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October 2024


Holiday Stress: Chill [Dan Collins]

Almost like Decision Science? 

 A former Ivy League professor pleaded guilty Monday to voluntary manslaughter for killing his wife as she wrapped Christmas presents last year.

Rafael Robb, once a tenured economics professor at the University of Pennsylvania, faces a prison sentence of no more than seven years for bludgeoning his wife, Ellen, on Dec. 22.

Robb, 57, said Monday that he got into an argument with his wife about a trip she was taking with their daughter and whether they would be returning in time for the daughter to return to school.

“We started a discussion about that. The discussion was tense,” Robb said. “We were both anxious about it. We both got angry. At one point, Ellen pushed me. … I just lost it.”

49 Replies to “Holiday Stress: Chill [Dan Collins]”

  1. daleyrocks says:

    Since he was an Economics professor, I hope nobody brings up the Laffer Curve.

  2. Andrew says:

    What an idiot.

  3. Jeff says:

    I don’t understand the harsh sentence given this unfortunate man. She ABUSED him! ABUSED him! ABUSE!

    This man deserves no more than 60 days in a clinic for anger management classes.

    Hey, it worked for Mary Winkler. Don’t you think it should work for this murderer, too?

  4. daleyrocks says:

    Because of the Matriarchy.

  5. JD says:

    That Winkler case is disturbing.

    This guy, my guess, will not enjoy prison.

  6. The Lost Dog says:

    This makes me feel wistful.

    If I had done that seven years ago, I’d be out by now.


  7. alppuccino says:

    I do fine with laying the paper over the box, and then laying the paper over the paper and taping it. But then when I have to fold up the ends and make it look neat, I get friggin’ hysterical. So, I’m feeling you, professor.

  8. JD says:

    Stress is just the physical manifestation of the brain overriding the body’s natural inclination to choke the hell out of some idiot who desperately deserves it.

  9. BJTexs says:

    My old alma mater has had a few professor felonies goin’ on! In addition to this loser we have the vile prof. Tracy McIntosh who got 1 year house arrest and 12 years probation until it was overturned by an appeals court. He’s probably going to jail for 5-7 years for the following:

    McIntosh, 54, of Media, pleaded no contest to sexual assault in a Sept. 6, 2002 incident in his Penn office involving a 23-year-old graduate student, the niece of his friend and former college roommate.

    McIntosh’s friend had asked him to show the niece around Penn’s campus before she started classes. The tour ended with heavy drinking at a series of University City restaurants and bars. When the woman became ill, prosecutors said, McIntosh took her back to his office, where they smoked marijuana, she passed out, and he forced himself on her.

    The university, after doing an investigation that could be charitably called “perfunctory” later reinvestigated and found several other woman who had had similar experiences with the good “gentleman.” The judge ended up recusing himself from the case and a new judge gave him (will give him?) real jail time. The original judge had decided on the basis of his “pioneering” work in head trauma that the “greater good” would be served by having a serial sexual assaulter continue his great research rather that pay the price for his peccadillos.

    Not the greatest moment in U of P history. As an aside, my Mother in Law works for McIntosh’s defense attorney, one of the best in Phillie.

  10. ccs says:

    I pay people to wrap my gifts, it’s worth every penny.

  11. alppuccino says:

    I pay people to wrap my gifts, it’s worth every penny.”

    Will they engage in spirited holiday argument with me, or does that cost extra?

  12. BJTexs says:

    Will they engage in spirited holiday argument with me, or does that cost extra?

    Only if they have a PhD.

  13. alppuccino says:

    The answer: Big shiny handle bags with tissue. Or gift certificates. Or star registry.

  14. JD says:

    Or are named timmmyb or Caric, who as we well know, routinely argue with brick walls, and lose.

  15. JD says:

    I was in Kroger’s last night after getting home, and I think I could buy gift cards from 100+ stores there. I am fairly certain that all of my Christmas shopping could be completed in one trip to the grocery store. Head there to buy a pack of Marlboro Lights, and come home with my Christmas shopping done.

  16. Dan Collins says:

    And the great gag gift: Gleen stocking stuffers

  17. JD says:

    Where can I buy a Gleen ?

  18. JD says:

    I know, I can just use one of my old sweaty ski socks …

  19. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    “Or are named timmmyb or Caric, who as we well know, routinely argue with brick walls, and lose”

    Don’t forget that any woman alive could probably beat the shit out of them. Those guys really have nothing going for them.

  20. JD says:

    SEXIST ! MISOGYNIST ! (Couldn’t they come up with a less cumbersome word?) PATRIARCHIST ! Quit advocating for violence against womyn ! HOMOFOBE !

