
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


the “today I’m going to get the family vaccinated against H1N1” haiku

The chance of catching
swine flu? Vanishingly small.
Still, though. Why risk it?

195 Replies to “the “today I’m going to get the family vaccinated against H1N1” haiku”

  1. Jeff G. says:

    Back later.

    Have some more DVDs to sell, too:

    Point Break
    Dark City
    Fame (original)
    Paris, Texas (Wim Wenders; awesome flick)

    $20 shipping included, sent in DVD slips, not cases.

  2. BJTex says:

    a cough wafts gently
    through a winter night’s snowfall
    turn your head dummas

  3. Tim K says:

    A matter of personal choice, and there are arguments on both sides, but I have read quite a few things indicating that the risks of getting the vaccine may outweigh the risks of getting H1N1.

  4. psycho... says:

    “You want me so bad,
    it’s like ACID IN YOUR MOUTH!”
    But Swayze said “ass.”

  5. LBascom says:

    some may say the cure
    chancier than the disease
    rock, hard place, OH Noes!

  6. alppuccino says:

    Fear of the Swiney
    Gave Sebelius power
    For fifteen minutes.

  7. Carin says:

    You take that needle
    stick it where the sun doesn’t
    shine thank you very much

  8. McGehee says:

    I never seriously considered getting the vaccine. First, I was always pretty sure it was never going to live up to its hype anyway.

    Second, just because no other part of me gets any exercise doesn’t mean I’m gonna let my immune system get all flabby and soft.

  9. Pablo says:

    Everybody’s gotta die of something, I always say.

  10. DarthRove says:

    Last case my wife saw
    Was way back in October
    Vaccine is pointless

  11. Slartibartfast says:

    Oooh, Dark City. I have John Murdoch in mind.

  12. Jim in KC says:

    Piggy piggy flu
    You species jumping rascal
    Come to kill us all

  13. We got a lecture in the local newspaper to not call it the swine flu because it hurts farmers.. This was the same paper that ran an editorial against the guy who was going to open a hog farm out in the county that would have created (or saved!) 30 full time jobs (in a county of 15 k people with 15% unemployment) had the zoning board not vomited all over his application so that he bought land in Illinois instead. I bring that up every time I hear someone call it H1N1.

    Maybe we should call it the newspaper flu and I can stop being such a pain in the ass.

  14. Tman says:

    I call it the Bacon-flu. Here is my Bacon-flu haiku.

    So sad it makes me
    that tasty, crispy bacon
    could be so deadly.

  15. Sorry for the sneeze
    Airplane windows don’t roll down
    I’ll get you a towel

  16. happyfeet says:

    i wroted a haiku but it was retarded and ironic at the same time

    The bill is very important for people with intellectual disabilities, who understand that language plays a crucial role in how they are perceived and treated in society.

  17. happyfeet says:

    that bill there is co-sponsored by some R tard Wyoming senator named Michael Enzi… is there anything gayer than a Republican senator? Maybe the remake of Fame.

  18. dicentra says:

    I’ve had the flu vaccine exactly once and the flu exactly never.

    I only ever get sinus infections from rapid changes in atmospheric pressure.

  19. dicentra says:

    Perhaps we can repurpose the term “mentally retarded” for exclusive use on elected officials.

  20. Kresh says:

    H1N1 Vaccine?
    Enjoy the mind-control drugs
    Vote Democrat

    /conspiracy theory

    I’m with Pablo. Like Elvis, when you gotta go, you gotta go.

  21. geoffb says:

    The bill is very important for people with intellectual disabilities, who understand that language plays a crucial role in how they are perceived and treated in society.

    Magic, I tells ya, magic. “Say the magic words and win a hundred dollars”. Game show logic now mainstreamed in DC.

  22. sdferr says:

    Perhaps we can repurpose the term “mentally retarded” for exclusive use on elected officials.”

    Sen Mikulski would make an excellent first candidate.

  23. Lazarus Long says:

    I got the regular flu shot on Tuesday, and my arm STILL hurts.

    And I also found out I got hypertension.

  24. Jeff G. says:

    My son is in kindergarten, and the school wanted him to get vaccinated. So. Show of solidarity and all that.

    Plus, mucusy kids.

