Time to keep a running list of Sarah Palin’s sins — lovingly gathered, mostly in crazed speculative form, by members of the Church of Diversity and Otherness Coddling, and reprinted here, with my gloss, for your delectation.
1) Alan Colmes: Poor prenatal care (waiting too long after her water broke to get to a hospital) on Palin’s part created a Downs baby. Reached for comment, Science suggested Colmes shut his ignorant yap — and for Chrissakes, get a tan.
2) Andrew Sullivan, et al: “Concern” that Palin taking time away from the young defective she should have shitcanned with a metal rod and some clinical suction (call it “compassionate eugenics“!) could cause even more harm to the useless little drain on society that should never have been born in the first place (call it “the nurturer’s addendum for those greedy hick breeders who refused to take the high road and just snuff the damaged goods in utero”). A child needs a stay-at-home-mother! — if that child happens to be the child of a Republican breeder! Or haven’t you people been paying attention to the nuances of establishment feminist theory?*
3) Also via Sullivan: Two of the Palin’s children, Piper and Willow, share names with characters from shows that deal with “witchcraft” (“Charmed,” I believe?) — though they were born and named before the show first aired. This is suggestive to Sullivan — the last of the true conservatives (well, if you don’t count Glenn Greenwald(s) and John Cole) — that the Palins are into Satanic occultism. Either that, or they like Piper Laurie (Carrie’s Mom! Fast Eddie’s gimp gal pal!) or small aircraft. In which case, just sick.
As for Willow — a city in Alaska, a Val Kilmer dwarf movie, a tree? Please. This has Old Scratch worship written all over it.
(h/t TomB)
4) From Aravosis — evidently frustrated in not yet being able to find pics of Palin’s husband getting busy with his boatmates (project name: “GAY PORN COCK OF ATLANTIC COD HARVESTING”) — news that the Palin’s son was born eight months after the elopement of the still married parents. Suggesting that Sarah and the first dude of AK may have gotten busy in the backseat of a pickup to some INXS — resulting in the necessity for a shotgun wedding that has lasted many many years —
5) — But at what cost? Whose children are whose, really? Can we tell? I mean, do they even have blood tests in Alaska? If I recall my “Northern Exposure,” those folks were living almost like blubber boiling Inuit igloo people — until a New Yorker showed up to save them all from their backward-ass selves.
Thus far, I’ve heard speculation, via Daily Kos, that two of Sarah’s children are actually her grandchildren, and that in one case, incest was involved. Which, maybe these folks should get together with Alan Colmes to try to explain the phantom water breaking of a non-pregnant woman.
And if that fails, bring in Sullivan. Because as he’ll tell you, the Devil would have no problem orchestrating that kind of misdirection.
6) Palin, according to the “feminists” at Feministe and Pandagon, is an “anti-feminist” and “anti-woman” — appealing as she does to women who feel inferior, and who don’t adequately mistrust the patriarchy. Her deeds are unimportant. That she has made her own way on her own gifts and hard work suggests that she has adopted the mindset of a man. Because as everyone knows, we can never truly have “equality” or a “strong female role model” until we have a number of laws that give women special dispensation — laws that are embraced and championed by women of white privilege, not callously ignored by moose dressing hicks with beehives and stretched uteri, married to men who, like, fish unironically.
Real feminists back Bill Clinton and John Edwards — whose love for this country is so strong that sometimes they feel as though they have to stick their cocks into all of it.
7) Palin’s good looks (which really aren’t good at all: she’s got ghastly hair, and the windburned color of a high plains strumpet) suggest she was chosen for the ticket, according to some CNN pool reporters, because she’s giving McCain regular hummers. How else to explain it? I mean, Eleanor Clift and her fellow reporters literally laughed at the choice. Is McCain serious? This woman has virtually no experience! Unlike Obama — who, though he doesn’t have experience, cannot be held responsible for such a gaping hole in his resume. Institutional racism, you see. Experience is relative. It’s a black thing, you wouldn’t understand. Says Whitey.
8) The Politico reports, “Presidential scholars say [Sarah Palin] appears to be the least experienced, least credentialed person to join a major-party ticket in the modern era.”
…Well, other than Obama, it goes without saying. But just who are these “presidential scholars”?:
UPDATE: After reading this article, the McCain campaign issued the following statement: “The authors quote four scholars attacking Gov. Palin’s fitness for the office of vice president. Among them, David Kennedy is a maxed-out Obama donor, Joel Goldstein is also an Obama donor, and Doris Kearns Goodwin has donated exclusively to Democrats this cycle. Finally, Matthew Dallek is a former speech writer for Dick Gephardt. This is not a story about scholars questioning Gov. Palin’s credentials so much as partisan Democrats who would find a reason to disqualify or discount any nominee put forward by Sen. McCain.â€Â
Post-partisanship, people. Take a big whiff of the hope and change!
9) Maureen Dowd, aging beauty whose Manhattanite sensibilities and upper-crust connections mark her as, like, so totally different from Palin (Modo would never dress a moose, naturally — unless it arrived at one of her parties wearing something completely inappropriate), that she’s going to spend the next few months making sure she you know it:
“The P.T.A. is great preparation for dealing with the K.G.B.,†President Palin murmurs to Todd, as they kiss in the final scene while she changes Trig’s diaper. “Now that Georgia’s safe, how ’bout I cook you up some caribou hot dogs and moose stew for dinner, babe?â€Â
My goodness! This hick comedy is golden!
Forced? Why, how dare you! Likely to alienate a great swath of voters? Well, perhaps. But that’s assuming they can read. I mean, it’s not like she’s writing this in Reader’s Digest, TV Guide or, you know, the Bible.
Really. Like that New Yorker cover, this is not really meant for certain people. Sniff.
10) Palin? Positively Cheneyesque. Probably actually uses Heinz 57 on her mooseburgers. The trailer trash queen of all that is evil and unholy…
11) If you’re going to RAPE THE SEAS, you need government approval. EARTH KILLER!
12) Josh Marshall asks, simply, “Eagleton”? The idea? That Palin is a head fake, a way to win the election (which of course the Republicans can’t win, given the unseriousness of the pick, and how a horrified and insulted electorate will recoil from such calculated frippery — but you know, just in case), at which point Palin, having propelled McCain into the White House, will step down, allowing the guy with the magic underwear to be named in her place. Evidently, this accomplishes…uh, I’m not really sure. “Fucking over the people who voted for you for no reason that anyone can think of,” maybe? (h/t Robin Mac and Pablo)
13) McCain has suspended the RNC convention because Palin is unprepared. Meaning, I guess, that she simply doesn’t have the proper shoes! And that will not do!
— Or else, the suggestion is that’s she’s not ready quite for primetime — something that none of her appearances since the announcement of her selection seems thus far to corroborate. So it’s gotta be the shoe problem.
Blessedly, a potentially deadly hurricane has come along to give the GOP time to find themselves a fast-working Henry Higgins. And maybe bring in Stacey and Clinton to convince Gov Palin to trade in her pelts for something with better lines, and with subtle-but-interesting patterns that say, “Yes, I’m a conservative woman, but no, I won’t, on my way to scrubbing the chum off the trawler deck, gut you with a Bowie knife for doubting creationism.”
Which, I guess, would put them in rather famous company when it comes to thanking God for another pointed natural disaster coming along just when it was most needed… (thanks to Victor)
14) Uh oh. Looks like Palin might have just lost the BK crowd…
15) More Sullivan, who is now checking birth records. So far, he can’t find the proper documentation. Which means, of course, that TRIG’S MOTHER WAS A JACKAL!
(thanks to topsecretk9)
16) More to come? Oh. I have no doubt.
update: Lee Stranahan at Huffpo takes on the Kossacks. (h/t Dan, in the comments)
update 2: Oopsie!
Be sure to read the comments for clarification.
It’s gonna be hard for the McCain camp not to be racists from here on out.
After all, a white woman may be appearing within the vicinity of Barack Obama whenever the two tickets appear on stage together.
Karl Rove must have been kept out of the loop on this one.
Posts like this are why I love PW. And Shannon Elizabeth’s tits.
Real feminists back Bill Clinton and John Edwards  whose love for this country is so strong that sometimes they feel as though they have to stick their cocks into all of it.
My God! Didn’t this hick bimbo learn anything from Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey et al? Real feminists do not challenge male Democrats.
Damn, dude, that was epic. You should cut your fingers off more often.
I think the sheer volume of trolls and mobys breaching across the conservative side of the web is the single most remarkable aspect of the first day after McCain picked Palin.
Having access and the ability to transmit information almost instantly is very much a double edged sword.
The Obots seemed to have pulled their Palin Response File out of the back of a cabinet – a dusty cabinet – and fed it into their MemeBlaster2000 the moment her name appeared as the pick.
They obviously have opposition research and talking points ready for many possible VP picks…. but the delivery, rhetoric, and sheer volume of their response demonstrates to me that their clear priority is to establish Teh Narrative as the all-controlling, over arching environment that the media operates inside of for the next nine weeks.
Team O! will brook no MSM attention to Ayres and whatever other terrorist, criminal, or racists the Chosen One chooses to not want to hear about.
But picking Palin seems to have put a big hurt on any remaining logic circuits still scattered amongst the Followers; McCain picked a conservative woman and we have MSM people lecturing that Huckabee or Lieberman were missed opportunities?
What a great country this is.
And I expect thor to pop up and write something unironically sexist in a few moments…
It looks like the dreaded women hating Neanderthals have set up camp with the democrats and found the residents to be warm and welcoming.
I have to think that the volume of women hating slime the Palin nomination has produced is going to help the republicans with women voters.
Let’s do a reality show that involves sending Maureen and a bunch of other NYT journalists to a little town in Alaska for a year. Like Naknek, or, better yet, Tok.
and also as usual the “libprogs” pull out all the sexist crap they can. Jeff, how can you stand reading this crap?
I can’t even think of Andi and Firedogcrap and Feministe without wanted to puke a little.
– Yeh. Right. Steel trap logic. She’s racsist because, well, uhhh, well she’s white. And, and….and shes a Republican.
– The Lefts rhetorical boat is starting to leak like a 1930’s Chinese Junk.
– Looking at the desperate yammering on the Left, if this is the best they have she’ll be fine as long as she steps up to the plate in her upcoming appearances.
– On a serious note, not involving children pretending to be adults, McCain just suspended most of tomorrows Rep convention.
– “The convention will open as required by committee rules, and then hold a party session to plan for the next day, and then have a briefing session with the pres, and then adjourn. We will go on a day to day versus, directly dependent on the conditions on the Golf coast.” – RNC spokesperson.
– A more detailed comment is being given to the press by McCains campaign manager on FOX.
Short post:
O! wanted to run on “We are HOPE and CHANGE (me and Joe 30 Year Senator Biden) and we aren’t BUSH!!!
Truly. If the MSM just did what they were expected to do, this election would be over. Palin emerges and now Team O! has to formulate reaction and counters every damned news cycle.
