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October 2024


And Now, a Little Sir Philip Sidney [Dan Collins; CORRECTED]

Yesterday, I had a Facebook chat with Andrew Breitbart, who’s remarkably accessible that way. You may remember from way back when you read Sidney’s “Apology for Poetry,” that the most excerpted phrase is that poetry must “delight and instruct.” Sidney’s argument is that those who resort to philosophy are the already converted–the choir, if you will–and that the advantage of poetry is that it clothes similar hot ideas in attractive garb to draw us in. Yowzah.

Andrew said something to me that put me in mind of Sidney’s adage. He said that the weakness of today’s conservative movement (and you can recast that as “classical liberalism,” if you like) is that it eschews pop culture, as though the force of its ideas alone would turn the heads of the unconverted. On the whole, I have to say that I agree with him. I would mention Jeff, Ace, Treacher and Iowahawk as people who realize that, and manage to cross over. Certainly there are many whom I’ve omitted.

One thing that I teach all of my composition students is that the Prime Directive is “First, do not bore.” Among the principal reasons that people say that they don’t watch PJTV is that it’s boring. And I’d have to say that, on the whole, I agree with them. It’s not that the contributors are boring. It’s that it’s television, and by and large television is boring.

The only vcast that I watch with any regularity is BTV. Part of it is because of lovely Liz (and to a much lesser degree whatsisname), to be sure, but the other part of it is that they utilize chat and email and twitter, and they incorporate the comments and suggestions of their viewers into the show. And that means that one feels a part of the process. Watching Mark Steyn isn’t necessarily any more compelling than reading Mark Steyn. Rather less, I think. A goodly portion of what makes popular bloggers popular is their ability to write compellingly, but that doesn’t always translate into compelling conversation.

You know that I’m not as gifted a blogger as Ace or Jeff or Treacher or Iowahawk. Or Wuzzie. Or many other people. I’m not interested in formulating ideas in a long format that ties everything together. I’m more interested in tossing something onto the table and saying, in effect, “Ladies and gentlemen, what do you make of this?” And then you all come to my aid and say, “It looks like a piece of shit” and “Yes, but what exactly makes it a piece of shit?” and so on. They call that, I’m told, “interactivity,” and it gives one the impression that what one has to say is important, and sometimes it might even bring us a little bit closer to the truth. At any rate, it’s much more like a seminar than a lecture, and that’s what we find compelling about it, assuming we do.

Like just about anyone else who blogs, I’m an attention whore. And there are lurkers and other well-balanced people who really don’t give the ass of a rat who read this blog more for what you say than what I do. And I’m no Jeff, and I suspect that sometimes Jeff’s hardly even Jeff. What I mean to say is, you commenters and lurkers and linkers make this site. And that’s what PJTV is missing and will continue to miss unless it is capable of embracing to a greater extent the outlawry and the humor and the apparent irrelevance of those who would entertain first.

I’m sorry to have bored you, but I needed to get that off my chest.

Correction: This site is about Jeff. Bitches.

73 Replies to “And Now, a Little Sir Philip Sidney [Dan Collins; CORRECTED]”

  1. phreshone says:

    Actual Dan, quite interesting… and better yet, correct… Frankly I’m glad you had a chance to converse with Breitbart, as he probably has the best set of experiences to direct Jeff, Ace, HA and the others to a viable workaround of the whole PJM fiasco…

  2. happyfeetyoubigdummy says:

    Even Mr. Reynolds is talking about figuring out a way to do comments, and he doesn’t really need them to be valuable. And he’s stepped up the thing where he links to or calls out comments to the pieces he links. This is very smart. Why? Cause a lot of people read blog thingers to whom it never really occurs that oh hey I could comment too. But commenters drive a lot of page views and stickyness.

    It’s organic growth to site activity what you can cultivate even if your referral traffic has plateaued I think. You have to think of commenting as a call to action… if you flip a reader into a commenter you’ve made a sale of sorts. But you’re right about PJM being a lot anti-community… even if lots of them are relatively amiable people. They are very wary of their commenters is my sense.

  3. N. O'Brain says:

    Watched “The Dark Knight” last night for the first time.

    A very conservative outlook, IMHO.

    Blew my SOCKS off.

  4. happyfeet says:

    oh. I just want to be happyfeet again, but until I comment like that it won’t go away and then I’ll forget.

