
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024



We’re in the process of changing hosts. As the DNS propagates, it’s possible comments will “disappear.”

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Well, not really. But it’s traditional to pretend to be sorry. And you know how committed we conservatives are to tradition — even if we don’t really buy into the substance.


A note from your friendly tech-support Pixy: If you can see this note, you’re on the new server. If you can’t see it, you’re on the old server.

59 Replies to “Moving”

  1. Pixy Misa says:

    Yay! New server!

  2. daleyrocks says:

    I can’t see the note. What does that mean again?

  3. Pixy Misa says:

    I think it means your ISP is routing packets through a parallel universe.

    I hate it when that happens.

  4. daleyrocks says:

    Define the universe, give two examples.

  5. CGHill says:

    Bless you, Pixy. (Is there nothing this man can’t fix?)

  6. mishu says:

    If I see this note in a forest, does it allow comments?

  7. Serr8d says:

    Ahhh, the warm feeling of propagation

  8. daleyrocks says:

    I’m guessing some Valu-Rite Vodka was consumed on that trip to the West Coast. Congrats, I think, on the new gig Pixy.

  9. MCPO Airdale says:

    Is it really the universe you want defined? I can define the frame but, universal definitions tend to be fuzzy at best.

  10. JD says:

    Pixies rule !

  11. MarkH says:

    I probably missed a thread here and there, but does this move have something to do with my (and others I presume, if I’m presuming correctly) experience of frozen browser and extremely long kill and recover time the other day?

  12. Jeff G says:

    No. Been in the works for a while. Not sure why there was a frozen browser and long kill time the other day.

    Something to do with Halliburton, is my guess.

  13. daleyrocks says:

    Jeff – If some comments get lost, I suggest that you start with andy.

  14. Darleen says:

    Yessiree, I see the note

    Glad I’m not in the parallel uni thing. Can get a little scary and they wear funny clothes and monster costumes with zippers up the back

    What? No one else seen Dr. Who?

  15. JD says:

    Darleen – Please step away from the bottle … slowly ;-)

  16. MarkH says:

    “Something to do with Halliburton, is my guess.”

    Eh, that’s too conspiratorial, my bet is Lieberman… He has to keep at least one toe in the liberal waters :-)

  17. JD says:

    Oh, just in case anyone is interested, timmah appears to have removed his nose from Caric’s rectum, temporarily.

  18. JD says:

    I am going to pat myself on the back for a moment. As of midnight, I am celebrating my 4th year of sobriety. I am not really celebrating it, rather, noting that my hard work and dedication allowed me to be sober again today, and that marks the 1460th day in a row that I have been blessed with that.

    Whether you know it or not, there are many times that I come by here to talk, mock, joke around, etc … as one of my crutches to help me through some rough patches. This is no substitute for going to a good meeting, or a good bit of introspection, but it does help in its own way. And I have all of you, even the trolls, to thank.

    You are a great group of people, and 4 more years from now, I pray that I will be able to write these same words.

  19. fahs ibair says:

    You are a blessed man, JD. Head above water and all that that.

  20. Ric Locke says:

    Rats, I see the note. It means I’m still in this Universe.

    I mean, I woke up one morning and flipped on the TV, and what did I see? Hillary.

    I want to go back. [sob]


  21. JD says:

    Thanks, fahs ibair. I chuckle just typing that.

  22. BJTexs says:

    Congrats, JD and don’t forget: If the armadillo knocks on your door, you are not home … you are not home …

  23. ccs says:

    Does Ernie live on this server?

  24. Rick says:

    Will this new server automatically translate Semanticleonian into standard English?


  25. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Rick on 11/26 @ 5:43 am #

    Will this new server automatically translate Semanticleonian into standard English?


    Boy, talk about existing in a paralell universe…..

  26. John F. Kerry (D. -- Walking Dead) says:

    I was sorry before I wasn’t, and I have the sorry hat to prove it.

  27. B Moe says:

    Good to hear from you, Lurch. Be sure to keep us updated:

  28. happyfeet says:

    Good deal, JD. Also a note that I have to go away for a bit but this is in no way a sign of diminished affection for PW or anything like that. I’ll be back as soon as I can and bitch better have my money.

  29. mojo says:

    If you can see this note, you’re on the new server. If you can’t see it, you’re on the old server.

    A conundrum!

  30. daleyrocks says:

    JD – Congrats. Keep walking the walk. People tell me it keeps getting better.

    Also, stay close to the program. It’s recruiting season.

  31. MarkD says:

    Can Pixy help our network guys?

    Have you ever tried to explain to a VIP that yes, this shouldn’t happen, and no I can’t fix it when his reverse DNS lookup isn’t working because the network infrastructure is run by his company, not mine?

