…Which is to say, the very same linguistic assumptions adopted by the left (and those on the right who’ve been so indoctrinated) to ensure a shift in the locus of meaning from originary intent to receptive perception, allows for tactics meant to shape receptive perception, thereby creating a contingent, consensus-based “truth.” In other words, lying. Which, to postmodernists, isn’t lying, should it wind up producing “truth.” Hence, we’re treated to
July 2011
Are conservatives to blame?
Why, yes! Insofar as the President has succeeding in blaming them. And really, isn’t that all that matters, perception being reality and all? The mark of true leadership is avoiding the slings and arrows of a mainstream press that, in their efforts to help advance the progressive agenda, are always looking for ways to spin GOP recalcitrance. Whereas the squishes, conversely, are pragmatic, sober, and very very Reaganesque. Honestly. How
"Another Breakdown?"
I know I can’t be the only one who breathes a sigh of relief every time I read something like this. Andrew Stiles, The Corner: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) has released a statement slamming Republican “intransigence” for “pushing us to the brink of default.” He says he is “deeply disappointed in the status of negotiations with my Republican colleagues” — which began today at the White House
Time for a Tea Party
Doug Ross has the details. Gallingly, a President who insists that a deal on the debt ceiling must happen before Aug 2 or the country face economic catastrophe has today refused to sign a short term deal that would, if his initial assertion about the drop dead date is to be believed, forestall economic catastrophe. And yet he’s accusing those who passed a budget AND a plan to raise the
A side note on Darleen's post, below
Obama and the Dems essentially own the mainstream media. Who, like it or not, still drive the political narrative in this country and frame the contours of debate, at least initially — though it’s true new media has made some inroads, particularly with talk radio, where the left just can’t seem to get a foothold. An ill-informed or malinformed electorate is a dangerous one. So until we begin to look
"Lame Duck President"
Well, this ought to chap Obama’s ass: getting owned by a public school snowbilly writing on a social media site. From Sarah Palin on facebook: After listening to the President’s press conference today, let’s keep in mind the following: This is the same president who proposed an absurdly irresponsible budget that would increase our debt by trillions of dollars, and whose party failed to even put forward a budget in
Tyranny starts at the local local level
Behold! Think about this: discussing city business at your dinner table without council approval would be against the law, if this city council got its way. That is, you either get permission from Miss Sonja, or you face the wrath of the functionaries Miss Sonja sends after you. Now, this is clearly unconstitutional. And it would get laughed out of court. But what’s pertinent here is that a city council
BREAKING: Obama on air now: "Speaker Boehner…walking away from negotiations"
Oh, dear lord, let it be true!* Because if it is, I’ll send flowers to the big orange lug! Obama claims he was offering the moon to the intransigent wingnuts, what he is calling “an extraordinarily fair deal” that was, if anything, “too light on revenues.” Which, translated, means he was insisting still on tax increases (of $1.2 trillion over 10 years, in exchange for spending cuts of $1.6 trillion
I’ll be in California next week — LA and environs (since Boyz n the Hood I’ve always wanted to see Compton, and since Valley Girl, West Hollywood) for the first part of the week and SD for the latter part. If anyone is interested in maybe meeting up, shoot me an email.
The Predictable GOP Fold is nigh?
Rep Louie Gohmert, on Hannity just now, reports of the GOP conference, that the Speaker doesn’t believe we have any leverage, and that we must make a deal before Aug 2 or else risk default — or if not default, risk being blamed for an unfunded military and Social Security recipients not getting their checks. Boehner, per Gohmert, seems unshakable in that stated belief — and is sticking with it