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September 2024


Mark Levin interviews Christine O’Donnell (Oct 27)

Listen to just how KOOKY she sounds. Almost like a witch.

For my part, I try never to find myself on the side of Meghan McCain. But then, I lack that conservative “pragmatism” that constantly reminds us that the biggest problem with conservatism / classical liberalism, from an electoral standpoint, is that it insists on casting itself as, you know — conservative or classically liberal.

And who wants that? After all, people might laugh.

— Which, that’s terribly, terribly unhelpful.

72 Replies to “Mark Levin interviews Christine O’Donnell (Oct 27)”

  1. sdferr says:

    Finally, Washington. Latest polls all have Murray plus two and near 50. While a turnout wave could bring her down, it will be tough. However, she is the top of the ticket this year and I am hard-pressed to believe that disheartened Dems even in Washington State are going to go the extra mile to vote Tuesday. It will be very close.

    If we only had Delaware…………

    Sounds about right—but Jeff Anderson’s post makes me wonder whether my friend may be a little pessimistic about the Senate. If Republicans have to win 2 out 3 of WV, CA, and WA to take the Senate—for reasons Jeff explains—I think the odds of that are 50-50. Still would be nice to have Delaware.

    Gagdamn f’in morons.

  2. McGehee says:

    Still would be nice to have Delaware.

    For certain non-standard definitions of “have.”

  3. Jeff G. says:

    Yay, team!

    If only we had a Republican who says he’d vote for cap and trade once comfortably ensconced in office! We’d be, like, so totally golden — because having him would give us that extra vote needed to stop things like, say, cap and trade!

    — Oh, wait.

  4. Jeff G. says:

    The people bitching about not having Delaware are the same bean-counting fucks who decided to publicly trash O’Donnell and refuse to spend for her — even as the GOP voters in Delaware decided she best represents them.

    This tells you all you need to know about what the Beltway GOP establishment crowd thinks of voters and, to go further, the whole process.

    It’s fine, just so long as voters do what the GOP establishment tells them. But once they start stepping out of line, well…

    Tell me: how is that different from the Democrat lockstep liberalism we criticize every fucking day?

    Answer: it isn’t.

    So fuck them.

  5. sdferr says:

    In some respects I think the euphemism indicates they understand that they’ve stepped in their own dog’s shit and carry the stink along as they go, but can’t be troubled to acknowledge it openly, reach down and wipe it off, with an apology for tracking it into the house following close behind.

  6. Bob Reed says:

    Whether or not O’Donnell can win in Delaware is immaterial anyway. For one, she’s the people of Delaware’s chosen candidate, so no use for anyone to engage in wistful might-have-been games; because as Jeff rightly underscores, Castle would have been just another unreliable vote-unacceptable when considering what legislation may be upcoming in the Senate.

    But also, no matter who is elected this year, there will still be folks like Collins, Snowe, Brown, Grahamnesty and …Maverick to foul up any triumphant conservative majority anyone was pipe-dreaming of.

    I personally think she may just pull it out. I base that on nothing factual I can point anyone to, but simply my intuition. In any case, it will be close.

  7. Carin says:

    Honestly, Jeff, you think Christine O’Donnel can stand up with those titans of intellectual thought like Al Franken and Debbie Stabenow?

    Obviously she’s not ready for such ranks.

  8. Jeff G. says:

    If only they’d thrown money and support behind her…we might have Delaware.

    Face it: many in the GOP establishment don’t want actual conservatives coming to Congress.

    Witness the O’Donnell race — and their refusal to condemn Murkowski (in fact, the allowed her to keep her committee chairmanship), even as she is actively courting Dem votes in Alaska.

    They are not us. And therein lies the problem.

  9. cranky-d says:

    Of course they don’t want true conservatives, because that means they will lose power. The less you can spend, the less power you have.

  10. sdferr says:

    Mara: oh come on, people are being mean to Obama too, calling him a Socialist!

  11. geoffb says:

    They are not us. And therein lies the problem.

    Joseph Cotto is an entrepreneur and current events columnist from Central Florida. As a member of the all-but-extinct Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party, he takes conservative stances on fiscal and national security issues while being a staunch centrist on social matters.

    But, but he’s staunch.

  12. Jeff G. says:

    ranker emailed me asking that I post a link to their 13 CRAZIEST CAMPAIGN moments — moments they claim showed racism, etc.