  25. The bill is very important for people with intellectual disabilities, who understand that language plays a crucial role in how they are perceived and treated in society.

    I don’t think they understand that at all… they’re retarded.

  26. alppuccino says:

    Why in the name of Beelzebub’s scrotum do they not treat the all the retarded people the way they treat the Retard in Chief. Call them all brilliant.

  27. Pablo says:

    If we stop calling people retarded then no one will be retarded anymore.

    Genius. And it works for terrorists too.

  28. Piggy Flu. Piggy Flu.
    Pretty, pretty, pretty, Piggy Flu.
    Oh, oh, Piggy. My Piggy Flu-oo-oo-oo.
    How I love you now, I need you Piggy Flu.

    (This is Jim in KC’s fault.)

  29. what. the. hell. Robert? (i’m not placing the tune)

    anyhoo, I just never come in contact with people. so, no vaccine. but, teachers and students, I totally understand. kids are gross.

  30. alppuccino says:

    Piggy flu, squishy poo,
    Shoots out my butt like a French choo choo
    Oh Piggy, my Piggy flu
    Get a HandiWipe cause I got that Piggy Flu.

    — This one is Robert W. White’s fault

  31. alppuccino says:

    Not a Buddy Holly fan I see maggie.

  32. geoffb says:

    The qualities inherent in the thing (signified) transfer onto the word (signifier). You may get a transient benefit from the attempt to use a different word by the previous associations that that word has had but it is transient as the actual real thing will impose itself onto your word. It is not about caring, it is about confusing and confounding language as is the wont of the Left always.

  33. dicentra says:

    You DO know that they implanted an RFID tag in the kid’s muscle.

    Upside? GPS tracking!

  34. McGehee says:

    I think Enzi misunderstood something I said a couple of years ago: “Being offended by other people’s opinions, is retarded.” He seems to think that means we should outlaw things that offend retarded people.

    Fucking retard.

  35. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Both my girls had the swine flu in October. The 10 year old had it bad for 4 or 5 days. She was throwing up, completely fatigued, just felt like shit. The four year old got a high fever the first day, slept for a few hours, said the tamiflu was “stupid” (her way of saying it tasted like crap) and was better before you knew it. The doctor’s office called us two weeks after this to tell us the vaccine was in!

    What does the swine flu
    do to you? Depends on who
    it’s doing it to.

  36. LBascom says:

    Both my girls had the swine flu in October

    In October they said any flu was the swine flu.

    They may have been lying.

  37. dicentra says:

    Second what LBascom said.

    They stopped accepting samples because the labs were overloaded with requests, so they just said it was all Swine Flu and left it at that.

    And I WILL call it Swine Flu because that’s where it comes from. After the birds give it to the pigses, that is.

  38. Not a Buddy Holly fan I see maggie.

    ha ha, apparently not. I blame Mr. White. ;D

  39. BJTex says:

    “I’ve got a dose of the pIggy flu!”
    dum dum ta-dum – da dum
    “All my pants are full of poo!”
    dum dum ta-dum – da dum

    “My head feels like it might a’splode!”
    dum dum ta-dum – da dum
    “Eyes bulge out like a Feldman pose!”
    dum dum ta-dum – da dum

    “If I die from this Swineree!”
    dum dum ta-dum – da dum
    “I’ll blame them at the CDC – I’ll blame them at the CDC – I’ll blame them at the CDC…”

    cough I blame maggie and al.

  40. dicentra says:

    I’m a recluse, too, so I don’t need the shot.

    Oh, the joys of misanthropy!

  41. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Well, ok then. It was still fun making “oink” sounds at them, though. You can’t take that way from me!

  42. dicentra says:

    You can prolly trace all of our flu viruses back to pigs. H1N1 is just a way of designating what kinds of markers the virus has on it.

  43. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    That’s why I eat them regularly, dicentra. Filthy bastards.

  44. sdferr says:

    H1N1 is also a link to the 1918 Spanish flu of annihilative fame. So some caution appears to be warranted merely “on the surface” of the thing.

  45. Careful everyone. I’m feeling fatigued & itcy-eyed, and I’m breathing hard on the monitor.

  46. Jim in KC says:

    Filthy, but charming. Like Arnold from Green Acres.