    There are so many things waiting to go wrong that it’s almost surprising when something works right. Congratulations.

    Congratulations to JD as well.

  32. JD says:

    daleyrocks – You are correct, things keep getting better.

    Thanks, MarkD.

  33. alppuccino says:

    Way to go JD. Seeing my MIL drunk on every dinner occasion keeps me clean and sober. If I drank with her, I wouldn’t remember all the comedy gold that can be mined from her slurred philosophy. My kids love my impersonation of her. But not everybody has a built-in motivator.

    Keep it up dude.

  34. JD says:

    Thanks, al. Everybody does have a built-in motivator. I simply look back and think about how I was likely that SIL, or BIL, etc … just a few years ago. That is not somewhere I plan on returning to.

    Plus, I would miss all of your humor.

  35. daleyrocks says:

    JD – The fifth year is the hardest.

  36. Cowboy says:

    JD–Congratulations! I’ve struggled with some of those demons myself and PW is often a welcome distraction.

    Hang in there, I’ll keep you in my prayers.

  37. JD says:

    daleyrocks – Fucker!

    Cowboy – If you ever want to talk about it, you know where to find me.

    Now, enough being all Dr. Phil-ish …

  38. JimK says:

    Hey, they finally fixed the bad code up in the corner. Bad code!

  39. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Congratulations, JD. Keep it going. This also leaves more booze for me, which is always a blessing of sorts.

  40. JD says:

    I am doing my part to ensure that the supply is abundant for all of my friends. You should have noticed a dip in pricing around the time I quit drinking, as there was huge surplus of supply. I think I noticed a downturn in several of the major breweries stocks as well.

  41. Also a note that I have to go away for a bit but this is in no way a sign of diminished affection for PW or anything like that.

    but…but…. it’s Christmastime! : (

  42. JD says:

    maggie – Methinks happy is running off with New Girl for a fling …

  43. LOL, you guys can ignore certain, um, “plot devices” for only so long. Okay, hf, we’ll be here to pick up the pieces.

  44. JD says:

    But I have been known to be wrong. Rarely, but it does happen.

  45. daleyrocks says:

    JD – If we award you a lapel pin to recognize your humility, will you wear it?

  46. JD says:

    Proudly, daleyrox. I will wear it as proudly as I wear my Illini gear.

  47. Attila Girl says:

    Congrats, JD!

    Pixy: I got your note. I put it in the shrine I’ve built to you in the corner of my living room. Six times a day, I face in the general direction Australia to pray . . .

  48. JD says:

    Thanks Attila Girl – I am still kind of reeling from that story you were telling about you in the strip club. I did not sleep well, thanks to you.


  49. daleyrocks says:

    JD – Wrong answer on the humility thingee.

  50. daleyrocks says:

    Trick question

  51. Mike C. says:

    Congratulations, JD.

  52. JD says:

    dalerox – You are right. I should be too humble for such a display.

    I was actually kind of down this evening. Then, RMN started posting, and I realized that no matter how tough things can be, my struggles are nothing in comparison to what RMN goes through daily. Just imagine trying to get anything done while constantly trying to remember to breathe in, breathe out, don’t drool …

  53. daleyrocks says:

    JD – As I said, trick question. Congrats again.

    With respect to people like RMN, I remind myself that some people are sicker than others. Examples like RMN, andy, blah, pop up all over the place to remind me.

  54. JD says:

    That comment about year 5 was totally uncalled for.

    The trolls perform a public service, in the same way that the guests on the Jerry Springer show do. No matter how bad your day is going, you can always tune in, see their painful stupidity, and feel better about yourself knowing that your life is not nearly as painful as theirs.

  55. Matt Esq says:

    Zomg my comments will be lost.. for posterity…

  56. daleyrocks says:

    JD – What you termed uncalled for is the typical sarcastic comment about the coming year among friends in my neck of the woods. Traditional and very much expected no matter the length of time.

  57. JD says:

    daleyrocks – I know, I know … I was just being a smartass. The second year was actually the most difficult for me.

  58. JP says:

    About this new server. . .
    I hate the new RSS feeds…please make a full feed please, text only would be great for those not on dsl or some form of broad band. But the older full page style is ok too. Every one keeps going to these new feeds that make you click over to the full web site to finish reading and defeats the reason to use a feed reader. Michel Malkin’s is the worst. At least there is some text on here before the “Click For More” linkage.
    I prefer the full text no page background because I set Thunderbird to check mail and servers all day so when I get home from work and my crappy connection isn’t working, I can still read some of my feeds and that bit of email that did get downloaded.

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