This pace does not permit scripting of events, nor rehearsals for the O!man to get the brilliant and insightful sound bites just too fucking right…
The initiative is with McCain now. And his team is busy…
… watching, noting, and organizing the gaffes spilling out of the O!camp, its media allies, and the Leftosphere.
YouTube has got to be cheaper than the cheapest of PR flack outfits. But what a sweet tool to use… if you know the rules.
Ushie — I hate it. But this stuff needs wide dissemination, and, given that the media elite appear to be in agreement, it’s going to have to reach people somehow.
Google searches, I hope. Wide linkage. Email forwarding. Who knows?
Talkeetna has the best mix of urban and rural Alaskan ‘charm’ IMO.
How about this:
Palin is a flip flopper! She voted for the bridge to nowhere before she voted against it!
Where upon I find this ironic and timely tidbit.
Also, Obama and 81 other senators opposed an amendment in 2005 to strike the infamous $231 million “Bridge to Nowhere†earmark for Alaska and redirect that funding to help with rebuilding New Orleans.
Does Obama hate black people?
Jeff, true. Finding this stuff out leaves me with ammo to work with at the very liberal place at which I work.
I’m pretty sure I’ll hear the “teen daughter pregnancy” Tuesday, first thing…sigh…
My god, you’d think an honest progressive would read this and shrivel up in embarrassment. This post is truly something to behold, Jeff.
– McCain: “With this threat to the safety and well being of our citizens along the Southern coast, the time is now to take off our Republican hats, and put on our American hats.” – unquote.
– And meanwhile, where is Obama and Biden? Continuing their campaign tour in rural America.
Ushie, remind your liberal co-workers about how up-in-arms Democratic women were about the few instances of (mostly) mild and ambiguous sexism that Hillary encountered during her campaign, and then ask her why the torrent of sexist sewage being poured on Palin is being met with tacit approval by their side.
That’s good work, Mr. Goldstein. I’m not really surprised Democrats would be so vile towards Sarah P like that, cause they’re just kind of like that, but I am kind of surprised that so far it’s Hillary Clinton that’s been a class act, while Baracky and his media have been kind of immature I think. A lot immature really. Baracky needs to grow up. Bless his heart. I don’t think he ever thought he’d actually get the nomination. He must be scared to death.
Ushie  I hate it. But this stuff needs wide dissemination, and, given that the media elite appear to be in agreement, it’s going to have to reach people somehow.
I agree Jeff. It’s stomach turning to even have to acknowledge it, but I think that’s part of the problem so it’s just goes lower and lower.
Send it to everyone you know.
It’s really a horrifying read if you think about it. The idea is that these people would be in power and have carte blanche to take this approach to all political opposition. It’s like how they do it in Malaysia. I don’t think Andrew Sullivan really wants to live in Malaysia. He’d really have a hard go of it there.
– In retrospect, as compared to say the gaffes of Imus, people should flood FOX with Emails and demand Colmes be fired.
If Drudge picked it up he very likely could be, BBH.
TmjUtah McCain’s campaign has seemingly (at least through my filters) been able to stay within O!’s OODA loop this phase of the campaign. Sucking the air out of every turn that the Anointed One’s staff have attempted to orchestrate. As one commenter noted in an earlier thread, he [McCain] is in a dogfight and has Obama in his sights.
Palin is a great move, and further moves McCain in a direction with the party that he has wanted to drag everyone to. That is, yes, you can be conservative, even evangelical if you want, but it does not mean that you have to play the part established be the media, Hollywood, or the liberals. This website is like that… South Park Conservatives are an example, and Right Wing Hippies. Hell, Log Cabin Republicans still blow the minds of those who want to pigeon hole everyone.
I’m sorry, but this is awesomely awesome and classic. I read it like 5 times in a row. Wanted to hear it again and again.
Aldo, because she’s a Republican…more sighs.
10) Palin? Positively Cheneyesque.
When Sarah Palin shoots a lawyer he stays down.
Hypocrisy so thick you can cut it with a knife.
Is that a racist dog whistle? I didn’t mean anything by that. Mexicans and Puerto Ricans carry knives, while blacks carry ice picks, sharpened can openers and the like.
Shit, there I go again.
Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight. Didn’t Barack say that? Fuckin’ gang banger.
Look, all righteous indignantion and related joking aside, I don’t think it is fair or kind to criticize any woman, as you do indirectly here, for ending a Trisomy 21 pregancy. People, perhaps, are not familiar with how very bad that disability can be, or the attendant extra risks for the pregnant woman, for that matter – and, as if, these were the only considerations….
Look, besides cognitive problems and behavioural issues that are very significant, Trisomy 21 children can suffer very badly from other conditions that are part of the syndrome…. heart defects, hearing problems, gut problems, early alzheimers. Some Trisomy 21 affected individuals are bedridden and profoundly disabled. Some forms are worse than others.
There are individual family issues that have to be taken into consideration. They are not nothing. I won’t rail on about it.
I would condemn any fathead like Alan Colmes for daring to question Palin’s choice to bear whatever child the lord saw fit to bless her with. But conversely I really take issue with painting people who choose to end a Trisomy 21 pregnancy as Hitler.
You’re welcome, Jeff.
What do I have to give you next, a condo in Ocean City?
I can not believe what I am hearing on FOX news right now, Connecticut Governor was asked if Obama or Biden had plans to go to the Gulf Region and she said without a HINT of irony that Obama and Biden are much more responsible to go there because there presence would be a distraction on and on
Recall that Bush said the same at Katrina and the left lost their cookies
And when faced with the Fowler video her answer was Vice President Cheney was fly fishing when Katrina hit.
same during Katrina
much more responsible NOT to go
was typing too fast
I did no such thing, Sarah. What I AM criticizing is the rhetoric of nishi and thor, et al, which has treated the child as it were of no value, and has been delivered in the most demeaning terms. They presume to speak to Palin’s “choice.” This has nothing whatever to do with other women and their private choices. I am not pro-life; I am reluctantly pro-choice, though I advocate for restrictions, and the overturn of bad law.
So I think you miss the point.
“But conversely I really take issue with painting people who choose to end a Trisomy 21 pregnancy as Hitler.”
– I would totally agree with you Sarah. It’s a personal decision of the hardest kind, and most private sort.
– But we didn’t start it with efforts to bring every sort of excuse to support setting up drive through abortion boutiques on aisle #5 at WalMart.
– After years of listening o the Feminists and the majority of the Left, I have not the least doubt that given their choice, they’d have pharmaceuticals providing do-it-yourself kits for use in the bathtub.
– I, for one, have absolutely no problem with her decision, whatever it might have been, or any women in the case of a Downs baby.
Magnificent rant Jeff! The Dems have been out-maneuvered and they know it – hence the kitchen sink attacks. McCain came out of the sun and is on the Dali Bama’s tail. Palin rocks!
[…] from Jeff G. at Protein Wisdom. H/T […]
[…] anyway, I was going to drag you through all of that. But then fortunately for all of us Jeff Goldstein got there firstest with the […]
My family people never listen when I tell them they should have abortions.
Look, all righteous indignantion and related joking aside, I don’t think it is fair or kind to criticize any woman, as you do indirectly here, for ending a Trisomy 21 pregancy.
Where did he say that?
I can miscarry this child all on my own thank you very much they say. And I say I know you can, sweetie.
Um, between the lines. The choice of mocking language. If I’m wrong to take it that way, just take it as a caution that it is possible to read “snuff the damaged goods” as such a criticism.
Matthew Dallek
Well, there’s the giveaway right there. He’s a hysterical Dalek!
</Dr Who>
So I think you miss the point.
Yes, Sarah. If you read through some of their comments you too would be repulsed.
Sarah, those lines were to be read in the lulz of nishi and the “polychromatic folly” of thor — and all those who secretly agree with them. If some people take at it as you did, some people would be mistaken to do so — particularly given that I link to such expression, and especially because I am not an anti-abortion absolutist by any stretch.
I don’t disagree with you about the reprehensibility of insisting a woman end a pregnancy because of Trisomy 21 or any other severe defect. Nishi in particular has gone off the cliff in that direction.
I don’t think I missed the point, as I understood your mocking, as much to caution you it does sound as if you think that’s how people who deal with the question of continuing a pregnancy complicated by birth defects think.
The point with Trig is that Sarah exercised her Pro Choice right, and did so knowingly… but because it was not the liberals’ idea of the “right choice,” she is to be castigated. So, there is no choice at all. What “we decree best, is, and ever shall be.” We know better.
– Ex-Govenor Blanco was just interviewed on FOX and asked “what if anything had been learned from her mistakes during Katrina”.
– Now if any of your are holding drinks of any sort, you might want to set them down before you read any further. Her answer:
– “Its going to be quite different this time around because in the last three years tremendous improvements have been made in the readiness and preparations of Local, State, and Federal resources and support….”
– I think I just heard several million Progressive heads exploding.
– Blanco is saying that Bush actually did something right?
– I guess once you’re out of office and no longer under the thumb of the DNC you can actually be honest once in awhile.
Actually, I linked directly to those who have no stake in the matter making such arguments. Which, too, was part of the point.
#46 cont. :
Or rather, It’s hard not to read into those words some contempt for women who make the opposite choice from Pail.
Palin, not Pail.
[…] She smote the gob of Andrew He lay heartached on the floor I was putting my own boot in As the left cried out, “You whore!†Now the blogs were humming harder Colmes’s post had flown away When we called out for another dink Avarosis had his say […]
It’s official: The tiny particle of brain still lodged in the collective left-wing brain has cracked. I really have to think back if I’ve ever seen lunacy of this scale and quality before.
She’s a great pick I think and I am very excited about the drilling and the fiscal sensibilities and the job creating. Also she just seems like someone who would really represent our country in a way we can be really proud of. Baracky and M’chelle spend a lot of time and energy being ashamed of America. Sarah P just says hey we can make it better. I like that.
She has a very can-do optimism that she radiates.
When Sarah Palin shoots a lawyer he stays down.
We ought to do a “Sarah Palin Facts” post based on those Chuck Norris Fact goofs. This would get my vote for number one.
Or rather, It’s hard not to read into those words some contempt for women who make the opposite choice from Pail.
OK Sarah, you made your point. But some of us just aren’t seeing it.
Frankly, after reading for the past few days about Palin’s “burden”, and how, since she didn’t dispose of it properly she now needs to carry it around on her person so nobody gets it on their feet, I’m starting to get a little sick. You see, my little brother has Down’s. I’m on the board of directors of a company that employs many like him. And my dental practice treats most of those workers, among others.
IOW, I’ve had an entire life of this “burden”, and that term has never, ever crossed my mind.
You’re welcome to assert your right to terminate a Down’s pregnancy, but I’m tired of utterly ignorant people telling me that guy I’ve lived with for over 30 years is a “burden”.
[…] positive. I’d rather not wade into the muck of leftist hypocrisy (I’ll leave that to Jeff G at Protein Wisdom — warning, not a good link if you want to avoid rough language, Jeff’s a bit um, […]
I think she’s a great pick. I’m very excited about her support for Alaskan drilling, her fiscal sensibilities and her job-creation skills.
