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October 2024


About 45 Miles SE of Thibodeaux, Louisiana [Dan Collins]

In the late Sixties, early Seventies, there was an access of what I think of as “Swamp Rock,” a kind of Southern Gothic genre for which I still have intense affection. Here’s one of my favorites, by Jerry Reed. Here’s another, by Tony Joe White (superb natural gruntilator). I’ll compile a little more for your Friday evening delectation.


Beatles from my favorite of their albums.

22 Replies to “About 45 Miles SE of Thibodeaux, Louisiana [Dan Collins]”

  1. B Moe says:

    I think I know what you talkin about, Dan. Does it go something like this?

  2. Kevin says:

    As a Looosianan, I am thoroughly offended that you did not spell Thibodeaux correctly.

  3. Dr Carics Imaginary Conservative Friend says:

    But, iffin’ them fellers wanted brains, why wuz they chasin’ after them coloreds afore?

  4. Dan Collins says:

    That’s terrible, Dr. Caric’s Imaginary Conservative Friend.

  5. McGehee says:

    In the late Sixties, early Seventies, there was an access of what I think of as “Swamp Rock,”

    Not being from Louisiana, I couldn’t care less about how Tibbido is spelled — but when you misspell “excess,” I gits ornery.

  6. Dan Collins says:

    I mean, McGehee, an irruption.

  7. happyfeet says:

    Oh yeah and also the old man is down the road and you’ve got to hidey-hidey-hide.

    Good times.

  8. Dan Collins says:

    Does you means like dis?

  9. Dr Carics Imaginary Conservative Friend says:

    I am but what my Father made me.

  10. nk says:

    I allus jist called it honky-tonk. But thanks for the spelling of “Tippytoe Looiziana”.

  11. McGehee says:

    Oh. Well, I don’t mind if you misspell “abscess.”

  12. JP says:

    I’ve been to Galiano. Jerry was there once while I was. He was taking a charter out to the rigs to go fishin.
    I used to go down there every week. Do the speed limit when going through Golden Meadow!!! I’d start in Raceland and run HWY1 down and then 308 back up. I’d run to Morgan City, Berwick, to Patterson. Up to Pierre Part, Plaquemine and White Castle. Over to Donaldsonville, Gonzales, Galvez, Port Vincent, French Settlement, Head Of Island, and Sorrento.

    I miss those Cajuns.
    I also had a cat I named Thibodeaux. Found her in a sugarcane field just up 20 from Thibodeaux. I miss her as well. And Pierre I got from Pierre Part. Miss him too.

  13. Norman Beeke says:

    minutes, not miles.

  14. The Lost Dog says:

    Ahhh! Lu’siana. I have few good words for New Orleans, but love Louisiana. It’s like a different planet.

    How cool is it to be 100 miles from nowhere, see a little shack that has a sign that says “eats”, and go in and have one of the best (and biggest) meals of youre life for $5 – served by the nicest people you could ever want to meet?

    Bosier City? Beyond description.

    Lake Charles? A little more sophisticated, but still easily identifiable as a Lu’siana town.

    I used to tour with a guy who is sometimes included in the “Swamp Rock” pile, and spent a lot of time down there. I always felt like an alien there, but a welcome one.

    And then there are the corn dogs…Here, there, everywhere a corndog.

    Thanks for the memory jolt…

  15. Sean M. says:

    Which album was “We Can Work It Out” on?

  16. JP says:

    “minutes, not miles.”
    If you tell Jerry you live near Amos, he’ll ask Cut off or Galiano?
    Mile a minute from south Thib to Galiano is around 45 minutes…but hit those brakes soon as you get south of Galiano!!!Golden Meadow don’t play that… They’ll hit you for 2 over. Raceland is the major slow down because it is on both sides of the bayou and you’ll need to slow a bit going through. still 45 though. and at the time of the song, it was a stop sign and back on it.

    For good eating, the Gas Stations in rural Louisiana have better food than most any 5 start you care to name.
    Mamma’s in Cut Off was a good lunch stop for me. It is/was Bayouside on HWY1, near Fred’s Super Value Grocery(the only Super Values I’ve seen outside of Michigan or northern Wisconsin).
    I also met a sweet girl in the Burger King (I was pressed for time that day) who only spoke english at work (the BK) and in school during class.
    Her grand parents lived with the family and spoke no english. Sop at home and among her friends (to keep them in practice) she used Cajun (described by a frenchman as “Old Dead French”)
    Cajuns will drop in and out of english mid sentence.
    If one offers to teach you BooRay, make sure you either can afford to lose all your money or make it non-monetary(at which point the cajun will likely loose all interest)

  17. JP says:

    damn spell check!
    5 Star, 5 star!!!!

  18. Dan Collins says:

    Sean–Rubber Soul, if memory serves.

  19. thor says:

    Comment by JP on 11/24 @ 9:24 am #
    For good eating, the Gas Stations in rural Louisiana have better food than most any 5 start you care to name.

    Weird but strange but true.

  20. Swen Swenson says:

    Is Thibodeaux anywhere near Alfredeaux, pasta capitol of Louisiana?

  21. casie says:

    I’m from Galliano Louisiana, i’m a true coon-ass! and i love this music cuz not a lot of people know we still there! and YES, do the speed limit when u go through Golden Meadow!!! they’ll getcha good there!

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