  47. You’re supposed to eat them?

  48. Well that explains a lot.

  49. dicentra says:

    A picture for feets.

    Geez, this is the third try. Apparently, if all your text is a hyperlink, WP eats it.

  50. SGT Ted says:

    Go to the clinic
    To get stuck with a needle
    The relief sinks in

  51. B. Obama says:

    The remake of fame is on a continuous loop in Hell’s waiting room. Except all of the songs are sung by William Shatner.

  52. BJTex says:

    Except all of the songs are sung by William Shatner.

    a capella


  53. Mr. W says:

    A Capella with Leonard Nimoy doing the doo-wop back-up.

  54. Mr. W says:

    Which, now that I think about it, many people would pay to see.

  55. BJTex says:

    When you say “pay to see,” Mr W, is that the same as “drive a 16p nail through the top of my skull?”

  56. sdferr says:

    Can Obama defeat Texas?

    Oh, wait, sorry, make that Alabama. Or H1N1. Whichever.

    And what idiot ranked Fla. at 5 and Cincinnati at 3 and left Bert out of the Hall? Goddamn it, this country is stupid.

  57. BJTex says:

    oh that wayward germ
    shivering in winter’s chill
    now, please die screaming

  58. BJTex says:

    sdferr: Bert and Robbie, the best second baseman I ever saw.

    5 voters left Alomar off of their ballot completely. Idiocy is legion.

  59. sdferr says:

    Robbie should have held on to that loogie. He’ll be okay later.

  60. sdferr says:

    “…held on to that loogie”

    Speaking of viruses, I should have added.

  61. Ric Locke says:

    Oh, yukk.

    El Presidente is on the TV here at Burger King spinning the Christmas Eunuchbomber. Talk about 16d nails to the head…


  62. BJTex says:


    Got Hammer?

  63. sdferr says:

    President Finger-pointer-in-Chief Obama wants us all to not point fingers. I’m learning to loathe this fuck. “I will leave no stone unturned.” he says. Well then, have you turned Abdulmutallab over to the CIA interrogators today, Mr. President?

  64. Ric Locke says:

    BJTex, TrollHammering Fox, let alone CNNBCBS…, would result in blue-screening the whole thing.

    Summary of the speech, by the Reserve Colonel at the next table: The bureaucracy failed, so the solution is more bureaucracy. The talking heads are now trying to keep that from being obvious.

    One thing: it’s a shot across the CIA’s bow. Right or wrong, the President is supposed to make policy and the agencies, even the State Department, are supposed to carry it out. I think he may actually be alive to the possibility that they could do to him what they did to Bush.

    I didn’t get either the shot or the flu. I credit my immune system, which is the only part of me that’s genuinely strong due to constant exercise. Not doing housework is the best medicine!


  65. sdferr says:

    He makes policy alright. Don’t intensively interrogate jihadists who fall into your hands. NO. Mirandize them. Now there’s a policy to be proud of.

  66. BJTex says:

    Now, now, sdferr. What’s a few hundred lives lost compared to buttressing our civil rights and rule of law bona fides?

    You need to get your priorities straight.


  67. sdferr says:

    This last schauspiel by Obama demonstrates conclusively, I think, that insofar as he is concerned, he is concerned only for himself, i.e., his image, as he understands it. And for my part, he does not understand it at all.

  68. newrouter says:

    just as the donut freak beck starts launching into a full scale wilson rant that shemp shows up and gives us gibbs

  69. Ric Locke says:

    sdferr: It doesn’t matter whether the policy is good or not. Good or bad, the executive agencies are supposed to execute it, not go off on the first hare-brained notion they come up with; there’s plenty of hare-brained notions coming down from “upstairs” in the best of Administrations without the bureaucrats inventing their own.


  70. Mr. W says:

    We have something in common with the terrorists these days since they can’t believe how stupid obama is either.

    He did say he was going to be a bridge builder.

  71. Mr. W says:

    Tragically, they are all seem to be bridges to nowhere.

  72. Mr. W says:

    That parse now you.

  73. sdferr says:

    We might imagine bureaucrats as mindless automata I suppose, always taking instruction from above. Somehow or other though, even such an amusing picture refuses to comport with that other picture I carry around, y’know, the human picture the founders thought they’d discovered, the one where the goofy humans smuggle their idiosyncratic interests along wherever they go. Should we wish Barry good luck?