Also, she just seems like someone who would represent our country in a way we can be really proud of. The Obamas spend a lot of time and energy being ashamed of America. Palin just says, “Hey, we can make it better.” I like that. She radiates a very can-do optimism.
That’s good work, Jeff. I’m not really surprised Democrats would be so vile toward Palin like that; it’s just the way they are. But I am kind of surprised that it’s Hillary Clinton who’s been a class act, while Obama and his media have been kind of immature. Very immature, really.
Obama needs to grow up. Bless his heart — I don’t think he ever thought he’d actually get the nomination. He must be scared to death.
My family members never listen when I tell them they should have abortions.
“I can miscarry this child all on my own, thank you very much,” they say. And I say, “I know you can, sweetie.”
– Is there an echo in here?
Whoa now. SarahW isn’t like all about the aborting of the Down’s babies. She’s just saying that aborting one is understandable. One of them can be financially a lot devastating, Mr. Dentist, and other people can get hurt. SarahW is all about the freedom I think, she’s just saying hey for some people it’s the right decision, not having a kid they don’t feel they could take care of right.
– Understood feets. But I don’t think publishing the craziness of the Left, including some biting parody of their own words, means you’re advocating for anything one way or the other.
A Tok show? I like it!
Jeez. I’m going to Starbucks mostly just cause I have so many giftcards I should probably be using up. I feel a lot self-conscious here.
Whoa, now. SarahW isn’t advocating the abortion of Down babies. She’s just saying that aborting one is understandable. One of them can be financially devastating, Mr. Dentist, and other people can get hurt.
I think SarahW is advocating freedom. She’s just saying, “Hey, for some people, aborting a kid for whom they could not properly care is the right decision.”
SarahW isn’t like all about the aborting of the Down’s babies. She’s just saying that aborting one is understandable.
No, she’s saying Jeff is “criticiz(ing) any woman, as you do indirectly here, for ending a Trisomy 21 pregancy”.
Nobody else can quite find that in his post.
Jeez. I’m going to Starbucks mostly just cause I have so many giftcards I should probably be using up. I feel a lot self-conscious here.
Baracky needs to grow up. Bless his heart. I don’t think he ever thought he’d actually get the nomination. He must be scared to death.
I have thought this same thing many times, ‘feets. He will be lucky to avoid a total meltdown as the speed and pressure increase.
– Looks like you have a fan feets.
– Either that or a new Mynah bird you weren’t aware of.
Epic post.
It seems like a lot of us are jumping to concubines, here.
No, no. Like this:
Jeez. I’m going to Starbucks, mainly because I have so many giftcards I should probably be using. I feel very self-conscious here.
Swen, it’s more “One Toke Over the Line.”
SarahW just wants to make sure any woman who made that choice who reads this post doesn’t feel judged is all I think. It’s a nice impulse. If it’s a thought that occurred to her after reading Jeff’s post then there you go. Not everybody has to get whacked upside the head with the intentionalism stick all the time. Save that for thems what really need it I think.
If you have the intellect of a four year old things like this are funny, you see.
“Real feminists back Bill Clinton and John Edwards  whose love for this country is so strong that sometimes they feel as though they have to stick their cocks into all of it.”
I think SarahW just wants to make sure any woman who made that choice doesn’t feel judged. It’s a nice impulse. If such a thought occurred to her after reading Jeff’s post, then there you go. Not everybody has to get whacked upside the head with the intentionalism stick all the time. Save that for those who really deserve it.
OK, that’s all.
Happyfeet is fun to read, besides bringing a lot to the table, he has a style that is very likable.
without all that…stuff; unimaginative, and redundant.
Joe Biden, is that you?
– Why are you bringing up thor again Moe?
Now for real I’m going but not for one of those new smoothies cause I already had that and it was lame chocolate banana and it only comes in a sippy cup size. Jamba is right next door anyway.
I nominate this place.
– Jamba rawks….Big too.
Ooooo, Sarah is on FOX right now…wjth her hair down!
If I have any further point that I can assert, it’s that Alan Colmes tried to attack what could not be attacked directly.
He meant to cast Palin as being reckless and imprudent in all her “fertility management” issues. Darleen was right. Knickers: twisted.
Her choice * to have her baby* is being cast as a fool rushing into danger, blind to the full ramifications of her choices or in reckless disreguard of them. Colmes could not so much as say so and show his face ever again in public.
But He saw a line of attack that could, as a winking reminder, serve to point up the hidden agenda, counting on his audience to fill in the blanks.
Palin appeals to a very large demographic that the Democrats have abandoned. She is married to a man, and she doesn’t seem at all unhappy with her situation. This is problematic for disgruntled HRC Democrats. Joe “would you like some sugar with your restraining order, Ma’am?” Biden Democrats believe that women should be able to leave their marriages for any reason or for no reason, and that taxpayers and child support enforcement policies must be designed to make this choice a neutral one, with no economic consequences at all for mom and her children. The fact that she remains married to a man – after 20 years! – and has born 5 children with him is deeply troubling to Democrats.
The fact that she’s been able to embark on a successful political career, and still have 5 children, is a thumb in the eye as far as Democrats are concerned. Democrats maintain that the freedom to have both children and a career requires government assistance, since men, by their very nature, have to be compelled by government to support women and their children. When a women chooses a lifelong partnership with a man, all she is doing is making a sneaky end-run around the government, selfishly consuming his wages and his labor directly from the source.
Ok, too much Gustav. try CSpan I
DailyKos Embraces The Palin ‘Fake Pregnancy’ Rumor But Rejects The Edwards Story
– Colmes should be frog marched with a box of his office possessions to the nearest exit of the FOX studios by a burly fem security guard, who delivers a nice wedgie to his shorts as he flys out the door.
without all that…stuff/Jonas/Sedlar/Conflusion/What —
Pick a name and stick with it, please. And don’t waste my bandwidth.
Palin’s Criminal Past (by Gil Nett)
I knew I was hip and out front, ahead of the curve with this Northern shit. My favorite show is Ice Road Truckers. I bet Sarah and Todd even know some of those guys…despite them all being Canucks.
So, could Governor Palin make the Seventh Avenue fashionistas go all musher next season, cause I think hip waders and Bunny Boots could retail like hell in Bloomingdales…in the right colors, of course.
– I’ll tell you what. If I’d have been in Hannity’s chair when Colmes let lose with that shitty little Lefturd comment, the watching public would have been treated to the first on camera broken jaw.
[…] hate. Iconic Midwest: Looks at how important Alaska is to our National Security Protein Wisdom: O the HYPOCRISY! Melissa Clouthier: on knowing your body and childbirth Estate Vaults on the changes being made this […]
These tone-blind mummies of happy’s comments are incredibly subtle satires of
a) exceptionally “late-term” abortion of the genetically imperfect
b) big-media and Beltway Republican condescension toward Palin and her presumed contintuency
c) one-size bureaucratic hamhandedness resuting from the erosion of federalism
d) Whitey’s linguistic imperialism
e) W.E.B. Du Bois
f) themselves
(You missed “upside the head,” you dumb hick (or incredibly subtle satirist).)
After graduating college, I lived in Valdez (before the disaster) working the salmon fishery. I lived in a tent by the river that flows into the sound there, with my brother Tim and friend Steve, and we were trying to save our money, so one evening I got a good boot into a silver salmon as it swam upstream to spawn, then jumped on it where it flopped about on the bank.
A half hour later we were eating it beside a campfire when some stranger came up and asked us about it. How had we prepared the salmon. We were afraid it was a game warden, but Steve slyly said that it was poached. And the guy took that information and left.
Wow, even with her hair down she comes across as a serious person.
And not one uh, or stumble yet.
“let me tell you, as the commander of the Alaska Nation Guard, and the mother of one of those soldiers, I want this man as the CIC.”
Obama is in sooo much trouble, she was magnificent!
Broken jaw? Please Negro. I doubt your French kissing Colmes would result in much more than a tongue cramp.
Hey Jeff,
That dude that linked you back at #58 called you “um, colorful.” Now that’s just fucked up. And racist.
Folks, you think this is bad, imagine the response to a Palin/Jindal ticket…
It was only a matter of time!
Bravo –
Jeff, I read the post through once and even waded almost hip deep through the worst of the links.
Then I read to comment seventy odd and went back and read it again, then shucked tomatoes of their skins with Mrs. Tmj (who thinks that Palin is… scary fundie. But she said that was the impression she got from …NPR.)
GREAT post; important, even. I’ll read it again later. Maybe the meat will get through by then…
Hate to be superficial but Palin is a decent looking middle aged woman (not as fine as my wife, but who is) Colmes looks like the spawn of James Carville and a praying mantis.
I always think of a heavily made up Crypt Keeper when I see Colmes.
I’m thinking that thor better hope he never finds himself in the same room as Todd Palin.
Stop Smearing Sarah Palin.
A friend forwarded this to me from a friend of his. New stuff, but relevant.
We need to make sure these mainstream Democrat opinions get the widest possible dissemination. Let the people of America see the cesspools that are liberal minds.
You know, everyone, I am about ready to say that I’ve seen the worst of the worst in America. That being this crap being flung up by the Daily Kos and Alan Colmes. And it has me seriously thinking about not getting into politics again after the 2008 election.
This stuff is just so sickening, that I really do not think that I could handle it all that much. It just worries me that it’s only going to get worse in the upcoming decade.
I have a niece to defend, and if it means giving up getting into politics to do it, I have to do what I have to do.
Ok, I just heard a new one: It’s a hoax. Palin is the ultimate head fake. McCain chose her so he could win the White House, then she is going to resign, and Mitt Romney is going to have to take her place without ever having to answer a single debate question from Biden.
Not kidding.
You know when you’re at your best? When you shove back that plate of nachos and get all up in it. Jeff G. with a righteous cause is a scary thing to behold. And thank GOD you’re out here, using yr rhetorical awesomeness to blow these cretins – (is what’s wrong with A. Combes something he can blame on his mother?) away. Amen. You get ’em, J.G.
[…] August 31, 2008 · No Comments Real feminists back Bill Clinton and John Edwards  whose love for this country is so strong that … […]
A few more hit pieces that I came across today.
“Right Wing Hypocrisy: Palin’s Marxist Redistribution of Oil Wealth….”
“Palin Unprepared. Using a Category 3 Hurricane as cover, McCain suspended RNC to buy time…”
Glad you’re back, Jeff!
Oh, yeah. Here’s Josh Marshall being all sly about it.
BTW any word who Doris Kearns Goodwin stole her statement from?
I had to remind myself Anchorage has numbered avenues too — I kept wondering when Seventh Avenue in Fairbanks became a shopping district.
Or were you referring to someplace else?
LMAO @ Josh Marshall. Every time the port side finds itself flat-footed and outmaneuvered, it concocts scores of dark conspiracy theories instead of facing the icy, unpleasant fact that it was outplayed yet again. After all, it must be…how could they be losing to such idiots if not for the faceless, unnamed wire-pullers?
