I got $50 says Charles Johnson is killing himself right now for having backed this particular “historic” horse. (h/t JHo)
July 18, 2011
A Good [pragmatic] Man is Hard to Find, x50 [UPDATED]
“White House threatens veto of Cut, Cap, and Balance bill.” Evidently, cutting spending, capping the percentage of GDP the government can claim, and amending the Constitution so that temporary politicians can no longer deficit spend us and future generations into economic slavery is a non-starter for this President. Instead, what we need is more spending, nationalized health care, and some high speed trains — otherwise the elderly and the middle
"You Don't Get It: Congresswoman Agrees With President Americans Too Stupid To Understand Complicated Debt Ceiling Debate & Social Security Threat While She Can’t Seem to Explain It"
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky explains Social Security it to all the little people, who can’t possibly understand that kind of thing, their not being geniuses like, say, politicians: Here’s what I understand: there is no lock box, Social Security has been run as a Ponzi scheme, after August 2 revenues will be sufficient to pay service on the debt, Social Security, the military, veterans benefits, Medicare and Medicaid, the border patrol,
"S&P report vindicates House ‘Cut, Cap, and Balance’ plan"
Bill Wilson, ALG: Standard & Poor’s issued a dire warning this week stating a 50 percent likelihood that the nation’s gold-plated Triple-A credit rating will be downgraded in the next 90 days. Not because of any failure to increase the debt ceiling, but because it appears there will be no longer-term plan that substantially reduces the deficit. S&P said that unless an agreement is reached that results in a fiscal
"Labor’s new strategy: Intimidation for dummies"
Salt of the earth! In the past decade, unions have become increasingly desperate to obtain new dues-paying members. An example of how desperate can be found in a 70-plus-page intimidation manual from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which only recently came to light in a pending court case. The new union tactic is to use pressure on corporate boardrooms as a means of organizing entire companies nationwide rather than
Crisis Management
Spengler makes the case for the McConnell plan: President Barack Obama’s best hope of re-election lies in provoking Republicans to force the United States into technical default, engineering a brief but severe financial crisis in order to appear as crisis-manager-in-chief. The Tea Party movement may be marching into a political ambush, in which Obama will be able to portray the born-again budget-cutters as irresponsible fanatics who threaten to tip America