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October 2024


Our Evil Military in Action [Dan Collins]

h/t N. O’Brain, who has a terrible son serving on the Kearsarge:

The amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3), as well as elements of Amphibious Squadron (PHIBRON) 8 and the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) arrived off the coast of Bangladesh today to support ongoing disaster relief operations.

At the request of the Government of Bangladesh, Kearsarge and 22nd MEU (SOC) are coordinating with government officials, military leaders and international aid organizations to determine how best to focus the added capabilities of the U.S. Naval forces against relief efforts.

“The suffering caused by this storm is devastating,” said Rear Adm. Carol M. Pottenger, Commander Task Force (CTF) 76, embarked aboard Kearsarge. “We are here to bring help and hope to those in need and aid the people of Bangladesh during this difficult time

Tropical Cyclone Sidr slammed into the Bangladesh coast Nov. 15, with winds in excess of 156 miles per hour, killing thousands and leaving several hundred-thousand homeless

The Philippines are bracing for a pounding, too. I’m sure there are lots of organizations out there cooking up algorithms to estimate how many lives those folks are likely saving in the aftermath of such disasters.

44 Replies to “Our Evil Military in Action [Dan Collins]”

  1. Jeffersonian says:

    Those poor Bangladeshis. How long before the raping, pillaging and Coca-Cola dispensing begin? Have Brian De Palma and Robert Redford been alerted?

  2. Pablo says:

    Mmmm…..think of all the sweet, sweet Bangladeshi crude we’ll be pulling in.

    N. O’Brain, my thanks to and for Matt the Marine.

  3. Major John says:

    Funny how the world does not seem to hate the American ability to project power at times like these. Go to it Navy, God bless ya!

  4. I’m sure we all remember the tsunami, how grateful Indonesia was, and how chastened trans-national proggs were, at our efforts.

  5. BTW, I heard about the Kearsarge’s deployment on the radio this morning. Godspeed to all.

  6. N. O'Brain says:

    Thank you.

  7. N. O'Brain says:

    More at the MEU home page, including pics:

  8. Semanticleo says:

    Why is Bush risking military personnel and tax dollars to help some brown-skinned people? I question teh timing.

  9. Kresh says:

    “Why is Bush risking military personnel and tax dollars to help some brown-skinned people? I question teh timing.”

    It’s ’cause he’s still waiting for the earthquake machine to be done. The Hurricane machine, Tsunami machine, and the Cyclone machines are done. He doesn’t want too many to die before he completes the Unholy Quadrinity of Machine Doom ™ and really puts those underfed, opressed, and wrong-pigmented people through the wringer.

    You know, ’cause he’s all Bushitler McShrubbychimp or whatever it is you people of great nuance and tolerance are calling him this week. /shrug

  10. happyfeet says:

    Come and play

    Everything’s A-OK

    Friendly neighbors there

    That’s where we meet

  11. Pablo says:

    Come and play

    Everything’s A-OK

    Hey! This is a family blog!Cut that out!

  12. happyfeet says:

    I just feels like Sesame Street diplomacy is all, at least kind of on a value of/limitations of level. What I’m gonna do is go out for breakfast instead of defending that idea though cause I promised.

  13. happyfeet says:

    Well except for I think mostly we want our kids and their kids to think this is who we are. This is a good thing. And it’s just a lens, not a judgment.

  14. happyfeet says:

    Oh that should be *It justs*. I’m so late.

  15. happyfeet says:

    Mostly a comment on #4 cause I think the payback for this sort of thing is way down the road and the short-term is not so much the way to think or evaluate these sorts of things. What will kids today who are touched by this teach their kids about who we are?

  16. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    If Bush feels so strongly about this he should send his own daughters there.

  17. J. O. Worlde says:

    I seem to recall a time when this here blog was the property of one Mr. Jeff Goldstein. Has Mr. Goldstein moved on from these parts to greener pastures or are he and his dancin’ ‘dillo still hangin’ around someabouts?

  18. Dan Collins says:

    J.O., he’s still hereabouts. Somewhere. Really.

    I didn’t kill him and stuff him in the crawlspace. But in fact he’s got extended family over. I think. And try as I may, I haven’t been able to kill his blog. Yet.

  19. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by LiveFromFortLivingRoom on 11/23 @ 1:36 pm #

    If Bush feels so strongly about this he should send his own daughters there.”

    And you served…..when?

  20. Carin says:

    Why is Bush risking military personnel and tax dollars to help some brown-skinned people? I question teh timing.


    If Bush feels so strongly about this he should send his own daughters there.

    Oh, come on. Is that all you got? See, that’s what eating tofu-turkey does to the brain.

  21. McGehee says:

    Those comments bearing the names “Semanticleo” and “LiveFromFortLivingRoom” look more like parody than actual trolling. And while of course they would be anyway, this time I mean on purpose.