It has only been one step for the pro-abortion crowd of Planned Parenthood/NARAL and their advocates in the Vagina Warrior orbit to go from supporting a woman’s choice to abort a less-than perfect child to slamming a (non-left) woman who chooses to go ahead and bring such a child to term.
It is part and parcel of the same indecent hate and mockery that was levied against Terri Schiavo herself — that less than “perfect” humans should not be suffered to live.
This kind of thinking leads to stuff like this.
This stuff needs to be pointed out and mocked unmercifully, because the Left certainly shows no mercy towards anyone outside their tribe.
[…] must read Jeff Goldstein’s treatise on the subject. Here’s just one tidbit about Sarah Palin’s being the anti-feminist: 6) Palin, according to the “feminists†at Feministe and Pandagon, is an “anti-feminist†[…]
Sarah Palin has an uncanny resemblance to Diana Prince (AKA Wonder Woman.) Just imagine her spinning off her glasses, letting her hair down, and lassoing the Dems with her truth rope at the debate!
[…] read Goldstein’s post, I can only call this one of the more civil, coherent leftist critiques to come out of this […]
How to Tell That McCain Made the Correct Choice…
All Moonbattery is screeching in protest and in…something else. Can you smell that? I can. There’s not enough Right Guard in the world to hide it. I can’t even begin to put down all of the unhinged vitriol that John…
Oh my lord, Andrew Sullivan is off the cliff and the waves are slamming him against the rocks:
Trig was born there on April 18, 2008, we are told. For what it’s worth, here’s the online list of births at Mat-Su on that date.
He’s insinuating that the birth record doesn’t show up, hence the “were told or is just the slimest asshole alive who yet again latched onto the latest batshit crazy vile smear and is yet again covered all over in shit …so he’s has his DU buddies all confused because
Again. Unbelievable.
We ought to do a “Sarah Palin Facts†post based on those Chuck Norris Fact goofs. This would get my vote for number one.
They’re doing it on Twitter already. Some are in her favor, others are not. So someone would have to separate the wheat from the chaff on another list.
As for aborting Down’s kids: I know that some women are frightened and concerned about caring for such a child, and they choose to abort, but they may have given up the opportunity to grow in ways they’ve never imagined.
I am Gov. Palin’s age, so if I were to conceive, there’s a good chance I would have a Down’s child, too. I would most definitely get tested to find out. Not so that I could abort, but that so I could bone up on the challenges specific to Down Syndrome.
I would also undoubtedly experience quite intense anxiety and even sorrow about the child I wouldn’t have, and probably resentment at having to give birth to a freak after all these years. (Look, I’m a freak too, but for different reasons, so I don’t use the term as an unqualified pejorative.)
No parent of a Down’s child will tell you that their kid is a burden that they wish they’d aborted. Instead, they tell you that the kid might be different in some ways, but that only means that the difficulties are different, not increased.
In most cases, that is. Being a spectrum syndrome, as SarahW pointed out, some Down’s kids never learn to function except at very basic levels, so they have to be institutionalized. Others end up with a nasty temperament instead of the typical sweet one. I’ve dealt with developmentally disabled people who were not little angels at all but rather overgrown children prone to explosive temper tantrums and the like.
However, I fear that we Americans are far too spoiled, to the point that we think that we are entitled to an easy life. We fail to see how dealing with the disabled can help us become better people. In fact, we fail to see how hard times of any kind are actually to our benefit if we handle them with a reasonable degree of integrity and humility.
I would never levy a blanket judgment against women who decide to abort their defective offspring. Some women truly don’t have the resources — especially a sufficient maturity level — to deal with disabled children. And given how hard it is to put up the disabled for adoption, etc.
However, if that woman had the attitude of a nishi, I would condemn her with all the force of my soul. Such women have lost their humanity. They need to get off their high horses, learn to despise their social privilege, and grow the hell up.
The people that I admire most are not those who have staggering intellectual or artistic talents. They’re not high-powered athletes or successful politicians. They’re not beautiful or sophisticated. They may not have ever attended a symphony, read Russian literature, studied out a political philosophy, or darkened the door of a college classroom.
But they have enough generosity of soul to see these disabled kids and decide that they will go ahead and give them the best life they can, even if that means living in a run-down house with old furniture and appliances.
These people live in my neighborhood. This couple has one normal child, one Down’s child, and two Asian girls with various physical and developmental disabilities. These girls are loved. Their parents and sister are patient with them, helping them along as they learn to do what they can.
I could never do that. I just flat-out don’t have that skill set. I’ve got the ability to jump through any and all academic hoops you place before me. I’m a damn good writer. I used to play in a symphony orchestra. (Don’t be impressed. I played the viola badly and half-heartedly from grades 4-7.) I’ve studied literature in two languages. Lived a spell in Madrid.
But given the choice, I’d much rather that the world were populated with people like my neighbors that with people like me. People like me tend to think like nishi and the soulless Lefties who now attack Sarah Palin. People like me start revolutions that descend into horror. People like my neighbors and their daughters don’t.
He dicho. (Look, it’s Sunday; I gotta deliver at least ONE sermon, eh?)
whoa, sorry. That was kinda long.
The Twitter link vanished. Here ’tis:
– Oh….there you are thor-boy. We thought you might be in twin cities pissing in a paint bucket.
– I should have know your tint brain, coupled tpo your even tinier dick, couldn’t resist the urge to drop in and show off your own special brand of Lefturd stupid.
– How about those polls anyway.
Tsk9, from Sully:
Is that right? Has McCain or the campaign mentioned Trig’s Downs at all?
Good LORD, JeffG, did you read any of the comments on Lee Stranahan’s post at HuffPo?
Obamabots have NO decency. Either Palin is a lying, extremist Xtian who is hiding her daughter’s SIN!!!1!1 or she is a child abuser for being 1) too thin during pregnancy 2) leaving the state of AK when she was 6 months along 3) Flying back to AK to give birth 4) Daring to give birth in a hospital without a specialized neonatal ward 4) going back to work 3 days after giving birth 5) not being a full time mom but letting her teenage daughter care for Trig (note that these idiots never mention Todd – Dads who actually become full time parents to their own children is beyond their comprehension.
The level of hatred and willingness to engage in such speciousness and mendacity is breathtaking.
“But conversely I really take issue with painting people who choose to end a Trisomy 21 pregnancy as Hitler.”
– No not really. Its become standard fare for the sociapathic Left. Its what you lose when you can’t win elections. First your decency, then your dignity, then your mind altogether.
– thor is living proof of that. That is if hes actually simply a retarded idiot like he sounds, and not just another bomb throwing, banjo playing, Obama crank sucking sockpuppet.
“The level of hatred and willingness to engage in such speciousness and mendacity is breathtaking.”
– This is the header for #136.
No. They haven’t other than Palin when introducing her children, mentioned that they were aware during their pregnancy that Trig would face challenges and they consider him a blessing.
Also in Sullivan’s retarded reasoning he basically legitimized and sanctioned the people who want to inspect Obama’s birth certificate etc etc and super made it mandatory that Obama’s Annenberg papers be scrutinized, now didn’t he?
Somebody needs to be throwing the link at 117 at all the tin foil hatters. Seems pretty cut and dried.
Not so that I could abort, but that so I could bone up on the challenges specific to Down Syndrome
That is almost word for word what Palin said – she was glad she found out early (13 wks) so she had plenty of time to research and prepare. She said she really felt for women who are surprised by finding out only at the time of birth.
My late sister-in-law was developmentally handicapped. But she was one of the most determined people you would ever meet to work harder than anyone around her to accomplish something she set her mind on. And there wasn’t a mean bone in her body.
We’ve all dealt with people like that — most of them supposedly normal, grown people.
I stopped watching Hannity and Colmes long ago. The show was basically a High School food fight, with less organization and worse manners. Colmes always was pretty dishonest and snarky, but Hannity was pretty rude himself.
No matter our age, we’ve got a certain amount of time, and then we’re dead. I refuse to waste mine with vile and dishonest people.
FYI, comments on that thread are moderated, Darleen. I posted something to this effect, which I’ve said here as well.
My comment was not approved. :)
I’ve dealt with developmentally disabled people who were not little angels at all but rather overgrown children prone to explosive temper tantrums and the like.
We’ve all dealt with people like that â€â€
A couple of regular posters here come to mind.
I promise I won’t keep pasting stupid DU comments (should have edited the last one down, sorry again) but I found this comment last night on a DU crazy slimeball pregnancy thread and there were a few commenter’s imploring people to stop when this rather revealing TOWNHOUSE Urgent Action Alert popped up
So this is what they – and Andrew Sullivan — are trying to do. Recall how fucking psycho they were when Larry Johnson was peddling his BS whitey tape, peeps?
My comment was not approved. :)
In the midst of that volcano of septic effluent, your post was deemed inappropriate? I wish I could say it was unbelievable.
We’ve all dealt with people like that  most of them supposedly normal, grown people.
But when they’re developmentally disabled, they have no self-control (and no means to acquire it), and flail about violently and end up hurting people. Police sometimes have to deal with people like this. The guy I am talking about lived on his own and attended my church. It was not unusual for him to have a melt-down right there in the hallways, and several men would have to tackle him and pin him to the ground to stop him from hurting himself or others.
But this guy has an excuse for his bad behavior: he had physiological defects in his brain that resulted from being choked by his own umbilical cord.
What excuse does the Left have? They’re the most privileged, wealthiest, educated people in the history of the planet, and yet they seem to have no problem with becoming soul-dead, morally deficient people because of it. Not in spite; because.
God help us all.
Repeat ANYTHING or raise false concern over ANYTHING and it is likely to be planted in the conscious/subconscious of many voters.
Pretty sure there’s a name for that, and it’s not all that modern.
Pablo, you’re awesome! (#143)
Palin is just a ploy by the GOP to get the older white women with pendulumous tits to betray the Democrats and vote for McCain.
So Palin is a ploy to gain the ‘Pendulumous Vote’. 18 million strong is 36 million pendulums. Palin herself is plenty pendulumous after 5 sprogs.
Obama will win nonetheless. He doesn’t need the Hillary/Palin Pendulumous Vote to win. Let them commiserate their post-menopausal stories with each other.
DU memory holed the original post that last comment showed up on BTW
it’s the 4th link down in politics on the HA headline archive
We’ve all dealt with people like that  most of them supposedly normal, grown people.
We have a winner!
Without a doubt, as a group, Down’s kids are the best behaved, most loving patients I’ve ever taken care of. Compared to “normal” teens, DS kids are a blessing.
It seems that many people (NOT necessarily on this thread) are very much put off by DS looks and demeanor. One of the problems people have with them is that they are incredibly friendly and LOVE to talk, about anything. But because of macroglossia (an enlarged tongue, almost univeral with the Syndrome) they can be difficult to understand. Some people are embarassed by that. I’m not sure why.
Wow, Obama Wins, you’re a freaking genius.
I’m a young white woman, married to an Asian immigrant. I wasn’t even going to vote.
But now I will, and guess who I’m voting for? And guess who my hubby’s voting for? (Hint: he likes it when I’m excited, and I’m excited about moose hunters right now)
Good Luck with trashing white women. Keep it up. It makes us want to clown you like the idiots you are.
