Famous founders of Rome and wolfsuckers Romulus and Remus are back in the news after a long hiatus. It appears that archaelogists have discovered what they believe are the remains of a den on the Palatine that the ancient Romans revered as the Lupercale–the place where Romulus and Remus were raised up by wolves. So, you see, the link between imperialism and transspecies milk consumption has been there since the very beginning.
For horrific earworm, continue.
MMMMMMmmmmmm. Wolf tit.
Remus: Hey, Rom. Whatcha doin’?
Romulus: Hello, Remus. I’m looking at the plans for Ro–er, a really big city.
Re: Can I see?
Ro: Do I have a–
Re: Dang! That could take all day to build!
How cold is it? Colder than a brass wolf tit.
The infants were added later to that piece. Originally, it was just the brass wolf-bitch.
And then there’s Evil Roy Slade, who was too mean for even the wolves and was raised by rattlesnakes.
More on the Capitoline Wolf and its many copies.
So.. would you rather be raised by wolves or by squirrels? Can’t we have just a little sympathy for the poor, protein-starved Ms. Mills?