  21. sparks says:

    What stress to all those remarks she was the one wrapping and more than likely the one who did the planning and the shopping if anyone was stressed i’m sure it was her no more than 7 yrs for killing your spouse is sickening it’s not like you get in a barroom drunken brawl with a stranger this person you vowed to love and protect 7 yrs outrageous something needs to be done with our legal system a complete overhaul is definately needed but until we get rid of crooked lawmakers then the laws will be made to suit them in case they get caught of course.

  22. JD says:

    sparks – Punctuation is your friend.

  23. largenfirm says:

    Cripes, what is it with UPenn graduates and faculty?

    Christmas is stressful, but leave the killing to the Romans…

  24. JD says:

    Folks, if BJ starts seeming a bit stressed out, stay away from him. If I recall correctly, he is a Penn grad. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

  25. BJTexs says:

    Yea, well it kind of gives lie to that whole “Quaker” team mascot thing. Penn invented homicidal dwarf clowns, after all!

    That’s OK, though! The cops killed an armed thug at 2:00AM right under my fraternity window back in the seventies.


    Hey, lagenfirm “Kyle” speaks from one of the many purloined websites of teh crazee loonwaffle! (SWMNBN)

  26. BJTexs says:

    Ugh! largenfirm! Sorry, Kyle.

  27. JD says:

    Quakers – pacifists, my ass. It is like the wild wild west out there.

  28. bigbooner says:

    You shouldn’t have to tell the bitch twice.

  29. mojo says:

    Been there, didn’t do that. Shoulda just walked away, pal.

  30. largenfirm says:

    Umm, Largenfirm is Kirk.

    Kyle is my oldest.

    Just for the record.

  31. Pablo says:

    How do you do that, Kirk? Very nice work, however it happens.

  32. largenfirm says:

    Trade secrets, Pablo. Really quite simple, when you know how…

    Drives old saggy-buns quite mad, though.

  33. Pablo says:

    Well, that’s rather a short trip now, isn’t it? ;-)

  34. iowahawk says:

    Bludgeoning his wife to death? Chump change in the Wharton faculty terpitude sweepstakes. Consider the esteemed Scott Ward: tenured Wharton Prof by way of Harvard Biz School, consumer behavior expert, international kiddie-diddler:

  35. JD says:

    We are in the presence of the great iowahawk.

  36. Mike C. says:

    This and iowahawk’s examples demonstrate why tenure is so important — to prevent men such as these from being persecuted by their employers for their non-traditional values.

  37. largenfirm says:

    Sadly, tenure is something saggy-buns will never have…

    Oh, wait, that’s not sad at all!!!

    And it is all her own damn fault!


    [Follow the link for more dirt on saggy-buns.]

  38. JD says:

    These Ivy League academics, BJ. They appear to be homicidal. Do you think that the ivory tower is a cause, or an effect?

  39. Slartibartfast says:

    Please do not even mention Y-K-W in passing. I expect that our host probably doesn’t appreciate it.

  40. JD says:

    Slarti – Do you mean Voldemort?

  41. largenfirm says:

    If our host wants to weigh in, I’ll certainly respect his wishes. OTOH, Dan started this thread, and I expect he’d know the policy, if anyone would.


  42. McGehee says:

    I wouldn’t put it past saggy-buns to Google “saggy-buns.”

  43. Slartibartfast says:

    Jeff has weighed in on a multitude of other occasions on this very topic. I don’t presume to speak for him, but it’s not as if he’s made any secret of DO NOT TAUNT HAPPY FUN BALL.

    Dan tends to push the envelope, as far as that’s concerned. It’s not what I’d do, but I don’t have any sort of standing to advise Dan.

  44. Darleen says:

    I wonder, since many MSM outlets, like “Newsweek” enjoy ridiculing Christmas each year, how many Jew-mocking articles do they run during Hannukka? I know they wouldn’t dare run anything that might offend The Moslem during Rammadan. Angry letters is one thing, bombbelts another.

  45. Darleen says:

    oops! ignore above…wrong thread!

  46. Dan Collins says:

    Slart–I am not taunting such a one.

  47. Rachel Price says:

    my best friend has been in an Anger Management class for 2 months now, he improved a lot when dealing with anger.*-,

  48. Hey, I am Mark Peterson, I always read your blogs something everyday because I like your thought and I get many advice after read you article. I tell to my other friends about this site & its’s blog. I hope you will read my this comment and you will remember me. i want you to always make new articles like this.I appreciate this.Thanks a lot.

  49. David Begum says:

    Anger Management is necessary to prevent raging men in the streets.’–

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