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September 2024


Is the GOP overly cocky, or simply deluded? [Karl]

At the Politico, David Paul Kuhn reports on the strides the DNC has made microtargeting voters for GOTV efforts, which has become increasingly important to the parties as the more traditional forms of communication become less and less effective in campaigns. Yet you find that some in the GOP have a very blasé attitude about it:

Some Republicans question whether the DNC could catch up in the span of just one presidential cycle.

“Speaking frankly, knowing how difficult a project this is, how many mistakes we’ve made over the years, there is actually no way they will be able to have caught up in such a short period of time,” said a top RNC analyst who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Speaking frankly, the Democrats learned from their mistakes on this front in 2004, which paid off for them in 2006.  The DNC efforts do not even encompass the startup of Catalist, or Barack Obama’s own improvements on it (despite being behind in some states).

Meanwhile, the tension between McCain campaign manager Rick Davis and old advisers like Mike Murphy, as well as the unorthodox, decentralized general election campaign structure imposed by Davis (both already discussed here) still give people the jitters — with state party chairmen especially uneasy about the latter:

More than that, they said, Mr. McCain organizationally still seems far behind where President Bush was in 2004. Several Republican Party leaders said they were worried the campaign was losing an opportunity as they waited for approval to open offices and set up telephone banks.

“They finally assigned someone to West Virginia three weeks ago,” said Doug McKinney, the state Republican chairman there. “I had a couple of contacts with him and I e-mailed him twice and I never heard back. I finally called and they said that the guy had resigned.”

Positively confidence inspiring, as is the McCain campaign staff’s weaknesses in staging events, which showed up in his ineffectual “biography tour.”  And while the RNC is picking up for the fundraising McCain has abandoned to take public welfare financing, when Davis claims there are “maybe twenty to twenty-two states that are in play” in the general election (when there are probably only half that many), one wonders whether Camp McCain will spend its limited resources wisely.

In short, when GOP analysts are mulling a blowout in the fall, and confidently asserting that the DNC cannot catch up in GOTV efforts, one wonders if — after the election — they will return to their jobs manning the Maginot Line.

7 Replies to “Is the GOP overly cocky, or simply deluded? [Karl]”

  1. B Moe says:

    As much as I appreciate your time and insight on these posts, Karl, it really depresses the hell out of me that for all the noise about policy the election seems to hinge on who can round up the most morons and get them rides to the polls.

  2. Darleen says:

    Ditto what B Moe says …

    Makes me wish for Heinlein’s restrictions on voting.

  3. B Moe says:

    I absolutely believe that voting should be pay to play. It is profoundly immoral to me for people to be able to use the government to plunder. No representation without taxation!

  4. Golgi says:

    The McCain campaign is a total freakin’ JOKE! I tried to find out where a McCain office was here in San Diego and the local contact page on his official website urged me to come out and vote – on Feb 22nd.

    That was 3 damn months ago!

    No updates, no campaign events, nothing. Just a blank form asking for my e-mail address. He thinks he’ll make CA competitive but has zero presence in CA’s most conservative major city. Click on any state on his website and it’s the same deal.

    John McCain does not have a national campaign, and Obama has organizations in all 50 states thanks to the long Dem primary. And Johnny Mac has enjoyed a 3 month headstart over Obama.

    I will not waste my money or time on McCain. He has no clue what he’s doing and it’s a miracle that he’s even polling in the high 40’s. When the real general election begins he will get steamrolled by the Dems and never see it coming.

  5. Golgi says:


    UPDATE. McCain’s new volunteer page:

    “The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.”

    Are they paying their bills on time? I know they had to cancel a fundraiser in Phoenix due to lack of interest but this is ridiculous.

    Anyone else have trouble getting volunteer info or is it just my crappy old computer?

  6. happyfeet says:

    I’m sure they would love to have you on board. You seem like a sharp guy.


  7. dre says:

    Rejoice! There’s a Community Organizer™ on the horizon.

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