
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2010

“Radical in the White House”

Gee. I can remember a time not too long ago where saying such things was unhelpful, its utterers “extremists” and “purists” who were hurting the GOP’s cause by alienating “moderates” and “independents”. Comity — that’s what was needed. A willingness to recognize the basic goodness and decency of Good Men like Barack Obama, whose disagreements with us weren’t at all personal, but were instead merely a matter of policy differences

“The Incumbent Protection Racket”

Steve Chapman, Reason: This year’s election will be exciting. Given the disenchantment of voters with President Obama and the Democratic Congress, there is every prospect that your Democratic representative will be shown the door. Given the generally anti-incumbent mood, there is every prospect that your Republican representative will be out on the street. In your dreams. When analysts say this is going to be a competitive election, they don’t mention

Hint Fiction

Sounds fascinating. But were it me, I would have called it, say, “micro-“ or “nano-“ fiction. Rebel that I am. (h/t LMC)

Mark Levin interviews Christine O’Donnell (Oct 27)

Listen to just how KOOKY she sounds. Almost like a witch. For my part, I try never to find myself on the side of Meghan McCain. But then, I lack that conservative “pragmatism” that constantly reminds us that the biggest problem with conservatism / classical liberalism, from an electoral standpoint, is that it insists on casting itself as, you know — conservative or classically liberal. And who wants that? After

Shock Poll

For those of you in to such things. Me, I’m more concerned about things like this: because honestly, who doesn’t think a needy narcissist wouldn’t pull out all stops to protect appearances and buy himself back claps and face time from that portion of the public who desperately wants to believe…?

From the “But we have to pass the [health care ] bill so that you can find out what is in it” files

Have an FSA or HSA? Because if so, ain’t “what is in it”, for instance, Nyquil or Advil for you. In fact, notes the Washington Examiner: With each new revelation, it looks less like a fix for the health care system and more like a recipe for increased state control of Americans’ financial and health choices. Which of course for progressives and nannystate types is a feature, not a bug.

Wednesday zen

Current mood: wistful


In what conceivable way is it better for conservatism / classical liberalism in the long term to have, say, Republican Mike Castle — and not Bearded Marxist Chris Coons — vote for this? Answer: (h/t TerryH)

“Smug Democrats”

Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe: For months, voters have been signaling their discontent with the president, his party, and their priorities; in less than a week, they appear poised to deliver a stinging rebuke. Yet rather than address the voters’ concerns with seriousness and respect, too many Democrats and their allies on the left have chosen instead to slur those voters as stupid, extremist, or too scared to think straight. Well,


I noted this in a comment last night, but because some of you may not have seen it, let me point out here that many of the voting “glitches” (which of late have a remarkable habit of accidentally benefiting Democrats) documented thus far in this year’s Nevada election, have a distinct air of worry about them. To wit: Did you know that the SEIU represents the voting machine technicians in