  5. Dan Collins says:

    Yes, well I’m happy to report that Breitbart isn’t a sfuckinob. I think he must have been on his way to Iraq.

  6. happyfeet says:

    I don’t think the day is far off at all when we really won’t ever talk about pajama things. Not on purpose. It just won’t come up ever. Sorta like Shannen Doherty.

  7. Ric Locke says:

    It goes both ways, though.

    Breitbart’s “Big Hollywood” bloglikething is interesting, but it’s just kvetching. Yeah, yeah, they discuss some important stuff — but until, and unless, he gets together with some of his contributors and actually makes a movie displaying conservative/classical liberal ideas instead of the leftoid stuff that generally comes out, it will stay at the kvetching point.


  8. happyfeet says:

    It’s not that the contributors are boring.

    Well, it kind of is I think.

  9. parsnip says:

    Does it really matter what “classical liberalism” is if there is no political party that governs using its principles?

    Isn’t it doomed to be a cult like the Libertarians?

  10. happyfeet says:

    I meant *kinda* … from what I’ve seen anyway. Especially now that Whittle’s gone.

  11. Dan Collins says:

    Shannen Doherty would be a good alternative for whatchamacallit or hoosumadinghy. My dad use to drive me nuts by asking me to fetch his Shannen Doherty while he was working on the car. He’d say it was over by the damn thingy. Then he’d go get it himself and glare at me as he went by. That’s how I learned men are aphasic.

  12. dittybopper says:

    I know nothing from nothing about the business end of blogging, ads, etc. Jeff, Ace, Anchoress, et al, consider combining and setting up similar to The Corner on NRO. I read all of the above on a regular basis – all in one site would be great. Would the combined traffic from multiple blogs increase ad revenue? BTW, over at LGF, Charles Johnson has posted to a link to another PJM blogger, Balloon Juice, essentially stating that Roger Simon is a great guy and quit crying about it.

  13. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by parsnip on 2/1 @ 3:16 pm #

    You are a fucking moron, alpo.

  14. N. O'Brain says:

    I just thought I’d point that out.

  15. Dan Collins says:

    Might very well be that Roger is a great guy. He should try showing it a bit more, by doing hard things before they become absolutely necessary.

  16. happyfeet says:

    Isn’t Charles Johnson sort of deeply involved in the whole sleepwear racket? I think I read that this weekend somewheres. I could be mixing him up with someone else.

  17. MathMom says:

    I don’t watch PJTV because I don’t have time, and I think it costs WAY too much to subscribe. If I watch TV, it’s while I’m doing something else, folding clothes, cooking dinner, cleaning the kitchen I can have more than one TV on so as I move around, I can still keep tabs on whatever the program is. To watch PJTV you have to sit in front of the computer. I check blogs all day, read a little bit, go do something else, read a bit more. PJTV doesn’t lend itself to that. You also have to subscribe to PJTV, what, $30+/month??? I have basic satellite, don’t have premium channels, disconnected satellite radio in the Suburban because they want $16/month? I’d pay $30-40/YEAR for PJTV, $5/month for satellite radio. gotta say, though, I liked watching Joe the Plumber the couple times I saw him (free) on PJTV, grilling that TV babe who didn’t know how to answer his question, chewing out the other press folks for their biased coverage. That might have been worth paying for. If I’m going to watch PJTV I need to carry my laptop around with me, wear my bluetooth headphones so I can move around and not annoy the family with the content. I don’t think it’s gonna fly, if other people feel the same way as I do.

  18. happyfeet says:

    oh. It says he is a “co-founder,” this Charles Johnson person. If he says Mr. Simon is a great guy then I guess he’s in a position to know and I guess one should take that into consideration lest one misjudge Mr. Simon most grievously. Thanks for the head’s up, Charles.

  19. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Do they even let you download their shows so you can put ’em on an iPod or something?

    I mean, assuming you wanted to watch them.

  20. Dan Collins says:

    Charles is the guy who deep-sixed Rather Dan. As others have pointed out, this gave us an opportunity to do a whole bunch of actual reporting instead of just snarking on the MSM. Only, we just snarked on the MSM, instead.

