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October 2024


Remember: “Whatever” Means No! [Dan Collins]

Comment by B Moe on 11/20 @ 2:26 pm # |Edit This

This is really getting f[*]ucked up:

“The father of one of the two 8-year-old suspects spoke with WXIA’s Kevin Rowson and said his son told him that everything that happened in the woods was consensual. Brandon LeBlanc said the girl accused the boys only after her parents had learned she had sexual relations.

“There was no violence involved,” LeBlanc told the Associated Press. “This is a clear case of a girl who didn’t want to get in trouble with her parents.”

Speaking on CNN, Acworth Police Chief Mike Wilkie reacted, “We can certainly understand why a father would speak defensively of his child.”

“That accusation has an implication that children at that age can consent to that type of act, and, of course, they cannot. That’s illegal, they cannot have consent, so we have to go forward with the charges that we have.”

So an 11 year old girl can’t be a willing participant, but an 8 year old boy can?

I am really glad I don’t have any children now, how sad is that?

38 Replies to “Remember: “Whatever” Means No! [Dan Collins]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    Maybe we should all send her text messages.

  2. JD says:

    Wouldn’t common sense dictate that the oldest minor should be more responsible in a matter like this ?

    I have no idea what happened, but this stunk from the first time I read it, and regardless of sex, an 11 year old should be more responsibility than an 8 year old.

    This one should be frightening for anyone with a child that has a penis.

  3. Pablo says:

    So why isn’t the girl being charged for having sex with boys who couldn’t consent?

  4. fahs ibair says:

    Up until about 11 or so I guess I lived a sheltered life. Sex never even crossed my mind. In high school, guys would brag about what they did and when, throwing out really young ages. I Assumed it was all macho B.S. Then curiosity got me and I started asking the girls I knew if they did anything at a very young age. Most of them admitted to “playing doctor” and some admitted to much more. Go figure

  5. JD says:

    This case is disturbing on so manh levels. The fact that 8 year olds were either raping someone, or consensually exploring their sexuality. Either option seems incredibly out of bounds for an 8 year old. Where do they even learn about that? Is there any parenting going on at all? Maybe I am just a prude …

  6. happyfeet says:

    I just feel very deeply that this is none of my business. Mike Wilkie sounds like an evil man though. Someone should keep an eye on him.

  7. happyfeet says:

    Evil and stupid too.

  8. Dan Collins says:

    True, happyfeet, it’s none of our business. But it’s all of our business, too. Putting this under the microscope is the right thing to do.

  9. happyfeet says:

    You just don’t parlay kiddie sex into your CNN debut. It means you’re not living right.

  10. happyfeet says:

    Oh yeah Dan – you’re right. I meant just it embarrasses me on like a personal level like when you’re at church and you know that’s the little girl who was molested by her grandfather and you’re like ok that’s not what I need to be thinking about in church but you can’t help it. Maybe it’s a small town thing.

  11. happyfeet says:

    Or a Lutheran thing.

  12. Alec Leamas says:

    Silly Wabbits!

    Perchance, you have failed to notice that it is the “Y” Chromosome that has become illegal.

  13. JD says:

    FWIW – The alleged victim’s parents are kind of creepy too. Dragging the kid in front of the media yesterday did not engender much sympathy. It seemed like they were trying to cash in on their 15 minutes, at the expense of their child.

  14. Cowboy says:

    I’m sorry, I have too many children around this age. It’s just much too sad to contemplate on so many levels.

  15. Marcus says:

    I just want to know why we don’t hear about white kids under 10 raping people. I’m dead serious.

  16. happyfeet says:

    I think the answer is called… XBox. You’re welcome.

  17. ccoffer says:

    “Hit me wid a rock? Go ahead muufucka. You ain’t gettin none a this.”

    The girl looked like she was pretty decent sized to me. She got nailed by an 8 year old?

    Sorry. I was born again yesterday, but I wasn’t born yesterday.

  18. B Moe says:

    “The girl looked like she was pretty decent sized to me. She got nailed by an 8 year old?”