  74. Mr. W says:


    I live in DC so I know one thing for sure, bureaucrats have only one guiding principle: CYA

    It makes no sense since they can’t possibly be fired, but that is their operational default. Everything they do is filtered through that one constant which is why the accomplish so little, and what little they do accomplish, they accomplish slooooooowly.

  75. sdferr says:

    Dunno if you know Mr. W, but I lived cheek by jowl with bureaucrats in DC and environs (Fairfax) for the better part of 35 years, so yeah, I’ve seen cya in action a few times.

  76. Ric Locke says:

    Sdferr: Like many, you are conflating policy and procedure. Note that executives are as capable of confusing the two as subordinates are; the result is called “micromanagement”.

    Executive branch bureaucrats are supposed to devise procedures for implementing the policy of the executive. In the course of doing so they inevitably must make what might be called sub-policy, and more precisely is fleshing out the details of what must be (if it is to be effective) very general policy from upstairs.

    What they are definitely not supposed to do is devise procedures specifically intended to frustrate executive policy. The CIA did it to Bush, with gusto, and I rather doubt Rahm Emanuel failed to notice that, even if El Presidente was too busy admiring himself in limpid pools of his own urine to pay attention.


  77. Mr. W says:

    The people I know who are most horrified by the thought of government healthcare are the government employees themselves.

    It won’t apply to them, but they are (despite being employed by the federal leviathan) Americans, and after seeing the bureaucracy in action they know how bad it is going to be for the rest of us.

  78. sdferr says:

    Where Ric? I’m afraid I don’t see the conflation to which you allude.

  79. sdferr says:

    Was this it?

    President Finger-pointer-in-Chief Obama wants us all to not point fingers. I’m learning to loathe this fuck. “I will leave no stone unturned.” he says. Well then, have you turned Abdulmutallab over to the CIA interrogators today, Mr. President?


    He makes policy alright. Don’t intensively interrogate jihadists who fall into your hands. NO. Mirandize them. Now there’s a policy to be proud of.


    This last schauspiel by Obama demonstrates conclusively, I think, that insofar as he is concerned, he is concerned only for himself, i.e., his image, as he understands it. And for my part, he does not understand it at all.

  80. TaiChiWawa says:

    My flu haiku had to be quarantined.
    It was that good.

  81. sdferr says:

    For where in any of that did I suggest that “…the executive agencies are supposed to execute it, not go off on the first hare-brained notion they come up with; there’s plenty of hare-brained notions coming down from “upstairs” in the best of Administrations without the bureaucrats inventing their own.”

    No where, I think.

  82. newrouter says:

    “It makes no sense since they can’t possibly be fire”

    sure they can. the bureaucrats are just more process oriented unlike donald trump

  83. Jim in KC says:

    “Mirandize them” might be part of the procedure involved in the policy of treating terrorists like criminals. Might be what Ric’s getting at, sdferr.

  84. sdferr says:

    Maybe Jim, but I don’t think so. Rather, I think I tacitly ignored Ric’s perceptive commentary on the “shot across the CIA’s bow” and he, reasonably enough, took me to be speaking to that observation, rather than,as I was, riffing away from it on my own particular concern, namely, good policy as opposed to bad policy. But then that’s just my guess.

    Even bureaucrats may have wives/husbands and children who fly on airplanes and may see the stupidity in not interrogating illegal combatants.

  85. Frontman says:

    I just saw the clip of Obama’s “buck stops here” speech. I couldn’t help but think of a ventriloquist dummy.

  86. newrouter says:

    clean articulate young buck – hairplugs

  87. Jim in KC says:

    Could be. I think good anti-terrorism procedure would be to check my side arm when I board the plane for frangible ammo, then close the door. Decentralize the protection of aircraft and passengers as far out as it can get.

    (I concede that it wouldn’t have helped had abdul rottencrotch actually managed to light his bomb, but crap, it’s not practically possible to protect against everything.)

  88. sdferr says:

    Transcript Obama’s remarks today.

  89. newrouter says:

    the buck doesn’t stop in crawford

  90. McGehee says:

    it’s not practically possible to protect against everything.