    Of course, they noted that if O’Donnell wins, that would be the “craziest thing” Americans have done.

    So you see? It’s settled science.

    We’d rather have a Bearded Marxist with a government pedigree than a citizen legislator who would vote in accordance with the wishes of her constituency.

    Because to go the other way, people might laugh at us.

    This country is a big bag of fail right now.

  13. Jeff G. says:

    Show some respect, sdferr. Even if Obama is, as the evidence suggests, a long-time Marxist Socialist, saying so publicly is simply not done.

    We’re BETTER than that!

    Tsk tsk tsk.

  14. cranky-d says:

    Mara wants to keep her job at NPR.

  15. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Face it: many in the GOP establishment don’t want actual conservatives coming to Congress.

    I think this is spot-on. In fact, I think there’s almost as much fear of a tea-party inspired wave among the establishment insider types in the Republican party as there is in the Democrat party.

    If we elected 90 new Republicans to House, 1/3(!) of the G.O.P caucus would be new. If a voting block like that got itself organized around an agenda in Nov. and Dec., John Boehner would only be Speaker on their sufferance. 90 or more Republican freshmen would be game changing.

    Be the change we’re looking for. Get out and vote. Bring a friend.

  16. cranky-d says:

    If they can show me one thing Obama has said when speaking off the cuff (the only time he’s really telling the truth) that doesn’t paint him as a socialist, I would be shocked. Shocked!

    I guess “spread the wealth” isn’t socialism. Right.

  17. cranky-d says:

    Vote early. Vote often.

  18. Squid says:

    In fact, I think there’s almost as much fear of a tea-party inspired wave among the establishment insider types in the Republican party as there is in the Democrat party.

    As well there should be. It’s no secret that we’re an insurgency against the entire apparatus.

  19. Ernst Schreiber says:

    If your friend is a Democrat, bring him anyways. Just be sure to leave him bloody and broken in an alley before you arrive at the polls.

  20. Squid says:

    If your friend is a Democrat, bring him anyways.

    By now, you should already have set up a PO Box for your Democrat friends to mail their absentee ballots to. That way, you can make sure they didn’t leave any chads hanging.

  21. McGehee says:

    In fact, I think there’s almost as much fear of a tea-party inspired wave among the establishment insider types in the Republican party as there is in the Democrat party.

    More so. The Democrats think a GOP dominated by the Tea Party would be easy pickin’s.

    The Establicans, on the other hand, know that even if a Tea-Party-dominated GOP wins, they won’t.

  22. McGehee says:

    I tell my Democrat friends to be sure and vote this Wednesday.

  23. Roddy Boyd says:

    11-I’m not sure any of us would have a real problem with that Cotto fellow from central Florida who is staunchly committed to an aggressive national security policy and who was fiscally conservative while being a progressive or what have you on social issues (what he means by this is he is pro-choice and pro-Gay marriage). His politics after all are his own.

    It’s just that he’s likely in no way a fiscal and defense hawk, at least when it comes down to making a call where there is both visisbility and accountability. I’d be fine if he was, but then so was Jim Jeffords, Susan Collins, Arlen Specter and Lincoln Chaffee. Just call yourself a Dem and be done. None of these guys could abide by sharp CUTS in spending, not just cuts in the rate of growth; None of them could tolerate the dirty work required to win the war on terror. I wont even get into what would happen if they had to rationalize the tax system–Fair tax, Flat Tax, the Simple tax…

    If he was, I’d be fine with him. He just doesnt want to be identified with the liberal wing of the Dem party, there are no centrists left and even if there was, central Fla. isn’t likely willing to go for that right now.

  24. Roddy Boyd says:

    Re O’Donnell:
    Look, she’s acted odd, off, and goofy on a few occasions. Some of that is nerves, some of that is the effect of living in a bubble–a self-imposed bubble as no one forced her to run for Senate–and some a lack of reflection and consideration for the practical reality of life as a modern political candidate: your every word, relationship, job and career stop is scrutinized and used against you.

    But pretty much every one us would.

    It doesnt help that she’s pretty and single and conservative. So you could pretty much see that gawker photo series I-slept-with-Christine O’Donnell coming.

    I guess to everyone on the other side who might mock her personal life and personal choices I guess I would just say “Ted Kennedy ” over and over back to them.

