted by Dan Collins @ 10:12 am | Trackback SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “Still More Why Does […]

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