[…] Jeff Goldstein does all the searching and linking to Palin smears and bullshit so you don’t ha… Please honor his good work by taking a long look and following all the links. […]
[…] they even think it? Or that they do so out loud and in public. Posted by Jeff G. @ 7:34 pm | Trackback SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “Quiz: What’s worse?”, […]
Repeat ANYTHING or raise false concern over ANYTHING and it is likely to be planted in the conscious/subconscious of many voters.
If people start to think that there might be something fishy with Palin’s last kid (if hers), then that’s FINE. One more doubt (whether tied to reality or not) is another hesitation at the ballot box.
GET WITH THE PROGRAM PEOPLE. The “rising above it†bullshit has served us so well in the past, hasn’t it?
Wow. Just. Wow. That’s someone who’s swallowed the Alinsky Kool-Aid good and deep, right there. I am glad that there were a few voices of relative sanity on that site.
Remember, many people became 9/11 Republicans not because they were wetting their pants in fear over the terrorists but because they were so repulsed by the Left’s vile reaction that they just couldn’t justify staying on that side of the line.
Camille Paglia and Geraldine Ferraro have thus far reacted well to Palin’s nomination. Maybe this bald-faced misogynistic outburst will push a few more our way.
And because lately the election results are razor-thin, we only need a few of them, plus the newly energized base, to win.
143 You did get through, Pablo, congrats. No replies, yet, this should be entertaining.
Maybe this bald-faced misogynistic outburst will push a few more our way.
Indeed, and I’ve been posting some of Thor and Nishi’s more creative writing at more sane progressive/feminist blogs to let them know how deep the Obamans’ affection for women is for just that purpose.
I couldn’t stop laughing at the bit about MoDo.
– So now your reduced to hiding in the closet freak-boy?
Palin is a joke of a pick. You just lost millions of pissed off Romney supporters, John!
Really? First, it said it was awaiting moderation. Then, it just disappeared.
I suspect it will just be ignored, as uncomfortable truths usually are on the port side. Which brings us right back around to Lee Stranahan, huh? Wheels within wheels. It’s got chi.
A telling quote from Gingrich
Romney supporters for Obama? I am so not seeing that happening. But nice try.
Dang, that last graph is me, and not Newt.
– Freak-boy doesn’t want to come out and play. He’s afraid he’ll have to give us another one of his expert explainations of the amazing disappearing Obama bump.
[…] Jeff Goldstein has done the nasty work of cataloging all the smears, insults, and plainly stupid rumors currently being spread about Governor Palin since Friday morning. His post is definitely worth your time, if for no other reason than to see the depths to which the allegedly tolerant left will sink when threatened by a smart, accomplished, happy, conservative, woman. It’s also worth reading because there aren’t many people who can stomp progressives with their own hypocrisies like Goldstein. […]
The bump disappeared because Obama gave birth. Rumor is that Michelle is the father.
From one of the many assorted nutty pregnancy patrollers:
“medical records, as are mandated for presidential candidates anyway.”
WTF? That’s news to the constitution.
“WTF? That’s news to the constitution” should not be in italics.
Wow. Pablo #143’s comment is the best on this thread, best thing I’ve read in two days. Thank you, sir.
Pablo’s comment was approved…it just took some time…
#124 – Yes Darleen, as if it’s some betrayal of duty. A complete turning of principle on its head.
Sarah, the truly ironic thing is that — unless he’s done so since — Obama has not released his medical records.
[…] DOS: Jeff G has the straight dope over at […]
Oh, you’re all Tok..
Thank you panther girl and Betsy. I’m gratified.
And thank you, Lee. While we probably disagree on a number of things, I appreciate intellectual honesty, and I hope you drop by more often.
These photos just went up on flickr today, but they look authentic, and they look very recent (the caption to one of them says that they’re from the end of the 25th legislative session – assuming it’s the second session, that would be sometime in April 2008)
Congrats Jeff! This post is riding high on Memeorandum. Who was it who said that Obama’s supporters are his biggest political liability? i think this post is casting a bright light into a certain closet that Axelrod would have preferred to keep closed.
Wow. this from a Molly Ivors at Perfessor Thirsty’s WhiskeyFire:
Credit where credit is due, but color me dumbfounded.
says 2005 on the photo date
[…] The first 48 hours of Palin smears […]
says 2005 on the photo date
You’re right. Hadn’t noticed that, though the more detailed data also gives the time as 11:26 pm, which seems unrealistic. Perhaps the photographer hadn’t bothered to set the clock on the camera? At any rate, she looks pretty pregnant – and I don’t think anybody would argue that she was pregnant in 2005. Unless that’s the real scandal: She had a late-term abortion!!!! Also, the person who posted the photo to flickr refers to her as Governor, which she was not in 2005. I dunno. Not definitive proof, but I’m inclined to think the date’s off.
These photos just went up on flickr today, but they look authentic, and they look very recent
Lost in Jeff’s monster post is this little gem:
It’s a post dated April 28, 2008, from a completely non-political website, where the woman writer relates her story of meeting the obviously pregnant governor, with pictures.
If someone can look at that website and can still believe the conspiracy, they are 9-11 truther material.
SteveG, see the link in post 185.
You know that look you get, the one where you read “Real feminists back Bill Clinton and John Edwards  whose love for this country is so strong that sometimes they feel as though they have to stick their cocks into all of it” and you start laughing, nay, tittering in a girlish manner, and your sleeping wife rolls over and gives you the eye? Yeah, I just got that.
That’s one, Goldstein.
I saw that link a while back.
I have to say that the old “mono for 4 months” triggered some doubts. Plus there are a few pictures out there where the daughter has a good little pooch going on.
If this does happen to be a cover up, it’ll be out by tomorrow.
Someone got into Sarah Palin’s wikipedia and recaptioned a photo of the family…
“most educated woman do not identify with her trail parkish stances on issues. Furthermore, the tabloids are about to publish stories about her youngest child and it actually being her oldest daughters ( a huge rumor in Alaska). Not to mention no experience, limited speaking skills, and she makes Obamas achievements look Nobel Peace prize worthy. Please do not say she has more experience and make me have to put their experience side by side. Comparing her to to Obama is like having a Walmart Cashier and Scientist debate pollution and its effects on the environment.”
Live by the left-nutroot-rage (against Hillary), die by the left-nutroot-rage (against anything decent, normal, and great about America).
This is a huge huge huge setback for the Left. Obama’s kumbaya shtick? Fuggedaboutit. They NEVER HESITATE TO HATE.
For Rich “El Tejon” Cox all the way back up at #24 –
The Obama team – the coach and his closest confidants – planned the primaries down to the precint level when it became clear that Hillary! was ignoring the caucus demographic.
The most surprised people in this whole election are crouching behind laptops in Chicago right this minute. They’ve been running on adrenaline since it became clear that they were competitive… and euphoria over the actual win has made them sloppy.
Every time Obama has had a little elbow room he’s fucked up. I’m sorry for the pith, but that is the only way to convey the magnitude of what this guy does politically when he ends up with time on his hands.
If he talks outside of a planned political event, chances are better than even he’ll gaffe.
I have voted in every presidential election since 1980. Over time, and with the evolution of communication and information access, I’ve come to the conclusion that without fail, the leadership of the Democrat party, too include its all stars and entrenched office holders and seekers, is probably the second* most cynical body of men and women on the planet.
They have flensed the soul of a free country into enough unique slices of carefully fostered grievance, feigned outrage, and umpteen flavors of whatever conspiracy theory about the looming shadow of religious totalitarianism, all aimed at getting a few score of politicians reelected in plum offices… over and over and over.
Moonbats? They have to be herded and controlled in public. Their blogs must all be moderated to protect the echo chamber but more importantly to protect the candidates.
But as I adjusted to the fact that the leadership of the Left – or what grasping, dishonest hacks filled the slot where leadership belonged – was in fact a bunch of leeches, I completely forgot the logical outcome of running a political demographic that actually rejected logic, faith, and reason as obstacles to success.
Eventually you would have to end up with an Obama. I mean, it just makes sense…
Our elections have trended steadily to simple popularity contests, with 1992 marking a huge drop in whatever connection competence… or character… or honesty… had to do with competitiveness.
Media didn’t help. It’s so much easier to cover a race if you choose a side and then paint the daily against a larger and much more subtle narrative.
The ugly little victim groups have metastasized their own candidate… who believes the crap that the adults in his party have known for years was really just means to an end. Command economies never work. Income redistribution prolonged the Depression of 1933 straight into the GREAT Depression that lasted until the Pearl Harbor attack put the country back to work or in uniform. Progressive tax planning has left us with almost half the taxpayers in the country paying no tax at all.. or getting paid for being poor. Affirmative Action made sense as an ugly, brute force tactic for maybe a ten year period beginning in 1965. Today, higher education, the entertainment industry, and the U.S. government are the last three bastions of institutional racism (and sexism) in America.
Obama believes that the state is the answer and whatever it takes to get there is what will be done. His people are more than likely orders of magnitude more whacked than he is; Obama spent his adult life crafting the perfect legend for getting inside the belly of the beast. That speaks of fanaticism first but there is a measure of self control that is self evident in his act.
Mrs. Obama… not so much.
The O! team planned on having media control firmly in hand from the convention ahead. The Clintons disabused them of that notion by taking half the convention for themselves. Then Palin. Oh sweet mother of…
Obama’s folk planned a square dance from now ’till November, with nice safe memes scattered over nice clearly defined news cycles. McCain hopped on the floor and cut loose with some improvisational modern stuff, then zorched into a tango with Ms. Palin.
Like a red cape before a bull, the O! team grabbed two hands full of Teh Narrative and literally threw it at any MSM camera or microphone within range, and the campaing minions’ behaviour was the signal for the Leftosphere to make the Wellstone Funerary aftermath look like Masterpiece theater.
They’ve damned Palin for being a mom who wouldn’t kill an inconvenient kid. They’ve damned her for being attractive. They hate her lack of experience because it actually dwarfs in both scope and gravity that of their presidential candidate. They hate her speeches, because she exudes confidence, honesty, and directness that are foreign to most public figures and absent in their candidate. They don’t like her environmental track record, because it is in fact a text book demonstration of fairness and effectiveness, and a bright moment showing what good faith negotiations among people of good faith may accomplish. They hate her for having five kids with the same man and staying with him through boom, bust, and everything in between… why, I don’t have a fucking clue; the Mrs. and me just celebrated 21 and wish there were more of us out here… they disrespect her academic credentials AND her business smarts not because she’s failed at anything she’s tried but because she’s not gone to the RIGHT schools nor is she from the RIGHT state.
She’s had more people vote for her in Alaska than Joe Biden has nation wide.
Holy moley I do go on.
McCain recognizes that Obama and most of media treats politics like a game. There’s a huge difference between a fight and a game.
McCain knows it. Obama isn’t equipped to tell the difference, and the only Dems that might be inclined to help him out are Hillary people. Or Al or Jesse, and they wouldn’t piss down his throat if his guts were on fire at this point.
Preach it brother!