    HERESY! Jim, you are hereby directed to report immediately to your nearest federal re-education center.

  91. dicentra says:

    I’m holding out for the deluxe, limited edition PW tote bag.

    Those were already distributed to Jeff’s good commenters, RD. Funny you didn’t get one.

  92. Joe says:

    RD, post your address and I will send you a tote bag.

  93. meyacone says:

    RD, obviously Santa didn’t leave the Acme Home Headectomy kit™ under your tree. Pity!

  94. Joe says:

    My wife got the kids done. I got a shot at a pharmacy for $20, which is less than going to the doc and paying the co-pay. Of course, they could have injected me with pig urine for all I know, but I “supposedly” got the H1N1.

    RD, I promise I will put something in the tote bag for you.

  95. Jim in KC says:

    Why, McGehee? Do the Feds need some re-educatin’?

  96. happyfeet says:

    where’s Darleen she’s gone

  97. happyfeet says:

    Mr. Jeff isn’t exactly super present either.

  98. Latin American colonel with large, golden epaulettes says:

    This isn’t exactly bad news for you, ‘feets.

    I’d advise a coup. With me as your right hand man.

  99. happyfeet says:

    oh. That’s cheering as well as being a good opportunity to practice goal-oriented behaviour.

  100. RD says:

    Of course, they could have injected me with pig urine for all I know, but I “supposedly” got the H1N1

    I may have to think about that for a while. In the meantime, here’s Hitler fucking a donkey.

  101. Latin American colonel with large, golden epaulettes says:

    Very true, sir. The poor children in the coffee mines, sir, they die under the current regime.

    Let them meet justice. Let them meet El Presidente Happy Feet!

  102. Latin American colonel with large, golden epaulettes says:

    Viva El Presidente Pies Felices!

    (If you’re with the revolution, signal this with a better translation, dicentra.)

  103. MathMom says:

    Is the homeopathic
    swine flu remedy

  104. newrouter says:

    Let them meet justice. let them meet hugo!11!

  105. newrouter says:

    idiots w/che: are stupid as a hobby or just stupid?

  106. small, dirty child with large, sad eyes says:

    It is true, sir. Just today, I’ve learned I might soon succumb to the dreaded café lung. It took my gran-pappa, it took pappa. Will it take me as well?

  107. geoffb says:

    Why would anyone want a pie made of lice from cats? Hold out for roaches at least.

  108. bh says:

    Careful, hf. I’ve read that Castro occasionally tempted men by pretending to fall asleep with a revolver on the bedside table.

    When fired, the gun spit out a flag that said, “Now you will die counter-revolutionary pig of dog.”

    Yes, it was a very long gun.

  109. dicentra says:

    Viva El Presidente Pies Felices!

    Uh ¿patasalegres?

    No sé. No hay equivalente en español.

  110. bh says:

    See, I’m just impressed that you can make the question mark go all La Bamba.

  111. Adriane says:

    Roses are Red,
    Violets are Blue,
    God Bless Us, Everyone,
    So we don’t get the flu …


  112. happyfeet says:

    soy happyfeet I think. My favorite tasty beverage from my experiment where I bought all the tasty beverages I could find was actually… I will tell you. brb.

  113. happyfeet says:

    these are perfect and no calorie and very tasty plus the bottle is cool… they’re kind of hard to find but you will like… the orange one is my favorite but they’re all good…

  114. bh says:

    That’s crazy talk, hf. The bestest Jarritos is always the flavor green. Or verde, as I’m a sophisticate.

  115. sdferr says:

    On rice, with a squeeze of lime, yes yes yes.

  116. geoffb says:

    ¿¿¿¿????, but how I have no idea.

  117. sdferr says:

    Doesn’t [ & i quest ; ] work if we remove the spaces? ¿

  118. happyfeet says:

    those ones have sugar bh so I have to wait cause I’m on restriction due to goal-oriented behaviours what I am practicing

    I will remember about the sardines.

  119. geoffb says:

    Yes, but that was not in the source just the ¿ which i copied and pasted. But now, thanks to you I know the code.

  120. bh says:

    Windsprints. Whether quitting smoking, training for a fight, or longing for the sweet, sweet carbonas verde (yes, perfect translation, I’m sure).