  22. Brendan says:

    OMGOMGOMG These people need help and Bu$h sends an Amphibious Assault Ship!!!!!!!!111!!11one How evil and/or stupid can he be?????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?1/1/1/1


  23. Ric Locke says:

    Yeah, Semanticleo, I see your point. After all, he could have sent Willie Jefferson and Shep whatsisass, and performed a Real Service to the World™, right?


  24. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    I was being sarcastic and channeling my inner leftist blogger. Should have put a tag at the end my bad.

  25. I seem to recall a time when this here blog was the property of one Mr. Jeff Goldstein. Has Mr. Goldstein moved on from these parts to greener pastures or are he and his dancin’ ‘dillo still hangin’ around someabouts?

    He’s recovering from the effects of his traditional Thanksgiving. You know how it is with Jewish food. You eat it, and three days later you’re hungry again.

  26. cynn says:

    Oh, come on. I don’t know of a single person who actually thinks our troops are evil. Overextended? Depends on who you talk to. Poorly served by the institutions that are supposed to help them post-service? Absolutely. Let’s start spending the war subsidies where they really count: on those who stepped up.

    Beyond that, I commend the crew of the USS Kearsarge for its humanitarian mission, and I am honored to live in the same country they do.

  27. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    Comment by cynn on 11/23 @ 7:06 pm #

    Oh, come on. I don’t know of a single person who actually thinks our troops are evil.

    Are you serious? I guess you have not been to San Fransisco lately.

  28. N. O'Brain says:

    Manet was fascinated with the ‘Kearsarge’vs the ‘Alabama’.

  29. cynn says:

    No, in fact I haven’t. Are the troops running amok in S.F.?

  30. N. O'Brain says:

    “Oh, come on. I don’t know of a single person who actually thinks our troops are evil.”

    Sheltered life much, cynn?

  31. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by cynn on 11/23 @ 7:27 pm #

    No, in fact I haven’t. Are the troops running amok in S.F.?”

    No, that’d be the insane reactionary leftist fucks who hate our troops.

    Take a peek.

    I double dog dare ya.

  32. happyfeet says:

    I followed N. O’Brain’s link and there is documentation there which unfortunately shows that the anti-war movement unquestionably believes that the U.S. military is evil.

  33. Cynn, good folks that she is, doubtless doesn’t know any of those scumtards that zombie snaps photos of. So, she’s right, and you’re right. Common ground, people. It’s what made America great.

  34. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by The Sanity Inspector on 11/23 @ 7:48 pm #

    Cynn, good folks that she is, doubtless doesn’t know any of those scumtards that zombie snaps photos of. So, she’s right, and you’re right. Common ground, people. It’s what made America great.”

    I took her statement to mean that she “doesn’t know OF”, not that “she doesn’t know” personally.

    Now she does.

  35. cynn says:

    Well indeed, now I do. That’s deplorable. Maybe if the troops wore flowers in their hair, they’d be better received in that pithair enclave. Still doesn’t change my opinion, or my regard for the troops.

  36. happyfeet says:

    I love the troops.

  37. N. O'Brain says:

    I’m flying the Marine Globe & Anchor Flag every day during Matt’s deployment.

  38. Major John says:

    “Overextended? Depends on who you talk to. Poorly served by the institutions that are supposed to help them post-service? Absolutely. Let’s start spending the war subsidies where they really count: on those who stepped up.”

    cynn, from one who is about to be “extended” for the third (or fifth, if you count domestic deployments) time in his career – STOP THAT!!! Pumping money into the VA paper maw does not equal letting us finish our current mission. If I had joined for a quasi-welfare program, I would have retired YEARS ago.

    “War subsidies”? Keep the RFI issuing high quality gear, and fund the fight. Sheesh.

  39. The Lost Dog says:

    This country sucks, and all the soldiers who risk their lives every minute of every day, are just too stupid to do anything else. Chumps.

    What morons they are to do that. When the history of Castro, Che, Russia, Chavez, Mao, and any other “Hero of the revolution” become clear to the idiots who live under Capitalism, the capitalists will cower in fear. And beg “DailtKos — oupis” to stand up for the “true” America. All the socialist regimes had the right idea, but never had Hillary and her minions to run the show.


    I Promise!!!!

  40. The Lost Dog says:

    Excuse me?

    “Code Pink”?

    I would be willing to bet that this “organization” should be called “Code mostly dark, distended, used up, and beaten to a revolting pulp, with a splash of pink”.

    I really do know about this stuff…

    Oh, and a little OT, but there is nothing better for a nipple than hours and hours of bearing a spring loaded clothes pin.

    OOOO! Baby!

  41. cynn says:

    Lost Dog, you can indulge in your sick fantasies until the cows come home, and even then they’ll run away.

  42. happyfeet says:

    Nah. The clothes pin thinger really doesn’t do anything for them. I think I have a link somewheres.

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