  25. Jeff G. says:

    Why “Ted Kennedy”? Pick ANY of them — from Pelosi’s cosmetic choices to Barney Frank’s boyfriend heckling his man’s opponent at a news conference to Harry Reid naming himself as responsible for having saved us from a worldwide economic collapse.

    The point is, listen to her. She’s not who they are making her out to be. And more, she’s not who many of “us” are making her out to be.

    I’m frankly less disgusted by the Dems doing it. It’t to be expected from them.

  26. geoffb says:

    Re: #23

    I noticed right away that he has “stances” on the fiscal and national security legs but was “staunch” when it came to the liberal social one. I figured that was a tell, and so I agree with you.

  27. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Heckling is actually kinda quaint, considering what a previous Frank boy toy pulled.

  28. Entropy says:

    God I hate that stupid fat bitch Meghan and her whole family.

    I think she may be dumber than Megan Fox, and god knows she’s not a 1/10th as hot.

    Makes a mockery of the office?!? Oh, how I loathe them so.

  29. Entropy says:

    Every time she opens her pie whole I regret sitting home and wish I’d have voted for Barry outright, just to pile on.

  30. Bob Reed says:

    The heck with the punditry, what’s more important is that rank-and-file folks like us actually listen to people like O’Donnell and Miller; especially those folks that live in Delaware and Alaska.

    I contributed to both their campaigns, as well as J. Townsend, J. DioGuardi, and yes-Carl Palladino.

    I was squemish about Palladino’s public pronouncement to use eminent domain to halt the GZM construction because I felt that particular power is often abused; it didn’t seem too conservative to me. But Lazio is too RINO-ish, so I swallowed hard and pulled the lever.

    It’s hard to see how he wins the general, to be honest, especially after the Brooklyn Synagogue event was blown in order to make him out to be an untolerant, gay-h8ting bigot. He should have pushed back harder, and, in my opinion, continually stressed how Cuomo’s involvement at HUD under Clinton, succeeding Henry Cisneros and administrating over the increasing purchase of sub-prime paper, betrayed at the very least bad judgement, and at worst a committment to the kind divisive, redistributionist, “social justice” school of thought that NY can no longer afford.

  31. SarahW says:

    O’Donnell and McCain are bookends. Sorry but it’s true.

  32. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Sorry, I’m not following your line of reasoning Sarah.

  33. newrouter says:

    O’Donnell and McCain are bookends. Sorry but it’s true.


  34. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Now see, I would have guessed, train-wreck of a biography + stellar philosophical and policy views = failed candidacy / stellar biography + train-wreck of philosophical and policy view = failed candidacy.

  35. winston smith says:

    O’Donnell may not be the perfect candidate, I’ll grant that, but is she likely to have risen property taxes nearly 60% in four years, in a down market, or profit directly from a cap n trade
    scheme, or act all French and push to bolt Afghanistan,in fact he resembles with his new age Marxism, theological education, and ‘ruling class demeanor’ no one but Al Gore now the folks in Delaware voted Biden back in three times, after his plagiarism was revealed, so I can’t really
    credit them with sterling judgement

  36. Jeff G. says:

    O’Donnell and McCain are bookends. Sorry but it’s true.

    Because Sarah just says so is why.

  37. O’Donnell and McCain are bookends. Sorry but it’s true.

    What does one have to do with the other, other than the (R) after their names?

  38. bh says:

    Still don’t get the bookend comment.

  39. Jeff G. says:

    OMG! Halloween photos! Sex!

    Honestly. Who are you trying to convince? And of what?

  40. Abe Froman says:

    Do any of the pictures feature a retarded midget posing with a tray of paella?

  41. Jeff G. says:


    Here I was thinking I was going to get to bang a witch, and all I got was this drunk ladybug. Who wouldn’t fuck me, and didn’t even have to courtesy to wax her pussy like some sorority bimbo off to Cancun for a week.

    That’s it. I’m going to write about it years later and post pictures — though none that show her nude or even drinking. This will make me a hero with the feminists!

  42. bh says:

    Lefties are such delicate flowers.

  43. Bob Reed says:

    That link is to a pretty funny piece parodying just how lame the whole Gawker “expose” is.

    And FWIW, both sides of the political spectrum are condemning the attempted sliming of O’Donnell by Gawker.