  21. Darleen says:

    Charles Johnson has posted to a link to another PJM blogger, Balloon Juice, essentially stating that Roger Simon is a great guy

    isn’t that what the neighbors say of the guy next door who has bodies buried in the back yard?

  22. steveaz says:

    I never liked how the interviewer would interrupt his guests on PJTV, and I wouldn’t can’t blame a guest if the show-host farts.

    I think it was Mr. Simon who, while interviewing Mr. Breitbart (whose delivery I sincerely enjoy), demonstrated such a lack of interest in his guest’s complete answers, that I began to wonder why Simon was asking his guest any questions in the first place.

    Not to rag on Roger…as a blogger he’s kept a welcoming, come-one-come-all tone, and I agree with his light touch on social issues. But it may be that Roger is better at being a “nuts and bolts” company-builder (a “hard-hatter,” so to say), than he is at performing a media corp’s. public relations – which is what regular “face-time” on televised media really is.

  23. Darleen says:


    I agree with you and Andrew that there are some conservatives who tend to look at pop culture and wring their hands. But there is a lot of stealth “conservative” movies/music/books.

    Are the Harry Potter books about Left ideology? What about Wall-E and themes of individualism, (heteronormative) love and responsibility? How about Juno?

    NO piece of “popular” culture is a hit if it preaches down to its audience.

  24. phreshone says:

    Balloon Juice… There’s a credible character witness…

  25. Dan Collins says:

    You’d be surprised, Darleen. Remember American Beauty?

  26. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    That Gran Torino movie seems to be making a little bit of money.

    I’ve only seen the trailer, but I get the sense that it’s not particularly “progressive” in outlook.

  27. Carin says:

    Dan, there are many sites were I simply don’t care for the commenting community. As in, they don’t draw in the types of people I care to read. Like Jeff does.

    Site w/o comments … well, crap, half the time I’ll just read the Hammer or Styen or some other big-wig.

    Big hollywood is ok. Not a ton of content over there.

  28. B Moe says:

    Does it really matter what “classical liberalism” is if there is no political party that governs using its principles?

    Not if your total allegiance is to a political party, I suppose.

  29. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I mean, assuming that someone produced long-form web video that I wanted to watch, I’d be a lot more likely to watch it if I could put it on my iPod and carry it around with me.

    And I still think Jeff should try putting his short-form videos in the iTunes store.

  30. happyfeet says:

    steve – honestly the Whittle ones were the only ones I ever made it all the way through. Roger the blogger I don’t think is the same guy as Roger the CEO. I think you’re right about that. I like the blogger guy fine.

    oh. Carin. I’ve said this before I think but the comments sections at like LGF and Hot Air are like that dive bar at the edge of town where the police end up every Friday night but they never move to close it down cause the rest of the town would be so upset if those people started going to their Friday night places. Comments sections tell you a lot about a blog I think. The newspaper ones are the worst. Especially the British ones. Humorless.

  31. Carin says:

    Well, it seems a lot of comment sections don’t have discussions … but merely everyone just yelling past each other.

    Here, if you make a point and don’t come and follow-up … most of us consider that bad form.

  32. happyfeet says:

    Patterico’s is pretty good I think. Yesterday I learned about asynchronous advertising. I had never heard of that idea before. I am a more smarter person now cause of that. Maguire’s is good but sorta too serious for me and it has a very W25-54 feel to it. I remember when Clarice was on NPR cause of the Plame thing I think.

  33. Carin says:

    Yes, but Patterico has a lot of crossover commenters with this site. I don’t really go there much. I try to devote myself to PW, with side trips to Ace’s.

  34. Darleen says:

    The newspaper ones are the worst. Especially the British ones. Humorless.

    peruse the comment section at ….humorless and OFFENDED(tm)

  35. Jeff G. says:

    One correction: this site really is about ME.

  36. parsnip says:

    Not if your total allegiance is to a political party, I suppose.

    What’s the alternative?

    To be an elitist diva, too good for politics?

  37. AKA Pablo says:

    If you have to ask, snippy, you’ll never know.

    Dan, this is a pretty long post. Any chance I could get it in a podcast?

  38. N. O'Brain says:

    “isn’t that what the neighbors say of the guy next door who has bodies buried in the back yard?”

    South Philly Mafiaso, too.

  39. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by parsnip on 2/1 @ 4:37 pm #

    Not if your total allegiance is to a political party, I suppose.