    Also good for colic and whooping cough. And impure thoughts.

  121. happyfeet says:

    hey how did your quitting go? I’m a little over 9 months.

  122. bh says:

    By the way, if you all weren’t such obvious Yalies, you’d be illegally downloading Celebrity Big Brother UK Season 7 along with me. Then we could have perfectly frivolous conversations rather than my somewhat forced coup performatives.

    I think the Swedish Basshunter guy actually likes Lady Sovereign more than the chick who dated the guy who no one remembers from the Stones.

  123. bh says:

    Still in a state of quit.

    Against a few odds but yeah, still in a state of quit.

    How you doin’?

  124. bh says:

    I know nine months, but easy or hard?

  125. happyfeet says:

    it was easy… to recap I quit coffee first and then I started with chantix and wellbutrin (zyban) and stayed on the chantix for 3 months while smoking, then three months without smoking. Then I quit the Chantix. I got cocky and quit the wellbutrin and three days after that I had the worst cravings I could remember and the next month was sort of annoying but then it got better and I can drink coffee again but I don’t dare get properly drunk yet.

    There was a slight problem with weight gain.

    I think mostly it was the cupcakes but I don’t think the pringles are blameless.

  126. geoffb says:

    the guy who no one remembers from the Stones.

    Tony Chapman? Brian Jones?

  127. bh says:

    Haven’t done chantix and maybe will stay quit regardless. I fight once in awhile so that’s a pretty good motivator by itself. No wind means a guy beats you up while others watch and cheer.

    But the wellbutrin? I’d taken that and it felt like speed or something. I took it for a short while years back and then quit when I felt like punching people. Like, I actually felt like punching people a couple times.

    Windsprints. Only side affect? You puke every time you do it right.

    Hey, I’m happy to hear that, ‘feets. Very happy to to hear that.

  128. bh says:

    Geoff, base player? I know the guitarist, lead singer and drummer. So, base player?

  129. geoffb says:

    I feel for you guys quitting. Hard.

  130. geoffb says:

    Bill Wyman

  131. bh says:

    base=bass. Man, I’ve gone phonetic.

  132. bh says:

    Checked with Google, it’s Ronald David “Ronnie” Wood. She’s Ekaterina “Katia” Ivanova. 40 years younger.

  133. geoffb says:

    Ok, the guy who replaces Brian Jones.

    40 years younger is death wishing.

  134. JD says:

    I am trying Chiantix with Zyban. I have the temperment of a pissed off rattlesnake that just had its rattle stepped on.

  135. geoffb says:

    From Jeff Beck group to “The Faces”, Rod Stewarts band, then to the Stones.

  136. happyfeet says:

    good luck JD… did you smoke for awhile on Chantix? That part is key. All the times when you don’t bother to finish the cigarette cause it’s so unrewarding cause the Chantix is blocking the happy molecules is … it helps you unlearn I think.

  137. bh says:

    Good luck, JD. Of course, as an alpha type (high level high school athlete and elephant hunter), I have a feeling you’ll quit the zyban and come to the dark side.


  138. bh says:

    Thanks, Geoff, that was bugging me.

  139. bh says:

    Every time you go to Yale, root for the Yankees, or skip your windsprints, you make Herm Edwards cry.

  140. dicentra says:

    See, I’m just impressed that you can make the question mark go all La Bamba.

    Alt + 0191

    On a PC. If you’re a Mac, you’re on your own.

    And if you want the upside-down question mark ¡ it’s Alt + 0161

  141. dicentra says:

    The bestest Jarritos is always the flavor green. … longing for the sweet, sweet carbonas verde

    Wot? What’s “carbonas” supposed to be?

    “El sabor verde” is the green flavor.

    And besides, you’re totally wrong: mandarina is the best Jarritos flavor.

  142. sdferr says:

    Or [ & # 191 ; ] less spaces, ¿ . The alt thingy eludes me dicentra, how’s that work?

    Erik Bedard is available in free agency, I think, and though he’s still recovering from shoulder surgery, he might be worth a price. Even the O’s are rumored to be willing to put in a bid.

  143. bh says:

    […]mandarina is the best Jarritos flavor.

    Counter-revolutionary pig of a dog.

