Obama: McCain energy strategy just gimmicks, whereas . . .
In Las Vegas this afternoon, Obama slammed McCain’s energy proposals, arguing that they are “gimmicks†that may poll well but do not provide immediate relief. Obama said that he supports McCain’s $300 million battery prize but that alone would not be enough. “When John F. Kennedy decided that we were going to put a man on the moon, he didn’t put a bounty out for some rocket scientist to win . . .
He called on lawyers! I kid!
– he put the full resources of the United States government behind the project and called on the ingenuity and innovation of the American people,” Obama said.
Obama admitted that his own plan will not immediately affect gas prices but said his proposal for a second stimulus package will offer overall financial relief. “I wish I could wave a magic wand and make gas prices go down, but I can’t,” he said. “What I can do – and what I will do – is push for a second stimulus package that will send out another round of rebate checks to the American people.â€Â
What do we want?
When do we want it?
Joe Klein: Please let Democrats into your Republican country clubs
The Dems didn’t learn a damn thing from John Kerry, did they?
This is the guy that said McCain’s gas tax holiday would only increase demand by lowering the price but somehow I guess just giving people money won’t have any demand-stimulating effect or something. He’s a stupid man, our Baracky.
Obama: “…gimmicks…”
The Distinguished Gentleman has no sense of irony. I mean, none.
“Immediate relief”.
These idiots couldn’t assemble a birdhouse, with Norm Abrams helping, and they intend to make our energy infrastructure all better.
We’re screwed.
When John F. Kennedy decided that we were going to put a man on the moon
…he gave us a gimmick program.
A successful gimmick, mind you, but one without any clear follow-on strategy.
If it had been done right, we’d have had a permanent space station in the late 60s and a permanent moon base long before now.
“…but do not provide immediate relief. ”
Yeah, well if the lunatic reactionary left hadn’t been preventing EVERY means of producing, refining, storing and transporting energy in this country for the last 30 years, we might be ahead of the game.
Spiraling centerward, Obama and McCain will meet, kiss on the lips, and gross out the nation.
Peace will follow general nausea and gastric purging.
We may end up with a generally lame duck presidency for four years, not a bad prospect domestically but a disaster internationally.
The whole O! campaign is nothing but a gimmick.
Build nuclear plants! Now! Why are you wasting time reading this when you should be building nuclear power plants!?
So, Baracky’s complaint is that McCain’s plan is a gimmick because it would not have an immediate effect? If it does not show effects immediately it is not worth doing? He is just pandering to the immediate gratification crowd. Then, his policy response to an energy proposal is to provide short term economic stimulus checks, presumably similar to those that he denounced under President Bush. If Baracky is not a gimmick …
Build nuclear plants! Now! Why are you wasting time reading this when you should be building nuclear power plants!?
You got a permit!
“You got a permit!”
Just do it! “It’s easier to get forgiveness than to get permission.”
Too bad we can’t harness Protesting™! We seem to have an endless supply of that!
Why remove one dictator when you can’t remove them all?
There are some seriously fucked up people around who appear to believe perfection is not only possible, but easy. Anything less seems inexcusable to them.
You know what will REALLY help to solve gas/energy problem? Driving a huge-ass, gas-guzzling luxury bus around the country criticizing Bush.
The only thing that could make this story better would be if AlGore were driving.
If we could find a way to harness the Gleen(s) Outrage, we could power the Nations homes.
Oh, yeah, CArin. I want to turn that into a reality series: Fucker Bus.
Geezer, I must insist “these goggles they do nothin, nothin”
Fucker bus?
Shit! I wish I’d thought of that when I had my ’67 VW bus. Instaed of painting SARF (shitty ass rat fuck) on the door, you can be sure it would have said “Fucker Bus”!
Or, now that I think about it, “The Fuck You Bus”.