
Jeff's Wish List

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January 2010


January 2010

Intro to push polling, Mass.-style

“So. Would it worry you at all to know that in voting for Scott Brown, you’d likely be supporting the lynchings of blacks and gays — and maybe even helping to put Jews and Papists into ovens…? And don’t even get us started on what might happen to kittens, which gives a whole new meaning to ‘gettin’ some pussy‘…”*

Excerpt from “The Nuance-Headed League,” a Sherlock Holmes mystery, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (from the protein wisdom archives)

[originally posted May, 2004] Dr. John Watson writes: […] “The dapper client puffed out his chest with an appearance of some little pride and pulled a dirty and wrinkled newspaper from the inside pocket of his greatcoat. As he glanced down at the International Affairs section, with his head thrust forward and the paper flattened against his knee, I took a good look at the man and endeavored, after the

the “today I’m going to get the family vaccinated against H1N1” haiku

The chance of catching swine flu? Vanishingly small. Still, though. Why risk it?

One of these things

…is not like the other. Discuss!

“Learn to Speak Tea Bag”

Courtesy of NPR, and financed in part by your tax dollars! It’s a charming little animation in which ordinary citizens of all political affiliations are marginalized by a government organ as extremists, while the “progressive” left (who, I must say, seems to be getting the better end of the whole spending- of-our-tax-dollars deal) congratulates itself on resisting the urge simply to strafe the lot of these reactionary hicks with a

Anatomy of a “racism” smear

Clearly, Andrew Sullivan isn’t much of an intentionalist*: Glenn Reynolds finds a photo in the White House Flickr basket and publishes it to, er, point out how bad the White House’s p.r. is, or how blind they are to perceptions of Obama or some such thing. I tried to puzzle this one out and can just about see how an elusive photo of a tired Obama reacting to something unknowable

Money Grub

[for some reason, I can’t get the original post to update and publish, so I’m reproducing the post here] Well, I’ve updated to the newest version of WP in anticipation of the move to a tiered subscription site (with one tier being entirely free). Looks like I’ll have it set up in the next few weeks. So it’s looking like either February or March before the new model goes into

“Sexual Misconduct” and its discontents: A brief gloss…

…on Darleen’s post noting Duke’s revised sexual misconduct policy, which — as is generally the case with progressive ventures — newly “defines” sexual misconduct by way of what an interpreter can do with a set of signifiers (in essence, eschewing the more difficult work of sussing intent for the simpler work of coddling personalized outrage, whether real or imagined, and regardless of who is doing the imagining) . Most of

Happy New Year!

I’m going to spend today getting myself some new cross trainers. Because at my age, the knees are the first thing to go. — Well — now that we have access to those little blue pills, I mean. For those interested, Paladin Press has put up a interview with my fight coach, Tony Cecchine, who gives a brief history of American catch wrestling, explains how it differs from other martial