Shorter TMJ: The Left needs to listen to Jeff and quit with the identity politics schtick, because McCain’s just proved he’s better at it than they are.
Views I can believe in.
Right On!
to use an old 60’s expression
[…] approval. EARTH KILLER! 12) Josh Marshall asks, simply,
Holy Shit. Jeff, this is simply the most insane, over-the-top, radically eviscerating post I’ve ever read from you. This should be taped up on the wall of every news room, Congressional office, and college English professor’s office in the country. This is the perfect take-down of Leftist dogma. Congratulations. Now I have to figure out a way to translate it so that my not-so-astute-but-still-kinda-listening-to-me friends and family can understand the depths of the hatred you have plumbed for us. If they even get half a sense of the festering rot that pervades the Left, we’ll have won a huge victory.
Thanks for being willing to swim in the swamp for us, Jeff. ‘Tis a noble deed.
TMJ. That was righteous.
Downs doesn’t usually happen when a woman is younger. So the chances of her daughter giving birth to a Downs child is rather small.
[…] 2008 Posted by nukemhill in Politics (Ghahh!). trackback Jeff, at Protein Wisdom, actually spent some quality time with the swamp rats infesting most of the Leftosphere today.  He itemizes, in paradoxically […]
Ric –
He’s not better at it. It’s that he is simply declined to participate, beginning with his “best wishes” video.
This became an issues campaign the second that Palin’s name was announced. I didn’t realize this until early yesterday. I have watched the news and web more closely over the last twenty four hours than I have any time since the Thunder Run.
Team O! and the media don’t get it yet. I doubt that McCain has much planned for tomorrow, but come Tuesday, after the long weekend’s supply of Leftist conspiracy mongering and meme blasting finally pauses to take a breath, Team McCain will execute their next planned move.
They have the initiative. The high ground. And most importantly, about five times the engaged and attentive observers/prospective supporters they did this time last Wednesday.
It will take Team O! at least a news cycle to stamp out the most offensive and crack addled conspiracy theories working their way from the nutroots blogs dangerously close to media attention (incidentally there will almost certainly be a few more candidates for a trip under the bus), and the holiday does him no favor with the Republicans poised to convene.
Well played so far, Mr. McCain.
[…] EARTH KILLER! 12) Josh Marshall asks, simply, “Eagleton”? The idea? That Palin is a head fake, a way to win the election (which of course the Republicans can’t win, given the […]
Gustav dud:
“Top winds right now are 115 mph, which are of course nothing to sneeze at  but this is just a regular old major hurricane, not a world-historical event. It may even weaken to Cat. 2 before coming ashore. If journalists continue to act like Gustav is going to be the end of the world, it will only feed public cynicism about hurricane warnings once it comes ashore and “disappoints.â€Â
Oh, and as for the asterisk:
“Over time, and with the evolution of communication and information access, I’ve come to the conclusion that without fail, the leadership of the Democrat party, too include its all stars and entrenched office holders and seekers, is probably the second* most cynical body of men and women on the planet.”
* First place is held by the owners and League management of the NBA, for pretending that they have any interest in or intention to establish or enforce consistent standards of officiating at professional basketball games. Haven’t watched a live Bball game since I watched Michael Jordan get five steps a pop AND the foul all night long against the Jazz during game five of the play offs.
I looked into the photo you linked to. Seems the camera came out in 2005 and speculation is that whoever took the photo never set the date stamp.
Anyway, in that photo Palin looks very pregnant and the Channel 11 news woman standing next to Governor Palin and the TV cameraman should be easy to find if anyone needs their take on.
I love it.
I absolutely love it.
They are so s**t-in-your-pants terrified that they can’t even get their talking points coordinated.
The thing is, that Palin is REAL.
She’s not a creation of the MSM, she’s not a product of the machine.
And her nomination has not only energized the Republican base, but it’s also making significant inroads into the PUMAS which Obama desperately needs in order to win.
Polls say that 30 percent of them are disaffected, that’s a potential SIX MILLION votes out there for the taking. Even some who disagree with her position on abortion have stated that they’ll vote for her anyway;
The more the operatives and MSM try to slime her, the worse (for them) it gets.
They haven’t learned that when you’re digging a hole, you have to realize that there’s a time when you should stop.
This is more fun than a three-ring circus.
Jeez, I count 17 pingbacks and 1 trackback in this thread. Is that good?
Yeah, lee. But to put it into perspective, Charles Johnson farts and gets 17 trackbacks.
I can’t wait until some of this stuff ends up being discussed on air by Krazy Keef Olbermann. The spittle-flecked “Speshul Komment” in which he demands that Mrs. Palin tell the world the truth about her phony pregnancy will be comedy gold.
Oh, well, yeah. But still, it’s nothing to thumb your nose at.
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
[…] According to them, Little Trig, (aka “that seriously disabled” Down Syndrome Baby that should have been aborted) whom Palin seems to have taken to the office and breastfed is not Palin’s son but her […]
I read that Palins husband finished the last 400 miles of a snowmobile race with a broken arm… somehow I doubt Sullivan would survive a 1 mile ride
Jeff, et al (Al who?):
A little warning – if you try and keep up with the twisting and writhing shit-storm of Demotard outrage, you’ll most likely get a crick in your neck. Either that or fall down.
So, like, find a soft spot first.
About the time Olbie gets around to that, Mrs. Palin will be speaking in front of the National Association of Business People With Their Genitilia in a Chipper Shredder all about the McCain administration’s plan to divorce the Federal Government’s incestuous relationship to the money supply without collapsing the economy via panic mongering or witch hunts.
The next day she’ll be speaking in front of The National Sisterhood of Women Who Aren’t Victims, talking about the importance of setting goals, keeping promises, and not going to bed angry with your partner in life.
After that, the Boy Scouts National Jamboree. Funny thing is, for a lot of these guys will just be like listening to their mom up there at the podium.
There’s a reason the Left hates scouting. Pretty obvious isn’t it?
Sweet move, Mr. Maverick. Now if you can just work in repeal of CFR, I can vote FOR you..
Wow. Just. Wow. That’s someone who’s swallowed the Alinsky Kool-Aid good and deep, right there. I am glad that there were a few voices of relative sanity on that site.
The few voices were few and far between, but yeah, that Rumor is truth was pure Hamsher Townhouse crazy.
Clearly, the left is now utterly consumed by hatred. God help us if these fucking nutjobs gain any more influence over the Democratic party.
This post. This post is what I meant by all the times I mentioned that you and I serve the interests of the nation in different ways. What you have done is take up the burden of keeping people informed, that many of our current media outlets have abrogated. I can only hope that as many people as possible see this and then take this into consideration when they join the debates of the day. Maybe it will help some people take a step back from the edge of the cesspool that passes for political speech these days.
Outstanding work.
Thanks, MJ —
Tell IP or some big-ass site to link it. PASS IT ON! FOR FREEDOM!
[…] Jeff Goldstein has an excellent roundup of leftist insanity on Palin here. […]
[…] go on to print the more rabid rumors of adultery or incest in the child’s conception…ProteinWisdom blog has a list of libels if you want to dig into the […]
[…] Jeff Goldstein has written a highly regarded post detailing these (and many, many more) leftard fragmentations. With more on the way, I’m afraid. […]
I call BS on the idea that Palin will resign as soon as McCain wins to clear the way for Romney. Palin will be excellent on energy issues – real credibility there coming from Alaska. Energy will be the #1 issue for America for decades to come.
My goodness. The crazy stories some people come up with when they are faced with a popular person who doesn’t agree with their abortion stand. These hard core pro-aborts had better watch out. For one thing, false witness is forbidden in the Bible. For another thing, it can get you sued for slander.
Not only that, but if the public sees through the nasty rumors, and recognizes them as just that, nasty rumors, they may rebel and vote for Sarah all the more.
Bottom line, you who tell nasty stories: your nasty stories will back fire on you.
I would like to tell you to shut up. But I won’t. For one thing, you probably don’t have enough sense to listen to me. For another thing, the more you tell nasty, untrue stories, the more obvious it will be that you are telling lies because you are desperate that this popular, intelligent, gracious, and competent woman is going to help squelch Roe v. Wade. So you just keep running your mouth and sticking your foot in it.
Oh, and while you are at it, recognize that Roe v. Wade is going to be history one day soon. Get used to it.
The vice president isn’t going to do anything at all about “squelching” Roe v. Wade. You don’t understand.
Darleen, sorry for the delay.
Another strategist echoed that sentiment. “Now the Republican brand out there is not so bad,” he said. “The does-Bush-help-or-hurt question doesn’t need to be asked or answered. And we won’t be compared to the (Obama speech) 90,000-person spectacle. And most important this gives Palin time to get her feet under her.”
That last point may be the most important. Palin is brand new on the national political scene and even her allies acknowledge that she has a steep learning curve and the most dangerous time for her is the first week or two of the general election campaign.
Gustav takes much of the focus off of Palin and, even if she does speak on Wednesday night, the tenor of her address will likely be much more in her comfort zone; she is likely to avoid direct partisan attacks and instead talk about the fundamental goodness of the country — a recipe for her speech to be well received by a nation looking for encouragement.”
The Most Important Point…a recipe.
Certain left-blogs are sourcing this and running with it.
Just ask this guy.
And I agree with feets. Even if they win, Palin is not likely to have a heck of a lot to do with overturning Roe v. Wade.
Another thing that keeps popping up is this talk about how some/many/most conservative bloggers are convinced that McCain is almost dead, and this is why Palin was a terrible pick for America …and pie.
Q: So where and who are all these conservative bloggers dismissing the Palin pick as the last desperate act of a dying man?
To me, Sarah’cuda is the ultimate feminist, the ideal feminist. Beauty, brains, and ballsy. An athlete, a hunter, a fisher, a Mom of 5, has a hunk of a hubby, pilots a plane around her state, and oh by the way did I mention she took time out to be a councilwoman, a mayor, and a Governor, who fired the chef because she was quite capable of making sandwiches for her own kids? And a team mom, President of the Mayor’s Association, and active PTA member.
I was a avid Romney supporter, but I’m thrilled with Sarah Palen. This means Romney should be appointed Chair of the RNC where he will really help the party and not be wasted in the VP slot.
And of everything she has done, the one I like best is going and visiting the wounded at Landstuhl. I pray the McCain camp does an ad juxtaposing Obama explaining how going to work out was more important than visiting the troops against Sarah’cuda standing next to the hospital bed of one of her Alaskan National Guard wounded warriors.
Re: SarahW’s point. First I don’t see anything in Jeff’s post that she is cautioning about. Second, the idea of boutique kids is ghoulish. I’m okay with abortion for the life of the mother and concede on incest, little more trouble with rape (there is always adoption), but because your child might be inconvenient or embarrassing, that’s sick, IMHO. I would have a very hard time not thinking less of someone who aborted because their child wasn’t perfect.
Palin is a member of Feminists for Life, I’ve never heard of them. My position is, you chose what you want, I’ll chose for life.