    And, “carbonas”, it just makes sense. While it sounds like carbonated, it actually means “seltzer”. This was explained to me in Peru, 1942, by the last living true Roman. He was a romantic, he was.

  144. J."Trashman" Peden says:

    Everybody was Swine Flu fighting
    Their snorts were fast as lightening
    In fact it was a little bit frightening
    Snot’s expert timing

    cough cough cough cough
    oink oink oink oink

  145. sdferr says:

    I’d seen kunokephalos translated pig-dog somewhere or other, but dogface[d baboon] seems better.

  146. J."Trashman" Peden says:

    There was Little Running Nose
    And Constant Rasping Cough
    Here comes The Big One
    hack hack
    Don’t slip on that

    snort snort snort snort
    splat splat splat splat

  147. geoffb says:

    Jeff Beck Group, “Rock My Plimsoul” MP3 which someone recorded from when I saw them Nov. 1968 at The Grande Ballroom, Detroit. Wood played bass then.

    Jeff Beck – Guitar
    Ron Wood (Pre-Small Faces and Rolling Stones) – Bass
    Nicky Hopkins – Piano
    Mickey Waller -Drums
    Rod Stewart (Pre-Small Faces) – Vocals

  148. bh says:

    Heh, raise your hand if you took a brief (mentally challenged) moment to try out kunokephalos with your terrible Latin.

    Yeah, I’m really that dumb.

    (Reminds me of when I tried out dicentra’s Spanish “walking phallus” with my terrible Italian.)

  149. SBP says:

    I need to get back on the Zyban. That actually worked really well for me… felt a little bit speedy for a couple of days, but not as bad as some of you — more like I’d been drinking a little too much coffee. No cig cravings. None. It was like magic.

    Still can’t believe I started again. Dumbass.

  150. bh says:

    Shit, SBP, what’s up, buddy?

    You know how many times I felt like stealing a few of your anti-troll lines lately?

  151. geoffb says:

    St. Christopher from the earliest times has been indicated as dog-headed, and in Greek this is kunokephalos which when translated into the Roman Latin it became canineus which changed the meaning into dog-like. Eventually even this was amended and suddenly we have St. Christopher as a Canaanite (Cananeus).

  152. sdferr says:

    More Anubis than Thoth though.

  153. JD says:

    So Federale is a DHS stooge? No wonder terrorists can get bombs on planes.

  154. bh says:

    Annubis is a ruler, Thoth is an accountant. ‘Cause of the things in their hands.

    All I got.

  155. sdferr says:

    Bartok: Három Csík Megyei Népdal, too cool.

  156. sdferr says:

    More what it usually sounds like.

  157. bh says:

    Man, you love math, symmetry, consonance. Admit it. You want to kiss them and marry them.

    I found that very sad though. Like I don’t want to listen to it again.

  158. sdferr says:

    Done even better.

  159. sdferr says:

    Something a bit more chromatic then?

  160. JD says:

    This guy, Hamelin, is pretty amazing …

    This lady, Argerich, was pretty interesting …

    Yuja Wang playing the Flight of the Bumblebee. Just watch her hands. Words fail.

  161. JD says:

    I don’t care how much fun you make of me, this version of the song “Tonight” by Elton John with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is one of my all time favorite songs.

  162. JD says:

    I am the suck, and apologize for that ginormous link that will shortly fuck up your formatting.

  163. bh says:

    That’s better, S.

    Geez, listening to your #163 though, I’m not kidding, that’s just messed up. Descending eighths or tonics, whatever the hell it is, it’s just disconcerting all the way down.

  164. bh says:

    Wow, I’ve heard the Flight of the Bumblebee before but never seen it, JD. Thanks.

  165. JD says:

    Watching her fingers is mesmerizing.

  166. sdferr says:

    I haven’t heard it all yet but that Roslavets’ Preludes is outstanding so far.

    I can’t find disconcert in my Bartok bh. Nohow, noway. Specially the last which jumps me as heroic as it gets.

  167. bh says:

    It’s heroic like a father jumping into a lake to save his daughter, sdferr. Then they both die. You don’t get that from it?

    Viscerally, it’s beautiful, but still, seriously, it’s like the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.