  44. Jeff G. says:

    To think, alcohol!


  45. Do any of the pictures feature a retarded midget posing with a tray of paella?

    …or said midget plying a cat with fermented Meow Mix?

  46. Roddy Boyd says:

    you’re not following the script.
    That could….cost you.
    “W” brings an important point out about the only authentic sex for women is that experienced by liberal and centrist women.
    Or something.
    This kind of stuff–hooking up with a woman and then making fun of her body to hurt her chances personally or professionally–used to make the guy who did this a scumbag. Now he’s a solid dude.

  47. bh says:

    Watch a dumb bimbo say stupid shit on television!

  48. Entropy says:


    I thought that was a JOKE.

    They actually started with the “I had sex with Christine O’Donnell” business.

    No doubt after midnight. When sex happens. With women.

  49. Ernst Schreiber says:

    If you have sex with C O’D and leave her unsatisfied, does she turn you into a newt?

  50. Danger says:

    “I personally think she may just pull it out.”

    I’d like to hear Mr. (Scott Brown is a lock) W’s prediction on this. Anyone heard from him lately?

  51. Bob Reed says:

    Mr W has been conspicuous in his absence Danger.

  52. Bob Reed says:

    You’re not thor, so stop pretending.

    While he could be hateful and vile, he was far more eloquent than you, and had a distinct style…

  53. Abe Froman says:

    Thor was about as eloquent as the sound of buzzards fucking.

  54. Fucking Buzzards says:

    Hey, what’s with the slander?!

  55. Ernst Schreiber says:

    What no one is willing to admit here is that these Tea Party wackos — O’Donnell, Miller, Angle — are sandbags that will hold back what might have been a 1994-style tidal wave.

    You’re so right. If only we’d been more pragmatic.

  56. Bob Reed says:

    You make a good point Abe, I chose my words poorly. He had a large vocabulary and a frenetic style, but unfortunately was insulting, obnoxious, and boorish.

  57. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I think +54 House/ +8 Senate is more of a baseline than a ceiling.

  58. Roddy Boyd says:

    Thor was poorly medicated and deeply alone.
    he had a remarkable obsession with boasting of his virility–he loved talking about his sexploits.
    A real fine signal for a 35 yr old man to give off, boasting about getting Russian callgirls drunk.

  59. Danger says:

    Well Bob,
    I hope this W. fella gives back the perfectly good letter he stole.

  60. Bob Reed says:

    Maybe he’s just borrowing it for a while Danger :)

  61. LTC John says:

    “about as eloquent as the sound of buzzards fucking”

    Stolen. By me.

  62. Carin says:

    OMG! Halloween photos! Sex!

    Too bad she didn’t dress-up as a Furry. Then they’d have some traction.

  63. Slartibartfast says:

    he had a remarkable obsession with boasting of his virility

    AKA “overcompensation”.

  64. Joe says:

    Thanks for posting that. I missed it when it ran the other day on Levin.

    While there is something to the theory of getting the majority to control the adgenda in Congress, Mike Castle was a weak dangerous guy to keep around. Some “friends” you are better off without. Better he fall in the primary to send a warning to others like him.

    As for O’Donnell, I do not want to be too pessimistic. The odds look tough, but with Democrats sitting home and conservatives fired up, who knows.

  65. Joe says:

    O’Donnell hurt the GOP establishment’s feelings in Delaware, so they are shunning her. Castle is still moping that he got beat by a cute chick who looks young enough to be his granddaughter.

  66. Carin says:

    Oh, I gotta share this howler :

    Though the teachers union is skewed toward Democrats in its endorsements, it has backed some Republicans this election. White mentioned Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who’s mounting a write-in bid after having lost her party’s primary, as well as Rep. Judy Biggert (R-Ill.), among others.

    Ba haaa haaa haaa. See, the NEA is bipartisan. They’re making Alllissa Murkawoski!

    (I’ll find the link if anyone’s interested)

  67. Carin says:

    making – backing.

    brain’s not working this morning.

  68. The Lost Dog says:

    “So fuck them”

    Exactly. Thank you.

  69. Mr. Happy's Conscious says:

    I have pretty much written off all the “PRAGMATISM!” pushers like Ace these days and my conscious is cleaner for it.
    I don’t miss them at all.

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