This is the sickest Shit ever to come across my computer screen, you dumbasses should get a life, perhaps one in the Jail in the queer and Aids section…
Charles, you bring an interesting viewpoint to this debate. Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to?
[…] Having read Goldstein’s post, I can only call this one of the more civil, coherent leftist critiques to come out of this […]
Carin … don’t hurt him. He’s just illiterate.
Pales in comparison to the sick shit in front of your computer screen, Charlie.
Diana – I’m sure Charles has much to teach us. For example, I didn’t know they had a “queer and Aids” section in jails.
[…] by frenzied left-wing blogs over the past several days, then head on over to Protein Wisdom for a compilation of all the “dastardly hypocrisyness† it’s quite a horrific […]
the leadership of the Democrat party, …is probably the second* most cynical body of men and women on the planet.
* First place is held by the owners and League management of the NBA.
Blast. And we had such high hopes for ourselves.
National Organization of Ombudsmen (NOOb)
Ombuds, man.
Almost forgot; all of you are wrong.
About everything.
That’s a good point regarding Palin’s speech and not going negative. She’d be well served focusing on the agenda and not menioning Obama at all, unless it’s vaguely congratulatory. I’m guessing Maverick is thinking the same. It would also be nice to see her briefly refer to the content of this post as the sewer politics it is and then talk about…wait for it…change.
This is a great opportunity for her to knock one out of the park.
Palin goofed already with her trailer-trash earrings.
We are so screwed.
More importantly, which shoes.
To me, Sarah’cuda is the ultimate feminist, the ideal feminist. Beauty, brains, and ballsy. An athlete, a hunter, a fisher, a Mom of 5, has a hunk of a hubby, [etc.].
Nay, sister Marxists, this Palin babe is merely a perfect example of what happens when you become enslaved by the White Man’s America/America. We must not rest until she is freed, that is, ugly, unsuccessful, and severely agitated!
Si se pueda!
I’d wear a pair of Crocs to a hurricane. Which makes me about as cool as a mom of five who likes to garden.
I’d wear some wind-chimes.
gimme a break, Obama-haters have been emphasizing his weirdness, Islamic roots, associations with criminality, HERE at PW for a long time. Having a little fun with Sarah Palin on the Democratic side could never balance what you were all harping about Obama. She’s such a fun character, but we’ve only have a couple of months to have fun with her while you had half a year plus to defame Obama. The smooth Obama is looking so much better with this possible Republican President in waiting. Can’t wait to hear her defense of creationism, the Rapture, and why global warming is a communist plot.
Hell, though she also does make McCain look good by offsetting that hideous Cindy’s bs.
It’s understandable that she’d not ‘advertise’ her pregnancy knowing that she had a Down’s case and she had to keep calm without the Press knowing until the last moment. A private problem that with her considerable assets will be taken care of by hubby and the RNC. However, MOMs all over America are thinking…what’s she thinking??? leaving her babies to run off to Washington. I’ve heard it already. There is a certain off-putting arrogance there on her part which might lose a lot of independent women that might have gone McCain’s way.
I still give credit to McCain for putting life in this campaign. Pro-Life!!! It’s Entertainment, not politics.
Oh, yea, we were knee deep in that Obama is a muslim thing. I’m so ashamed.
So go after Palin’s daughter. We deserve it.
[…] favorite and most plausible vitriol to spew at your next Sarah Palin exorcism, you have to go to Protein Wisdom where Jeff Goldstein has catalogued all of the top rumors generated by these supposed intellectuals […]
She’s such a fun character, but we’ve only have a couple of months to have fun with her while you had half a year plus to defame Obama.
In contrast, Obama’s had his whole life to defame himself, with obvious success. So, yeah, it just ain’t fair.
Again, the left must be absolutely terrified by Palin.
Hey, MRE – you’re trying to take us gals back to the ’50s, and we ain’t getting in the Buick. A woman with kids shouldn’t work? Maybe just stay home and crank out casseroles? That is NOT going to play to a good half of your base. Nor should it. And the whole hysterical smear on the daughter – to you, this is “fun”? The jolly rough and tumble of politics? I don’t know if you have a daughter, meathead, but I sure hope not. And I frankly hope that Sarah Palin comes out swinging on this one, because there isn’t a woman in this country (or a decent man) who won’t understand her outrage. And maybe, just maybe, realize where the decent people are hanging out these days, and vote for her.
Oh, and I think Kos’s nuts – gold-plated, of course – would make ideal earrings for visiting a disaster site! With the added plus that their tiny size would make them ‘WAY more tasteful than those tacky hoops.
no, Jenny, I am saying what other women are saying. Not that I don’t think she and the RNC couldn’t do it with all the nanny care money can buy. I don’t think Mr.Palin should run off to Washington either with 5 kids to attend to. Two is reasonable, or one…but Five kids not getting attention they need? At least Mr. Palin better give up that ridiculous off shore work and stay home.
Just saying what women are saying. I don’t really care about her kids but they do.
Ohnoes. Who’s gonna lay out Track’s clothes?
What women? Women with a political ax to grind? You’re attempting to hide behind a woman’s skirts, and she’s wearing pants, pal. I have kids – and a job – and a husband who carries his share of the responsibility for said kids. I must be a Republican! This is the new math?
To me, Sarah’cuda is the ultimate feminist, the ideal feminist. Beauty, brains, and ballsy. An athlete, a hunter, a fisher, a Mom of 5, has a hunk of a hubby, [etc.].
She’s one American airhead among the other 250 million airheads, and the Rest of the World is yawning, since it’s it not even mock-worthy anymore.
I hope she becomes president. Maybe that’ll finish off your retarded country once and for all.
I actually know a Republican politician, Pro-Life, who through an ‘agent’ who tried to recruit me to build an addition on his home even though he owned his own construction company. I was surprised why he didn’t want his men to do it. So with a little asking I sussed out the truth. His teen daughter had a baby out of wedlock and Dad wanted to keep it quiet and secret by finding a contractor under the radar to keep it secret. Not to worry, I asked too many questions and found him out and certainly didn’t do the job even if I wanted.
I find ‘religious fanatics’ to be the most dissembling, lying, conniving hyprocrites ever and certainly, but very doubtfully, Sarah could have done a little lying…but that’s a stretch, like Obama being a secret Muslim agent as suggested in a recent post here. I find her being against Big Oil and now for Big Oil a hypocritical stance. What side is she on?
I doubt Sarah Palin’s reading the ridiculous blogs anyway. Like has Obama was been reading all the crap and taking it serious? It’s ‘Fun’ for the
‘net-typers, not so much for politicians. Her laughing along with a radio jock show host about a cancer striken fellow Republican calling her a ‘cancer’ in the Alaskan Senate didn’t seem like she’s opposed to sick fun at the expense of her ‘opponents’…even one of the same party.
I don’t think Mr.Palin should run off to Washington either with 5 kids to attend to.
First of all, her oldest, Track, has enlisted in the Army so I’m sure he can take care of himself.
Second, which requires more of a time investment, Governor of a State or V.P.?
Answer, V.P. by a landslide.
Wanna try another incest rumor MRE, I know you’re good for it.
At least Mr. Palin better give up that ridiculous off shore work and stay home.
And he better get himself some Che t-shirts, if he knows anything at all!
Ah, World, give it a Rest. Liberals, especially faux-worldly ones, aren’t supposed to toss around words like “retarded” as slams. Could that be Obama-steria talking? The “I Worshipped with the Conventioneers, and All I Got was This Lousy Poll Bump” blues?
Umm … Do you guys take a whiff of stupid gas before you post here? Is this really your argument? Does it never cross your mind that her family will move with her???
I guess not. You’ll never be called Captain Obvious, that’s for sure.
I actually know a Republican politician, Pro-Life, who through an ‘agent’ who tried to recruit me to build an addition on his home even though he owned his own construction company.
I actually know a Democrat politician who killed and ate a family of five.
jenny trip, ya shoulda laid off the acid back in the day. Your Republicans made it impossible to afford to stay home with the kids anyway. You have to work to survive. Back in the 50s, a mom could afford to stay home…but thanks to Republican dominance of the economic agenda, we now have to have two working parents to survive on average.
Alaskans are different as they get huge payments from Oil Companies and get the most Fed. govt. money per person of any state. I agree, probably a good place to raise a family.
Umm … Do you guys take a whiff of stupid gas before you post here? Is this really your argument? Does it never cross your mind that her family will move with her???
Not if that family-eating Democrat politican I know gets to them first…
This is going to come as a shock. It always does to guys like you.
I. LOVE. To. Work.
Millions of women do! And I don’t even live in Alaska!
[…] Jeff Goldstein is just making a list of the garbage they’re spewing up and refuting it with his wicked wit. It’s entertaining and informative. Here’s the latest Lefty rumor: 13) McCain has suspended the RNC convention because Palin is unprepared. Meaning, I guess, that she simply doesn’t have the proper shoes! And that will not do! […]
actually that was a true story. I think Jeffrey Dalmer was either a Republican or an Anarchist. Democrat? Never! Bill Bennett’s brother is a Democrat though, i learned that at NRO.
Please elaborate, MRE. Let fly with your expose of the one party system, oh do. Include the part about the welfare system and its costs being the Right’s pet. And entitlements in general. Do tell of their monolithic bloc of Republican masters.
I know you do, Jenny. Staying home with the rugrats isn’t that fun, I tried it for awhile.
JHoward, is there an argument there somewhere?
welfare? like less than 1 percent of the Fed. budget. Entitlements…like Medicare payments to Republican sponsored drug companies, or to a War Machine at the behest of the Texas Oil Industry. What Entitlements? oh, those Social Security payments taken exclusively from the lower 95 percentile…and you want to ‘privatize’ them for the top 1 percentile to profit from??
[…] I’m glad he didn’t, or at least he hasn’t yet. Heck, maybe I’ll start blogging […]
Lucky for them.
John Wayne Gacy, Democrat politician.
Don’t you start school tomorrow, MRE? Shouldn’t you be enjoying the day?
Does it never cross your mind that her family will move with her???
bingo! taking your kids to live in Wash, D.C. is child abuse especially if they had the luxury of living in Alaska.
Gacy, was a Daley machine clown. Had to keep his clown business alive. That’s not a Real Democrat. A Daily Democrat likes to kill hippies remember. Now they are Republicans. You’re going back when the Stars and Bars were a Democratic symbol, not a REPUG one.
didn’t you ever study history in school?
[…] G. does all the heavy lifting. BECAUSE OF THE […]
Gacy, was a Daley machine clown.
So is Obama.
is gustav a dud? it’s cutting into the Palin show. How many times can I say it?? I like John McCain and Sarah Palin. Just not going to vote for them.
Mmmmm, pie! You’re making me hungry.
tomb, you’re too predictable. Actually Daily Democrats kinda don’t like people of color. They might pretend to.
Honestly, the argument that the number of children has anything to do with whether a parent should work or not has to be the stupidest thing ever. I suppose, though, it is rooted in the fact that liberals (Hillary) tend to have fewer children, thus aren’t breaking any moral codes dumping them in day care. Conservatives with five children? No, they can’t go to day care. They need a mom at home.
