
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Happy New Year!

I’m going to spend today getting myself some new cross trainers. Because at my age, the knees are the first thing to go.

— Well — now that we have access to those little blue pills, I mean.

For those interested, Paladin Press has put up a interview with my fight coach, Tony Cecchine, who gives a brief history of American catch wrestling, explains how it differs from other martial arts, and outlines our overall fight strategy. Click on Episode 18.

0 Replies to “Happy New Year!”

  1. LTC John says:

    I hear you, Jeff. When I walk up stairs it sounds like two bowls of Rice Krispies a cracklin’.

  2. Joe says:

    I had a couple of rum drinks last night and I am hung over. I find bacon and coffee (mixed with some advils) work wonders. I rented Inglorious Basterds for later.

  3. Joe says:

    Paladin link no good.

  4. Jeff G. says:

    Should work now. They don’t have a dedicated link to the podcast, so you’ll have to activate it from the podcast page.

  5. JD says:

    I bought the unrated version of The Hangover, and am hosting a Hold ‘Em party tonite.

  6. dicentra says:

    Went to bed early enough last night that my mom’s call at 10:30 caught me abed (but not asleep). Was vaguely aware of pot-and-pan banging at midnight. Slept in this morning.

    That’s as good as it gets at Chez Dicentra, and it sounds good enough that I think I’ll do it again right now.

  7. donald says:

    I personally was out by 9:00PM. Yea Ambien CR!
    That’s how I roll.

  8. Blake says:

    Blake party central and fiance were in bed by 11. We suspected we wouldn’t miss New Years due to dogs and various loud noises at midnight.

    We were correct.

    Generally, I don’t mind the mixture of bangs and pops at midnight. But, I’m pretty sure someone cut loose with some sort of semi-auto pistol this morning in celebration. Even by my standards, that’s a bit much.

  9. serr8d says:

    Happy New Year, all. Ugggh, bus hit me? No, the party was well out of any towns, in the countryside. Maybe a tipped cow.

    Damned Gran Marnier anyways.

  10. LTC John says:

    Blake, you’d love one of the towns in my county – saw a lot of um, residents, arrive from rural Mexico. New Years Eve, they would all go out and fire off their pistols in celebration. Poor cops were reduced to asking 911 callers if anyone was hit – if not, they would eventually swing by and ask folks to alter their celebration habits, por favor.

  11. Silver Whistle says:

    My neighbour 300 yds up the hill tries to hit my house with rocket fire every Hogmanay. I let off a couple of barrels of No. 6 shot at the bells in retaliation, unless, of course, I’m at his house drinking his liquor.

    Now I’m enjoying a well earned Havana and a Munich beer after a walk up a hill.

  12. geoffb says:

    Work till 1:45 am to accommodate all those partying. Home at 2. Unwind get myself and wife ready for bed, sleep at 4am, up at the crack of noon. Back to work at 4pm today to do it again. Life in the fast lane. Yowser.

  13. Happy New Year, Jeff … I need to get some cross-trainers myself, LOL!

  14. McGehee says:

    I didn’t turn in until around 2:00 this morning, but the nearest thing I did to imbibing was inhale the aroma of a freshly-brandied fruitcake. My mother-in-law’s fruitcakes are so good she actually has to make some every year. The one she sent home with this time is our second because the one she sent home with us after Thanksgiving was eaten within two weeks.

    I didn’t watch any parades or football games today though. Still recovering from nearly a week at the mother-in-law’s, which requires a three-hour drive each way, with me, my wife, a dog and four cats all stuffed into a single vehicle. I’m working on convincing my wife to make it a caravan next time. She can drive the animals and I’ll haul everything else.

    Anyway, Happy Twenty-Ten.

  15. Darleen says:

    Ah! Got my cross-trainers yesterday (spend those gift cards!)

    Gave up running or aerobics 20 years ago when I herniated the disc between Lumber 4 and 5 (put me in the hospital for a week in traction).

    However, going to get back to yoga and look at both dancing and/or martial arts training.

  16. sdferr says:

    After seeing some of the regimes people undergo to build physical strength and agility I thought, “Y’know, I’d be cross too were I to be put through that.”

    Happy New Year holler-outs to all and sundry.

  17. Blake says:


    Eh, if it had been a couple of shots, no big deal.

    By my count, emptied the magazine on a 1911. I couldn’t put it off to firecrackers, spacing between pops was too consistent.

    Your county sounds like prime real estate for windows and windshields getting knocked out by bullets falling back to earth.

    Maybe next year I’ll head out at midnight with the .308, 1911 and .357. By golly, if the neighbors want to make noise, I’ll show them how it’s done…Well, perhaps not the .308. That might being going just a tad too far.

    So saying, Happy New Year, everyone.

  18. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    I saw a “cross” trainer last night. She looked hot in her Reeboks and spandex.

    Until a buddy pointed out she had a penis.

    The normal Adam’s apple giveaway quickly became a foregone conclusion.

    Never going back to that bar.

    Next year I’m going out with Blake and his fiance (prolly wife by then I guess). She can have the .357 and he can have the overwatch with his .308.

    I’ll mostly be drunk and useless, but still able to point at the people you two should shoot.

  19. dicentra says:

    For your entertainment, some spectacular moral preening from a wannabe vegetarian.

