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October 2024


More Rat Milk [Dan Collins]

“I’m glad she did get jail. She took a life. She needs to be held accountable.”

I shot the sheriff.

13 Replies to “More Rat Milk [Dan Collins]”

  1. Jeffersonian says:

    Nine months with a three year suspended. Lynne Stewart got 30 months and hasn’t seen the inside of a cell yet. But she just helped kill Egyptians, I guess.

  2. fahs ibair says:

    Lose the grooming license, weekend in the slammer, a bunch of community service, and a monetary fine would seem reasonable.

    I think the lesson learned is make sure your victims are human.

  3. happyfeet says:

    I would think this is what civil courts are for really. DAs are not like you and me I don’t think. They’re different.

  4. thor says:

    Short of shooting dead poodle parts at the owner with a homemade zip gun, how does it make any sense to send someone away for killing a 14 year-old fuckin’ poodle?

    A mangy poodle? A worthless, nappy crap machine? What’s next, catfish?

  5. Big J says:

    Short of shooting dead poodle parts at the owner with a homemade zip gun, how does it make any sense to send someone away for killing a 14 year-old fuckin’ poodle?

    A mangy poodle? A worthless, nappy crap machine? What’s next, catfish?

    I’m sure you’re joking, but what gives her the right to kill this dog?? People need to start taking responsiblity for their actions and this is a good start.

  6. happyfeet says:

    I don’t think he’s joking really.

  7. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    Well they starved Terry Shavo to death why not kill a poodle?

  8. Frank says:

    Seriously? 90 days for killing a dog? In my little neck of the woods, that sort of thing may result in a fist fight, but not jail time. I mean, someone’s dog gets in your trash one too many times around here, and you don’t need a leash to retrieve it, you need to bring a bag.

    Lose the grooming license, weekend in the slammer, a bunch of community service, and a monetary fine would seem reasonable.

    I think the lesson learned is make sure your victims are human.

    Exactly. I would be pissed had the groomer killed my dog, but as happyfeet said, isn’t that what civil court is for?

  9. Darleen says:

    to paraphrase Dennis Prager

    What does it say about a culture that a dog’s life has more value than a human fetus?

  10. SarahW says:

    Dan – please email me. I need to ask you something important.

  11. Andrew says:

    Guess I’d better re-think that plan to sell my brother-in-law’s cat to the Chinese restaurant if he pisses in the laundry again.

    Just as well. Wifey is fond of the little fuzzball.

  12. TheGeezer says:

    Interestingly, my wife, who works for a vet, tells me that they treat a small number of dogs every year for injuries received while being groomed. The worst was a strangulation death that occurred hours after the groomer’s cruel treatment of the animal. The circulatory system about the neck was injured by a lead apparently applied too tightly because of the dog’s fractiousness. If I recall correctly, the asphyxiation in such injuries takes hours to kill as swelling slowly constricts the trach until dog collapses and dies.

    Not the most comfortable way to be killed, I’d say.

    If you cannot control yourself after certain stimuli in your work environment, you may want to consider a new line of work, and fractious dogs are a common occurrence in the grooming business.

  13. Bill M says:

    What insanity!!! I had a dog that nipped a neighbor kid. I had the dog put down due to fears he might do it again. I guess I should have sued the kid’s parents for him violating my dogs space and had the kid put down.

    That dog owner and the judge need a little perspective. I wonder what kind of punishment the judge gives rapists and murderers?

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