Especially grown children going into the infantry. WHO IS GOING TO SEND TRACK CARE PACKAGES?! Everyone knows dads SUCK at care packages. Do dads know how to make snickerdoodles? I think not.
Anyone notice that “one MRE too many” seems to know the same Republicans “datadave” does?
Yawn. It’s almost amusing to watch the liars spin their yarns.
Actually Daily Democrats [as in Kos?] kinda don’t like people of color. They might pretend to [by giving the perceived inferiors AA points?].
tomb, you’re too predictable. Actually Daily Democrats kinda don’t like people of color. They might pretend to.
They like anybody, alive or dead, with a vote.
And homosexual serial killers.
Anymore phantom republicans you want to invent?
The left has been in story-telling mode for quite a while now, although its been a disaster the past few days.
Hey, I hear the Einsteins over at DU and DKos are looking into Palin’s tailors bills when she was “allegedly” preganant to prove she wasn’t. I’m sure they could use a crack inspector like you over there.
Give it a try.
taking your kids to live in Wash, D.C. is child abuse especially if they had the luxury of living in Alaska.
He may have a point here. Would Al Gore be this fucked up if his family had left him in Tennessee?
I actually know a Republican politician, Pro-Life, who through an ‘agent’ who tried to recruit me to build an addition on his home even though he owned his own construction company. I was surprised why he didn’t want his men to do it. So with a little asking I sussed out the truth. His teen daughter had a baby out of wedlock and Dad wanted to keep it quiet and secret by finding a contractor under the radar to keep it secret. Not to worry, I asked too many questions and found him out and certainly didn’t do the job even if I wanted.
dave, is that you? That is a most ridiculous story, dude.
Datadave is the Messiah.
is gustav a dud?
Better luck next time.
Shep Smith is ON the case. Stay tuned for the next 12 hours to hear nothing else BUT NEWS ABOUT GUSTAV.
actually know a Republican politician, Pro-Life, who through an ‘agent’ who tried to recruit me to build an addition on his home even though he owned his own construction company. I was surprised why he didn’t want his men to do it. So with a little asking I sussed out the truth. His teen daughter had a baby out of wedlock and Dad wanted to keep it quiet and secret by finding a contractor under the radar to keep it secret.
OK, I’ll play.
How the hell do you HIDE an addition to a house???
Don’t you think some of his employees would notice?
MRE, if you’re going to invent a story, at least make it plausible.
Now, the Democrat who ate the family of five, absolutely true.
Shep is using the word “Precarious.” This is bad.
Jeez. In the other thread we’ve got Barrett Brown, who can’t debate substance because he’s too busy quibbling about the shape of the table, and here we’ve got … MRE.
Are there any worthwhile left-of-center types left, or have they all already joined us here on the
DarkInsufficiently Light Side?You know, Shep is in the eye of danger. and where is Obama? Giving a speech in downtown Detroit. Where, I might add, the weather is clear-blue skies and 80 degrees.
He didn’t want his employees to know about it. Embarrassed? you bet. An addition is one thing but having people around your house knowing who you are and why is another thing. Employees usually don’t hang around a boss’s house do they? Unless they’re invited. Not in a big company.
How the hell do you HIDE an addition to a house???
Well, see, if you use an AGENT no one will know where the addition came from, or who it belongs to. That’s the beauty of it.
Re: Republicans responsible for women having to leave their kids to go to work.
It was during the Dem. Carter years that I had to leave my 2 kids and go back to work. Last I looked that was a Dem. 4 year nightmare.
If any super secret agent types want to swing by and add an addition to my digs, that would be bonus, and I’d promise to keep it hush hush.
re: #92…that wasn’t me, jeff
Employees usually don’t hang around a boss’s house do they? Unless they’re invited.
I don’t usually hang around anybodies house unless I am invited.
I have been invited to my bosses house on numerous occasions.
The story still makes no sense “one MRE too many”. Which is no surprise, considering it’s pure fiction.
Snickerdoodles? Pie?
It better be lunchtime, cruel taunters.
I want a President with enough sense to get out of the rain. O!
MRE, is there an argument there? Somewhere?
Here’s a little something for your coloring book: http://mwhodges.home.att.net/fedcomp.gif
I repeat my challenge.
MRE, perhaps you’re just the hero to finally explain the leftist platform: Why does capitalism not work and why do we need centrism and collectivism to prosper? Kindly cite history.
[…] Protein Wisdom has a round-up of the first 48 hours of Palin smears from the Left. It’s a must read but don’t attempt to drink anything while reading it or you’ll need a new keyboard. Warning – not for kiddies… […]
According to my wife, FoxNews just announced that Palin’s oldest daughter is pregnant and will marry the father.
Why aren’t they hiding this one too!
(really, you couldn’t have scripted this for a soap opera, too crazy)
Ohnoes an out-of-wedlock bastard child!
Whoop! Moose mating season!
I want a President with enough sense to get out of the rain.
Obama just doesn’t care about black people.
I want a President with enough sense to get out of the rain.
I want a President with constituents smart enough to get out of the rain.
B Moe wins the thread.
Bristol Palin is pregnant.
um, link?
I don’t think Mr.Palin should run off to Washington either with 5 kids to attend to. Two is reasonable, or one…but Five kids not getting attention they need?
I am the youngest of 5 kids. When I started school, so did my Mom (she became a teacher)
Here’s the thing. When you have five kids, the older ones are able to help take care of the younger ones when the need arises. It’s funny that two would be OK, but not five. When one of them is in the military and another old enough to, apparently, have a child of her own.
This whole thing is like watching a game of Pinata on Americas Funniest Home Videos. You know, where people blindly flail around with a stick trying to get the candy, but only end up hitting each other upside the head.
The reports say that she will marry the father before the child is born. So relax, Thor. You will still be the biggest bastard being discussed in this thread.
Have no fear, even if Bristol Palin was raped by a prison escapee in the back of her Mommy’s pick-up truck… she’s going to deliver that precious Christian baby!
This will make for an excellent who-is-your-daddy episode on Jerry Springer.
Shouldn’t you be heading for Louisiana, thor? You know, to show how much you care about black people?
Or maybe you could go volunteer at O!’s on-the-scene command post in Detroit.
You know who’s got adorable kids are those Obama people. I didn’t see the interview with them and all, just when they were on camera while Barry was giving his convention speech, but they looked to be beautiful, happy, loved children.
I do give the Obama’s props for that. I think obviously they are good parents.
Have no fear, even if Bristol Palin was raped by a prison escapee in the back of her Mommy’s pick-up truck… she’s going to deliver that precious Christian baby!
Thor, just because you don’t know who your daddy is, (and your mommy won’t claim you), doesn’t mean you have to project that anger on everybody else.
thor just shoots blanks. He’s all tourette’s and much ado about squat. He’s a tourist.
Very much like O!.
Thanks, MaRK. maYBe NeXt TIme you stOP by You cAn acTUALLy poKe arOUnd and READ a lIttlE.
Well, I just went back over to Huffpo to see if there was any reaction to the comment I left last night. As Lee Stranahan, whose piece I was commenting on notes, my comment was eventually posted. But it’s gone now.
It was causing too much discomfort, Pablo. Which made it hate speech.
Just shut up and be thankful you haven’t been brought up on charges.
The One has issued an OFF LIMITS ORDER to the Obamabots regarding Bristol’s pregnancy.
Rove says he has talked to several religious leaders who say unwed pregnancies happen all the time and they are glad Bristol is following her mother’s example and having the baby and they wish her and her future husband happiness.
So, non issue, as it should be.
BTW, Palin revealed the pregnancy to McCain before she was picked and his statement, per Carly Fiorina, is that it is private family matter and should remain so.
[…] Sarah Palin, specifically when it comes to issues relating to their families. We’ve done some asking around, you see, and such a strategy is unlikely to hurt Senator McCain with his base — and may […]
Jeff G., thank you again for compiling and organizing the swamp. And thor, a big thank you, too, for representing the denizens of the swamp so well.
we were just watching this “Convention Conversation” and I snorted when Arianna said, “we didn’t even link that story about Palin’s baby” uh. I guess she meant, “We didn’t approvingly link it” there’s some comedy gold in there. particularly when Tucker Carlson sets her off about global warming and she just keeps rambling about “facts” and “TRVTH!”
[…] BECAUSE OF THE HYPOCRISY! [NOW UPDATED WITH EVEN MORE DASTARDLY HYPOCRISYNESS!]– “Time to keep a running list of Sarah Palin’s sins  lovingly gathered, mostly in […]
I don't know, Alaska…
Irresistible snark: Is it still a shotgun wedding if the mother of the bride brings an elk rifle instead? .375 H&H Magnum, .338 Winchester Magnum When hunters say "bring enough gun" this is what they're talking about Dems fling poo f…
[…] drives the Left into a frenzied rage of dirt-digging and smear-tossing… Yet none of the accusations stick, because she is squeaky, Christian […]
Although the actual subject is very serious-the leftwing abuse of a minor teenaged girl– this is the funniest political article I’ve read in years. What biting mockery. bravo
Straitjacket mutterings…
But in fact, it will do no such thing  first, because the “hard-right conservative base†that liberal Democrats consistently invoke is largely a caricature that lives only in their minds and as a convenient trope in their rhetoric, from whence it can …
[…] candidate, has thrown both the Left and their sycophantic media tools into one hell of a frenzy. Jeff Goldstein at Protein Wisdom has a sickingly comprehensive list of “issues” being tossed around in the media (both old and new) about Governor Palin. She’s a […]
[…] * The hypocrisy of the Left on this issue is actually quite staggering, as has been pointed out, both at SDA and at Protein Wisdom “for your delectation“:link-icon”. […]
[…] Protein Wisdom has compiled and continues to record all smears and innuendos by the Drive By’s and their leftard accomplices. […]
I’m a big fan of the 1990’s TV series Northern Exposure, whose premise was that a small Alaskan town is exactly what Obama wants America to be: a diverse meeting of old and new minds and cultures where existential issues get worked out with give-and-take all around, to the enrichment of humanity.
Perhaps the choice of Alaska was meant to be ironic at first, but as the series went along, idealised of course, it proved to be a perfect proving ground for exploring human progress.
How about that?
Go Palins!
[…] Protein Wisdom has a pretty good summary of news from the sewer […]
[…] unleashed against Governor Palin, I can say for a fact that, in real time, these smears were being unleashed, just as surely as they were being […]
[…] * Posted by Jeff G. @ 9:32 pm | Trackback SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “Paging Joshua Micah Marshall”, url: “https://proteinwisdom.com/?p=13218” }); […]
[…] Damian Penny, not her biggest fan, provides some light on the situation. While there is basically a round-up with debunking of all the rubbish out there about Palin. If that is not enough Protein Wisdom outlines a few more. […]
A classic, Jeff!
[…] on this issue is actually quite staggering, as has been pointed out:link-icon:, both at SDA and at Protein Wisdom “for your delectation“:link-icon:. Share and […]
you’ll need a much longer list for her… in fact if she keeps going the way she is wiki wont be able to list them all
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