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October 2024


The Dreadful Deletion [Dan Collins]

Frank Pulley has up a piece over at Bloody Scott lamenting the disappearance from the intarwebs of the archives of Scott Burgess’s Daily Ablution, which was an excellent site for a very long time.  Where Scott’s disappeared to, we’re not absolutely sure.  Perhaps he and Mrs. Ablution finally packed up and moved to Slovakia, wisely deciding that it would be foolish to leave a forwarding address.  At any rate, as Frank points out, The Ablution was often well out in front of issues that would later loom large on the intarwebs, and Scott often hit upon exactly the best strategies for approaching them, with a very wicked and very dry wit.  He is missed.

5 Replies to “The Dreadful Deletion [Dan Collins]”

  1. The Lost Dog says:

    I’m not familiar with that site, but it sounds like I missed something there.

    I am familiar with this site, though, and find myself laughing out loud sometimes.

    It doesn’t seem to want to turn into a hyperlink here, but it’s “cut and paste”, so it should work if you do just that.

    I don’t think I’ve posted this link before, but if I did, so what? Here it is again.

    Very funny.

  2. psycho... says:

    His was indeed good stuff.

  3. JD says:

    The Lost Dog – How did you know that I would love that ?

  4. RDub says:

    Daily Ablution was tremendous in Scott’s heyday. Based on some of his past comments, I got the impression that the missus wasn’t sold on him trying to make it as an independent writer/blogger. He may have simply been consumed by a Real Job.

    Absolutely worth your time to look through his archives if you get the opportunity. His exchanges with representatives of the BBC, the Guardian when they hired on a member of the Islamo-nazis as a contributor without taking his background (Hizb-u-tahir) into account, etc. He is definitely missed, and I wish him the best.

  5. JohnAnnArbor says:

    Would the Wayback Engine internet archive be of any help?

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