    That is one of the things that bothered me about this. An 8 year old is what, third grade? And the girl is in sixth grade? I am an old goat, but as I recall when I was in third grade the sixth graders were freekin giants, almost grown ups.

  19. “That is one of the things that bothered me about this. An 8 year old is what, third grade? And the girl is in sixth grade? I am an old goat, but as I recall when I was in third grade the sixth graders were freekin giants, almost grown ups.”

    Great rape rationalization by a rape apologist.

    Maybe you haven’t noticed, but we live in a RAPE CULTURE!

    This means that whenever one woman is raped, all other women live under the threat of rape from all men, even if the men are 65 pounds each.


  20. otcconan says:

    Screw holding any of the kids accountable. Bring all the parents up on child endangerment charges and take their kids away. Obviously they know NOTHING about raising responsible kids. Dispicable parenting. Horrible.

  21. Andrew says:

    Why does the news increasingly sound like South Park?

  22. Education Guy says:

    Maybe we should all send her text messages.

    Ooph. And thus a short career of recommending post topics is brought to an end by friendly fire. Eh, not everyone has what it takes to bring the red meat to the masses, or even them who have happy feet.

  23. Cave Bear says:

    Actually, the idea of kids “playing doctor” is not at all unusual. In fact, it’s very common, especially around the 7-9 y/o age range. However, there is a big difference between the “you show me yours and I’ll show you mine” that most kids do and actual intercourse.

    Frankly, the idea that an 11 year old girl (especially a black girl) could not brush aside a couple of 8 year old boys is, to me, just plain silly.

  24. happyfeet says:

    I was just kidding Education Guy person. I don’t really discriminate against topics except about the Rockies cause really I have no idea about my feelings about that but I think the topics you pick are good ones. Maybe I should have italicized her.

  25. alppuccino says:

    Snotty Lutherans

  26. happyfeet says:

    Also I support the troops a lot really I just thought it sad that the text program would be necessary at this point because they should be feeling a lot of love already for what they’ve done in spite of hateful Democrats cheering for failure all the time.

  27. happyfeet says:

    I’m telling Lutheran Jesus you said that.

  28. Education Guy says:

    I agree with you happyfeet, and I want you to know that I was just kidding around. I try not to take myself that seriously. Mostly I fail.

  29. alppuccino says:

    And He will say “Al, you have been justified by your faith. Go ask Marty.”

  30. Education Guy says:

    Lutheran Jesus could so kick Catholic Jesus ass. That is, if Mary would let Catholic Jesus fight. Which she won’t.

  31. alppuccino says:

    Doesn’t Catholic Hayzoos carry the big steel pipe with the shiny crossy crowny thing on the end of it?

  32. happyfeet says:

    I know EG, and also Al I don’t think we really talk about Marty so much cause he was kind of a dirty anti-Semite but I’m not supposed to say that even though you can tell pretty much where he stands by counting how many recipes of his are in the church cookbook. It’s been like that for awhile.

  33. alppuccino says:

    Turns out he did most of his writing on a big stone toilet, so I guess he sampled many a recipe. Hope that helps!

  34. TheGeezer says:

    Hey, Amanda Marcotte’s bicycle seat: are you scratch and sniff?

  35. Alec Leamas says:

    “Hey, Amanda Marcotte’s bicycle seat: are you scratch and sniff?”

    Do you really want to know, Geezer? I mean – do you really want to know?

  36. andy says:

    ““There was no violence involved,” LeBlanc told the Associated Press. “This is a clear case of a girl who didn’t want to get in trouble with her parents”

    clearly, since there was no violence.

  37. happyfeet says:

    I used to have trouble with independent clauses too but with practice I learned to understand them more better.

  38. Alec Leamas says:

    “clearly, since there was no violence.”

    Yeah, andy, it kind of has to be something more than penis plus vagina plus female ambivalence to be rape.

    RAPE CULTURE! Marauding 60 pound rapists! OMG! Teh Patriarchy!

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