  20. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Stolen from Ace, but too funny not to do.

    Head over to Google, type in “why”, stop, and then behold the glorious “search suggestions”.

    As somebody over at AOSHQ said, this is likely based on frequency.

    Sweet Jesus.

  21. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    I just emailed Neel Mukherjee a great steak marinade and told him how to cook the sum’bitch.

    There’s mushrooms and stuff on the back end, so I’m sure he’ll be fine with it.

  22. newrouter says:

    “cross trainers” do good business during lent

  23. Joe says:

    Lamont, perhaps a gift certificate to the nearest steak house would be in order!

    If you want to go veggie, fair enough. But do not begrudge the rest of us.

  24. Lamontyoubigdummy says:


    Knock it’s horns off, wipe it’s ass, run it through a warm room, etc, etc…

    A Texan and his steak.

    Should be a verse in the Bible.

  25. Blake says:


    Hah, reminds me of an incident that happened to me in Uptown Minneapolis.

    I was having a beer with a buddy, and this nice pair of very long legs in fishnets went strolling by. My gaze traveled up the legs, until, finally, I gazed upon the face. Yeah, it was a guy.

    So saying, I feel for ya, buddy.

  26. JD says:


  27. B Moe says:

    Hah, reminds me of an incident that happened to me in Uptown Minneapolis.

    Uptown as opposed to downtown, or the Uptown Bar and Grill? The Uptown Bar and Grill is (was?) one of my favorite bars in the world.

  28. Blake says:

    B Moe,

    Happened in Figlio’s. Which I believe no longer exists.

    I used to hit the Uptown Bar and Grill on a semi-regular basis.

    Then I discovered Kieran’s Irish Bar, Guinness and Jameson.

    Back then, I could put away the pints and shots. Of course, drinking with Irishmen will definitely school one in the fine art of putting away booze.

  29. Blake says:

    oops, Kieran’s Irish Pub.

  30. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Happy New Years to Jeff and all the peeps here at Protein Wisdom. Hope it’s a hell of a lot better than last year.

    Last night went to a friends house, after three beers felt like I swallowed some razors all while being clubbed in the head with a two by four. Sinus infection of the truly menacing variety, but was still with friends and family, so all good. The plan for today was to drink beer all day and watch the Buckeyes win a bowl game. One out of two ain’t bad, I guess.

  31. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    I guess I left my apostrophes back in 2009. Oh well, they are sneaky little bastards anyway.

  32. dicentra says:

    Sinus infection of the truly menacing variety

    Join the club. I got mine on Christmas Eve. I’m now in the “thick phlegm pooling in the stomach and dry cough” phase.

  33. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Sorry to hear, dicentra. Feel better. Funny thing is I typically do not get sinus infections this time of year. Somebody didn’t want me having too good of a time this year, I guess.

  34. Darleen says:

    Of course, drinking with Irishmen will definitely school one in the fine art of putting away booze.

    guess it depends on the Irishman. Had to divorce mine.

  35. Lazarus Long says:

    Check it out:

    “Little Green Footballs/Charles Johnson Calendar Infomercial”

    Frikkin. Highlarious.

  36. Spiny Norman says:

    It’s alive! IT’S ALIVE!!!

    (My computer, that is. Hard drive failures are so much fun…)

    Happy New Year all you intentionalists and rational people everywhere!


  37. Spiny Norman says:

    Comment by dicentra on 1/1 @ 3:53 pm #

    For your entertainment, some spectacular moral preening from a wannabe vegetarian.

    110 comments? Holy crap!!! Thompson’s site has been invaded by vegan trolls!?!

    All sorts of “moral preening” in the comments…

  38. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Who the hell does Direct TV think it is only giving Red Dawn one star.

    Barb Wire is on two channels down, and it gets two stars.

    Somebody is about to get a sternly worded letter.

    I mean, I love Baywatch era Pamela Anderson boobs covered in soapy bubble bath as much as the next guy, but that scene is only like 7 seconds long.

    But Red Dawn.

    One star?

    That’s just wrong.

  39. Spiny Norman says:

    I don’t recall what channel is was on, but they gave Caddyshack 2 stars… and Animal House only got 2-1/2 stars.

  40. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    I want the Charles Johnson replica pony tail.

    I have a box jacket suit I bought in 1984 (but one of the shoulder pads is missing). I just lost enough weight to fit in it again, but I’m pretty sure it’s missing a pony tail.

    Now, if I can just find a beard, a synthesizer, and a Depeche Mode t-shirt.

    I’ve already got a call in to Andrew Sullivan.

  41. BumperStickerist says:

    There’s a lesson for Jeff and Tony C. here:

    The Little Black Book of Violence: What Every Young Man Needs to Know About Fighting

    It’s got the Instalanche … and my hunch is that 85+% of the material is stuff that Tony and Jeff would agree is effective.

    I taught my boys a version of what I called “Kid-Fu” which was, basicaly, “don’t panic – grapple-lock up-drop-wait for the teacher” since kid-fights in school last about 45 seconds, tops.

    Looking back, I probably should have written a book.

  42. Rusty says:

    I taught my daugters how to throw a punch and where to punch to end a fight as soon as possible. Most guys, or girls for that matter don’t expect a girl to punch.