    What’s the alternative?”

    Not to want to suck O!bama’s cock like you do, you retarded marmoset.

  40. parsnip says:


    For the foreseeable future in American politics, you’re either a Democrat or a Republican or you have no say.

    And if your real beliefs are out of step with the party you vote for?

  41. Bob Reed says:

    You know what might be interesting? A combination of the live streaming vid with the blogging thread thing. It could operate very much like a radio call in show does…

    In the vein of the conglomeration topic that was widely discusses earlier, each contributor could have their own block of time, or “show” as it were. They would have the subject of that days show, which they would post as a text essay as well as lay out verbally on the show. Then the comment thread could be engaged in real time by the host, both verbally as well as written…

    People could call in on the telephone, or post their comment to the thread. In addition to the host, all you might need is someone to transcribe the comments of callers…

    It seems to me like it would marry the blogging and vid experiences, and would be inclusive of the value of the commentary that Dan wrote about in his exposition…

    Too hackneyed, or old school, so to speak? I dunno, what do you all think…

  42. B Moe says:

    Political parties are tools, tuber. They are means, not ends. They stand for nothing but expediency.

  43. router says:

    “A combination of the live streaming vid with the blogging thread thing. It could operate very much like a radio call in show does”

    Something like this?

  44. geoffb says:

    “But there is a lot of stealth “conservative” movies/music/books.”

    South Park, though it may be considered more libertarian. However humor is the best weapon against the Left. They are the perfect “straight man” foil. All bristling in self-righteous fury that anyone, anyone could ever question their innate, oh so perfect, wonderful, and selfless, always selfless, goody goodness.

  45. Joe says:

    101. Terrye:


    I like Jeff at PW, but when was he not having a fit about something? It is his default. In fact he has been threatening to quit forever.

    Feb 1, 2009 – 1:03 pm [Reader Comment at Roger Simon’s PJM Explaination]

    “A society that gets rid of all its troublemakers goes downhill.” Robert Heinlein

  46. Jeff G. says:


  47. B Moe says:

    Normally I would ask if I could be the ice, because I am cool like that, but since I am already about pickled for the Super Bowl I better by the liquor.


  48. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Can I be one of those little plastic sabers with the chunks of fruit skewered on them?

    Do they still have those? I have no idea what kind of drink was associated with them — the folks used to bring them home for me after a night out, when I was a kid. Good stuff.

  49. Warren Bonesteel says:

    Why do I have the increasing – and uneasy – feeling that we’re arguing about where to place the deck chairs…

  50. buzz says:

    “For the foreseeable future in American politics, you’re either a Democrat or a Republican or you have no say.

    And if your real beliefs are out of step with the party you vote for?”

    Is the Democratic party the same as it was in 1992? 96? Is the Republican party the same as it was in 1980? 84? 2000? Why do you assume they will stay static now? As people become more dissatisfied with they way things are going, the more active they become. When things are going well, they become complacent. How old are you, anyway? You have not noticed this by now?
    I think we will see a large number of Southpark Republicans in the next elections a couple of years from now.

  51. Joe says:

    My football pool numbers suck and the only chance I have if both teams start scoring big. Doesn’t look like Arizona will help me out with that. So I am drinking Root Beer that my 8 year old made that went, well, a little bit beyond root beer but not quite to ale. Making it not something I would want but ruling it out for the next kid’s snack time. Extra vodka seems to help get it to where it needs to be.

    What were we talking about?

  52. Carin says:


    Indeed. Or, you are a Siren that has lured us all here, and we’re stuck on the “rock” of PW. Or, you’re stuck with us.

    I’m not sure where I’m going with this.

  53. Carin says:

    Why do they play footbal forl so long in between the commercials?

  54. parsnip says:


    Even if the Republican and Democratic parties change over time, each election, you have to ask, do either one of them represent my beliefs(which also change over time)?

  55. geoffb says:

    Especially when it is the Lions. Those are looooong non-commercial breaks.

  56. Carin says:

    Who are these “Lions” of which you speak?

  57. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Isn’t that a Pop Warner team?

  58. geoffb says:

    They are cute but they can’t play football.

  59. buzz says:

    “Even if the Republican and Democratic parties change over time, each election, you have to ask, do either one of them represent my beliefs(which also change over time)?”