  168. sdferr says:

    Martha Argerich I’ve posted here before performing Brahms’ Two Piano Variations on a Theme by Haydn

  169. JD says:

    I ran across this one too, Annie’s Song by John Denver. My parents took me to a John Denver concert when I was young. I think he did a version of Edelweis with Julie Andrews that I really enjoyed.

  170. JD says:

    If you can watch this an not laugh out loud while tapping your feet then something is way way way wrong with you …

  171. JD says:

    sdferr – I have nothing in my background that would suggest I know a damn thing about how to judge a pianist. Hell, I don’t even know the right terms. Argerich’s phrasing and tempo is just so, elegant.

  172. bh says:

    Okay, rather pedestrian stuff but the foot work still freaks me out.

  173. sdferr says:

    I’m liking the Gourds too JD, great energy (shame about the recording distortion on the live version), second take much mo’ betta.

    Check out the second Burlesque (starts at 2:38 in), titled Slightly Tipsy.

  174. JD says:

    Now you guys have me thinking about when I used to take piano lessons, 13 freakin years. I used to love to play L’arabesque by Burgmuller?

  175. JD says:

    bh – That would be freaking exhausting.

  176. JD says:

    There is a guy/douchebag that has my name but plays the tenor sax. He is ruining the name of JD.

  177. sdferr says:

    pIpE dReAmS’ show tunes eh?

  178. bh says:

    Heh, JD, that Snoop cover was on the disc I burned with rap covers and punk ska covers that I drove around in Chicago with for almost a year.

    This cover was on it, too. (That’s the blond chick from Veruca Salt.)

  179. bh says:

    Okay, ‘night, you surprising cultured goofballs, you.

  180. bh says:

    Okay, prequel to the good night, ’cause this is just weird.

    That song you just linked, JD. I heard it hundreds of times in my youth and I was trying to figure out what bar it was in. Turns out it was the Johnson Street Connection.

    Looking for it, I remembered another place we used to be able to drink underage.

    You might get a kick out of the name.

  181. bh says:

    “J D’s Place – Sometimes you just don’t want to pay $12 for a drink. On those nights, head out to J D’s Place, located at W7051 Us Highway 151. And while they may be cheaper, they’re definitely not weaker.”

    The description. Heh. And heh again.

  182. Rusty says:

    my body aches all over
    I feel like I want to puke.
    Swine flu, or hangover?

  183. Dana says:

    OK, in two days, we’ve gotten two whole posts from our esteemed host. Wednesdays had a four word title and was six words long, and Thursdays has a twelve word title and thirteen words (in seventeen syllables). And here I thought that Protein Wisdom was supposed to be a full-service blog!

  184. Our host is getting the shot
    The flu he will catch not
    Maybe he’ll write
    Something not trite
    If his keyboard’s not covered with snot.

  185. McGehee says:

    OT: Is Insty taking a slap at somebody here?

    But cheap and bogus charges of racism are so common nowadays, that they don’t matter like they used to. And I’m not just talking about the ones from Charles.

    Heh. Indeed.

  186. B Moe says:

    Yuja Wang playing the Flight of the Bumblebee. Just watch her hands. Words fail.

    Amazing. Now how do you pronounce her name?

  187. dicentra says:

    The alt thingy eludes me dicentra, how’s that work?

    Oh, sorry. While pressing the Alt key, type the number on the numeric keypad. Just the numeric keypad. Doesn’t work on a laptop unless you can get that dumb think in the middle of the QWERTY working.

    Also, you can go to Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map and find what you need. Here’s a bunch I dragged off the character map.

    ¢ ¥ ¾ ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  188. dicentra says:

    Reminds me of when I tried out dicentra’s Spanish “walking phallus” with my terrible Italian.

    This is what I’m remembered for. Falo ambulante.

    I hate all of you.

  189. Looks like tomorrow I get vaccinated against H1N1 whether I want it or not.

  190. mike says:

    As a parent of a child with special needs I’d like to have the last word on the word retard. Actually it’s a slur, just like the N word or the word kike, spic, or chink. Yet in a way, because it’s directed at the most vulnerable of our society it’s slightly more hateful than the others. I mean, most people with special needs aren’t able to defend themselves against the mocking. Doesn’t that just make you a bully for using it? Either that or a guy with a very small dick who needs to prove himself.

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