    Your beliefs? God, I hope not. I am familiar with your postings over the years. Everyone else? Go back and read my post and try to comprehend the cause and effect as to WHY the parties change.

  60. Cave Bear says:

    I gotta agree with Warren. A lot of this has that “rearranging the deck chairs” feeling to it. And that makes me very sad. PW and Ace are the main blogs I read, and if they go away that will be a major bummer.

    As I tried to bring up yesterday, didn’t these blogs start out as a hobby sort of thing? That’s how I remember it anyway, correct me if I’m wrong. Clearly it’s morphed into a sort of faux “” business thing, and like most of the dot.coms, it’s now starting to fall apart.

    Thing is, I don’t think Jeff, Ace, Iowahawk, etc got into this for the money. I would submit that they did so because they had something very important to say, and say it they did (and are still saying it).

    Is there some way, at least in the short term, to go back to that earlier mode, as opposed to shutting down?

  61. happyfeet says:

    I know things will get better
    You’ll find work and I’ll get promoted
    We’ll move out of the shelter
    Buy a big house and live in the suburbs

  62. Dan Collins says:

    Cave Bear, I don’t disagree with you.

    I’ve tried to be clear about what it is Jeff was upset about, and I think Jeff has, too.

    I think this site will carry on. I’m just trying to find a way to make it lucrative for Jeff. Not, like, I’m a professional blogger lucrative, but I make a decent amount of money amusing and enlightening people and dealing with trolls, lucrative.

    I imagine Jeff feels as though he’s been dumped by a really bitchy girlfriend who happens to own a nice Turbo Saab and whose folks have a place on Martha’s Vineyard.

  63. happyfeet says:

    shoot. I’m at work. That’s so frustrating. I’ll be damned. They block that on the blackberry too. That’s .. intrusive I think. I didn’t know it worked that way. I’m creeped out.

  64. AKA Pablo says:

    For the foreseeable future in American politics, you’re either a Democrat or a Republican or you have no say.

    The last eleventy elections have been won in the squishy middle. 4/6 years ago, there was a GOP landslide. In ’08 there was a Democrat landslide.

    Try to pay attention to what’s actually going on.

  65. J."Trashman" Peden says:

    They call that, I’m told, “interactivity,”

    I call it “thought mating” and see thought as a form of life. If you carry that idea out, it works. Unless, of course, you have the thought capacity of a root.

    So if I don’t have the possibility of mating with it – internet tv – I’m just not interested.

  66. dicentra says:

    Dan, I’m afraid I’m here for the pie and only the pie.

    I don’t know what this seminar thing is you’re on about, but I do find its etymology awfully oppressive.

  67. Greg says:

    Hey Dan,I’m a longtime lurker and though I must admit Jeff is the reason I frequent the blog, I think all will agree that your contributions are invaluable are very much appreciated. Anyway man I guess what I’m trying to say is thanks. Happy Bithday Jeff.

  68. thor says:

    Hey, I just thought of a way Jeff can further his business.

    How about you flag pin hicks hit his tip jar with a couple of dollars every time I punch you in your soft buttery balls.

    Announcement: At Jeff’s upcoming wrassling seminar I have paid in full for a very high class Chicago hooker to attend. Anyone who first recognizes the street hooker midst the PW hooker-faced regulars and states “Thor is God” gets a free hummer, at least a hummer that is, you might get even more action from a PW regular after being so bold but I can’t guarantee that.

  69. happyfeet says:

    Ha. You’re so fanciful. That’s one of the great things about you I think.

  70. I have paid in full for a very high class Chicago hooker to attend

    How the fuck did you get Obama out of the white house?

  71. Alan Davidson says:

    Dudly Moore in “Arthur”: “a little bit of Humor”. It comes down to that. If you can (and Jeff certainly does), inject a little bit of humor into your broadcast, point, prose, whatever, you get more attention and concentration.

    I just bought a book, whose title, “An Incomplete Education”, leads one to assume it is one big boring lump of paper. But with humor and wit, it is a fast and exciting read. Exactly what would be needed to make subjects like “what is the Caucasus” even remotely interesting.

  72. Tim McNabb says:

    I think Breibart is absolutely right. Rush is popular because he is funny as hell. Jeff, Iowahawk are funnier still. We need to recapture that high ground.

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